Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 358: What's wrong with you!

Chapter 358 Are you sick?

 “I, I’m fine...just, I’m a little flustered.”

Song Xiaoyun stiffly withdrew her hand and moved timidly to the edge of the bed, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, I'm really fine..."

 Xu Shuhua and Jiang Yue looked at each other, a little worried, but after a few more questions, Song Xiaoyun still refused to ask more questions and help. They both continued to talk and forgot about it.

On the other hand, Si Ningning accepted the things and sent Chen Lianmi away. The matter between her and Huo Lang was finally announced to the world.

As soon as Chen Lianmi left, Si Ningning started to clean up.

First it was brown sugar, then pork. The weather was getting hotter and it was difficult to put away too much pork. Si Ningning cut off a piece as big as his chin and put it in a bowl and put it separately. The remaining pork was smeared with salt and hung on a hook in the kitchen. Let the breeze blow slowly in a cool environment.

Xu Shuhua and the others came out of the room and shouted to everyone to raise money to prepare lunch. When Si Ningning heard the noise, she poked her head out of the kitchen, her eyes curled up and she said with a smile:

"Today is a special day. After you collect the rations, stop working. I will cook you a delicious meal. It is also a congratulation to me. Let's be happy together."

Xu Shuhua and the others are not very embarrassed, but they are.

It’s hard to refuse this.

 After looking at each other one by one, everyone laughed and said:

  "Well, if I'm lucky, I've got the advantage again this time, then we're just waiting to eat it?"

Si Ningning laughed, "Okay, just wait!"

Si Ningning bluntly said that we should eat meat at noon. After everyone discussed it, they decided that meat was a rare thing. Since they planned to have a good meal, they did not hide it, and ate the thin noodles and sorghum that they were reluctant to eat one by one. The rice was taken out.

 Four and sorghum rice had to be made separately. Si Ningning felt it was a bit troublesome, so he persuaded everyone to eat sorghum rice at noon.

 After putting away everyone’s lunch boxes filled with sorghum rice, add water to the pot, put a bamboo steaming tray on it, put the lunch boxes on and cover the pot to steam directly.

After finishing this work, Si Ningning cut the small piece of pork left over into thin shreds, added a little starch and seasonings, mixed them well, put them in two bowls, and then went to the door to pinch some green onions and young vegetable leaves. return.

There were ready-made fresh bamboo shoots behind the house. Of course Si Ningning didn't miss them. He picked a small one and broke it off, peeled it dry and washed it and brought it back to the house into thin strips.

 After boiling hot water to remove the astringency of the bamboo shoots, Si Ningning quickly fried the spring bamboo shoots and shredded pork.

While Xu Shuhua and the others were putting it on the table, she was not idle and made another pot of shredded pork soup.

The pot was bubbling, and Si Ningning pinched it. Before the shredded pork soup came out of the pot, she threw in the young vegetable leaves that she had just picked. After scalding them a little, she found a bowl and a spoon and poured them out. .

 The long-awaited meat and fish dish was cooked by Si Ningning himself, and everyone enjoyed the lunch meal.

Maybe it’s because it’s not easy to say anything negative about a happy occasion, or maybe those who used to be unfavorable about Si Ningning and Huo Lang have changed their minds in recent times. Everyone complimented and congratulated one after another, and Si Ningning was a bit upset. Embarrassed.

"Don't talk about me." Si Ningning smiled and picked up the bamboo cup beside the bowl in a blink of an eye, deliberately making a funny and heroic move, "Let me toast you all with tea instead of wine! I wish you all the same in the future. You can find your sweetheart and caring person! ”



 “I want to give you one in return! Wait for me to get you a glass of water!”

"Me too! Although we have different blood, we are all children of a big family. Since we went to the countryside together and came here, I have long regarded everyone as my sisters and brothers! Anyway, I don't know anything else. I can’t tell you, Si Zhiqing, I wish you a happy life in the future! If anyone is wronged by you, come back and tell us, and we will stand up for you together!”


Si Ningning smiled helplessly and nodded "Okay".

Educated Youth Spot was bustling with excitement and excitement. The atmosphere was unprecedentedly high. Of course, some people were happy and some were worried.

Mo Bei ate this meal silently, feeling sour in his heart. However, he remembered Si Ningning's words, so he kept restraining his emotions in order to maintain a reasonable "distance".

 In the noisy atmosphere, everyone was chatting while eating. One person who finished eating first got off the table first. The others were not affected at all and continued to eat and chatter about themselves.

Si Ningning played along with them for a while, then took the basin and went to the well to wash themselves.

There was a man squatting beside the well near the drainage ditch. Si Ningning raised his forehead slightly and shook his head to look at it, then he came closer and said:

“Xiaoyun, what are you doing squatting here?”

