Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 354: Can I ask? Why can't it be him (

Chapter 354 Can I ask? Why can't it be him (please vote)

"As for the doors and windows..." the middle-aged woman glanced at it and asked: "When will you move here? Before you move here, I asked my door to be repaired for you. The price is not too much, four cents." One day or thirty days a month is one dollar and twenty cents. Do you think this is okay?"

As if she was afraid that Si Ningning would be dissatisfied, she added anxiously:

 “If you rent it for a long time, I’ll let you have some more.”

 The middle-aged woman speaks very honestly. She earns one dollar and two a month, which is equivalent to four cents a day and one egg a day.

Si Ningning didn’t know anything else about renting a house. Anyway, she was very excited to be able to get such a big yard at this price.

“Auntie, I think it’s okay, but when you talk about long-term rent, how long does it take to be considered a long-term rent?”

 The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment. She must have really not understood this aspect. She thought for a long time before saying:

“Three months, right? Three months is three yuan and sixty cents, or three and a half yuan, do you think that’s okay?”


Si Ningning responded readily.

After paying the key quickly and getting the key, Si Ningning originally thought about getting a written certificate or something, but the middle-aged woman was dumbfounded because she didn't know the words at all.

Although he felt that it was unsafe to have no written evidence, looking at the panicked face of the middle-aged woman, Si Ningning was silent for a moment and did not force anything.

The older generation has not popularized the concept of reading books, and most of them cannot read. If you have to ask for written documents or something, you can actually find someone else to do the notarization, but Si Ningning has been out for a while, and after a while She still had to go to the scrap station, and time was tight. She was afraid that Huo Lang would not be able to find anyone when he came back and would cause other troubles, so she had to hurry up.

“I’m just asking, if we can establish a written agreement, we can establish a written agreement. If we can’t, it doesn’t matter. I’ll rent it first. If the place is suitable for living, I will continue to rent it later.”

Si Ningning said, the middle-aged woman's shoulders slumped, she smiled plainly and was obviously relieved, "Okay, my family lives in the same area where you just found me. If something breaks at home, you can follow me there." I said, I’ll ask my man to come over and fix it for you!”

As she spoke, the woman softened her tone and hesitated:

“Well, I gave you the key just now. If you want to repair the door, you have to give me another one.”

 The lock on the courtyard gate had just been changed. There were three keys in total. The middle-aged woman tied them with a hemp rope. All of them were given to Si Ningning just now.

Si Ningning also considered this, waved his hand and said:

 “No need, Auntie, that’s it.”

He lied again casually, "My two brothers will come from the countryside in a few days, and I will let them complete the cultivation by then."

"That's okay." The middle-aged woman nodded and finished the exchange with Si Ningning. Before leaving, she curiously asked what Si Ningning's family did.

“My two brothers work in the rubber factory in town. I don’t live here, so I come over occasionally to cook for them,” Si Ningning said.

 It’s not to think bad things about people, it’s just a precaution.

Si Ningning was afraid that if she said she lived on her own, people would think that the girl was easy to bully or fool. She would look for trivial matters here, and it would be troublesome if she found out that no one lived in this yard at all.

Rather, it is rented to two brothers at home.

Two hot-blooded young men, tall and energetic, most people would not dare to come over and cause trouble even if something happened.

 The middle-aged woman nodded after hearing this. After a few words of envy, she asked Si Ningning to come to her if anything happened. She promised that she would not come unless there was something important, and then left.

Si Ningning closed the door to the courtyard and took a quick look around the room. After getting familiar with the layout and existing things, he walked into the space, packed up his makeup and put on his cotton-padded jacket and men's coat as quickly as possible.

Si Ningning flicked the messy short hair on her head with her slender fingers. Si Ningning held up the small basket and prepared to make room. When she thought of something, she stopped again, flipped over a piece of red paper, cut the paper into a rectangular shape, found a pencil and followed the five-star red flag. Draw stars on it to look like.

After drawing the stars, I focused a few more times along the lines, put down the pen, and pressed my hand against the paper, and the paper showed the shape of several hollow stars.

There are adhesive strips in the space. Not to mention whether it fits properly when taken out, it may not stick to the rough and heavy old door panel. Si Ningning thought for a moment and remembered that there was rice in the refrigerator, so she buttoned it up. A small lump came out.

Taking the small basket and the red paper out of the room, Si Ningning pulled out the door latch of the courtyard door, put rice paste on the middle and upper part of the wooden door, relied on the stickiness of the rice to stick the red paper on it, stroked and pressed it for a while, and then released it after a while. Hand, the thin red paper was indeed stained on it.

