Chapter 353 Rent a house

Si Ningning didn't want to be troublesome, but she was also worried that Song Xiaoyun was young and immature, so she didn't take this into consideration, so she said this after much struggle.

 This is a kind reminder...

If Song Xiaoyun listens to it, everyone will be happy.

 But if Song Xiaoyun couldn't listen, or thought Si Ningning was meddlesome, then Si Ningning would never interfere in similar matters in the future.

Si Ningning had been observing Song Xiaoyun's expression when she was talking. She saw Song Xiaoyun's eyes flickering, her expression evasive, and her embarrassment mixed with something else that she couldn't explain. Although it was a bit strange, Si Ningning still felt it. Some.

 Song Xiaoyun, it seemed, really didn't like what she said.

Si Ningning understood it and took a sip of water from the bamboo cup on the corner of the table beside the bed.

Having brushed her teeth just now, it was quite cold outside. She didn't want to go out again because of a pork shop, so Si Ningning took a sip of water and rinsed her mouth.

After finishing the work, Si Ningning put the bamboo cup back on the table, put down the bed curtain, opened the quilt and got in:

"I just said it casually. Anyway, Xiaoyun, if you think it's useful, just listen to it. If you think it's not useful, just put it in your left ear and out your right ear. It doesn't matter."


Song Xiaoyun said "hmm" in a muffled voice and said nothing, while Si Ningning wisely ignored it.

Si Ningning closed the quilt tightly and adjusted into a more comfortable position. Si Ningning lay down and listened to Jiang Yue's one-sided performance, and fell asleep without realizing it.

 She went to bed early and woke up early. The next morning, Si Ningning went out on time. When she arrived at the production team, as expected, she saw Huo Lang waiting there pushing a bicycle.

It was hard to shout at the top of her voice so early in the morning. Si Ningning's eyes widened, she gathered up the straps of her backpack and ran, while she couldn't help waving to Huo Lang excitedly.

Waiting until he was there, Holang held her hand and helped her sit on the back seat of the bicycle, "I'm right here, why are you running? Keep an eye on the road when walking. What if you fall?"

 “I’m happy to see you, so I didn’t care~”

Si Ningning hummed and smiled, expressing his true thoughts without hesitation.

She is bold, pure and straightforward, and makes the honest old cadres not know what to say.

Huo Lang patted her lower back and said, "Okay, stop making trouble, sit down and we're going to set off."


The bicycle shook for a while, and as it waited to drive smoothly out of the production team's boundary, Si Ningning's hand holding the seat plate gradually moved to Huo Lang's waist.

The morning wind was slightly biting, gently brushing the soft bangs on Si Ningning's forehead. She avoided the coldness and pressed her cheek against Huo Lang's back, her lips slightly opened to breathe in the white mist. , a pair of hands hugged Huo Lang's lean and narrow waist tightly.


"What's wrong?!"

 While the bicycles were riding in the mountains, they both subconsciously raised the decibel level.

"It's okay! I just want to give you a suggestion. The animals in the mountains seem to have come down the mountain recently. There are many animals and children in the team. I'm afraid something will happen. Can you talk to the security team later? Ask them to be more careful when patrolling. It's best to patrol. Also regulate the times.”

“I haven’t seen any traces of animal activity around here. Where did you see it? I’ll go take a look when I get back in the afternoon.”

"I didn't see anything. It was that time when I was looking at the foundation in front of your house. Do you still remember the noise at that time? At that time, I thought it was the team cat giving birth outside, but I went to the warehouse yesterday to look at it. Yes, Uncle Hongfa said he didn’t have any babies.”

Si Ningning shook her head, realizing that Huo Lang couldn't see her. She put her hands around Huo Lang's waist and mixed them together, and continued: "There's something wrong with that voice. If it's not from the team, it must be from the mountain."

Si Ningning’s analysis was very clear, but Huo Lang suddenly stopped talking.

Before waiting for a reply, Si Ningning tugged on Huo Lang's clothes from behind, "Why didn't you say anything? Or did you say you saw something that day but didn't tell me?"

"Ah?" Holang paused for a moment, and the bicycle swayed for a while. After a while, he stabilized the front of the car and said in a calm tone: "What can you see in the dark? I think what you said makes sense. I will gather when I get back later. Xibao and the others talk about this.”


Si Ningning nodded slightly and put her face back on Huo Lang's back, feeling inexplicably relieved, "You can't go wrong if you pay close attention to this matter."

It's okay if nothing happens, but if something happens, beasts are no better than humans, and they won't stop until they start.

