Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 361: Can't understand

Chapter 361 Can’t Understand

Huo Lang sighed slightly. He fully understood the helplessness and unspeakable words in Si Ningning's heart. But after all, as outsiders, it was enough that they could and were willing to do this.

Not wanting Si Ningning to worry about this matter anymore, he raised his thin lips in a slight arc and coaxed Si Ningning with a smile and asked:

 “Is there anything else you can do in the afternoon?”

Si Ningning shook his head, "My class is over. This afternoon is Jiang Yue's class. What's wrong?"

 “It’s no big deal.”

Horang shook his head and said:

“You were promised to be in charge of the rice. If you weren’t busy, there would still be half a bag of flour in the rice vat. Can you spare the time to steam a pot of steamed buns in the afternoon?”


Si Ningning nodded and agreed neatly, "Do you want white-flour steamed buns or can I just watch them?"

 “Look at it, as long as you can eat enough. It’s all manual labor, so it’s not good to give people poor food.”

Si Ningning nodded, knowing what to do.

After Huo Lang finished his instructions, he went to work. Si Ningning counted the heads of people, put her face on her hair, and then walked around on the ridge outside with a small basket in her arm.

This season the weather is just right, neither too cold nor too hot. Wild vegetables such as purslane and dandelion seedlings are sprouting in the fields, and they are all fresh and tender.

 A lot of it was dug up without much effort.

Going out to dig wild vegetables is just a pretense. No matter how plentiful and good the wild vegetables are outside, they cannot keep up with those in the space.

After slowly walking around outside, Si Ningning returned with the basket in her arms.

Sanae and Hegu were in the literacy class. Huo Lang and other young men were working on the foundation in front. Si Ningning was the only one in the kitchen of Chen's house. She closed the door and entered the space. After a while, she came out of the space with a lot of food in her hands. A large pot full of purslane, with a bunch of fresh green onions neatly stacked on top.

Si Ningning did not make steamed buns. She made steamed buns with richer plain fillings and purslane and egg fillings.

Wash the purslane, beat two eggs in the pot and fry them into frangipani. Use a spatula to mash it slightly and put it into a basin with purslane. Add salt, chicken essence, a little oil and a little cooking oil. , mix well and set aside.

 She divided the dough that had been made in advance into two, and divided the larger portion into small doughs. She placed it on the chopping board and pressed it down with her palms to form a bun wrapper.

After dividing the dough into small pieces, Si Ningning found a spoon to scoop out the stuffing. She pressed a piece of dough to make a bun. Her hands were not big but surprisingly flexible. She made about fifty buns in half an hour.

At first glance, the buns look very small, but Si Ningning added yeast when making the dough. After steaming them in the pan for a while, the buns can expand by more than half a size.

There are too many buns to make at one time. Si Ningning took a quick look and found that they need to be steamed at least three times. It’s better to be early than before.

Filling the front pot with water, Si Ningning set up a bamboo steaming tray and slowly put the buns on top. She put firewood on the stove and slowly burned it. While the buns were steaming, she was not idle and divided the fresh green onions into two halves. Cut the scallions into minced pieces, pour some oil into the pot and fry the scallion oil. After the scallion oil is poured out, pour in the oil and add salt and mix well.

Hegu and the others like to eat crispy pancakes, so Si Ningning planned to make some scallion pancakes while the dough was rising.

Whether I'm busy or free these days, Si Ningning has come over to cook a few times, but that's for outsiders. To be honest, it's been a while since I've cooked something delicious for the two little ones. .

The two little ones don't have much appetite, but considering Huo Lang, Si Ningning reserved a lot of dough, enough to fish out more than a dozen pancakes. She was busy with her hands, and the front pot was bubbling with heat. The aluminum pot lid on the top made a clanking sound.

 The fire is too big.

Si Ningning quickly took out her hand and pulled out two firewood from the stove.

She didn't look carefully when she took the firewood, but it was actually a little wet. Now that there was no open flame, the firewood sticks made a "sizzling" sound, and a series of thick smoke came out.

Si Ningning was choked and coughed twice. She stuffed the smoking stick into the ashes and her vision became clearer.

After working hard for half an afternoon, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. Si Ningning put a dozen baked scallion pancakes on plates and put them separately in the kitchen cupboard. She also put the steamed buns into the dustpan for draining the rice soup, and looked for Put clean gauze over it and cover it to prevent flies from flying around and plucking it.

She took off the clothes she had remade from Huo Lang's old clothes and hung them on the wall. She went to the well and rubbed the soap locust twice to absorb the oil stains on her hands. She shook it slightly and prepared to go out and ask Huo Lang to take care of her. She would go back to the educated youth first. Click on it.

