Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 346: storage medium

Chapter 346: Media Protection

 This big fool...

 It’s easy to cheat if you have spare money. The salesperson should like Huo Lang, right?

Si Ningning was almost speechless.

  In the 1970s, Doliang's materials were indeed very popular, and they were indeed hot-sellers. However, Holang was usually a very shrewd person, but now his mind seemed to have fallen into a hole, and he didn't even think about where he was.

There are many people who have iron rice bowls in the city. They have wages and money. It’s no big deal to bite the bullet and buy a piece of clothing that costs more than ten or twenty yuan. But in this small county, how many people are willing to spend so much money to buy this outfit? ?

Si Ningning almost didn't see Huo Lang's stupid and handsome face as he fell into the pit. However, he turned to his innermost thoughts. Facing Huo Lang's eager eyes, Si Ningning pushed the button he picked to the center of the counter and rushed The salesperson stretched out his hand and said:

 “Then give it a try.”

 “Alas! Haha…”

 The salesperson hurriedly handed the clothes to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning took off her military coat and let Huo Lang hold it. Then she took off her middle coat and gave it to Huo Lang for a hug. She had just picked up her tall coat and was about to put it on when the salesperson suddenly said:

“Yeah, the jumper you’re wearing is made of cashmere, right? We can’t buy anything like this here.”

After saying that, he glanced at Huo Lang with a smile, winked at Si Ningning and said enviously: "Your partner is so kind to you, so willing to give it up!"

 The beige cashmere sweater Si Ningning wore underneath was of a regular style in later generations, but it was different in this era when industrial restrictions had not yet emerged on a large scale.

Si Ningning dug out the cashmere sweater from the store. It was not easy to refute Huo Lang's face in front of the salesperson. She arched her eyebrows and chuckled, echoing "Yeah."

Horang didn’t think it was anything, but he still got some information from the salesperson’s words: cashmere.

Si Ningning was wearing cashmere clothes.

He always wanted to buy something for Si Ningning, but he couldn't get it right every time.

The cashmere clothes that Si Ningning is wearing now, does that mean that she likes this kind of clothes?

 In the future, this may become an entry point.

Horang was slightly in a trance, his heart still resting on the joy of getting a breakthrough, when his arm was suddenly tapped.

 He quickly regained his composure, "What's wrong?"

It turned out that Si Ningning had already put on her clothes, and the salesperson was holding up a mirror. She had already looked in the mirror just now, and now she was asking him to look at it.

To be honest, the fabric of the clothes is quite slippery and the workmanship is good, but Si Ningning doesn’t like it very much.

Out of respect for Huo Lang, Si Ningning still wanted to ask Huo Lang what he meant: "What do you think? Is it okay? Does it look good?"

Si Ningning held the sides of her clothes and turned them around to show Huo Lang.

Holang looked at it intently for a while, with a strange look on his face.

Si Ningning said: "It doesn't look good, does it?"

“It’s not that it doesn’t look good.” Huo Lang rubbed his forehead, “It just doesn’t suit you.”


 This dress looked good on others when they tried it on, but after Si Ningning put it on, the effect was greatly reduced.

It's not that Si Ningning can't hold up this outfit, it's just the opposite. As the salesperson said, Si Ningning is tall and thin. This coat fits her very well. Because she looks fair, the clothes also indirectly pull her body. If it's too high, go up a few levels.

  But this is about clothes.

To the people of Si Ningning, the coat is dark in color, and the black, red and gray checkered pattern looks foreign, but this foreign style cannot match that of Si Ningning itself.

At first glance, it looked as if Si Ningning had stolen the clothes of his forty-year-old sister-in-law, which made Huo Lang feel a knot in his heart:

"Take it off quickly! I remember you can make clothes? Let's pull more cloth back. Making it yourself is better than this."

Si Ningning glared at Huo Lang with a "tsk" sound. How did you say that?

 The salesperson is still there! Are you happy to hear this?

Si Ningning was a little embarrassed. She took off her coat and gave it back to the salesperson. She was wearing her own clothes while thinking about what to say. Unexpectedly, the salesperson at the counter was even more embarrassed than she was.

"Haha..." the salesperson laughed awkwardly and took the initiative to say: "Comrade, I don't blame you for this. The materials of these clothes are indeed good, but they are indeed not suitable for you... Then it's like what this **** man said, Do you want to look at other fabrics?”

Salesperson A salesperson’s main job is to sell goods. However, since there is no sales commission in this era, many people who work as a salesperson do things based on their mood.

 Some people have some problems themselves and are too lazy to take care of them when guests come.

