Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 350: Unworthy people and things

Chapter 350 Unworthy people and things

Even though the three teams are located in Shanwowo, there are a lot of details about the wedding process. Cypress leaves and sapodilla are all things that will be used on the wedding day. They are customs in small places, and they also have their own unique set of auspiciousness. Allegorical words.

Hearing that Chen Lianmi was now worried about not being able to get cypress trees and saponins, Zhao Hongbing hummed:

“We haven’t even gotten engaged yet, and you’re thinking so far ahead?”

 Chen Lianmi said "tsk", "What do you know? The date of engagement is just short of now. When the engagement is confirmed, can the date of marriage be far away?"

This makes some sense, but Zhao Hongbing wrapped the quilt tightly and snorted impatiently: "Oh, I don't care about you! You can figure it out yourself!"

Chen Lianmi ignored Zhao Hongbing and just sighed to herself in the darkness, saying: "The boss's family has their own ideas and wants to settle in the town. The others also begged us to take care of it... Wait until the Huo Lang matter is settled." Ah, we are almost ready to look for a wife for Baoyan, and as for Sanya..."

 Chen Lianmi took a breath and said, "She's still young, so don't worry yet."

Zhao Hongbing was originally facing the wall. After hearing these words, he slowly turned around, put his hands behind his head and looked at the dark beams. He rarely said a few words to Chen Lianmi in a calm tone:

"Si Educated Youth knows how to teach, so let her study with Si Educated Youth and learn how to read? I think Sanya has a lot of potential. Judging from the future, she might be able to get into middle school... His eldest brother is very promising, and the second brother has also saved money in the past two years. I learned a little bit about my wife's book. I think this means that I will follow the example of the boss. I won't have to rely on my family to marry a wife in the future. This is fine. Let's work hard and save some money while Sanya is still young. We can support him. You still have to study. If you don’t get into it, your husband’s family will be able to look up to you if you get a decent dowry in the future.”

Chen Lianmi smiled and pushed him gently, "How old is Sanya? You are thinking too far."

Zhao Hongbing softened his tone and said seriously: "Far, what is far? Didn't you say that just now? Time is going fast. In the blink of an eye, several children have become adults. If you don't think too much now, it will be too late by the time."

Zhao Hongbing sighed, because of Huo Lang's incident, he inexplicably thought of several of his children.

The eldest son left home when he was young and was sent to learn the carpenter trade. Now he is a carpenter and has a family. However, he has also settled abroad and is not close to his family. He cannot go back twice a year.

The second child also works in a factory in the town. Although it is a job that others envy, he is also busy with work and cannot come back several times a year.

Among the three children, the eldest and second child only spend a handful of time with each other. Zhao Hongbing and his wife felt a little regretful, so they had the same plan in their hearts, which was to keep their little girl Sanya by their side. When you are young, you can't be like other families, who meet each other and get married when they are fifteen or sixteen years old.

It was just a casual chat, but because of Zhao Hongbing's serious tone, Chen Lianmi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable after thinking about it.

At that moment, she didn’t want to say anything anymore. Chen Lianmi turned around and urged: “Okay, what time is it? I’m sleepy, I have to get up early to do things tomorrow!”

Zhao Hongbing remained silent, staring at the dark beams with a pair of bright eyes in the darkness, silently thinking about something in his heart.

The long night may seem long, but in reality it only takes the blink of an eye until dawn.

 The warm sun rose high the next day, and the three teams ushered in the first good Qingming weather after the new year.

 At noon, Si Ningning stretched and slowly got up to wash up.

 How do you say one sentence?

A golden house and a silver den are not as good as your own doghouse. Although the living environment in the educated youth spot is not very good, when the bed curtain is put down at night, the small space is filled with familiar smells. Si Ningning sleeps well all night .

 When you sleep well, you will feel better naturally.

After washing up slowly, Si Ningning originally planned to go out, but as soon as the sun came out, the temperature outside showed obvious signs of warming up. Even before he put on his military coat and stepped out of the door, Si Ningning felt anxious.

Thinking that the weather has warmed up, and even if the temperature drops tomorrow, it won't be too much, Si Ningning simply took off his military coat, planning to wash it out in the sunny weather, put it away after drying it in the afternoon, and wait to wear it again next year.

The inside of a military coat is made of solid cotton. If it is washed, the cotton will easily clump and harden, making it no longer warm when worn again.

