Chapter 356 Thoughts

The compartment was filled with red bricks, as if they were afraid of damaging the newly purchased bicycle. Holang was fully prepared and got a few snakeskin bags from somewhere to cushion the bike. Paint, then put the bicycle on and tie it up.

On the way back, Si Ningning asked: "How many bricks are there in this car?"

"It should be able to carry a thousand people if it is full, but the road is not easy to walk and there are bumpy places from time to time, so we don't have to carry that many people. I estimate that there will be seven or eight hundred people."

Si Ningning nodded and asked, "How many bricks will it take to build a house as you planned?"

Huo Lang thought about it for a moment, leaned forward and clapped his hands. He had not washed the bricks he was carrying. There was not only dust on them, but also small scratches on the corners of the bricks. When he rubbed them, he made a "rustling" sound, which made him feel... Very rough.

“The starting estimate is at least 22,000 to 30,000 yuan.”

 “Twenty-two-three thousand?!”

  Holang nodded, "Yeah."

 Things he didn’t say, this is still a conservative number.

"The building is too small to live in, and it will be crowded everywhere once you live in it. If you want to build a building, build a bigger one that is open and bright," said Huo Lang.

Si Ningning opened her eyes wide and couldn't help but clicked her tongue.

She understands Huo Lang and supports Huo Lang's idea, but with more than 20,000 bricks, a cart can only pull seven to eight hundred. How long will it last?

Furthermore, it’s good that the car can be pulled home in one go. The problem is that it can’t be done. It can only be pulled halfway, and people have to drag it back most of the way up the mountain!

Just thinking about it is exhausting.

Shan Mantang was here, and there were some things that Si Ningning couldn’t say to Huo Lang, so he could only respond quietly and said nothing more.

 The car suddenly became quiet.

Shan Mantang turned the steering wheel and glanced at the rear seat from the rearview mirror, he laughed and said:

"Is Si Zhiqing afraid of trouble? In fact, it doesn't take much effort, and it's fast to drive. Moreover, this car is assigned to Comrade Huo Lang, and the monthly gasoline expenses are rationed. The money will be deducted regardless of whether it is driven or not. It’s better to step on the gas a little more.”


Si Ningning responded with a smile, and then realized that the car fuel expenses were fixed every month. It was also at this time that he realized that this expense was still paid out of Huo Lang's salary.

In that case, it is indeed more appropriate to drive a few more times.

Shan Mantang thought the same as her, and couldn't help but said a few more words:

“Comrade Huo Lang has used the car a few times in the past few months. Thinking about it in the future, ugh... I feel so at a loss.”

Horang had never cared much about fares, gas, etc., nor did he care much about the salary he received. He only felt that what he got was enough to support his family.

 But that was what he thought before, and his thoughts are different now.

 He wants to save, live a good life, and give Si Ningning a worry-free life and a better life, so...

 Everything must be planned.

Shan Mantang sighed nonchalantly, and Huo Lang pounded the seat behind him with his fist, "Drive well, don't talk about what you have or what you don't have."

 “Oh! Haha, good!”

Shan Mantang immediately became serious.

Huo Lang turned his head and looked at Si Ningning, "I'll send you back in a while, and let Xiaodan keep an eye on you for a while. I'll transport you on a bicycle and in a basket, which is also fast."

Si Ningning frowned and looked at him with dissatisfaction, "Isn't it already agreed that I will watch?"

“It’s not that you’re afraid of being alone there.”

“I’ll say it when I’m scared, I’ll say it when I’m bored, and you changed your mind at the last minute even though we had already agreed.”

  "Okay, okay, I won't change the hexagram or change it, I'll listen to you."

Huo Lang obeyed Si Ningning's advice, but he was afraid that Si Ningning would become more coquettish and make him unhappy again.

Shan Mantang was fed a mouthful of dog food in front of him. As he turned to drive, his eyes couldn't stop glancing back from time to time.

 It is not surprising that an old man loves his wife.

 But it’s strange that a man who is as taciturn and cold as a lion suddenly becomes gentle!

Shan Mantang continued to peek, and was stared at several times by Huo Lang, who still did not change. It was not until Huo Lang pursed his thin lips and stared at him with a pair of eyes that he sneered, and he finally calmed down and drove calmly.

The car stopped at the rope bridge. Huo Lang and Shan Mantang were busy moving bricks. Si Ningning also said that he would go up to help. Unexpectedly, before she took a step forward, Huo Lang saw her intention and pretended to turn around and give her a shoulder. Just push her back two or three steps.

Si Ningning had a dark look on his face and understood what Huo Lang meant, so he stepped aside obediently and stood holding the bicycle.

It only took ten minutes to unload the bricks. When morning came, Huo Lang hid the pole and basket behind a nearby tree. After unloading the bricks, he took the basket and pole back.