Song Xiaoyun shivered and seemed to be frightened. She hurriedly poured the water from the lunch box into the ditch, turned around and gave a stiff explanation:

 “Ah, it’s okay, I…”

“I may have caught a cold and my stomach hurts a little, so I just squat here and take it easy.”

Song Xiaoyun looked very bad and spoke stiffly. She looked really uncomfortable.

Si Ningning thought for a while, thinking that the quilt on Song Xiaoyun's bed had not been changed yet, and it was still the same quilt that she had used when winter came. She felt that it was a bit inappropriate to catch a cold, and glanced behind her in the direction of the door to make sure that no one was approaching. Si Ningning He lowered his voice and asked:

“Are you on your period? I have brown sugar over there. I’ll make you a cup later.”

Song Xiaoyun's nose **** fluttered, she lowered her eyelids and pursed her lips. It took her a long time to hold back a sentence, "Ning Ning, you are so kind. Thank you. I will pay you back in the future."

Si Ningning waved her hands and showed an understanding smile, "Everyone takes care of each other and helps each other. You should go back to the house and take a rest. I will come as soon as I finish washing the dishes. Don't affect your work in the afternoon."

It’s a special day, so please eat all the meat, and don’t care about the spoonful and a half of brown sugar.

Si Ningning bent down to fetch water and wash the lunch box. Song Xiaoyun stood aside, biting her lip and staring at her back for a while, hesitantly said thank you again before slowly leaving.

Si Ningning seemed to sense it and took the time to look back.

Song Xiaoyun's steps are erratic, and her mental state doesn't seem to be very good recently.

Si Ningning could sense that Song Xiaoyun must have something on her mind, but since Song Xiaoyun didn't tell her, she had no reason to ask more questions.

  Averting his eyes for a few times to wash the lunch box, Si Ningning went back to the house and made two cups of brown sugar water, one for Song Xiaoyun and one for herself to drink.

 Her childhood also happened in the past few days. She had to be careful and pay more attention, so that she would feel better when her aunt came.

Si Ningning focused on living her own life and didn't pay much attention to other people's affairs, so that she heard all the later news about Song Xiaoyun from discussions between Xu Shuhua and Jiang Yue.

For example, Song Xiaoyun's complexion is very bad, and it is getting worse, but why is it so bad?

For example, Song Xiaoyun has been acting weird recently. When I asked her, she didn't say anything. She always went out secretly. She felt like she was hiding something from everyone.

 For example, so and so on the team came to the Educated Youth Center to find Song Xiaoyun, etc.

Si Ningning had a strong feeling in her heart. The more she heard various news, the tighter her brows became, because what she was most worried about might have already happened subtly.

Si Ningning couldn't make up her mind and didn't know whether or not to intervene in Song Xiaoyun's affairs, so she went to Huo Lang for advice.

Huo Lang lowered his eyebrows and squeezed Si Ningning's hand. He was silent for a long time before he spoke:

"Everyone has the right to choose. She is not a child after all. If what you guessed is true, then I think she should have thought about the consequences and how to deal with it before doing these things." The meaning of this statement is very clear. , Huo Lang didn't want Si Ningning to interfere.

Moreover, this matter is of a special nature and is difficult to manage. Even if you manage it, you will not get any benefits, and you may even get into trouble.

 Having said that, Huo Lang knew Si Ningning.

His girl is considerate and kind-hearted, and will always consider the people around her. If she regards Song Xiaoyun as a friend, she will not let Song Xiaoyun jump into the fire pit.

This silly girl seems to be asking for his opinion now, but in fact, she already has an idea in her heart.

Huo Lang sighed slightly, held Si Ningning's hand and turned sideways, making eye contact with Si Ningning and said seriously:

"If you have an idea, just do it according to your own ideas. My suggestion is that even if you want to take care of it, just stop it. It is your initiative to intervene in this matter, not someone else's request. You have no position in going further, you know? "

Si Ningning looked at Huo Lang with clear deer eyes and nodded seriously.

 She understands.

"Then I'll go back first. This matter can't be delayed. If we can solve it as soon as possible, we must solve it as soon as possible."

"Wait a moment."

Si Ningning was about to stand up as she spoke. Huo Lang pulled her and asked:

 “Do you know who the other party is?”

Huo Lang was asking about the young man who went to the educated youth center to find Song Xiaoyun.

After all, he has been in the team for a long time. Not only does he know more than Si Ningning, but he is also more authoritative than Si Ningning in many aspects.

Si Ningning wanted to help Song Xiaoyun, but Huo Lang was defending Si Ningning. If Si Ningning decided to intervene, he certainly couldn't stand aside and ignore it.

