Chapter 355 Unbelievable

Si Ningning was silent for a long time, and Song Shuhan spoke again:

“Si Zhiqing, don’t get me wrong, I’m just curious and I’m not forcing you to do anything.”

“You know, there are only a few male educated youths here. We are all good friends. I want to know where my friend lost.”

Si Ningning pursed her lips, frowned and lowered her long eyelashes. She knew that Song Shuhan had no ill intentions, so after thinking carefully, she also confessed her thoughts to Song Shuhan:

"I really didn't know about this at the beginning. You know Mo Bei's character. I actually don't like people with this kind of character. In many situations and many things, because we are both educated youths and live under the same roof. Any An inappropriate choice or a word can cause embarrassment to each other, so I have been patient and adapting.”

"Of course, in our subsequent interactions, I learned that Mo Bei is very good, very courageous, very courageous and not bad at all, but it's really hard to explain things like feelings. If you have to explain it in one way, then you can think about it, two people How can people who need coaxing be together? Are they going to fight together or stay away from each other forever?”

 Song Shuhan was silent.

Si Ningning continued: "There is no winning or losing in this relationship. Mo Bei may have liked me in the past, but I have never recognized this."

She chuckled nonchalantly, and told Song Shuhan the things that happened during her childhood.

“Jiang Yue’s past was also very difficult, but she always said that I was gentle and that I gave her a lot of courage and encouragement, but you know what?”

When Si Ningning talked about those experiences, the scene seemed to reappear in front of his eyes. He watched such a young and cute girl being abused both mentally and physically by her family.

The lonely little body standing at the door, the bodies that were shut in and huddled tightly together in the dark little room, all appeared in front of my eyes.

Si Ningning…

 It was so difficult and such a sad past...

 How did she get here?

Song Shuhan opened his lips and shook his head, his pupils trembling slightly under his glasses.



 And the subjective consciousness of being unacceptable.

 In fact, he didn’t feel the same way, but for some reason, Song Shuhan felt sour and hot in his eyes. However, Si Ningning’s gentle voice continued to sound:

"Tenderness is never inherent in people, because I have stepped on ice, endured sharp knives, and tasted extreme pain. Therefore, when others need it, I am willing to act as an umbrella to help others, but the truth in my heart I have always longed for someone to hold an umbrella for me when I need it.”

Si Ningning smiled, his dark eyes curved into small crescents as usual, but Song Shuhan didn't feel any of the usual dazzling brightness, but instead felt extremely heavy and depressed.

"Mo Bei can't give me the sense of security I want. Maybe I can in the future, but I'm not in the mood to grow up with him."

Two people are very good in appearance or ability, so people think they are a good match, but personality is indeed an issue.

These words also made Song Shuhan understand where Mo Bei fell behind.


 Song Shuhan stood up and bowed deeply to Si Ningning.

"It's okay." Si Ningning said slowly, with the same gentle expression as when he comforted Jiang Yue, and what he told was more like someone else's experience, "There is a misunderstanding in this matter, so just make it clear. but…"


 Song Shuhan returned to the table and asked puzzledly.

Si Ningning bit her lower lip, considered it for a while and looked at Song Shuhan, her voice was slow and sincere:

"I can only pretend not to know about this matter, and try to keep a distance from Mo Bei as much as possible in the following time. There are some things I can't say to him. If possible... you are friends, and I hope you can enlighten him tactfully. Enlighten him."

“You are friends, and I am also a friend to you. I don’t want to hurt any of you.”

“The road ahead is long, and there will be many things and people you will experience. Don’t get stuck on things that have no response or meaning.”

Si Ningning is sincere and speaks her truest thoughts.

Those who shout for freedom without love, but their peripheral vision still favors the one who is loved...

Across the small and old table, Song Shuhan looked at the girl in front of him who pretended not to be seen in Mo Bei's eyes, but in fact had seen her countless times, feeling really heavy.

 At the beginning, Song Shuhan actually felt a little unfair for Mo Bei, but after talking about the conversation, he knew that Si Ningning could not be blamed.

Si Ningning is gentle, smart, philanthropic, and kind to everyone around her, but at the same time, her goals are also very clear.

 I just hope to have someone who is exclusive to her, loyal to her, loves her, partial to her, and can be her protective umbrella.