 Some people are a little better and will act according to the preferences of the guests, and occasionally make conscientious recommendations.

Si Ningning and Huo Lang's clothes and the brand-new bicycles standing next to them did not look like they were short of money from any angle. And because they had a pleasant conversation during the transaction, the salesperson originally thought that he could easily complete a large order. It's good, but there are so many girls begging for clothes that they can't afford or can't buy. Once Si Ningning wears them, she really can't find the words to praise them.


 The clothes are too ugly!


Si Ningning responded helplessly, and Huo Lang pointed at him and pulled out two pieces of cloth of various colors, each ten feet long.

After paying the money, Huo Lang carried the bicycle back to the carriage and put it there. When he helped Si Ningning get things and opened the door for Si Ningning, he muttered a few words angrily:

 “What the hell? It looks like nothing but 18 yuan…”

Si Ningning closed the car door and after Huo Lang got into the driver's seat, she said, "I didn't force you to buy it. It was because you insisted on letting me try it that I got it."

 “We are on the same side!”

Huo Lang turned his head and looked at Si Ningning. His posture had the meaning of "how can you speak for others?"

Si Ningning spread her hands helplessly: "We must be on the same side. If I weren't on your side, the clothes wouldn't be able to fit on my body."

Holang's deep brows twitched, and he turned sideways in the small driving area, "You didn't like it from the beginning? Then why do you still try?"

“I’ve told you the truth, but you don’t listen, so I can only wear it and let you see it with your own eyes! When you see that it’s really inappropriate, you won’t buy it randomly next time.”

This is not unreasonable, but because of the clothes, Huo Lang always felt frustrated.

He was holding the steering wheel with his face back and did not start the engine. He just sat in frustration with a serious look on his face and said nothing.

Si Ningning knew that maybe those things were not suitable for her, but they were all part of Huo Lang's affection for her.

She refuted Huo Lang several times today, and no one would be happy.

Thinking about it, she stretched out her hand to hold the sleeve of Huo Lang's forearm and pulled it, "Are you angry?"

Horang pursed his lips and said nothing.

This time Si Ningning simply put her hand on Huo Lang's forearm, shook it, and coaxed: "Don't be angry~"

After saying that, he deliberately said nervously: "Let me tell you, I was very nervous just now." Huo Lang seemed to be attracted, and turned his head to look at her.

Si Ningning smiled "hehe" and continued: "I was really scared at the time. What if you think the clothes are good and insist on buying them for me?"

 The matter of clothes is currently a minefield in Huo Lang's heart. Upon hearing this, the seriousness in Huo Lang's deep peach blossom eyes disappeared for an instant. He exhaled and glared at Si Ningning, then turned his head.

"Didn't everything get better just now? Why are you angry again?" Si Ningning was stunned, grabbing his forearm and shaking it, "Huo Lang, oh Huo Lang, don't be angry!"

It was no use coaxing, nor was it soft. Si Ningning pulled Huo Lang and shook him for a while, then suddenly let go and leaned back on the seat and straightened up: "Originally, you wanted to buy something blindly, but you still didn't listen to me. Now you You’re still angry with me!”

Horang's throat rolled, but he remained unmoved.

Si Ningning was so angry that she pushed him and said fiercely: "You have to tell me that the money will be in my hands from now on. If you don't have the money in your hand, I'll see what you can buy blindly!"

 “Okay, okay, you’re in charge, I’ll take care of everything!”

After all, he was afraid that Si Ningning would be really angry. After arranging the score for a while, Huo Lang got off the slope, turned the steering wheel and said, "Where are we going now? To eat? Or to the photo studio?"

"Go home! I've finished eating in the morning, and I'm not hungry yet." Si Ningning lazily leaned back on the passenger seat, "I'm a little tired from running, so I'd better go back and rest quickly. As for the photo studio, there will be more in the future. Go again if you get a chance.”

While driving slowly, Huo Lang took time to glance at Si Ningning from the corner of his eye. Seeing that she looked really tired, he stopped insisting and said "OK" neatly.

The car drove slowly towards Shan Mantang's house. Si Ningning was lazily on the road, muttering to Huo Lang:

 “Do you think you are a strange person?”

 “What’s wrong?”

  "Isn't it strange that you don't listen when someone coaxes you about something, and you only listen when others show their teeth and give you a fierce meal?"

Horang knew that she was taking what had just happened as an example, and immediately curved her thin lips, suppressing a smile and said: "Then why do you have to be so cruel to me? Can't you just say a few more words to coax me?"

