Chapter 359 Stubbornness

Song Xiaoyun is in a state of emotional excitement, so why is she willing to be beaten?

 I immediately went up to get entangled with Jiang Yue, scratching his face and pulling his hair.

Xu Shuhua was almost dying of anxiety. Before she could ask about Si Ningning's situation, she hurriedly came over to start a fight: "Oh! Don't fight, don't fight!"

Song Xiaoyun also regarded Si Ningning as a friend. Si Ningning was living a good life, and she felt happy from the bottom of her heart.

But Si Ningning usually lived a prosperous life, and she had seen Huo Lang give things to Si Ningning several times, so Song Xiaoyun also had some ideas in her mind.

It’s not that the girl is pregnant, it can only be said that she takes it for granted and is naive, thinking that all men in the world are as good as Huo Lang and have the same conditions as Huo Lang, but what?

But in fact, it's not.

When she first hooked up with the young man on the team, Song Xiaoyun could still rub a few eggs and a few big stick bones. To be honest, immersed in the simple sweet talk, Song Xiaoyun was actually quite satisfied. It was obvious that Huo Lang was busy. Hou Di gave Si Ningning a betrothal gift and built a new house, which she also wanted.

 She told that person what she thought. The other person was very embarrassed, but promised her that he would work hard and let her wait.

Later, the pregnancy happened suddenly, and Song Xiaoyun was also very scared. She didn't dare to tell Si Ningning and Xu Shuhua, so she could only think about it by herself. After thinking about it, her thoughts became different again.

Song Xiaoyun felt that this child might be a bargaining chip for her, so she told the person about the matter, and the other person was very happy, and he would definitely get what she wanted, but...

 It had only been a few days, and he came over again and told her no.

 Said that my wife at home did not agree.

 She said that if she was willing, they could get married immediately, but there was nothing promised.

 If you don't want to, you can only take the child away and break up from now on.

Song Xiaoyun panicked, and her spirits deteriorated for a time. Coupled with morning sickness in the early stages of pregnancy, Xu Shuhua and Jiang Yue found clues that led to today's scene.

Both parties are friends, and they are both friends. Jiang Yue must be leaning towards her friends, but everything Song Xiaoyun does has stepped on her bottom line.

Furthermore, Song Xiaoyun chose to do what she did, but when she was dissatisfied afterwards, she vented her grievances on Si Ningning. Why?

 Owe her?

Angry and complaining about Si Ningning, Jiang Yue struck hard. Not only did she slap Song Xiaoyun, but she also pulled out two locks of her hair.

Song Xiaoyun is the petite among the female educated youths. She usually doesn't eat much nutritious food, and she hasn't eaten well these days. She is at a disadvantage in terms of body shape, momentum or strength, and she is completely passive in being beaten.

Seeing that Song Xiaoyun had been beaten and had a cracked mouth and nosebleeds, Xu Shuhua couldn't hold her back anymore, so she asked Si Ningning for help: "Ningning, Ningning, please say something! I really can't hold on anymore, I can't keep beating like this!"

  No, of course not.

 Hitting people won't solve anything.

Si Ningning recovered from the shock of being pushed, her eyelashes drooped, and she pulled Jiang Yue from behind, "That's enough Jiang Yue."

 She didn't use any strength, but Jiang Yue just stopped.

Jiang Yue looked back at her, her eyes swaying, but she hesitated to speak: "Ning Ning..."

Si Ningning curved her lips and smiled gently, but the smile was not as deep as her eyes. "I will try my best to help."

Jiang Yue was afraid that she would mind Song Xiaoyun's words and ignore the matter. Then Song Xiaoyun might really be doomed, so she was ruthless in order to help her get rid of the unhappiness accumulated in her heart and wait until she felt comfortable. Let's continue talking about this.

Although Jiang Yue has a bad temper, she is also a true character.

Si Ningning understands her and what she means.

She originally planned to help Song Xiaoyun, and now she will still help Song Xiaoyun, but only this time.

And after this incident, the friendship between her and Song Xiaoyun can be regarded as coming to an end here.

I don’t care whether the friendship will go back, but it will definitely not continue to extend into the future.

 Sincerity is exchanged for sincerity. No one wants to be compared and complained behind by others after giving sincere feelings.

The curved eyes returned to a calm state, and Si Ningning looked calm, even indifferent and took the lead to enter the room, "Tell me about the detailed process."

Xu Shuhua and Jiang Yue explained to Si Ningning one by one what they had learned from Song Xiaoyun in advance. Occasionally, when something was not quite correct, Song Xiaoyun would cry and explain and add to it, but except for Besides, the only thing she said the most was:

 “He lied to me.”