 An alternative five-star red flag…

There are no pigments suitable for drawing, and a piece of red paper is very weird. Si Ningning thinks of this method.

Chinese flag…

Some people may stop and look, but no one dares to tear it down.

After glancing at the five-star red flag to make sure that it would not fall, Si Ningning pushed the bicycle into the yard, used cover to hide it in the space, then swung the backpack over his shoulder, locked the yard door, and headed towards the scrapyard.

This time, Si Ningning entered the scrap yard through the front door. When he entered, he caught up with the monkey head and walked out.

She coughed lightly and shouted "monkey head" in a hoarse voice.

"!" The monkey head immediately looked at her, his eyes widened instantly with a resentful and impatient face, "Why are you here?!"

The monkey head stepped forward in two steps. He wanted to say something but then subconsciously looked back. Seeing that there was no one else in the scrap yard, he waved to Si Ningning to come into the cubicle to talk, "I've been waiting for you for several days, and today is the same. Look. It’s past the usual time for you to come. I thought you wouldn’t come, so I was planning to leave. Fortunately, you came!”

“It’s rare for my family to get together during the Chinese New Year, so I haven’t gone out for a while.” Si Ningning explained casually.

The monkey head could understand, closed the door of the compartment, and immediately asked eagerly: "Are there any goods? What a pity, you don't know, there are a lot of weddings happening these days, and many old employers are looking for me, wanting to buy cloth Food, but I don’t have anything on hand!”

The monkey head scratched his head impatiently and sighed for a long time: "If I had known before, I would have said hello to you and stocked up on more things, alas!"

“I didn’t bring it with me this time.” Si Ningning spread her hands and said comfortingly: “I didn’t expect to do this this time. I will have experience in the coming year, and I will prepare it then.”

 Houtou nodded, that was all he could do.

But when he heard that Si Ningning was out of stock this time, he couldn't help but be surprised, "Not at all?"

Si Ningning lied and said, "Yeah," "I did this without telling my family. I didn't want them to worry, so I didn't do it for a while."

After saying that, he changed his tone and said, "Look at what you want. I'll stay for a few days when I'm free."

The monkey head immediately beamed, scratched his chin and thought for a moment, and actually announced a series of names: "I want cloth, with nice colors, and rice and noodles too. I don't have to worry about selling these kinds of things!"

Si Ningning listened to his ramble. After the monkey head almost finished speaking, she asked in a deep voice: "Is there a way to contact Gu Yang? I have something to ask him."

"I know where his home is. What's the matter with you? Are you in a hurry? The road is a bit far, so I won't be able to tell you for a while."

Si Ningning nodded, then shook his head, "Don't worry about it for now, maybe tomorrow night. But this matter is not a matter of discussion. He has to come over and finish it for me tomorrow night."

Si Ningning’s words were serious and decisive. The monkey couldn’t help but become nervous. He scratched his head and asked again with an embarrassed look on his face, “What on earth is that? Is it dangerous?”

Si Ningning didn’t hide anything and told the truth directly:

"We got a new batch of piglets. The price is cheaper than before, but they are all dolls. No one in my place knows how to slap pigs. I remember Gu Yang Hui, so I want to ask him to do this. "

The monkey's heart relaxed slightly, and he asked: "Okay, I'll go there in a while. You have helped so much with the rubber factory, and he has appointed you to come back. By the way, are you going back to the same place as last time?"

"No." Si Ningning shook his head and reported the address of the yard he just rented. "I posted a red flag on the door. It's very conspicuous. You can see it if you look around a few times."

After saying that, he removed a key on the spot. Si Ningning kept the key for himself and gave the other two keys on the rope to the monkey head. "You and Gu Yang each have one key. I will transport the piglets in in advance." , you remember what I said, it must be done tomorrow night."

"Okay." The monkey head carefully held the key and put it away. After a while, he looked up anxiously and naively and asked Si Ningning: "Dongdong, does this house belong to you? You are really capable! You can even afford it in this town. I asked before, the smallest room costs twenty or thirty yuan!"

Si Ningning squinted at him, "What? Not to mention the past, you have worked with me for so long in the past six months, and you can't get thirty yuan out of it?"

"I can take it, but I just can't bear it." The monkey head sighed and shook his head, smiling sincerely.

"The flowers should be spent and the provinces should be saved. A person's life is not long or short. It is meaningless to live frugally."

