Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 360: No definite number

Chapter 360 No definite number

"Alang, is Yongle alone enough to handle it? Fuchun doesn't have much work today, why not let him go with us?"

 Zhao Yongle has four brothers. He is the third brother at home. He has the eldest brother Zhao Fuchun, the second brother Zhao Funian, and the younger brother Zhao Yongxi.

The Zhao family is like all conventional families in this era. It has no other characteristics. The only characteristic is poverty. It is precisely because of poverty that the eldest son of the Zhao family is almost thirty years old now and has not yet found a wife, let alone the Zhao family. There are several others.

While Mrs. Zhao was talking, Zhao Yongle rolled up his sleeves. Looking down from his tanned arms, he saw a pair of pitch-black hands holding a sweat towel that was either black or white.

Zhao Yongle was eager to try this job, but he was worried that he would say the wrong thing and make Mrs. Zhao unhappy. He was even more worried that Mrs. Zhao would talk too much and Huo Lang asked his eldest brother to help him or not at all.

His nerves were tense, and he suddenly heard Huo Lang say: "No need, just send one person, Yongle will be fine."

Huo Lang's eyes fell on Zhao Yongle, and he frowned slightly but showed no emotion, "See if Yongle is okay. If there is nothing else, go ahead. I can do more before it's too late."

Zhao Yongle immediately breathed a sigh of relief and smiled sincerely: "Okay! Brother Lang, I have nothing else to do!"

Zhao Yongle responded swiftly. When he and Huo Lang walked out, Mrs. Zhao was still following behind her:

"Huo Lang, my Yongle is here to help, will you be in charge of the food later? Haha... The old aunt has no other meaning. If there is no food to eat, my aunt will cook more at home. If she is in charge of the food, she will cook less. "

 “In charge of the food.”

Horang didn’t look back and walked ahead without saying a word.

Zhao Yongle felt a little embarrassed, but after thinking about it briefly, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with what his mother asked? He didn't take the matter to heart, jumped across the threshold of the yard, and followed Huo Lang towards Chen's house.

Huo Lang didn't talk much, and Zhao Yongle was not a sociable person either. The two of them walked in tandem and didn't say a word on the way to Chen's house.

Huo Lang was walking in front. When he entered the yard, he saw the broom lying on the side. His peach-blossom eyes swayed as if he had thought of something. He tilted his head to one side and lifted the broom up. He turned his back to Zhao Yongle and said, "What the **** is that guy scraping lime?" They're all in the main room, go in and get them."


Zhao Yongle nodded, without thinking about anything else. His eyes wandered casually in the yard, and then he walked towards the main room.

As soon as he took steps, Huo Lang straightened up and followed him towards the main room.

Zhao Yongle went into the house to get something, but he didn't take it. As soon as he entered the house, he bumped into Si Ningning, who was sitting in the middle of the hall, facing the door.

Si Ningning and Huo Lang were engaged. Everyone on the team knew about it. No matter young or old, they all envied Huo Lang for having an educated youth wife, who was the most beautiful among the female educated youths.

 Zhao Yongle is like this, but he also has an educated youth partner, so even though he is envious, he is actually satisfied in his heart.

The moment he saw Si Ningning, he didn't know what he thought of, but he simply just wanted to avoid suspicion. Zhao Yongle subconsciously turned around and wanted to exit the main room, but it was too late.

There was a sound of two door panels colliding. Huo Lang, who came in behind him, closed the door with his backhand. Like a tiger in a nest, he took a small bench and sat with his back against the door, completely blocking Zhao Yongle's path. die.

"Lang, Langge..." Zhao Yongle suddenly became anxious and looked at Huo Lang, who had his eyebrows lowered and looked unhappy, and then looked at Si Ningning on the other side, who was also looking at him with a stern face and a cold expression.

No matter how stupid he was, Zhao Yongle realized that it was no coincidence that he bumped into Si Ningning here.

  Si Ningning had already made plans to negotiate and was fully prepared.

  The small table that Huo Lang had collected for her to eat was moved to the main room. After placing it in the middle, he placed a bench on each side of the table, one for her to sit on and the other for her to sit on.

Zhao Yongle glanced at Huo Lang one last time, looked away and swallowed before sitting down in front of Si Ningning across the small table.

 “Si Zhiqing…”

Zhao Yongle was sitting on pins and needles and stammered.

When Zhao Yongle walked in, Si Ningning took a closer look and found that his height should be about 168 to 170 centimeters.

Sitting down to talk now, Si Ningning's eyes swayed, and Zhao Yongle couldn't help but look around carefully.