"No!" Si Ningning turned her back, put her head against the window glass and looked out. At the same time, she said in a arrogant manner: "You have to let me choose the person you want to talk to. It's you who coaxes me. Don't do anything wrong." You want me to coax you?"

Huo Lang glanced at her profile with a smile from the corner of his eye, and sighed dumbly, with a coaxing rhyme in his tone:

 “Okay, I’ll coax you.”


Si Ningning snorted lightly and stopped talking.

The car drove back to Shan Mantang's house and handed the car key to Shan Mantang. Huo Lang carried the bicycle that had been parked in Shan's yard into the car compartment and put it down.

Looking around to make sure that bumps on the road would not knock the bicycle out of the carriage, Huo Lang returned to the front, put together the scattered items he bought, and sat down in the back seat with Si Ningning.

Then the car swayed all the way, and the group that finished first stopped briefly. After Holang returned the bicycle and came back, with the sound of a door slamming, the car started swaying forward again.

Shan Mantang sent them to the rope bridge, and the car stopped. Huo Lang briefly talked to Dan Mantang for a few words, then waved to Shan Mantang and watched Shan Mantang leave.

 “Let’s go back too.”

After fixing Si Ningning's rattan box and the full basket on the front and horizontal bars of the car respectively, Huo Lang helped Si Ningning sit down in the back seat, then pushed the bicycle forward for a while, kicked up his legs and sat on the seat. Kick your legs slowly.

The mountain path is narrow, and it is more than enough for two people to walk side by side. If there is more than one person, it will feel crowded. In addition, there is an unfathomable **** on the other side. When Huo Lang rides, Si Ningning nervously holds the bicycle around his waist. clothing:

 “The road is narrow, ride slower.”


 The bicycle was driving slowly on the path home. During this period, the two of them raised their voices slightly and chatted:

“The back seat of this car is just an iron frame. It’s fine now in the winter. But when it gets warm and I don’t wear enough clothes, I’ll feel uncomfortable. In the past two days, I’ve taken out some straw ropes and knitted mats to put them on.”

 “Okay.” Si Ningning responded casually.

The breeze with the smell of earth in the mountains and forests blew against his face. Huo Lang was silent for a moment and then asked:

"Why don't we find time to talk to Auntie about it? I'll send you something later. With her as the middleman, no one else dares to comment."

Si Ningning was a little confused at first, and only after hearing this did she understand what Huo Lang meant.

Whether it’s good or bad, we always need a justifiable name.

Horang’s words can also be understood as finding someone to help you get through the clear path.

 When to implement the marriage is another matter. The most important thing at the moment is that if someone asks, they have an explanation to the outside world, and it is a disguised guarantee and protection for both the man and the woman.

  If it had been done before, Si Ningning might still have hesitated because she was pressured by her parents and she also had taboos about relationships, so she didn't dare to make an easy choice.

But now her trip back to Beijing has made her realize many things clearly, and she is indirectly able to accept Huo Lang's feelings calmly.

Si Ningning longs for sincere and sincere feelings. She is not an sentimental person. In this era when most people are simple and loyal, she will not consume other people's feelings.

Once she decides on one party, she will run for a long time and run for a lifetime.

 So, there is no hesitation.

 After a brief thought, she said in a long "hmm" tone and nodded: "Okay."

The bicycle swayed for a moment, and Huo Lang seemed shocked that she really agreed to this. After a while, he asked in a hoarse voice and a trembling voice:

"Really? Then, I'll tell my aunt when I get back? Pick a good day and let her go to the Educated Youth Center."

"Okay." Si Ningning leaned forward, half of her face pressed against his back, her lips curled up in a gentle smile: "I can do it. You don't have to do things too grandly, but if conditions permit, I still hope that I can do it. Go through the etiquette process.”

In a sense, Si Ningning felt that thoughtful etiquette was far more dignified than money and interests.

"rest assured!"

Huo Lang shouted loudly, his back suddenly straightened, and he stepped on the bicycle pedal vigorously and started to move quickly through the mountains.

For the first time, the calm man looked like a high-spirited young man. His hearty laughter passed through the mountains and forests and wind, and the whole valley echoed with his voice promising Si Ningning:

 “Indispensable, definitely! Everything is indispensable!”

The bicycle was traveling too fast, and Si Ningning was a little scared, but because she could clearly feel Huo Lang's joy, she was driven by Huo Lang, and the fear in her heart was gradually dispelled by the joy. She leaned forward and hugged Huo Lang's waist tightly. .

The wind blew past Si Ningning's braided braids, and she couldn't help curling her lips under Huo Lang's hearty laughter.

 (End of this chapter)

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