Si Ningning thought of a way and hung the military coat on the clothes drying pole at the door. She went to the well to get a basin of water, took out soap and soaked it in soapy water, and picked out the dirty areas such as the collar, cuffs and chest. I brushed the front of my clothes.

After all the dirt has been washed away, only part of the surface of the military coat has been wetted together, and the cotton inside cannot be soaked.

Si Ningning washed her hands and poured water, patted her military coat until the wrinkles at the corners were smoothed, and then entered the house with the washbasin.

Jiang Yue was lying on the bed reading the little book she brought back. Si Ningning smiled and said while putting things away: "It's a nice day outside. If you have nothing to do, you can take the quilt out to bask in the sun. It will be warm and soft when you sleep at night." "

"Okay, I'll go after reading these pages!" Jiang Yue responded casually. When she turned around and saw Si Ningning carrying a military green shoulder, she stood up and asked, "Where are you going?"

“We’re not going anywhere. Let’s practice cycling while the weather is nice. If I don’t come back at noon, don’t wait for me. Just eat.”

Jiang Yue hesitated and said "Oh", but still told Si Ningning to come back early.

Si Ningning replied, he had already arrived at the main room, and he pushed the bicycle out of the house with half lifting and half clamping.

She didn’t know how to ride a bicycle yet, so she pushed slowly along the way. She was originally going to Huolang, but before she reached the literacy class, she bumped into Huolang.

 “Hey, Brother Huo, where are you going?”

Si Ningning arched her eyebrows and joked with a smile.

Huo Lang was walking with his head buried in his head. When he heard the movement, he looked at her. He was stunned for a moment, and then smiled suddenly:

“I’m looking for you...want to learn to ride a bicycle? Come on, I’ll teach you while I’m at it.”


There were not many people in the literacy class area, and there was an opening for children's activities in front of it, which was suitable for riding bicycles and talking.

Si Ningning was sitting on the seat of the bicycle. Her toes could barely touch the ground when she stood up. There was not enough focus on the bicycle. Due to the psychological effect, she could not let go of the bicycle.

It was better when Huo Lang held on to the rear seat and supported her. Once he let go, she became frightened. The front of the car swayed, and even the car and its occupants fell to the ground. She was so frightened that she screamed several times. Call.

Horang originally thought that it would not be difficult for Si Ningning to learn to ride a bicycle, but when Si Ningning called him, he became nervous and went back and forth. Before he even said anything, he started to sweat a lot on his forehead.

 “No, I can’t.”

Si Ningning was discouraged and retreated, but Huo Lang circled her waist and pushed her back onto the seat:

"What's wrong? I'm holding you from behind, so you can't fall. Don't be afraid."

“But it keeps shaking...I have no center of gravity!” Si Ningning argued aggrievedly and stubbornly.

Huo Lang sighed with a smile, and guided her while adjusting her posture with her hands: "Imagine you were also scared when you first became a teacher? Aren't you doing it well now? You just pay too much attention to one-sided feelings. It will amplify your fear."

"Come on, straighten your waist. If you feel that the distance between the front handle and the front handle is too far, you can selectively lean forward and hold the handle tightly... The reason why the car shakes is because you did not control the front of the car well." said Holang. While instructing, the man slowly walked behind the bicycle, grabbed the back seat again, and said: "Don't be afraid, try to pedal. I won't let go until you can get on the road."

Huo Lang's tone was calm and sincere, which probably reflected his trust in him. Si Ningning adjusted his breathing and slowly stepped on the pedal.

Huo Lang only felt a forward momentum in his hands. The bicycle moved forward slowly. He held the back seat and started running. It was obvious that Si Ningning was in much better condition this time than before. Huo Lang followed him for two seconds. Circle, raised his voice and asked her:

“How are you doing, do you feel like it?”

"I seem to have realized it!" Si Ningning also raised his voice and answered, just for a moment, he asked Huo Lang another question:

“I’m not as tall as you and can’t reach the ground. What if I want to stop?”

"Press the foot pedal to the bottom with one foot, and try to stand up after getting the point of contact. Land the other foot first, but be careful that one of the feet must be pressed firmly before doing this, otherwise the foot pedal will hit the ground. to the feet.”


Si Ningning stuttered, feeling that his bicycle was becoming more and more stable, and he couldn't help but pedal faster than before, "I probably know it!"

Horang also noticed that she was gradually getting on the road. While verbally telling her to slow down, he slowed down his steps and slowly loosened his grip on the back seat panel with his big hands.

Si Ningning excitedly rode around the opening in front of the literacy class twice before she unknowingly noticed Huo Lang standing at the edge of the opening, looking at her with a smile.

