Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 351: depend on each other

Chapter 351 Reliance on each other

Si Ningning smiled, and took the initiative to put her white hand on Huo Lang's warm palm: "As for relying on each other, we rely on each other, and you are not unilaterally relying on me, you know?"

Holang arched his eyebrows and shook his head in confusion: "What's the difference?"

 “Of course there is a difference, the difference is huge!”

Si Ningning's lips parted, her eyebrows arched and she smiled exaggeratedly. Before the relationship was confirmed, she was more cautious than anyone else when it came to relationships, but once the relationship was confirmed, she would no longer hide her feelings and love. meaning.

“You like me, so you want to give me the best in everything, and I like you, and of course I want to give you the best. I hope you can feel at ease, go smoothly, and be happy when you are by my side.”

Hearing Si Ningning say that he liked him with his own ears, Huo Lang felt a tingling sensation in his heart. His thin lips curled up before he could put the word "happy" on his face. Si Ningning suddenly said something again, which suddenly made Huo Lang The smile that had not yet arisen disappeared into thin air:

“In the same way, if one day you feel burdened to get along with me, and you don’t like me or don’t like me that much, please tell me openly, don’t hide it, don’t avoid it.”

Si Ningning looked back at Huo Lang, with clear eyes and a smile, and her pale lips trembled bitterly, "No matter what the situation is, I will forgive you."

Any unhappiness that arises can be settled peacefully by Si Ningning. She only reminds herself in her heart that she should never become a burden to anyone and should never be "abandoned".

“If it’s unlucky, the two of us can only live together for one life, no…if there is a next life, I will find you in the next life.”

Si Ningning laughed and asked: "What if there is a next life? The world is so big, how can you find it?"

Horang shook his head, with a serious and firm look on his face: "No matter what method I use, I firmly believe that I can find you, but..."

Huo Lang took a breath and did not continue. This aroused Si Ningning's curiosity:

 “Just what?”

Her eyes were wide open, dark and bright, and surprisingly big. When Huo Lang saw that she was really curious, he said:

“There are three hundred and sixty professions in the world, but I don’t know which profession I will be in in my next life? Can I still think of myself as I am now and be able to afford you a stable life?”

Horang's deep brows were furrowed, and he looked like he was really conflicted. It was rare for him to be so entangled, and Si Ningning couldn't help but want to tease him:

“Then you should do more good deeds. Just like in the play, you will be a young master from a wealthy family in your next life. Oh, when the time comes, let me also be a rich lady and experience the life of having enough clothes to put out my hands and food to open my mouth.”

Si Ningning was originally teasing Huo Lang, but unexpectedly, Huo Lang suddenly turned to look at her, his deep peach blossom eyes full of surprise and hesitation: "You think this is useful too?"

Si Ningning: "?"

Horang was talking about doing good deeds and praising good luck, but it's a pity that Si Ningning didn't get it.

Si Ningning helplessly held up her forehead, "Comrade Huo Lang, who has a good reputation, I hope you will be less superstitious. You have just started in this life, and you are planning to postpone it to the next life?"

“Isn’t that just a casual chat, just an idea about how to extend the topic?”

“Okay, okay, now that I’m done nagging, and I’ve thought about it, finish the sweet potatoes quickly. I’ll have something else to tell you later!”

 “What’s the matter?” Holang asked, taking a big bite of roasted sweet potato. Thinking of what happened last night, he added:

“Uncle Hongbing and Auntie want me to buy some pastries and pork, and then I’ll buy you some clothes. Do you think you still need anything? I’ll go back and prepare them together.”

“You can take a look at the pastries and pork, but forget about the clothes. You don’t have good taste.”

Huo Lang immediately stopped chewing and looked back at Si Ningning.

Si Ningning rolled her eyes at him, "That's what it is."


This time it was Huo Lang's turn to run out of words. He wanted to defend himself, but he didn't know where to start.

Horang took a breath and simply lowered his head and continued eating the roasted sweet potatoes.

Chatting while eating, after finishing the sweet potatoes, Si Ningning patted the dusty charcoal in his palms, took out a thick stack of bamboo and linen paper from his thin coat pocket and handed it to Huo Lang.

"What's this?"

“The one for Wang Song and the others was written in a notebook last time. I thought it was not appropriate to send the notebook there, so I made another copy on paper alone.” Si Ningning explained.

Horang nodded and finished nibbling the sweet potato peel in his hand. He wiped his mouth and rubbed his hands. He took the paper and unfolded it and took a look. Seeing that it was filled with probably positive remarks, he couldn't help but praise Si Ningning a few more times.