 In order to avoid irreversible events, take precautions in advance if possible.

"Okay, I know this, don't worry about it." Huo Lang spoke decisively, interrupting Si Ningning to continue thinking.

Si Ningning felt relieved when Huo Lang handled the matter, knowing that Huo Lang should have already made arrangements in his mind, so Si Ningning said nothing more.

Soon the two of them arrived at the rope bridge. Si Ningning got off the car and pushed his bicycle across the bridge behind Huo Lang.

Shan Mantang hadn't arrived yet, so the two of them waited there for a while before the military green car swayed into sight.

 “Comrade Huo Lang! Si Zhiqing, you’ve been waiting for a long time!”

“No, we just came.” Si Ningning replied with a smile.

Shan Mantang chuckled and said hurriedly: "Hurry, get in the car!"

Horang put the bicycle into the rear compartment, opened the door of the rear seat, and waited for Si Ningning to sit in first, then followed closely.

Horang used to sit in the passenger seat, but ever since he fell in love with Si Ningning, he always sat in the back seat with Si Ningning.

With everything in sight, Shan Mantang smiled tacitly and said with high spirits: "Sit tight! Let's set off!"

Afraid of the bumpy mountain road, Si Ningning would kowtow. Huo Lang kept tilting his head to look at Si Ningning. He didn't slowly look back toward the front until he rounded off the mountain road, "Let's go to the town state-owned hotel first."

"Ah?" Shan Mantang quickly looked back, "Aren't you going to the county?"

Si Ningning raised her eyebrows slightly and explained in a warm voice: "I'm going to the town, not the county. If I ride with you, it will save me a lot of travel."

Shan Mantang reacted immediately and said with a smile: "Hey, it's all just a matter of convenience, it's not troublesome! One person and two people, anyway, there is so much gas!"

Si Ningning smiled but said nothing.

The road was easy to walk on a sunny day, and within half an hour the car stopped in front of the state-owned hotel in the town.

Horang opened the door and got out of the car first. When Si Ningning got off the car, he took off the bicycle, pushed the bicycle and leaned towards the front window:

“Xiao Dan, have you had breakfast? Can I bring you one?”

Shan Mantang waved his hand quickly, "No, no, no, I ate it in the morning!"

"That's okay." Huo Lang rubbed his forehead. From the corner of his eye, he saw that Si Ningning had already gotten out of the car. He asked again: "I'll get up and come down in a while. You wait here for a while. If anyone thinks you're blocking the way, just go over there." I'll be here soon." "Okay, I understand, Comrade Huo Lang!" Shan Mantang winked at Huo Lang and smiled happily, "Go ahead!"

Hand locked his bicycle at the entrance of the state-owned hotel, Huo Lang took Si Ningning into the hotel.

After a quick operation, Si Ningning was settled down. Huo Lang was not in a hurry to leave. He just sat at the table and held his chin while watching Si Ningning slowly drink porridge. "Why don't you come with me? I'll go back and forth, don't say anything." Three or four hours, when do you want to go?"

To be honest, Huo Lang was a little worried about leaving Si Ningning alone here.

"I'm not going." Si Ningning glanced at him casually and continued to drink porridge, "And who said I have to wait here stupidly? I still want to buy something!"

"Besides..." Handing a round meat bun to Huo Lang, Si Ningning said: "You are just pulling bricks on this trip. The front of the car is not very big. If I follow you, I will have to take my bicycle with me. So on this trip, How many bricks can be installed?”

There is some truth to what he said, but Huo Lang still refused, "It's okay, don't you want to learn to drive? Just take this opportunity, and I will teach you something else."

"No!" Si Ningning rolled her eyes at Huo Lang, then directly pushed a whole plate of steamed buns in front of Huo Lang, "If you don't want to stay for dinner, just take these steamed buns with you to eat on the road. I Can’t eat it.”


 “Okay, go quickly, don’t make people wait too long.”

Seeing that Si Ningning's chin had turned into a peach pit, Huo Lang knew that she would be angry if she continued to speak, so he was helpless and rubbed his shaved head. Huo Lang took a breath of air in annoyance and said, "Then I'm going?"

 “Well, let’s go!”

“Remember to come back here after you finish shopping. Don’t go to remote places. Don’t pay attention to strangers, especially those who look big and thick..."

 “Oh, that’s alright! I’m not a child!”

Si Ningning frowned and put down the chopsticks in his hand. Huo Lang immediately surrendered, "Okay, okay, I won't tell you, I won't tell you, then I'm leaving!"