  Patting the monkey head on the shoulder, Si Ningning turned around and walked out, "I have other things to do in the afternoon. I'm leaving first. I didn't see Mr. Cheng. I'll turn around and he's coming. Say hello to me."

  "Okay!" The monkey head followed out of the compartment. While seeing off Si Ningning, he hurriedly ordered: "Dongdong, think more about what I'm telling you!"

Si Ningning had already stepped out of the door of the scrap station, waving her hands without looking back.

  Go back to the small courtyard and tidy it up. Si Ningning changes into the clothes you came back with.

After everything was taken care of, Si Ningning pushed the bicycle and locked the courtyard door. First, she went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy some things. Afterwards, she returned to the state-owned hotel and ordered a spinach and egg drop soup. She sat by the window on the second floor with the leftovers from the morning. I was eating the steamed buns while waiting for Huo Lang.

Huo Lang knew the time very accurately and came back at almost the time he estimated when he left. Before Si Ningning could swallow the last bite of the bun, she looked up and saw him coming from the stairs, followed by a man with a dusty face and nose. A person flushed by the wind.

Si Ningning stood up subconsciously and wanted to speak but was choked by the bun. He covered his neck with his hands and coughed for a long time. Huo Lang put the box on the table and asked Song Shuhan to sit down first. He handed it to her and asked her to take a sip slowly while explaining understandingly:

“I met Song Zhiqing on the way back from carrying bricks, and I gave him a hand on the way.”

Song Shuhan rubbed his face and then his hands. After a while, he smiled and said, "Thank you for meeting Comrade Huo Lang. Otherwise, I don't know how long it would take to come back!"

Huo Lang raised his eyebrows and smiled without saying anything. He turned his eyes to Si Ningning. Seeing that Si Ningning had calmed down, he supported the table and stood up:

“I still have things to deal with, and Song Zhiqing should also have a meal. You can wait here with him for a while. I will be back soon, and we will go back together then.”

Si Ningning knew that Huo Lang was most likely going to find Wang Song and the others, so he nodded, "Go ahead. Wait...have you eaten yet? Do you want to eat something before going?"

 “No need, I ate when we were in the county, so I’m not hungry yet.”

 The two of them answered questions and questions freely, but Song Shuhan kept silent about everything.

After a while, he went downstairs with Huo Lang, bought something to eat and came back. Song Shuhan sat at the table and took two big bites of noodles. His round-rimmed glasses were smoked with a layer of white mist by the heat. He took off his glasses and rubbed them with his clothes, and suddenly said :

“Si Zhiqing, have you made up your mind?”

"Huh?" Si Ningning was a little confused, "What?"

"I mean." He put his glasses back on the bridge of his nose, and the hot mist covered up the sharpness in Song Shuhan's eyes. He curved his lips and smiled, returning to his usual shy and amiable look, "You have confirmed that you want to be with Comrade Huo Lang. ?"

Song Shuhan is very smart and transparent. He has always seen through many things without telling them. This is the first time that he has spoken so straightforwardly.

Si Ningning was stunned for a while, and then slowly nodded. He just nodded and said nothing else.

Si Ningning knew that Song Shuhan was smart, so he was not surprised at all when Song Shuhan discovered and confirmed this matter.

The scene fell into silence for a while, with only the sound of Song Shuhan lowering his head and taking a big gulp of noodles.

 After eating a bowl of steaming noodles, which barely filled his stomach that had been empty for more than ten hours, Song Shuhan pushed the bowl aside and continued the previous topic: "It's pretty good."

Si Ningning nodded, lowered his eyelids and said nothing.

 Her intuition told her that Song Shuhan would talk about this matter definitely not to say "very good" to her.

As expected, Song Shuhan said "hmm" in a low voice and spoke again:

"Comrade Huo Lang is very capable. You are beautiful, smart, and thoughtful. I think you two are a good match. But at the same time, I think you and Mo Bei are also a good match."

"So can I ask?" Song Shuhan took a breath and looked straight at Si Ningning, "Why Huo Lang and not Mo Bei?"

"Or, why can't it be Mo Bei? You are very smart, you should know that he likes you."

 Zhongyi means to like, which is a relatively implicit word to express liking.

Si Ningning also realized this recently after being sharply corrected by Huo Lang. Song Shuhan came over with several questions in a row, which shocked her brain to a blank, and she couldn't find words for a long time.

   Work hard to update! Recently, our place has been closed again. We are anxious every day and have to think of ways to grab food. We are exhausted...



 (End of this chapter)

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