Chapter 357: Coming to the door

"You just need to know about this, I..." Si Ningning rubbed the tip of her nose and laughed, "It's hard to say more."

 “You” refers to everyone in the educated youth spot.

 As for not saying much, it refers to the rigor of the times.

Although there are now arguments for advocating freedom of marriage and opposing arranged marriages, in fact, people still have rigid and conservative ideas when it comes to the treatment of male-dominated relationships.

Si Ningning blinked and was not ready to say anything more. She turned sideways and tried to bypass Mo Bei and enter the house. However, as soon as she took a step away, Mo Bei grabbed her arm and squeezed her.

 They are side by side, but facing opposite sides.

Si Ningning turned her head and saw only Mo Bei's strong profile, but not his expression.

Among the people who went home to visit relatives during the Spring Festival, not only did they gain weight, they also looked better, but Mo Bei did not.

His jawline is sharp and he looks thinner than before.

 “What else…”

                               Si Ningning.

Just as Si Ningning was about to speak, he was interrupted by Mo Bei.

She said "Huh?" in confusion, and clearly felt the hand holding her forearm tightening again.

His eyebrows furrowed slightly, Si Ningning was about to withdraw his hand, but Mo Bei held it tighter.


 “Have you already agreed? Have you promised him?”

Si Ningning’s facial features wrinkled slightly and she shook her head unconsciously, “What?”

Mo Bei then turned around to look at her, "Huo Lang likes you and he told you, so you agreed to him."

His sentence was not a question, but a straightforward statement.

Si Ningning nodded, "Yes."

Mo Bei's stern face became even colder, but his lips pursed with a hint of grievance. At that moment, his expression returned to normal, and he asked Si Ningning again:

“Does your family know that you have made this decision? What will your parents think? Also, why are you leaving in such a hurry this time when you go back to visit relatives? Even when I went to find you..."

 “This is my business.”

The more Mo Beiyue talked, the more excited he became. Si Ningning felt that it was not possible to continue, and was afraid of attracting the attention of other people in the room, so she pulled back her arm forcefully, "I know what I am doing, I am doing this Everything was taken care of by then.”

"Mo Bei, we are friends, but we can only be friends. You are afraid of me getting hurt and worried about me. I understand, and I am very grateful to you."

 The setting sun, stars, tomorrow, the road ahead is long, the future is bright, there are countless interesting people and beautiful scenery, Mo Bei should not stop here.

After thinking about this clearly, Si Ningning did not intend to show mercy anymore. Her crescent eyebrows were lowered, and her deer eyes looked at Mo Bei with complicated emotions:

"But in order for us to continue to be friends, I hope you can position yourself correctly, maintain a good distance, and not interfere too much in my personal affairs."

These words were very decisive and even heartless. No matter how stupid Mo Bei was, he realized at this time that Si Ningning was drawing a clear line with him.

It can be said that he felt sour in his heart, but it was true that he had no position.

Mo Bei restrained his emotions and slowly retracted his hand. When Si Ningning passed him by, he endured it again and again, but could not hold it back and said:

"I will wait for you!"

Si Ningning paused, and Mo Bei's clear voice came with a slight tremor, "If he treats you badly, you can always reply..."

 “I won’t look back.”

Si Ningning didn't listen to what Mo Bei continued.

She slowly lowered her eyes and looked blankly in the dim sky, "I will choose the path I choose, and I will go all the way to the end. Even if something goes wrong in the middle, I will not look back."

 “Mo Bei, don’t imitate my stubbornness.”

 “Because even then you can’t make me have any good feelings towards you.”

Si Ningning sighed softly and stepped forward slowly, "Instead of insisting on this kind of thing and making me hate you, it is better to take a longer-term view. If you can occupy a place in a certain industry in the future, then I will at least appreciate you. you."

Without looking at the situation on Mo Bei's side, Si Ningning stepped up the steps and crossed the threshold. The girls' happy voices immediately sounded in the room:

 “Ning Ning is back! Everyone is discussing what to eat for dinner!”

There was little work in the team during this time and no work points to earn. The educated youth always had two meals, a late breakfast and a late dinner.

Si Ningning took a deep breath to calm down her emotions, put on a smile and joined the queue of girls, and began to have a heated discussion together.

 After renting a house in the town to solve the problem of the piglet's croaking, Si Ningning turned to building a production team.

In addition to taking care of the opening of literacy classes, after the beginning of spring, Zhao Hongbing also arranged for two young girls to be with Si Ningning, saying that they would learn to cultivate bacterial strains. In short, Si Ningning was busy for a while.