Si Ningning shook her head and said frankly: "I heard they said it was a **** man who came here to look for me, but they didn't say who it was."

Huo Lang nodded and said, "Go ahead. If you know who it is, tell me as soon as possible."

Si Ningning understood what he meant, nodded, waved and trotted away.

Whether Song Xiaoyun did it of her own free will, or someone used it as a threat, Si Ningning would try her best to help find a solution. However, she thought very well, but the reality did not give her this chance.

Running all the way back to the educated youth point, Si Ningning had a layer of hot sweat on her back. She took off her backpack and put it on the big table in the main room. She found the bamboo cup she marked and poured a glass of water. Wander around.

At about lunch time, there should be someone in the room here, but today it was strange, I didn’t see anyone.

Just as he was wondering, a voice suddenly came from inside the closed door:

  “Why are you so stupid!”

  It was the voice of Xu Shuhua hating that iron cannot become steel.

 Following this, Jiang Yue’s impatient and angry questioning voice came:

"Have you thought about what kind of situation everyone will face when you do this? Even if we are not related to you and you don't consider us, have you considered yourself and my mother?"

After questioning, Jiang Yue seemed to feel even more annoyed. Her tone gradually became more cunning and rude, "You are still a scholar when you do such a shameless thing!"

“That’s enough Jiang Yue, stop talking, it’s better to go ahead…”

"She has already done it, are you afraid of me telling her? What have you done a long time ago!" Jiang Yue's angry voice overwhelmed Xu Shuhua's comforting voice. The commotion in the room became more and more intense, and there was a strong possibility of a dispute.

Si Ningning didn't have time to think too much. She put down her cup and was about to open the door and go in. As she approached the door and before she could reach out her hand, the door was suddenly opened from the inside and a person rushed out until she bumped into her.

Si Ningning took two steps back, stood firm and saw who it was, and subconsciously grabbed the person.

Xu Shuhua also chased out of the room. When she saw Si Ningning standing at the door, she seemed to have seen a savior. She stepped forward to help hold Song Xiaoyun, and smiled at Si Ningning with a bitter face:

“Ning Ning, you’re back just in time. Your mind works very fast, so please help me think of a solution!”

Jiang Yue was sitting on the bed to catch her breath. When she saw Song Xiaoyun running away, she ignored her anger and hurriedly followed him out. When she saw Xu Shuhua and Si Ningning stopping them, the worried look on her face quickly faded away.

Jiang Yue snorted and pushed through Song Xiaoyun, who was blocking the door, and went to sit down at the table in the main room. Although she didn't say anything, her ears were perked up, waiting to hear Si Ningning's advice.

Si Ningning had a guess in her mind, but she really didn’t know what happened at the moment, so she asked:

 “What’s going on? What’s going on?”

"that is…"

Just as Xu Shuhua was about to explain what happened, Song Xiaoyun waved her arms away and threw her away.

Despite Song Xiaoyun's small stature, her struggle at this moment was surprisingly strong. She first threw Xu Shuhua away, then turned around and pushed Si Ningning away. Her watery eyes were red and her eyes were bruised. obvious.

"You don't have to be sarcastic here, I didn't ask you to take care of me! I do things by myself, so what's bothering you - ugh!"

She was like a frightened rabbit, suddenly having a stress reaction, and roaring angrily like a broken jar.

Ke was roaring and roaring, and suddenly he bowed and vomited a puddle of water.

Si Ningning suddenly heard a sound in her head. She frowned and stepped forward to grab Song Xiaoyun's hand, "Are you pregnant..."

 “You want to laugh at me too, right?”

Song Xiaoyun didn't give Si Ningning a chance to speak, and yelled to throw her away again.

Song Xiaoyun was under a lot of pressure. She had been patient when Jiang Yue scolded her, but after seeing Si Ningning, her rationality seemed to have reached the breaking point, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Your friends protect you, your partner builds you a new house and gives you the best things, but I don't want anything. Are you proud of it? Do you think I'm ridiculous?"

 “Why is everyone leaning towards you! All good luck is leaning towards you!”

"Just because my family is not as good as yours, my diploma is not as good as yours, my appearance is not as good as yours, and my actions are not as good as yours, do I deserve it? Why? I have obviously worked hard!"

Song Xiaoyun asked Si Ningning with red eyes.

Every time he asked a question, Song Xiaoyun would push Si Ningning hard until his back was pressed against the wall. She refused to give up and wanted to complain and say something more.

Jiang Yue on the side couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and stood in front of Si Ningning, and slapped Song Xiaoyun in the face.

"What's wrong with you!"

 (End of this chapter)

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