 Between Mobei and Huolang, the advantage is that they are young and energetic and have a promising future.

 But similarly, his disadvantage is that he is young and energetic.

A young and inexperienced young man, his awkward shyness and reserved temper make him shy to tell his love to the girl he likes...

"I will."

Song Shuhan wiped his face. Even though he knew that Mo Bei would never listen to him, he still chose to agree to Si Ningning.

This was his apology for ending this abrupt topic.

Si Ningning’s eyes curved into small crescents, her pale lips parted, her smile was pure and dazzling, and her face was more like a bright halo, unusually bright and gentle, “Thank you.”

Just as Si Ningning didn’t want to hurt them, Song Shuhan didn’t want her to be hurt, so after a brief silence, Song Shuhan said:

“There is no news that I can return to the city right now, but my intuition tells me that I will definitely be able to go back in the future!”

Song Shuhan twitched his lips, lowered his slender eyebrows, and looked at Si Ningning very worriedly:

"Are you sure you've thought about it clearly? You won't go back to the city? You won't go back in the future?"

 This is indeed a problem.

 People who grew up in the city have long developed the habit of living in the city. This is why many educated youths feel miserable in rural areas after they go to the countryside.

 This is not only due to the hard work and changes in food and accommodation, but also the differences in humanities, culture and living environment.

Even if they can adapt to rural life, everyone is still looking forward to going back.

If Si Ningning said that he did not want to return to the city, not to mention the educated youth who came with him would be suspicious, and the local people in the countryside would also be confused.

 You can't live with good commercial grain, but you'd rather live in a small mountain village crawling in the fields to eat? I'm afraid not everyone would think she was crazy.

In the eyes of everyone in the educated youth spot, Huo Lang is a farmer in a small place like Province H. He may be a little more capable than ordinary farmers, but that doesn't change the fact that he is a farmer.

If she wants to be with and marry Huo Lang, then she will undoubtedly be left in the small mountain village of Team 3 for the rest of her life...

Si Ningning understood that most of Song Shuhan's worries came from this.

 But she also knew that what they saw and heard about Holang was not true. Si Ningning knew the details of Huo Lang. In addition, he also knew the general direction of the future.

She had certain plans in mind, but she couldn't tell Song Shuhanming about them.

After thinking about it for a while, Si Ningning curved her lips and said "hmm" in a long voice, and then said:

“I will definitely go back to the city if I have the chance. We will go back because of work. This is unlikely. If the policy changes in the future, I think we should still have to take the exam.”

Thinking that the college entrance examination will be restarted in the future, Si Ningning casually mentioned:

"Huo Lang can read. If that day comes, I will urge him to take the exam with me... You are the same, everyone in the educated youth center does it. We have books in the educated youth center. If you have time, you still have to pick them up and read them. In the future, everyone will say Not allowed."

Although he felt that this matter was still a bit inappropriate, thinking about what he usually saw, Huo Lang was always obedient to Si Ningning, and Song Shuhan felt slightly relieved.

“As long as you have a plan in mind, we can’t influence you. We can only make some suggestions from an objective perspective, and we don’t want you to suffer.”

"I see."

Si Ningning smiled, his eyes full of calmness and kindness, which is the most relaxing posture when getting along with friends.

Song Shuhan nodded calmly, and after speaking about his concerns, he couldn't find anything else to say for a while, and the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

His eyes were wandering here and there with no fixed focus. After a brief silence, Song Shuhan's eyes fell back on Si Ningning:

“I don’t know how long it will take for Comrade Huo Lang to arrive. I’m a little tired from the car ride, so I won’t wait for him.”

As he spoke, he already lifted the rattan box on the side of the table, "Si Zhiqing, I'm going back first."

Si Ningning knew that it would be embarrassing for him to stay any longer, so he smiled and nodded, "Okay, go slower on the road."

“I understand, just wait for Comrade Huo Lang here, and don’t wander around, lest he can’t find you when he comes back!”




After seeing Song Shuhan off, Si Ningning immersed herself in stirring the spoon in the soup bowl, feeling suddenly a little complicated.

She has never been a sentimental person. In the past, the family pursued interests, and there were people who liked her and pursued her, but no one could persist until the end, or no one was really willing to compete with the interests.

