Chapter 352 Ningba

After petting the cats one by one, Si Ningning moved the bag on his waist to his side. Before he opened it, the three cats Dahuang, Dahua and Daju suddenly stood up one by one as if they smelled the smell. He raised his tail, rubbed her, and called "meow" eagerly.

  It’s already a battle that can’t wait.

Zhao Hongfa glanced at Si Ningning and laughed:

“Hey Si Zhiqing, I still remember you! I was still thinking about the time when you came home, and they forgot about you.”

 After saying that, he turned around and continued working inside and outside.

 In the past, Si Ningning often came to tease these cats.

Si Ningning turned her head slightly and saw that Zhao Hongfa had his back to her and had no time to pay attention to the situation on her side. He smiled and agreed, while grabbing two handfuls of homemade cat food from the bag in his backpack and placing it on the ground:

“My memory is probably a bit shallow, but no one on the team knows how to tickle them better than me. I’m sure it was just my tickling that made them remember it all again.”

Si Ningning and Zhao Hongfa chatted casually. The atmosphere in the courtyard was just right, and the cats also cheered and ate all the cat food they caught.

Think about it, this time is incomparable with later generations, where there are so many cat foods and pet supplements that are dazzling. Moreover, due to various reasons, pets’ spleens and stomachs have become increasingly delicate. When raising pets, they often feed them staple food rations. When preparing complementary foods, consider palatability.

These cats in the production team are not pets, but good helpers for the farmers to look after the homes and homes. They are all strong and agile, and they may not have enough to eat even a day throughout the year. When they met Si Ningning The homemade cat food is crispy, contains a lot of meat, and has a fishy smell. Of course, there is nothing picky about it.

Everyone was grunting, and while eating deliciously, they also rarely protected their food.

Si Ningning bared her two rows of white teeth and smiled with crooked eyebrows, which were brighter and more beautiful than the flowers under the warm spring sun. "Don't grab it, don't grab it, there's still more!"

After carefully grabbing some more, and making sure that every cat was willing to eat and had eaten, Si Ningning clapped her hands and moved the backpack back to her waist and hung it.

There was still a lot of cat food in the bag. What Si Ningning took out was less than one-tenth of the total, but she did not dare to feed it any more.

If the cat is overfed, it will not be happy to catch mice. If it does not catch mice, it will lose its role in the production team, and naturally it will not be treated again.

After stroking each cat one by one, Si Ningning stood up slowly and reluctantly, "Catch the mice! I'm back! I'll find time to come over and feed you in two days!"



Several cats finished licking their paws and lay on the ground with their heads tilted, exposing their slippery fur bellies and meowing at Si Ningning.

It was as if he understood Si Ningning's words with a good understanding of human nature, and made Si Ningning extremely cute.

“Okay, okay, I’ll definitely give you a little more when I come back next time.”

Si Ningning turned around and stopped looking at the cats. "Uncle, did the cat in our team give birth? Which cat gave birth? Can I take a look?"

"No ah!"

Zhao Hongfa was stunned by Si Ningning's question, but Si Ningning was also stunned by his answer:


"Yeah, it was probably because it was cold last time, and the cats were not very willing to move around." Zhao Hongfa scratched his head and thought for a while, then said cheerfully: "But it should be over soon, the weather is getting warmer, and Spring is meant to be..."

Zhao Hongfa originally wanted to talk about the "breeding" season, but when he thought that Si Ningning was from a girl's family, he didn't feel embarrassed to say it.

“Okay, Si Zhiqing, it’s already dinner time. I’ll lock the door and go back to eat. You can go back too!”

 “Oh! Okay uncle!”

Unable to think of anything else, Si Ningning quickly stood up and followed Zhao Hongfa out.

 Separating from Zhao Hongfa at the door, Si Ningning tightened her backpack straps and walked back, her crescent eyebrows raised in contradiction.

 There are only these three cats in the third team. There are no wild cats at all.

If there were wild cats, there would be no need for them to go to Academician Liang to ask for cats.

If the cat in the production team is not giving birth to cubs, then what did you encounter in the bamboo forest that day?

  Could it be that the animals in the mountains ran down because it was too cold to hunt?

 The third team was surrounded by mountains. Thinking of this, Si Ningning felt that it was very possible.

I must tell everyone when I get back. If you go out to collect firewood during this period, you must avoid going out alone. You should go home early when you go to and from work, and...

Even if you go out tomorrow, you should tell Huo Lang and ask the team's security team to step up patrols.

Thinking like this, Si Ningning walked faster and faster.

Back at the educated youth spot, Si Ningning’s hands smelled fishy due to catching cat food earlier, so she went to the well to wash her hands first.