As a result, as soon as he stepped into the kitchen from the backyard, he saw Huo Lang poking his head into the kitchen.

 “What are you looking for?”

 “I’m not looking for anything, look what you are doing. That’s it for today, I asked them to go back early.”

Horang’s peach blossom eyes concealed a smile, and he explained in a warm voice:

"Even if there isn't much work on the team these days, each family still needs people to take care of their private land and so on. Asking for help won't let them delay their own family affairs."

Si Ningning nodded, understanding what he meant, and immediately walked to the table in two steps and uncovered the gauze on the dustpan, "I've done everything, except for the steamed buns and steamed stuffed buns stuffed with purslane."

Before Si Ningning could say "Try one," Huo Lang had already reached out to pick one up and bit off most of it with one mouthful.

Horang said vaguely:

 “You’re not afraid of tiring yourself even if you put in all this effort. How easy is it to steam steamed buns?”

Seeing the way he chewed peonies, Si Ningning laughed twice, "Just do it. I've already taken out the fine grains. Make more tricks. People will eat it and think it's helpful." It’s worth it. Besides, isn’t this bun delicious? There’s still a lot of noodles left.”

 The purslane is salty and fragrant in the mouth, and it is juicy. It is definitely delicious.

Horang chewed and chewed until he swallowed half of the mouthful and stuffed the remaining half of the bun into his mouth.

He was still about to say something, but Si Ningning's sharp eyes saw that when he stuffed the bun into his mouth, he saw the black fingerprints on the skin of the bun. She immediately took his hand, looked at it briefly, and then gave it to him again. He pushed his hand away in disgust and annoyance.

“It’s okay to use chopsticks when eating without washing your hands. Now you just handle the things with your hands without washing your hands?”

"Haha." Huo Lang laughed, his strong facial features stretched out, and his whole body seemed particularly soft.

Knowing that Si Ningning’s delicate and charming spirit was coming back, he immediately surrendered and said:

 “If you change it in the future, be sure to pay attention next time!”

 Whether others would think Si Ningning was making a fuss out of a molehill, Huo Lang didn't know.

  Anyway, he himself loved Si Ningning's squeamish and elegant attitude.

 It’s better to be squeamish.

 Smallness is annoying.

 As for being particular... that would be better.

ˆCulture talents are particular, which further illustrates Si Ningning’s excellence.

Huo Lang was smiling happily, but in the next second, Si Ningning let out a "hum", and his smile immediately fell with one sentence.

 “You should be busy, I’m going back.”

Si Ningning nudged Huo Lang and staggered to leave the kitchen.

 “What are you doing back so early? Nothing happens?”

Huo Lang frowned and pulled her with his brows knotted, feeling unhappy and a little aggrieved:

“I asked them to go back early just to be alone with you for a while. Why are you leaving in such a hurry..."

 “I went back because...”

Si Ningning stopped mid-sentence because there were footsteps and voices outside the door. It must be the helpers coming over for dinner.

Si Ningning simply stopped there, pushed Huo Lang and said: "Bring the dustpan out first and give it to them. I've counted, and each person can divide seven."

 “Have you left any for yourself and Sanae?”

"Leave it for Sanae and the others. I'll eat it when I get back to Zhiqingdian." Si Ningning said matter-of-factly.

“Seven people, six to each person is enough.”

Hong Lang didn't listen to her. He held a spoon with one hand and peeled off a corner of the gauze on his face. He counted the heads and took out seven more buns. "You can keep these for you to eat."

“…The young man who worked all afternoon only ate six buns, you give me seven? How can I eat better than them?”

Si Ningning let out a sigh of relief, with the word "speechless" plastered on his face.

Huo Lang smiled but did not answer: "I'll take it over, don't leave in a hurry, just wait here for me."

 “Humph, I got it.”

Si Ningning pursed her lips and nodded reluctantly.

 The sound of "ta-da" footsteps came from the door. Huo Lang left quickly, and those who came back also came back quickly.

 “Why do you want me to wait for you? What’s the matter?”

Si Ningning raised her eyes to look at Huo Lang, only to see Huo Lang frowning and looking serious and impatient. She immediately sensed something.

Si Ningning took a step away and tilted her head to look behind him. Sure enough, Si Ningning saw the person following Huo Lang.

After giving up his anger with Huo Lang, Si Ningning straightened up and asked seriously:

“Comrade Zhao Yongle, do you have something to do with me?”

 Zhao Yongle was a little embarrassed, scratched the back of his head and said embarrassedly:

  “It’s something.”

Zhao Yongle came to see Si Ningning for something, but it was not a big deal.

 It’s about those steamed buns.

Si Ningning originally counted, and each of the seven people could get six, but Huo Lang took out seven more, and now each of the seven people can only get six.