First, he fixed the shoulder pole on the back seat of the bicycle, and then used hemp rope to wrap around the bottom of the basket and buckle it. When it reached the mouth of the basket, he passed the shoulder pole through it. He set up the bicycle stand and put bricks into the basket in pairs to increase the weight. Stability.

Si Ningning was worried. She watched for a while and then stepped forward to help support the bicycle. She was afraid that if no one was holding the bicycle, the weight of the back seat would cause the bicycle to tip over.

Soon Huo Lang began to transport the first batch of bricks. Si Ningning stayed at the cable bridge to look at the bricks. Shan Mantang followed her and stayed with her for a while. After making sure that Si Ningning was not afraid and that it was okay to be alone, he turned the steering wheel. Go to the county.

Si Ningning said he was not afraid, but Huo Lang was still worried. The bicycle was pedaling very fast on the road. Normally, one trip would take at least twenty-five minutes. He completed the round trip in half an hour and stopped at Si Ningning when he showed up again. When he came forward, Si Ningning was scared to death.

 “How come it’s so fast? You fly back and forth?”

Huo Lang smiled nonchalantly, stopped the car and bent over to pick up the bricks, "Finish it early and go back early. I asked Sanae to stew four sweet potatoes in the stove. You can eat them when you get home. Isn't it better than you squatting here and waiting? "

"It's only one o'clock in the afternoon, and it's still early before dark. I'm really not afraid. You ride slower on the road..." Si Ningning followed Huo Lang around, tugging at the hem of Huo Lang's clothes with two fingers, and said worriedly: "The mountain road is originally It’s narrow and the side **** is steep.”

 “Okay, I get it.”

Horang laughed uncontrollably, and the magnetic voice coming from his chest and throat made his ears feel slightly numb.

Si Ningning wouldn't let him ride fast, so he loaded himself up, filling two large baskets to the top in one trip before setting off at Si Ningning's urging.

The bicycle "clunked" as it galloped away, and the rope bridge swayed and made a frightening "thumping" sound. Si Ningning chased two steps behind and shouted loudly: "Ride slowly, ride slowly!"

 “I know, go sit and wait.”

It took four trips to transport all the bricks. On the last trip, Huo Lang rode back, while Si Ningning walked back slowly along the road.

Huo Lang arrived home and put down the bricks, unpacked the pole and basket, and hurriedly turned back to pick up Si Ningning.

When he picked up the person, Huo Lang drove slowly again. Si Ningning put her arms around his waist, pressed her cheek against his back, and kept talking:

“It takes so long to transport a load of bricks with a bicycle. How long did it take you to transport those bricks in front of your house?”

“I went out to the county early in the morning, came back after pulling bricks, and then carried them back home. It’s almost six o’clock in the afternoon when I’m done.”

Hearing the sound of Si Ningning gasping in his ears, Huo Lang chuckled twice in a low voice, "It only takes a little time and energy, but it's not troublesome or tiring, really." Si Ningning believed him. .

There was no bicycle before, so Holang could only carry baskets back one by one. After carrying a cart, his back and shoulders were probably worn out.

"It takes so much effort just to pull bricks, and it will probably be even more difficult to build a house later...Oh, Huo Lang." Si Ningning took off the clothes around Huo Lang's waist, "We haven't pulled too many bricks yet, have you ever thought about it? No, instead of building a house yourself, just buy one in the town or county? "

"I had this idea at first, but after living in the village for a while, I still felt that it would be better to be in the village." Huo Lang pondered for a while and said slowly: "Although it is convenient to buy things in the county, the entrance and exit of the courtyard are locked. Yes, the human touch is too weak.”

It's fine for a short time, but boring for a long time.

 What is too impersonal? It's like when you lived in the team, you often interacted with the team members.

Si Ningning understood what Huo Lang meant, but she still couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

But having said that, it may be more convenient for adults to work and buy things if they live in the county, but for children, it is not so good.

Hegu and Sanae are both very young, so they don’t want to go too far away to play. Staying at home is not good for their growth.

After thinking about it, Si Ningning gave up the idea of ​​lobbying Huo Lang to buy a house.

 In any case, as far as the current situation is concerned, living in the team is quite good. Going to the county or city may not be much more convenient.

“I was told to do the house construction alone, but when everything is ready, not to mention all the boys in the team will come to help. The one who is the best in the security team will always come, right?”

Huo Lang sighed with a smile, "You are always afraid of trouble and tiredness. If you want to live in a spacious house, you must be patient with small things."

  【Localized annotation: be patient and be patient: it probably means being patient, similar to being willing to spend more time on research. 】

Si Ningning pinched him and said angrily: "I feel sorry for you. You said it as if I was eager to eat ready-made food!"