Si Ningning waved her hand to interrupt him, "Stop praising me. Let's see when we have time and get this matter done quickly to avoid any complications."

“Then let’s do it tomorrow. It just so happens that I need to bring bricks from the county brick factory. I can bring two more carts back before spring planting gets busy.”

Si Ningning thought about it, groaned, and asked, "Have you told Shan Mantang in advance about your return to the county? Will he come to pick you up?"

Huo Lang nodded, "Come on, I told him before when I came back that day."

Si Ningning said "Oh", thought for a while and said: "When are you leaving? I'm going to town tomorrow and riding a bicycle. If I have to rush, can you take me for a while by bicycle first? I'll be in town afterwards. I’ll wait for you, or I’ll ride back first.”

"You were able to pedal this car twice neatly, is that okay?" Huo Lang turned his head to look at Si Ningning in surprise, and finally asked: "And what are you doing in town? Can I bring you back whatever you want to buy?" "

“There are some things that you have to bring with you, and there are some things that you can’t bring with you, so don’t ask!”

Si Ningning declined to answer directly, but when she said this, Huo Lang could more or less guess.

 Most of them are things for the girl’s home. As a man, it’s really hard for him to get involved in this area.

“Okay, Shan Mantang will go to the rope bridge at eight o’clock tomorrow morning. Let’s ride bicycles. It’s not too late to leave home at a quarter past seven.”

Huo Lang thought about it for a moment, then tapped the back of Si Ningning's hand and continued:

"I'll send you to the town tomorrow. You go shopping first. After shopping, go to the state-owned hotel for dinner and wait for me there. When the bricks are unloaded at the rope bridge, you can just keep an eye on them. Then let Shan Mantang take the lead. go back."

After saying that, he squeezed Si Ningning's soft and slippery hand and asked: "You spent so much money on buying a bicycle last time, you don't have much left, right? I have it here, you can use it first."

Holang dug into his pocket, like he had done at the pig pen before, and took out two rolls of bundled bills and stuffed them into Si Ningning.

Si Ningning clenched her fists and struggled to take it back. Huo Lang patted her hand lightly and said in a different way: "Didn't I agree that the money will be yours? Now that I'm giving it to you, why don't you want it anymore?" Si Ningning struggled less and asked Huo Lang, "We're just talking about this now. Aren't you afraid that I'll deceive you and leave you with nothing?"

 “Cheat, I’m willing to do it.”

Horang glanced at her and responded casually, as if he was talking about love.

Si Ningning looked embarrassed. She was forced to stuff two rolls of money and didn't know what to say.

And because she had previously said that she wanted to take care of the family’s financial affairs, Holang basically didn’t hide anything from her when it came to money:

"This is part of all my money. You should take it first. I will focus on household expenses and building a house first. I will send it to you after the county expenses are paid at the end of the month."

Si Ningning squeezed the two rolls of paper tickets tightly, looked at the paper tickets, and then turned to look at Huo Lang. She was a little confused by Huo Lang's series of operations, so she could only continue to say:

"How about I leave some for you? Just treat it as private money? Do you mean to hide it?"

 Huo Lang waved his hand and was very puzzled by Si Ningning's move: "No, I don't hide private money. If there is any place to spend money, I will get it from you."

"But as a guarantee for the future, if you have time, you can hide it."

Horang asked Si Ningning to secretly hide private money from the money he gave...


Si Ningning frowned with a question mark on her face. If Huo Lang's face was not sincere and generous, she really doubted whether Huo Lang was trying to spite her.

"Okay, don't be stupid, put it away quickly, and while there is nothing else to do, I will take you to ride two laps on the mountain road outside the brigade?"

Si Ningning suddenly became energetic and quickly put away the money. She asked Huo Lang, "Is it possible? I'm sure I can ride it, but will others say anything when they see it?"

"Well..." Huo Lang's deep peach blossom eyes flickered and he was silent for a long time. When he stood up, he took Si Ningning's hand and brought him up together. "Then go to a farther place. Although biking is easier than walking, if you can, then If you plan to ride back and forth between the production team and the town, your small body still needs some exercise, and today is an opportunity.”

 “That’s okay!”

Huo Lang kicked off the bicycle stand and pushed the bicycle forward slowly. Si Ningning was persuaded by him. Not only did he respond quickly, but he was also very active. He clutched the strap of the backpack lying in front of him and followed him joltingly. Chirping beside Huo Lang:

“I’ve always known that you have a job in the county, but what exactly do you do, I still don’t know!”