Zhao Yongle took out two buns from his arms and handed them to Si Ningning. He glanced back and made sure that the other young men working together had left. Zhao Yongle explained: "This, this, Si Zhiqing, you go back Bring it to Xiaoyun for me when the time comes!"

“…” Si Ningning was silent for a moment, then confirmed again: “For Song Xiaoyun?”

"Yeah." Zhao Yongle nodded seriously, with a shy and embarrassed smile on his dark face, "There are four more. I'll tell you when I get back that I've eaten them, it's enough for business."

Si Ningning paused, frowned, and asked again: "A business trip?"

Zhao Yongle was stunned for a moment, then he realized what he was doing and thrust the two buns into Si Ningning's hands, then stepped back: "It's nothing. Anyway, Si Zhiqing, I'll just trouble you to help me carry them!"

 After saying that, without waiting for Si Ningning to reply, Zhao Yongle had already turned around and walked towards the door.

He must have been in a panic. He staggered at the door of the courtyard and almost tripped over the threshold.

Si Ningning frowned and exhaled heavily from his nose.

Three brothers and an old lady, there are four buns left, which is just enough to share.

 Zhao Yongle himself had no intention of eating it.

Huo Lang knew what Si Ningning was thinking, so he patted Si Ningning on the shoulder and softly comforted:

“Don’t think about it, it’s all their own choice. It’s up to them to do whatever they want. What are you bothering about?”

Si Ningning is not worried.

 She just didn’t understand Zhao Yongle.

If the brothers and sisters are respectful and the family environment is harmonious, sharing it with the family means sharing it. But at present, it seems that Mrs. Zhao does not like Zhao Yongle very much.

And having said that, there were six buns in total, one for each person was enough, but Zhao Yongle just didn't keep any for himself.

I really don’t know whether to praise him for his good intentions towards Song Xiaoyun, or whether to praise him for his stubbornness.

Si Ningning’s idea was not that Zhao Yongle’s decision was wrong, but that the year was special and strong laborers had to do the hardest and most tiring work every day. It didn’t matter if they didn’t eat well, at least they could eat half a meal. Full, 80% full.

But today Zhao Yongle came to work here. Everyone in the Zhao family knew that Huo Lang made rice, and they would definitely not prepare Zhao Yongle's portion at night. Zhao Yongle took the buns back to "share" and said that he had eaten them. Will I have to be hungry all night long?

Only when people take care of themselves first can they be qualified and able to take care of others, and then everyone can advance and retreat together. Unilateral patience and dedication will cause problems sooner or later.

Whether it was Song Xiaoyun or Zhao Yongle, whether they were getting married or now sharing buns, Si Ningning felt it was too awkward before and after.

 It turned out that I just couldn’t understand it, and I got a little annoyed thinking about it.

Shaking his head, too lazy to think any further, Si Ningning blinked innocently at Huo Lang and raised the two buns in his hand.

Even though he said nothing, Holang understood what she meant.

 Song Xiaoyun's matter has not been settled yet, so she has to go back.

"Alas..." Huo Lang sighed in frustration, holding Si Ningning's wrist and slowly walking out, "Then I'll see you off."

Si Ningning bargained with him: "Just send me to the gate of the yard. It's still early and there are people on the road. There's nothing to be afraid of. You can clean up there while there's still sunshine and build the house as soon as possible." , I will marry you sooner?"

Huo Lang originally refused, thinking that he would send Si Ningning to the literacy class so that he could talk and talk on the way. But what happened?

Si Ningning's words were like Cupid's sword, which struck Huo Lang's ears and heart. He, who had always been calm and mature, was fooled by Si Ningning so much that he almost lost his way. He was obedient and obedient. Like a loyal dog, he nodded and responded, "Yes, I know, don't worry, I will clean it up in a while, and keep it neatly. If you don't believe me, you can come and check it tomorrow."

The silly look was completely different from his usual calmness and shrewdness. The contrast was so strong that Si Ningning couldn't stop laughing.

She stood on tiptoes and nibbled at the side of Huo Lang's face. "Don't worry about this all the time. It's because you can't run away. Pay more attention when you work! I'm leaving!"

 “Oh, eh.”

Huo Lang felt disappointed and sent Si Ningning out with both happiness and regret. He made up his mind to speed up the construction of the house.

 First of all, if someone comes to help in the future, it is designated not to leave work so early.

Having eaten all the food, why not work a little longer? What! Got it!

How! What! Got it!

Huo Lang thought angrily, and it wasn't until Si Ningning walked out that he slapped his forehead and remembered something.

 The buns that were just taken out have not yet been eaten by Si Ningning.

 (End of this chapter)

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