All country boys have dark skin, and Huo Lang does, but Zhao Yongle is darker than Huo Lang.

His face is thin, with thick eyebrows, a high bridge of nose, and very clear eyes. However, based on his thin face and frame, his lips appear to be particularly thick visually.

Looking at his appearance, he looks like a simple and honest young man, but he speaks intermittently and looks like he's looking around. He doesn't look like a person who can make decisions independently.

Si Ningning can basically predict what the future life will be like if Song Xiaoyun really marries Zhao Yongle and has children.

But she knew it was useless. She was not the person involved and could not influence Song Xiaoyun's decision. At the same time, she was not very willing to wade into this muddy water, so she was not very biased towards Song Xiaoyun when she spoke, nor did she deliberately question Zhao Yongle. .

"Xiaoyun is my friend. You saw me here and now you are sitting in front of me. You should know what I mean."

"Yes..." Zhao Yongle's thick lips opened. After hesitatingly uttering a word, he lowered his head in shame, "Si Zhiqing, I will be responsible for Xiaoyun..."

"Things have happened. As one of the parties involved, of course you must bear due responsibilities. Xiaoyun is in a very bad state now, and she is pregnant... Whether this child should stay or go, a decision needs to be made as soon as possible. I I came here just to know what your plans are."

Si Ningning looked at Zhao Yongle with cold eyes, but Zhao Yongle misunderstood her meaning, raised his head and said anxiously: "She wants to take away the child?"

Si Ningning’s crescent-shaped brows suddenly lowered, and she patiently explained:

"I don't know what she's planning, but I hope you can understand one thing. What if you don't deal with it as soon as possible and your belly becomes pregnant? Do you really like her? Or love her? Then continue to delay, and she will bear the responsibility in the future. Do you know what kind of fallacies and accusations there are?”

 In any era, society is harsh on women.

 The countryside usually looks peaceful, but once something happens, the fallacies are enough to drive a person crazy.

Zhao Yongle was born and raised in the countryside, and of course he knew how powerful the talkative women living in the village and alleys in the countryside were.

His mind followed Si Ningning's words and derived pictures one after another, and finally shook his head firmly: "No! I like her! I don't want her to be hurt at all!"

After saying that, his eyes turned red again, and he held his head in pain and scratched the top of his head:

"But...but I can't help it, and I don't know what to do! I really can't give her what she wants. I...I also tried to discuss it with my family, but my family is poor and there are brothers who don't have a wife. There are several, but my mother doesn’t agree. Even if she agrees, the family can’t raise the money.”

Not to mention how troublesome and embarrassing the process of approving bricks and tiles is. Even if this relationship is opened up, a red brick costs two cents. Building a house can start with 10,000 red bricks. The bricks alone will cost about 200 yuan, let alone There are still tiles, lime, etc., but even if they sell iron, the Zhao family will not be able to raise the money.

 Another one, brothers will also have opinions. Zhao Yongle knew that the family was in trouble. After discussing it, he realized that there was no chance, so he didn't say anything more. He indeed liked Song Xiaoyun. Because the house matter had not been resolved, he did not dare to go to Song Xiaoyun again.

Zhao Yongle had a bad temper and did not want to or dared to openly confront his mother. Also because the place where he went to the countryside was small, he valued filial piety very much. He was afraid that Song Xiaoyun would make trouble with him and force him to make a choice, so he was now causing trouble in the house of female educated youths. Knowing the scene.

Zhao Yongle was in a dilemma. He originally chose to escape, but now every word of Si Ningning's words hit home. There was no room for evasion. He thought about himself in pain for a while, suppressing his emotions and said:

"I really don't know what to do. I'm willing to give her whatever I can give, but I really can't give it... Si Zhiqing, how do you think this matter should be handled well? What should I do? Neither do I I want her to be wronged!”

So what if you don’t want Song Xiaoyun to be wronged?

Song Xiaoyun is still wronged?

Si Ningning chuckled in her heart and couldn't help but think of a sentence she once saw on the Internet. It roughly meant that if you had ten dollars in your pocket, would you rather spend nine dollars or nine-nine dollars on your girlfriend? It was very impressive at the time. A young girl's love.

These words just sound "romantic", but when I think about it carefully, everything feels wrong.

Girls can obviously have a higher starting point and better and higher-quality choices, why should they choose you for ten yuan?

  Is it worth it to spend the rest of your life busy at home and outside for temporary guarantees and temporary romance, only to find that life is not as good as you originally imagined? If you complain even if you complain a few times, you may be criticized for material things?

of course not.

The two incidents before and after are different, but the nature is the same. For example, Song Xiaoyun is now unconscious and cannot pull ten cows back.