 “Guess what?”

“You guys are so serious just by hearing their names, how could I guess that?”

Huo Lang smiled hoarsely and said calmly: "You probably won't like this job. I can't say. But if you are curious, I will take you to see it when you get the chance during National Day this year."


  Holang nodded and added slowly: "Secretly, take a look from a distance."

He spoke mysteriously. Si Ningning used her imagination and felt a little nervous, "Is your work a state secret?"

Huo Lang pretended to be secretive at this time, and said with a hoarse voice and a low voice: "You will know when the time comes."

"Alright alright!"

Although he really wanted to know, as Si Ningning said, the department where Huo Lang worked was very serious just by hearing the name. Si Ningning was worried that Huo Lang's work was somewhat secretive, and was afraid that if he continued to ask questions, Huo Lang would get into trouble. , simply stop here.

Si Ningning had been riding a bicycle along the mountain road all morning. Si Ningning was basically proficient in getting on and off the bike. When walking back at noon, Huo Lang wanted to ask Si Ningning to go home with him for dinner, but Si Ningning said bluntly. reject:

“Forget it, we haven’t settled the matter yet. It’s too sticky to walk, so let’s go back to the educated youth spot for dinner... We have to go out tomorrow, so you can push the bike back today to save me the trouble tomorrow.”

 Huo Lang nodded, respecting Si Ningning's intention: "Okay, if you have anything to do, you can come back to me. You don't have to rush tomorrow morning. I ride my bike quickly, so it doesn't matter if I leave home late."

“I know, you can go back, I’m leaving too!”

Si Ningning waved his hand and separated from Huo Lang at the entrance of the production team village.

Horang stood there pushing the bicycle, watching Si Ningning walk out for a long distance, then he picked up the rear of the car and turned the bicycle around, and went home.

Si Ningning said she was going back to the educated youth spot, but in fact she turned into the alley and went to the production team warehouse.

Walking near the warehouse, before entering the door, she stood in the alley and glanced at the beginning and end of the alley to make sure no one put their hands into the shoulder bag at her waist. In the blink of an eye, the originally flat backpack suddenly drummed up.

Si Ningning took out his hand and patted the bag with a smile. He walked into the warehouse door cheerfully and said, "Uncle Hongfa, I'm busy."

"Yes! If the weather is nice, take out the bag of rice bran and dry it in the sun to prevent it from becoming moldy and the pigs will get sick if they eat it!"

 “Want to help? Let me help you!”

"Oh no, no, no, I've almost finished it!" Zhao Hongfa, who manages the trivial work in the warehouse, waved his hands cheerfully, and then said with a smile: "Haha, Si Zhiqing, are you looking for the Dahuang ones? Over there in the corner Up there, it’s sheltered from the wind and sunny. Oh my god, they just love to nest there!”

Zhao Hongfa pointed with his hand, and sure enough, Si Ningning saw three tabby cats on the steps in the south corner.

The cats brought back from Academician Liang are good helpers in the warehouse and granary. Zhao Hongfa is also very kind to them, as if he is afraid that they will freeze. He even folded the snakeskin bag in half and placed it on the steps. At this moment, those cats They are all lying down on top of each other.

Zhao Hongfa had already figured out the purpose of his visit. Si Ningning smiled shyly and said, "Uncle, let me go over and have a look." Then she jumped towards the corner with her braid. Gone.

 “Big yellow, big flower, big orange~”

Si Ningning knelt down in front of the steps and rubbed each of the three cats.

People often come to the warehouse, and the three cats are not afraid of people. Before Si Ningning touched them a few times, the cats began to purr.

The biggest orange was even more "Hmm~hmm~", and it was sweet and sweet as it pressed into Si Ningning's hand like a baby. At the end, it opened its mouth wide and yawned lazily and without hesitation.

To be fair, none of the cats in the production team are good-looking. Take Daju as an example. Cats of this breed generally have a large appetite, so their body shape will be "fatter" than other farm cats. However, because The production team had no rations to feed, and there were no small prey such as snakes or toads in the winter. Usually, they had to compete with two other cats to catch mice, so Daju's body shape was actually unusually "slender."

In addition to his slender body, Daju’s entire head is also thin and pointed. When he squints his eyes, he loses the silly and silly feeling of being fat and looks more like a traitor or a villain.

Even though he is not very good-looking, Si Ningning feels that having cats by his side is healing and enjoyable when he hears the cats purring.

 (End of this chapter)

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