When Si Ningning finally shook the water in her hand and walked into the house, she was still thinking that Jiang Yue and the others should be able to tell at a glance that someone as big as a bicycle was missing. If she was asked about it later, how would she answer?

 Thinking like this, it was only after entering the main room that Si Ningning realized the redundancy of his thoughts.

The table in the main room was crowded with people, and the atmosphere was high. The educated youth were so happy that they almost started singing and dancing.

Seeing Si Ningning come in, Jiang Yue quickly stepped forward and pulled her to sit next to her, "You are back, I was worried that you would miss it!"

Si Ningning glanced at the expressions of everyone around the table and asked in confusion: "What's the matter? Are you so happy?"

 “Oh, that’s it…”

Jiang Yue wanted to explain, but before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Song Xiaoyun sitting on the side of the table.

"Ningning~" Song Xiaoyun pursed her lips and said with a smile with crooked eyes: "Actually, it's nothing. Didn't a few of you go home to visit relatives during the new year? I didn't go back. I received a letter from home today. Give it to me. Sent some money…”

"I thought that everyone always takes care of me, so I went to the team to exchange some eggs and came back." Song Xiaoyun's watery eyes swayed, and she glanced at everyone, raising her eyebrows and looking even happier than the others, "Anyway, today Everyone has a share of eggs! But everyone only has one, it’s my share, so don’t dislike it, hehe..."

 “Don’t dislike it, don’t dislike it!”

Li Lingyuan was the first to raise his hand in support.

Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua, who was busy in the kitchen, echoed:

  "Don't dislike it~! This is your treat. If we continue to say things that dislike us, who will we become?"

Song Xiaoyun's words are true, but when people usually do those things, they actually think about helping each other, and never think about using those small things as threats in order to repay them.

  But one code equals another, Song Xiaoyun said beautifully at this moment, even if they felt it was a bit inappropriate to eat Song Xiaoyun's eggs like this, the group of people were too embarrassed to refuse.

What should I do if I am misunderstood as looking down on Song Xiaoyun?

Or if something happens in the future, will you still help others?

It feels good to sit back and watch, but what if you help, but they refuse and don’t need it?

 Instead of being so naughty, it is better to accept Song Xiaoyun's wishes. Besides, the atmosphere is so good now, why bother to ruin it?

Either actively or passively, everyone accepted Song Xiaoyun’s gratitude, and the atmosphere at the dinner table became more and more harmonious. Si Ningning nodded, indicating that he understood what was going on.

Out of the corner of her eye, she looked around at the people around the table and finally landed on Song Xiaoyun.

Si Ningning’s crescent eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she always felt that this matter was a bit, um...


 But this was Song Xiaoyun's good intention, and everyone had already accepted it. Even if Si Ningning had an idea, it was hard to say anything at this time.

 After a while, Xu Shuhua brought out a large bowl of boiled eggs from the kitchen.

Song Xiaoyun took the bowl, stood up and handed out the eggs one by one with a smile: "Li Lingyuan, yours!"

 “Jiang Yue, Ning Ning, it’s yours!”

Si Ningning didn’t move, and Jiang Yue took the eggs together.

“You’re not even enthusiastic about eating it!” Jiang Yue stuffed the egg into Ning Ning’s pocket and pouted with some resentment in her tone, “These are eggs!”

Si Ningning smiled with her eyebrows lowered. Although she didn't say anything, Jiang Yue seemed to have seen the sign of submission and acknowledgment of her mistake from her expression. She immediately let Si Ningning go with her lips flat and continued to laugh and chat with the others. Chatting while eating.

Si Ningning didn't plan to come back for lunch at first, so she didn't take out the rations when she went out. Now the eggs given by Song Xiaoyun came out. Others were either sorghum rice or steamed sweet potatoes. When she came to her, there was nothing. No.

Jiang Yue noticed this and turned her face away to chat with someone. At the same time, she casually took out a sweet potato from the bowl and handed it to Si Ningning.

At about the same time, Xu Shuhua also handed a sweet potato to Si Ningning, which happened to collide with the one handed by Jiang Yue.

 Xu Shuhua and Jiang Yue were both stunned. Later, Jiang Yue reacted first, took Xu Shuhua's sweet potato, stuffed it with his own share to Si Ningning, and did not forget to tease:

 “See how popular you are? You don’t even need to talk, it can be solved in just one lunch.”

Si Ningning held a sweet potato in one hand, her eyes narrowed with a smile: "Eat first as a token of respect! There are no sweet potatoes this month. I will go to the team to replace some in the next two days and return them to you then."