Si Ningning didn’t even look at Song Xiaoyun during the process of understanding the situation. Only when she finally understood the entire situation, did she turn her eyes to Song Xiaoyun.

Her eyes were cold, without any of her usual pleasant and approachable aura. When Song Xiaoyun met her eyes, she immediately put aside her shadow and resentment, and behaved like a quail, waiting for Si Ningning to speak.

Song Xiaoyun also knew that she had overreacted just now and did something wrong, but she was currently entangled in things, and she was in no mood to apologize. Moreover, she was feeling stuck in her heart from beginning to end, and did not want to bow her head in front of Si Ningning at this time.

She is already too short of Si Ningning...

Song Xiaoyun mixed her hands together, lowered her head and stubbornly pinched out crescent arcs one after another in her palms.

She is always stubborn where she shouldn't be, and she compromises where she shouldn't. Numerous details have revealed signs that she and Si Ningning are not on the same road.

Si Ningning looked at Song Xiaoyun silently for a while, as if after considering it, she sighed softly and asked Song Xiaoyun, "Maybe I have already understood that the matter has reached this point. What do you think? Or according to your expectations, what do you want? How to deal with it? Tell me and let me listen."

Song Xiaoyun’s head shook, and she looked at Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua with helpless eyes. Seeing that one of them had a cold face and not looking at her, while the other nodded to her with encouragement, Song Xiaoyun swallowed, hesitated for a while, and said:

 “I, I don’t know how to solve it, but, but I like him, but he lied to me...”

She rambled on for a long time, but the only useful information she gave was this sentence.

“You know he lied to you, but you still want to be with him?”

Si Ningning’s crescent eyebrows furrowed tightly, and she exhaled forcefully through her nose. She tapped her fingers on the small table beside the bed, and her tone couldn’t help but become stern:

“You are a person who has read books and has a certain vision. You should understand that there will be many ways out in the future and there will be better choices. I hope you will consider it carefully.”

Song Xiaoyun's brain was like a knot of steel bars. She bit her lip and shook her head persistently. She looked at Si Ningning and said, "I, I, you don't understand this. I can only be with him in this life!"

Si Ningning fell silent.

She didn't know Song Xiaoyun's specific thoughts, but based on her understanding of Song Xiaoyun, she felt that the reason why Song Xiaoyun said this was due to her fundamental conservatism. She believed that whoever a woman gives to for the first time must be with her for the rest of her life. who.

After thinking again and again, Si Ningning said: "As long as you want, you don't have to be with him. I will help you as much as possible, and you can live a normal life as before." "No." Song Xiaoyun shook her head and gritted her teeth. Ya Guan said: "You don't have to persuade me! I like him and I am willing to be with him!"

Xu Shuhua gave Song Xiaoyun a hand, "Xiaoyun, don't be stupid! I think Ning Ning is right, you should listen to her on this matter."

Song Xiaoyun lowered her head and remained unmoved.

Si Ningning had calmed down from her disappointment in Song Xiaoyun and her anger at being pushed. She stopped Xu Shuhua who wanted to persuade her again, looked at Song Xiaoyun and asked:

“Just think it through yourself, but don’t think too simplistically. Whether the decision you make can count, and whether your family agrees or not, all these must be taken into consideration.”

After a pause, Si Ningning continued calmly: "I probably guessed that you are struggling with things now. I will at most play the role of a lobbyist and help you fight for it as much as possible. As for the rest, I can't guarantee anything to you. "

Jiang Yue tilted her head and not only met Xu Shuhua's eyes, but both of them saw confusion in each other's eyes.

 They didn’t understand, but at the same time they were also curious about what Si Ningning had guessed.

 It’s just that the situation at the moment is hard to ask.

 Song Xiaoyun's thoughts are actually easy to guess.

She has already made up her mind to be with him. Now she is torn and refuses to nod. It’s not that she doesn’t want to, but that things are not in place.

 To put it bluntly, between feelings and comfortable living conditions and living environment, Song Xiaoyun prefers the latter.

Huo Lang said it right, individuals have their own choices. Si Ningning had already tactfully analyzed and advised Song Xiaoyun, but Song Xiaoyun insisted on it, and Si Ningning had no choice.

If a group of people can’t persuade you, what else can you do?

Don’t hit the wall and don’t look back. Whether it’s suffering or happiness, they are all things that individuals must experience in their lives.