He stood up and walked two steps down the stairs. He didn't hear Si Ningning's words and immediately turned around again, "Have you brought enough money? Is it enough?"

Si Ningning turned her head, pursed her lips slightly, and glared at Huo Lang with sulkiness in her eyes.

Horang said nothing this time, scratched his head impatiently, his handsome face tightened, and went downstairs not very happy.

Si Ningning shook her head helplessly and sighed, really...

 It is not good for a man to be too loving.

 It is easy to raise her to a giant baby.

Si Ningning lowered his head to finish a bowl of hot porridge, then raised his head again. Only belatedly, Si Ningning realized that Huo Lang had not taken away the steamed buns, and sighed again in her heart.

 There are a hundred ways to love, this man...

  Always try her best to be thoughtful and proper in her affairs, but when it comes to herself, she is always careless and makes do with everything...

 Today's work is all physical work, how can you do it without eating?

Si Ningning sighed slightly, frowning a little worried.

But people can't catch up with the car. It's impossible to catch up with Huo Lang at this moment. I just hope that after arriving in the county, Huo Lang can think of something to eat by himself.

After finishing the porridge and the pickles on the plate, Si Ningning couldn't eat any more of the steamed buns, so she took the plate downstairs and asked the front desk for a piece of oil paper to pack it.

Hunting his backpack open and using the cover of the backpack to put the oiled paper package into the space, Si Ningning fastened the backpack and went out to push his bicycle towards today's goal.

Si Ningning wants to rent a house, um...

 It is best to have a yard, an independent one.

 Because this house is not used for living, but is intended to be a temporary place for piglets, waiting for Gu Yang and others to come over.

Si Ningning was not sure how Gu Yang and the others operated, but according to her assumption, Gu Yang and the others should not have anesthetics for livestock.

In other words, in order to avoid attracting the attention of others when the piglets squeal, it is best to locate the house in a remote place, or where there are few people living around it.

 This is more convenient for Gu Yang and others to move when necessary.

 Just an idea, it’s not that easy to find the house you like.

˜Operating for leasing and collecting rent, this type of property is called rented housing

In this era, there were rental houses under the formal jurisdiction of the government. Individuals could also sell or rent houses through this department. However, this platform only existed in some more prosperous cities. For example, the town where Si Ningning was located was a poor rural town. There is no place at all.

 In this way, whether the owner is renting out the house or the tenant is renting, if there is no introduction from an acquaintance, it is really a troublesome and troublesome matter.

The times are special, and there is no way to catch up with this situation. Si Ningning can only use the simplest method - searching along the street.

Occasionally, I would go up to a friendly house and ask. This is a simple and stupid method, but fortunately, after searching for more than two hours, Si Ningning actually found a house that wanted to rent out a house.

 It is a small independent courtyard. The location is not remote, but there are not many people living in that area.

Si Ningning followed and took a look, and found that the location was in the alley on the way to the Bahe Ferry. Considering various factors, Si Ningning felt that this place was suitable, so she followed him into the house and took a look.

The layout of the house is very simple, it is a small courtyard with a well, two rooms on the left and right, and a main room in the middle.

The kitchen is in the courtyard, built next to the house on the right, and a small shed is set up in the open air above the head. It must have been unoccupied for a while. The shed is very dusty and has been blown a little crooked by the wind.

  A bit too big.

Si Ningning doesn’t need a big place, but after looking for a house today, Si Ningning also knows that it’s not that easy to find a suitable house, so she has already made up her mind to rent this house.

"Comrade, I think this house is okay, but the doors and windows are old. If I want to live in it, I may have to replace it. It will be another expense then, so I just wanted to ask you what price you plan to rent it at? "Si Ningning turned around and asked.

There is no sale in the world without bargaining. What Si Ningning said was actually just going through the motions.

 At this time, prices are low. Even if this house is a rip off, the rent of two yuan a month is more than enough.

She wants this house to be of great use, and if the price is not outrageous, she can do some charity, as long as there are fewer things to do.

The person who invited Si Ningning over was a middle-aged woman with thick lips, dark skin and plain clothes. She looked like an honest person, so Si Ningning guessed that she would not charge a black price.

As expected, when she asked about the price, the middle-aged woman hesitated for a moment and then said:

"Girl, we are all honest people and have never rented a house before. Do you think this will work?"

Si Ningning looked over and the middle-aged woman continued:

"It costs two cents to stay in the guest house a night. People can live in the three rooms in my yard. You can use the things in them if you can use them. If you can't use them, you can leave them alone."

Requesting a monthly ticket~~~



 (End of this chapter)

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