Didn’t she expect that after traveling to this simple and unpretentious era, she would actually experience it? Falling into such an awkward position?

 “Why are you sighing? Where are the educated youths of Song Dynasty?”

The table trembled, and Holang came back and sat across from the table.

Si Ningning smiled faintly, not wanting him to worry, so she explained: "Back? Song Shuhan said he was too tired from the car ride and felt very sleepy, so he went back to sleep."

After saying that, he curled his lips and asked: "How is it? How are things going? Did Wang Song say anything over there?"

Huo Lang shook his head with a smile on his face, as if he was thirsty. He didn't mind that the soup bowl on the table was cold and that Si Ningning had drunk. He picked it up and took a sip:

“It’s done. It’s just as you expected. From a distance, he still looked the same fierce-looking person. When the car drove up to him, he immediately became more honest. After I handed over the things, his expression changed again.”

Si Ningning blinked and asked curiously: "What's the difference?"

"A little more serious and sincere." Huo Lang put down the bowl, raised his eyebrows, and laughed twice. He could hardly make a sound, but it was hoarse and hoarse, like a subwoofer, vibrating. There was a numbness in the human ear.

“I guess I waited too long before and thought I was deceived. This time I get the “Grand Prize Certificate” you wrote, so I should be able to feel at ease.”

 “What’s the big prize?” Si Ningning pinched her earlobe unnaturally, raised her eyes and rolled her eyes at Huo Lang, pretending to be evil:

"Have you eaten? If not, eat something quickly. You will have to work on the way!"

“I ate it, I really ate it. I was in a hurry and didn’t plan to eat it, but why don’t we call Dan Mantang to help with the work? We don’t want people to go hungry, so we just eat the braised pork with rice in the county.”

"Just eat it. I'm worried that you are so stupid that you don't even know how to eat."

Si Ningning muttered subconsciously.

Huo Lang’s arched eyebrows were raised, his smile was gentle and caring, and Zhou Zhenghao’s upright face always revealed endless tenderness and care inadvertently since he became close to Si Ningning.

“Are you full? I saw there was a meat dumpling seller when I went upstairs just now. It should be busy when I get back. I won’t have a chance to bring you to town for a while. Why don’t you buy some to take back to eat?”

Si Ningning shook his head, had put away his things and stood up, not forgetting Aojiao and Huo Lang's talk, "The production team is not far from the town. If you are busy, I can come by myself. I don't think I can do anything." Like a giant baby? I can’t live without you?”

Huo Lang stood up, shook his head and followed Si Ningning helplessly.

Mo Yue understood the meaning of Si Ningning's words, but still subconsciously asked: "What is a giant baby?"


Si Ningning paused slightly and subconsciously raised her hand to cover her mouth.

She blamed herself for being quick-tongued and used a popular Internet term, but she looked back at Huo Lang. She took the lead and walked ahead, and she explained honestly:

“Giant baby... Literally, a large baby who can’t do anything and has to rely on others to complete everything.”

“Then you are definitely not a giant baby.”


It was originally just a joke, but I didn't expect Huo Lang to be so serious, and it suddenly made Si Ningning curious.


 she asked.

"Because..." Huo Lang smiled teasingly, tilting his head slightly to look at Si Ningning, "You are a big girl."

 The underlying meaning is that Si Ningning is like a little girl. She needs protection, deserves to be protected, needs to be coaxed, and deserves to be coaxed...

 “It’s all the same! You say these nonsense every day!”

Si Ningning was so annoyed by him that she took a breath, stamped her feet, rolled her eyes at Huo Lang, and quickened her pace to walk out of the state-owned hotel first.

"I only said one sentence and nothing else. What's wrong with me? Tell me? Why are you walking so fast?"

Horang made a joke and followed him with long legs.

As soon as they left from the door, many diners in the hall turned their heads and glanced around. The eldest lady at the counter glanced sideways and muttered:

 “I’m on the right track…”



  I left the community for two minutes in the morning, and when I came back, the security guard wouldn’t let me in...

As soon as the weather gets cold, the weather starts to rise, and the risk here in Ayao is high again. People everywhere should be careful when traveling!

 I pray that YQ will pass soon and life will return to normal soon!

 (End of this chapter)

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