Si Ningning's eyes swayed, then she lowered her eyelashes, and sighed with a little regret: "You and I have known each other for a year, and we have eaten and lived together under the same roof. It can be considered a bit of affection. Considering this little affection, Seriously, I will come forward this time, but it’s only this time.”

Si Ningning didn’t hide anything, she opened her arms to Song Xiaoyun and said:

“Again, you have to think it over yourself. If you live well in the future, it is a blessing. If you live badly, you can’t blame others.”

Song Xiaoyun lowered her head, and gradually tightened her hands on the fabric of her pants at the knees. She gave a muffled "hmm" and said thank you to Si Ningning. At the same time, she gritted her teeth and added silently in her heart:

 She will definitely have a good time!


Since everything has been explained clearly, there is no need to dwell on it any longer.

After asking who the other person was, Si Ningning went out again under the slightly hot April afternoon sun.

That man is a young man on the team, his name is Zhao Yongle.

Si Ningning has heard of this name, but has no impression of this person. He should be a person with a low sense of existence.

Because she didn't understand Zhao Yongle, Si Ningning first went to Huo Lang. After explaining the situation one by one, she asked Huo Lang: "You have been in the team for a long time, are you familiar with him? How is his character?" Like? Do you have any bad habits?”

Horang frowned, his face serious and ugly.

 For a young girl to get pregnant out of wedlock, it’s not nice to say it, it’s also not nice to think about it.

"The children in the village are all honest, and Zhao Yongle is like this, but his mother, Mrs. Zhao, is a powerful person, and she is a bit cunning and calculating."

Huo Lang sighed, "It's because there are many kids in the family and they are poor."

He didn’t say anything in detail, but Si Ningning already had a general idea.

Song Xiaoyun is an educated young man no matter what. Even if he has little physical strength and labor force, he is still a hot commodity in the eyes of most people in the countryside just because he has read books and knows how to read.

 But the bad thing now is that she has a child.

 Zhao Yongle promised her in advance. Although he didn't say anything to the letter, he could still vaguely tell that he had a good attitude, but he would suddenly change his mind later. He was probably forced by his family to have no choice but to do so.

It's okay if you're not pregnant, and if they are separated, they will be separated. The times are strict and neither party dares to tell the matter. But if you are pregnant, the situation will be different.

The countryside is such a big place, so you either have to get through before you get pregnant, or you break up and let people see how you, an educated youth girl, can be so indiscreet and shameless that you get pregnant.

 This is Mrs. Zhao's calculation and she is also very careful.

Si Ningning was not optimistic about this matter. After knowing that Zhao Yongle had three brothers who were not married, she was even more reluctant. But it was useless if she didn't want to. Song Xiaoyun was willing.

Huo Lang reached out and tapped between Si Ningning's eyebrows, smoothed her frown, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I can't do anything in this matter. If I can't stop it, I can only find a way to make the matter go smoothly and make Song Xiaoyun as little hurt as possible."

  Huo Lang nodded and united with Si Ningning, "I will do whatever you say. I will listen to you."

"Yeah." Si Ningning nodded, thought about it, and said, "If you can, you can introduce him to me individually. I want to see his attitude first."

Huo Lang's peach blossom eyes flashed and he pondered for a moment. He roughly guessed what Si Ningning was thinking. He nodded without hesitation and rubbed his forehead with his big palm, "Have you not eaten yet? Do you know where the rice and food are at home? You do it yourself first, and I’ll fetch someone for you.”

After saying that, without waiting for Si Ningning to respond, he stood up and took off the coat hanging on the nail on the wall, shook it off and threw it over his shoulders, and walked out in a hurry.

Huo Lang is one of the best in terms of both conditions and character, and because he is the security captain, he usually leads a small team to deal with some security matters in nearby brigades and production teams. He is very famous in this area, and it is easy for him to find out who he wants. .

In addition, he has been busy building a house recently, so when he arrived at Zhao's house, he asked for help from Zhao Yongle.

Without saying a word, Mrs. Zhao hurriedly called Zhao Yongle out.

Horang is like hot cakes. Mrs. Zhao really hopes to get closer to him, and helping to build a house is a good thing. Not only can she get closer, but she can also have a meal!

Mrs. Zhao had inquired about it early in the morning. Huo Lang spent a lot of money. Every meal she gave to the helpers was either white flour steamed buns or sorghum rice mixed with sweet potato cubes. The quantity was quite generous.

If it weren't for the fact that the people hired by Huo Lang were all selected from the security team, Mrs. Zhao would have sent all her sons to go.

 Now that it’s good, it’s time to seize the opportunity.

 (End of this chapter)

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