For example, at first she felt that Song Xiaoyun was good everywhere and wanted to be together all the time, but when Song Xiaoyun said she wanted a house, she backed away and avoided Zhao Yongle.

Perhaps they both like each other?

 But I don’t like it that much either.

Si Ningning was distracted and did not answer for a long time. Huo Lang stood up and moved the bench, put his fist to his lips and coughed twice as a reminder.

Si Ningning immediately came back to her senses and said: "Although the matter is difficult to handle, it is not without a solution. The premise is that you really like her, are willing and able to take care of her in the future life, and do what a man and a pillar should do." Fulfill your responsibilities.”

 “Can you?” Si Ningning asked.

 “I can do it!” Zhao Yongle assured immediately.

As long as it's not about house matters, he can do anything else, and he will work hard to do things he can't do!

Si Ningning thought about it for a while and said, "Nothing should be missing in the wedding process. You don't have to have a house, but you must have a separate room for the two of you."

As long as you are hardworking and willing to work hard, it is the same as building a house with your own efforts after getting married.

 “One more.”

Si Ningning tucked her broken hair behind her ears, raised her head and looked at Zhao Yongle, "If you two want to live your own lives well, you must separate your family."

Mrs. Zhao has four sons, none of whom are married now. The work points earned every quarter every year, and if there is any leftover at the end of the year, they are all converted into money in the team and Mrs. Zhao is in charge of it.

 Be it interests or desire for control, it is impossible for Mrs. Zhao to agree to the separation of the family due to emotions or reasons.

 But from Song Xiaoyun's perspective, Si Ningning felt that this family must score.

 Otherwise, if Song Xiaoyun gets married, not only will her life be difficult to live, but she will also be like a gourd vine, sucking blood and dragging her into a long string.

Zhao Yongle was embarrassed and hesitant because he was probably thinking about the conflicts that would arise at home after talking about this matter. However, after careful consideration, he knitted his brows and expressed his determination to Si Ningning: "I can do it!"

"I will deal with this matter when I get back today. If Xiaoyun is willing to follow me, just let her wait for me for a few more days, just a few days!"

Zhao Yongle was able to make this decision, which made Si Ningning look at him with a high regard.

However, Si Ningning is just a lobbyist in this matter, coming to mediate. Whether he nods or shakes his head, he has to see Song Xiaoyun when he gets back.

"Don't worry, tell your family now. Let me go back and ask her what she means! If possible, tonight or tomorrow, I will ask Huo Lang to reply to you."

 At this point, Si Ningning had already stood up. It was obvious that all that needed to be said had been said.

Zhao Yongle stood up and nodded repeatedly, "Okay, please trouble Si Zhiqing."

Although there is still pressure in his heart, Zhao Yongle feels much more relaxed than before.

Instead of the whole family getting involved and making noise together because of money matters, it would be a matter of time sooner or later if the family decided to separate and the tree branched out.

And as long as the family is separated, he and Song Xiaoyun will live the same life as Si Ningning said. He is hardworking and willing to work and is not afraid that life will not get better.

Zhao Yongle scratched the back of his head, looked at Si Ningning and then turned to look at Huo Lang. He smiled naively and sincerely: "Well, should I go back first?"

Huo Lang glanced at Si Ningning and made sure that Si Ningning had nothing else to say. Then he stood up, moved the bench, and reopened the door to the hall.

Zhao Yongle said he wanted to go back, but when he was leaving, Huo Lang patted him on the shoulder and refused to let him go, "Let's work first, and take care of the food in the evening."

Zhao Yongle was stunned for a while, then he finally came to his senses, nodded and smiled even brighter.

Just now he thought that Huo Lang was just using work as an excuse to bring him here, but he didn't expect that there was really work to do.

Zhao Yongle took the hammer given by Huo Lang and ran to the foundation. He selected broken bricks and beat them. After knocking them out to a suitable size, he dug washed lime to fill the gaps in the corners.

Zhao Yongle squatted and stood sometimes, he was extremely busy.

Huo Lang stood at the door and stared for a long time, then turned back and asked Si Ningning with a smile on his face: "Are you angry?"

"Alas..." Si Ningning exhaled through her nose and spread her hands in a helpless manner, "What do I have to be angry about?"

 She has done her best to respect and not interfere with Song Xiaoyun's decision.

 What will happen in the future? Whether you can live a better life depends on the individual.

 Physical appearance, behavior or personality can sometimes tell something, but after all, she is not an expert in predicting the future. The future...

ˆ˜ has no definite number.

 (End of this chapter)

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