 “Big liar! Liar!” Si Ningning glared and cursed.

You have clearly promised not to let go, is this called not letting go? Don't let me go!

Holang chuckled and argued with reason: "You are already on the road."

Si Ningning pursed her lips and glared at him. She couldn't let go of the refreshing feeling she had just experienced. She looked away from Huo Lang and looked straight ahead. She pedaled the bicycle leisurely and stopped a thin layer of sweat on her back before looking at Huo Lang. As mentioned, I stood up on the pedals and slowly stopped the bicycle.

Huo Lang stepped forward to help park the car against the tree, while Si Ningning sat on one side of the wooden block that was shiny with children and wiped her sweat, "You said something happened at that time, but what happened? "

Horang picked up a stone and sat down next to her. He put his big hand into his pocket and took out a bulging oil paper package. He slowly opened it and revealed two sweet potatoes that were roasted and oily inside.

“I was talking while eating. It was baked in the morning and it’s still warm.”

Holang handed the sweet potato to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning glanced at him, pursed her lips, picked up one of them, and pushed the other back to Huo Lang, "One for each!"


Huo Lang smiled, watching Si Ningning peeling the sweet potatoes with a sly smile with enjoyment, while slowly peeling the sweet potatoes in his hand.

The sun was bright and dazzling, and the breeze blew through their nostrils with warmth and the breath of spring. The two people lowered their voices unconsciously, laughing and joking. The buds on the treetops behind them trembled slightly in the wind. Not far away, a Behind a thick tree trunk, a young man in a windbreaker slowly lowered his eyebrows.

 The spring breeze that cannot be grasped, the warm sun that cannot be grasped, and...

 A person who cannot speak to keep him.

The thin branches of the shrubs swayed, and there was a brief silence. The young man spread his long legs, and his figure quietly blended into the spring light.

Under the tree in front of the literacy class, Huo Lang also told Si Ningning everything that Zhao Hongbing and his wife said last night. He looked at Si Ningning with burning peach blossom eyes, silently waiting for Si Ningning's answer.

"Well..." Si Ningning's smile faded, and she bit a sweet potato casually and said, "What the captain and Aunt Lianmi said actually makes sense, and they really have our best interests in mind."

 Speaking, Si Ningning fell silent.

Holang lowered his head and said "hmm" to show that he was listening.

Si Ningning’s long curly eyelashes trembled slightly, her smart eyes looked ahead vacantly, as if after careful consideration, she sat silently for a while, then she spoke again:

“But Holang, there are many, many people in this world, and not everyone has a conscience.”

Her chin rested on her knees, her head tilted, her eyes crooked, and she looked at Huo Lang with a small piece of sweet potato dregs in the corner of her mouth. She looked very smart, but the words she spoke also indirectly told Huo Lang what she had experienced. unfair treatment:

“My stepmother who beats me when my father is not at home, my stepsister who steals my job, and my father who wants to have a son and knows everything but pretends not to know... So what if the news gets back?”

“Not only will no one from Beijing come over, but my stepmother and stepsister will blatantly express their condolences to me and ask me why I didn’t die early and who I would marry.”

“In this case, Holang, guess how my father would react?”

Holang's expression was serious, his deep brows were pressed downward, and he looked at Si Ningning with great distress.

From Si Ningning's words, Huo Lang once imagined Si Ningning's past, but he never expected that Si Ningning had such a past!

 In such conditions and in such an atmosphere, what kind of suffering must Si Ningning's life be?

Holang interrupted his train of thought and did not dare to think further.

With bamboo-like fingers on Si Ningning’s lips, Huo Lang did not answer Si Ningning’s question, but made a disguised statement:

 “If that’s the case, it’s okay not to contact me in the future.”

 “Forget them, erase them from your memory from now on, I will be your support.”

Handsome face, gentle expression, and sincere words, everything can touch people's hearts and make people's hearts flutter.

Si Ningning is no exception, but she always maintains her own sobriety:

"I am not saying this to make you sympathize with my experience, but to say that there are many unworthy things and unworthy people in this world, and it happened that I met one of them. And in what happened, I gave them a chance , it’s because they don’t appreciate it.”

"I chose not to associate with them because they cut off all escape routes first."

"The concerns of the captain and Aunt Lianmi are well-founded, but Huo Lang, the choices I made also have my own considerations, and they are by no means based on impulse. Do you understand?"

Horang lowered his brows and nodded slightly.

 (End of this chapter)

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