By the time I got over it, it was already the end of March. Not to mention that everything had recovered, even those who were busy outside under the sun at noon would feel extremely anxious.

After teaching the two girls on the team how to cultivate bacterial strains, Si Ningning was basically given this job. She herself worked in the educated youth center and literacy class every day.

 One more thing, the house on Hoolang's side is also in the process of being built. Si Ningning will occasionally go over to take a look, help cook for Hoolang, or boil a pot of tea for the young men who come to help.

That afternoon, in front of Chen's house, several young men with sweat scarves draped around their necks smiled and just said goodbye. Huo Lang couldn't wait to push the tea bowl against the 80-centimeter-high brick wall, holding Si Ning's hand. Ning's hands began to inspect the foundation of the new house:

“The windows will be opened here in time. I have connections in the county. If you ask around, we can get glass. You like transparency. When the house is built, all the windows in our house will be equipped with glass.”

 “Will this...”

"What's going on?" The man, who was as tall and brave as a lion, was like a gentle dog to his owner. Huo Lang didn't give Si Ningning a chance to speak, but pulled Si Ningning and continued to walk around:

"Did you see this circle of shallow ditches? You're still staring at the fence as before. Don't you like that mountain rose? I've thought about it. Now that the weather is nice and it's easy to live with flowers and plants, I'll take some free time in the past few days. A trip to the mountains.”

"It's just right. The flowers, plants and leaves are all grown, so it's easy to distinguish them." Si Ningning laughed, "You asked Hegu to call me here just to listen to your future plans?"

"That's not true." Huo Lang glanced at Si Ningning, took a shallow breath, and said cheerfully: "Speaking of plans, I really couldn't finish them in three days and three nights. The house hasn't been built yet, and there are so many things in the house. I’ve already thought about the layout.”

He held Si Ningning with one hand and pointed back and forth like a conductor with the other hand:

"You are dexterous and can make clothes. I have agreed with the leader that we will not use foreign exchange coupons this month and exchange them for industrial coupons. When the time comes, I will buy a sewing machine and place it against the window sill. When you want to make clothes, you can get one." Come on, I have a sewing machine so I don’t hurt my eyes.”

 “You have thought carefully.”

"This is not thorough." Huo Lang shook his head and took Si Ningning to look at the other side. "You know how to take care of these things. You can live a normal life even without me. But in life, you always strive to get better and better." Go ahead, if you follow me, I can't let you live any worse than when you were alone."

"That can't be done, so it's not considered thoughtful. This is the basic responsibility of a man."

"Okay, you have a point, I will listen to you." Si Ningning covered her mouth and snickered, then stuck out her tongue for a while and said: "I am the one who benefits anyway, you can do whatever you want."

Horang didn't mind Si Ningning's teasing attitude at all. He continued to talk. After expressing all his thoughts, he pulled Si Ningning to the side and sat down.

Si Ningning tilted her head to one side, clasped her hands together in front of her knees, and looked at him amusedly, "What's wrong? Is there anything important that needs to be discussed in detail?"

 “This time it’s really serious, very serious.”

 “Oh? Tell me about it?”

Si Ningning made a family chore that everyone was listening to

 Huo Lang took hold of Si Ningning's little hand and played with it over and over again. He frowned and looked ahead. He summarized his speech for a long time before speaking:

"You remember what I told you at the end of the year. I went to see Aunt Lianmi afterwards. I have been preparing some of the things she said. Now I have almost all the things. If you think it is okay, I Tell her later and let her go to the educated youth center in the next two days."

Si Ningning nodded, "I can do that, but is it appropriate to bother Aunt Lianmi all the time?"

Huo Lang smiled hoarsely and wanted to squeeze Si Ningning's soft and smooth cheek flesh. He probably felt that his hand had moved a brick and it was very dirty. He stretched out his hand to a distance and then retracted it. He continued to squeeze Si Ningning's hand and play with it. .

Si Ningning has a well-proportioned figure, with no excess flesh on her body, and her hands are green and slender. However, the girl's hands are different from those of the rough man. Even though there is no flesh, they feel soft when pinched.

Huo Lang couldn't put it down. Sometimes he scratched Si Ningning's palm, sometimes he hooked her fingers, pinched her fingertips, and said frankly:

“This is the time when the benefits of living in a village are revealed. Everyone likes to join in the fun and enjoy the good times, especially red and happy events.”