"How could I mean that?" The bicycle swayed a little, and Holang controlled the front of the car, and said with a "tsk": "Oh, that's right, why are you blaming yourself again? Building a house is my business. If I don’t have anything to do with you, how can I rely on you, right?”

Si Ningning’s cheeks were as bulging as a puffer fish.

Where did she pull it on herself? Didn't he speak first?

She was still annoyed, so she heard Huo Lang coaxing him: "Okay, don't be angry, you can eat sweet potatoes when you get home soon. There are many sweet potatoes today, you can eat as many as you want."

Si Ningning laughed out loud, almost losing his temper due to Huo Lang.

She lightly punched Huo Lang's back and pressed her cheeks against him again. She raised her crescent eyebrows and smiled so hard that her pupils couldn't be seen. "I'll only eat one, how many more can I eat?"

Ni Ni Wai Wai Wai went back to Chen's house to eat roasted sweet potatoes. It was around 5:30 or 6:00 when Si Ningning went back.

  It was already dark at this point in early spring, so Huo Lang walked her to the ramp behind the house of the educated youth point and stopped.

Before parting, Si Ningning walked out for a few steps, then paced back after thinking of something.

Under the suspicious gaze of Huo Lang, who lowered his brows, she grasped the hem of Huo Lang's clothes, leaned forward on her feet, took a bite on Huo Lang's chin, and finally pushed him out before Huo Lang could react.

Si Ningning jumped up a few steps, her hands clasped together on her lower back, and her delicate face smiled more beautifully than a flower, "I'm going back, you should go back too!"

"By the way, about the house, um...if you need it, I can go over and help you cook."

 After saying that, without waiting for Huo Lang to answer, the man jumped away like a cunning rabbit.

Huo Lang was stunned on the spot, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

 The ghostly girl…

 Always take advantage of him when he is not prepared.

 The next time you seize the opportunity, you must let her "kiss" you enough.

Huo Lang dazedly touched the spot on his chin where Si Ningning had just kissed. His calm eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of emotion, and then filled with emotion.

Withdrawing his gaze, Huo Lang sighed slightly, turned around and left with some sadness.

On the other side, as soon as Si Ningning turned the corner of the room, she bumped into someone.

 Firstly, he rushed downhill and stopped, and secondly, he didn't expect to bump into someone.

 “Are you okay?”

Si Ningning covered her nose and squatted down.

Even though she hit her nose, for some reason, the pain was so painful that her eyes started to blur.

After the pain subsided, Si Ningning remembered to look up at the person she hit, and inadvertently caught the eye of Mo Bei, who was bending over to look over.

 "Are you okay?" Mo Bei stretched out his hand, intending to help Si Ningning.

At that moment, Si Ningning suddenly thought of the words of Huo Lang and Song Shuhan. She jumped up and stood up, "I'm fine."

Mo Bei was a little embarrassed. He took back his hand and said, "Where have you been today? It seems I haven't seen you all day..."

Maybe he felt that what he said was a bit ambiguous. Mo Bei stretched out his hand at a loss, then took it back, and added: "I mean you can come back earlier next's not safe outside after dark, and didn't you also say Have you been there? There have been animals coming down the mountain recently.”

 Mo Bei rarely talks as much as he does now.

Si Ningning took a deep breath and suddenly felt a little complicated.

 Huo Lang and Song Shuhan said that Mo Bei liked her. She had vaguely noticed it in the past few days, but she still didn't dare to make a decision. But at this moment, she confirmed it.

Si Ningning really found it difficult to handle this situation.

 She didn't want to lose a friend, and at the same time, she didn't want Mo Bei to persist in his obsession.

So soon, Si Ningning made a decision.

The darkness was like mist. She stood in the mist with curved lips and a slight smile. With the shyness of a girl, she held her broken hair behind her ears. After twisting it for a while, she said:

"I know, I, I wanted to come back early, it was Huo Lang... Anyway, it was Huo Lang who sent me back today. Between us, um... hehe, you should know that, right?"

Si Ningning didn’t say it clearly.

Mo Bei is a smart person, and she knew that Mo Bei would understand the meaning.

If Mo Bei didn't know or pretended not to know about the relationship between her and Huo Lang before, then if she indirectly said it this time, Mo Bei could no longer pretend, so he should have restrained himself, right?

Or, maybe he was really unaware in the first place, but now that he knows she has a crush on her, will he give up?

Si Ningning couldn't figure out which kind of Mo Bei he belonged to, but in short, she would not leave any thoughts about Mo Bei.


 No books abandoned!

 A Yao will be finished!

But really, it’s been very serious here recently. I was diagnosed in Building 6 and Building 19 at noon. People are so panicked that I really can’t get into the state of writing. Alas...

 (End of this chapter)

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