Jiang Yue nodded, with the same small face, "Eat quickly, it will get cold and you will choke."


Si Ningning nodded, and the atmosphere at the dinner table became lively again. Everyone was chatting away. During this period, Si Ningning mentioned that there might be animals in the mountains to hunt for food, and asked everyone to go home early after work. Everyone was serious. Nodding, only Jiang Yue was surprised:

“Then let’s not let the chickens out for the next few days! We finally managed to lay eggs stably. What if they are taken away? I’ll be heartbroken!”

There was silence on the table for a moment, and soon a lot of discussion broke out.

Si Ningning laughed and shook his head, lowered his head and took a small bite of the sweet potato.

Having confirmed that the cat food she made was approved, Si Ningning felt relieved and planned to make some when she had time.

At the same time, Si Ningning dug out the fish basket that Mo Bei had made before in the educated youth spot, and endured fear and nausea as he used a branch to pick out a few earthworms by the well.

Si Ningning used a branch to pick up the twisting earthworms and stuff them into the fish basket. Si Ningning held the hemp rope that tied the fish basket from a distance, for fear that the earthworms would crawl out and touch her hand.

Throwing the fish basket into the farmland irrigation ditch not far from the educated youth point, Si Ningning stood on the ridge of the field, found a place to tie the other end of the rope, and picked a few branches nearby to cover the fish basket. Then he turned around and walked back.

The end of the irrigation ditch originates from the branch of the river in the mountains. Therefore, as long as the river is not dry, there is always water in the irrigation ditch. However, depending on the irrigation season, there is a difference between more and less water in the ditch.

Spring is rainy in the south, and there is not much water in the ditch now. Half of the fish baskets are exposed, and the water level is only about ten centimeters. There are usually no fish or shrimps in such places, and even if there are, they can't get in. Basket, but there will be eels.

Even if the entrance of the fish basket is a few centimeters above the water surface, as long as the eels come out to feed in the dead of night and smell the smell of earthworms, they can get into the fish basket by raising their heads.

Si Ningning has a clear idea. Firstly, it is to expand the species of the creek in the space. Secondly, if the number of eels is considerable, the educated youth can occasionally have a plate of meat on the table.

Since he had to get up early to go out the next day, Si Ningning guessed that he would not have time to come over to get the fish basket, so he mentioned this to Jiang Yue when he was soaking his feet in the evening and getting ready to go to bed:

 “Do you know the four loads across from us?”

Sidan is the place name of farmland. There are many such names in Sanqiu, such as threedan, sixdan, ninedan, etc. They are all names that depend on the size of the field and how much food is grown.

Jiang Yue nodded and asked with a strange face: "I know, what's wrong?"

Si Ningning said: "I tied the fish basket there today. I have to go out tomorrow and can't get it in time. Why don't you go get it? I folded a few branches on top to cover it, so you can see it when you go over."

"Okay." Jiang Yue nodded, and just as she agreed, she asked, "Why can't you figure out where you left the fish basket? The water is so shallow, can there be fish?"

Si Ningning smiled but didn't answer: "Go and have a look tomorrow, maybe you will get something unexpected."

 “Okay, okay, I’m convinced!”

Jiang Yue pushed the footbath into the bottom of the bed, dried her feet and rolled onto the bed, stretching out in comfort.

Si Ningning arched her eyebrows and smiled, and her eyes inadvertently glanced at Song Xiaoyun who was sitting next to Jiang Yue's bed.

Song Xiaoyun was soaking her feet. Next to the footbath under the edge of her bed, there was a pair of cloth shoes with holes.

Those are the cloth shoes she usually wears.

Si Ningning closed her lips and thought for a while, then took out the key to the cane box from her neck, opened the cane box and took out a bag from inside.

 The bag contained spicy pork strips that had been made before and were air-dried after tax rebate. The finished product was about the size and length of Si Ningning’s index finger.

She took out four, stuffed one into her mouth, and gave the other three to Jiang Yue, Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun respectively.

Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua were still a little embarrassed and pushed and refused to take it. Si Ningning waved her hands, and the focus was not on them at all.

 The pork strips are salty and spicy, and the texture is very chewy. The more you chew, the more delicious it becomes.

Si Ningning chewed the pork strips, looked at Song Xiaoyun, considered her words before speaking tactfully:

"Xiaoyun, the Chinese New Year only comes once a year. It doesn't happen a few times a year that my family sends you money like today... Well, I can't say anything else. Anyway, it's rare to have some money in my hand. You go first Take care of yourself, eat and clothe yourself first, and then go see others.”

 (End of this chapter)

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