Si Ningning nodded lightly, "Okay, I'm afraid that because of our affairs, we will always trouble others and make everyone unhappy if we go back to celebrate."

 “No, everyone is my own family, don’t think too much about it.”

"Yes." Si Ningning nodded again, and at the same time scratched the palm of Huo Lang's hand, and said: "After you are done with this matter, you can take some time to buy something or have a meal with Uncle Hong Bing. Come and see if you can." Let's show our attitude and don't let people think that we take things for granted and only know how to boss people around but don't know how to express ourselves."

Huo Lang was amused by Si Ningning's repeated "we", and felt very worried. He nodded in response:

“Don’t worry, I know it. I’ve always kept this in mind, and there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Huo Lang said that he would have Chen Lianmi come to his door in a few days. In fact, after he and Si Ningning passed their anger, he asked Chen Lianmi to go to the educated youth center with her things at noon the next day.

 Five pounds of brown sugar, five pounds of pork, plus a red headband, a soft red cashmere scarf, and "fashionable" clothes that you can't buy in department stores in the county.

There are two sets of clothes, one with a white doll collar and an aqua skirt with a silky texture that is skin-friendly.

The other set is a two-piece suit that reformed the shape of Lenin's suit. It is a bit like a suit. It is a more formal dress style for women in this era. The material of the clothes is very thick, heavy and takes up a lot of weight. At the same time, the quality It's also pretty good in terms of quality.

Each of these things is a rare good thing if taken alone, let alone so many of them accumulated together.

Chen Lianmi carried the basket into the house and took out the things one by one on the table in the main room. By chance, she bumped into several people who were still in the house. When they saw this scene, their eyes widened, and their mouths could be filled even if they were big enough. egg.

 The more surprised the others were, the straighter Chen Lianmi’s back straightened.

She has long regarded Huo Lang as one of her family members, and the shocked looks from others now are all demonstrating Huo Lang's ability and ability. Chen Lianmi is as happy as Yourong.

"Si Zhiqing, you should know that I am here today. It was Alang who asked me to come. He has no adults in his family and has many things to do. Don't be surprised."

Si Ningning had crooked eyes and a light smile, and poured a cup of tea for Chen Lianmi obediently, "What did Auntie say? Am I that kind of person? Auntie, sit down and drink tea, and speak slowly." "

In the main room, Si Ningning and Chen Lianmi were negotiating in an orderly manner. Across the door, several girls who were avoiding were lying on the door, peeking and eavesdropping through the gaps. Instead of turning their heads and talking to each other, sentence:

“Is Ning Ning really going to marry that security captain?”

"It should be so. Can you still fake it after it has come to this point? That Huo Lang looks good and has strength. Although he is a bit older, he is willing to give it up! Look at the things he bought on the table, just You can’t even buy that Lenin for fifty dollars!”

Jiang Yue lay on the door and looked out. After a while, she lowered her voice and sighed: "I don't have high requirements for my partner. I don't expect him to be good-looking, and I don't care whether he has money. I just need to know how to love him..."

Xu Shuhua pushed her, blinked and suppressed a smile and joked, "What! Are you feeling springy?"

"You're so excited!" Jiang Yue blushed, turned around and pushed Xu Shuhua, "If you talk nonsense again, I, I'll beat you!"

Xu Shuhua laughed, then suppressed her laughter and said, "I didn't say anything, why are you so anxious? You shouldn't have said it before me..."

Before she could say the words "It's right," Xu Shuhua was pushed to the bed by Jiang Yue, who pressed her down and scratched her armpits.

“Have you already told me that you don’t keep your mouth shut? It’s so annoying!”

"Hahaha, okay, I was wrong, I was wrong, hahaha, stop scratching, stop scratching!"

Xu Shuhua fought to the death and got into trouble with Jiang Yue.

The room was in a commotion, and he accidentally bumped into Song Xiaoyun who was standing in the middle of the room while pushing. Although there was not much force, Song Xiaoyun seemed to be distracted, and she stumbled and almost fell down after being bumped by them.

Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua hurriedly stopped playing, holding Song Xiaoyun's arms. They originally wanted to make a joke to suit the mood, but they saw that Song Xiaoyun's face was as white as paper, and it was a bit blue.

Xu Shuhua was startled and reacted first, pulling Song Xiaoyun and asking seriously: "Xiaoyun, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Yue also noticed something was wrong with Song Xiaoyun at this time. She put the back of her hand against Song Xiaoyun's forehead and asked, "Why is your face so ugly? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

 (End of this chapter)

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