Chapter 362 Filth

When Si Ningning returned to the educated youth spot, Song Xiaoyun and others were eagerly awaiting her return. When they saw her coming back, Song Xiaoyun walked up to her with a swollen face and hesitantly shouted: "Ning Ning..."

Song Xiaoyun wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask. She was afraid that things would not develop as she expected.

 And what about Si Ningning?

Although she came forward on this matter, when negotiating with Zhao Yongle, she did not emphasize that the house was a necessity.

It's not that I won't help Song Xiaoyun, but that everyone can see whatever the situation is at the moment, and they will either break up or break up. The Zhao family's situation makes it impossible to build this house.

If Song Xiaoyun really likes Zhao Yongle and wants to live a stable life, she should be satisfied if she can separate the family and have an independent living room.

If she prefers material things, like a house, 90% of people in this era cannot afford it.

 A small number of people refuse to take it, but the vast majority cannot.

Si Ningning nodded and motioned to the girls to come into the room to talk.

In the room, Xu Shuhua closed the door, while Jiang Yue stood by the window, listening to Si Ningning's analysis while paying attention to the situation outside the window.

The fewer people know about this matter, the fewer the girls. They have reached an agreement that they do not intend to let male educated youth get involved.

"I've met Zhao Yongle." Si Ningning and Song Xiaoyun sat facing each other on the edge of the bed. After thinking about it for a while, they took out a small oil paper package from their pocket and handed it to Song Xiaoyun, "He gave it to you. "

Song Xiaoyun took it and asked: "What is it?"

“Baozi, he is working with the Chen family today, and the Chen family is in charge of the food.”

"Oh..." Song Xiaoyun opened the package, her swollen and distorted face slowly lowered, showing a slightly shy look, "Ning Ning, then, what did he say?"

Si Ningning jumped right into the topic: "The house is useless, but he can get a separate room for your daily life."

Once he heard that the house was in trouble, Song Xiaoyun's face instantly turned pale, and even her smile began to turn bitter.

Si Ningning continued: "He has several brothers in his family who are not married. I don't know if you know about it. My advice to him is that if he wants to be with you, it is necessary to separate the family. You have finished dividing the family." Live your own life after home.”

Song Xiaoyun bit her lip and asked Nuo Nuo: "Then, what did he say?"

"He said it can be done, and asked me to tell you that if you are willing, just wait a few more days, and he will handle the matter smoothly and welcome you in with courtesy."

"I didn't talk to him to death. I'll ask you what you mean. Think about it. Give me an answer tonight or tomorrow, and I'll get back to him."

Song Xiaoyun held the bun in her hand tightly, not knowing what she was thinking. After a long silence, she asked Si Ningning, "Ningning, do you think this is okay?"

"I don't know. Our situations are different, so I can't give you any advice. You chose this path yourself. Don't you have any ideas and plans?" Si Ningning asked the question again to Song Xiaoyun.

Song Xiaoyun shook her head and was very confused. After talking and talking, it came up with the house again, "I thought about it before. He said he would work **** the house, but now...he lied to me."

"I don't want to know what's going on between you, but I think that before you make up your mind to get along with him, it's the most basic thing to understand his family situation. If you understand all this clearly, he won't There will be opportunities to lie to you."

Si Ningning didn’t want to dwell on these things about the car anymore:

"None of us are optimistic about this matter, and we have all advised you. Even if you insist on jumping into the pit, I will try my best to help you fill it up. The friendship between us only supports me to do this. That’s all, think about it yourself.”

After saying this, Si Ningning didn't look at Song Xiaoyun's expression anymore. She clapped her hands and got off the edge of the bed. The concerned and worried look faded away, and then she put on a business-like look, "You don't have to do my share of dinner. I'll do it today." do it yourself."

Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua didn't respond, because they all heard what Si Ningning said just now.

“Before confirming being together, it is the most basic thing to understand each other’s family.”

 “If you understand clearly, the other party will not have the opportunity to lie to you.”

They had never thought about this aspect in detail. Occasionally, they would find it difficult to inquire about each other's family background. Not only would they be embarrassed, but they would also feel embarrassed. But now that Song Xiaoyun's matter was before their eyes, Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua instantly understood each other. Sober up.

 Si Ningning is right!

 It is better to be embarrassed and embarrassed for a moment than to deal with it for the rest of your life.

The girls were trapped in their own world, thinking silently. Si Ningning did not disturb them. She lifted the small stove outside the door and planned to cook some brown sugar and lotus root starch by herself.

The lotus root starch was sent by Huo Lang before. Most of the lakes in H Province are near water, so there are many places to grow lotus root. Whether it is the lotus root eaten in winter or the processed lotus root starch, the quality is excellent.

Si Ningning had endured it before. At that time, he even mixed some nuts and ate them together. It tasted very good.

 Because of my aunt's illness, I always feel sore in my back and bloated belly these past few days. I feel very uncomfortable. Brown sugar lotus root starch, a snack that nourishes qi and blood, should make me feel better physically after eating it.

But speaking of it, it seems like her aunt’s reaction is quite strong every time?

Si Ningning was thinking to herself. She rolled up two straw **** and stuffed them into the stove. Just as she was about to strike the match, there was a running sound of "dah-dah" coming from the side of the house, followed by a child's "oh oh oh" "The sound of laughing and joking.

She turned her head and saw He Gu and San Miao running over carrying a large bowl.

Si Ningning stood up and saw two little ones running towards him:

 “Here you go, Si Ningning!”

“Hehe.” Sanae added with a shy smile, “Sister, this is what my eldest brother asked me to send.”

The bowl that Hegu handed to Si Ningning contained several steamed buns and two rolled scallion pancakes at the corners.

Si Ningning laughed and sighed and took the bowl. He Gu jumped excitedly and passed on Huo Lang's words, "Big brother said you were leaving in a hurry, and I will keep you to eat together when I have nothing to do next time."

Si Ningning knelt down and pinched the little Hegu bun's face, eyes widened, and said with a smile: "Okay, have you eaten yet? Are the buns and pancakes enough?"

“It’s delicious! The buns are delicious, and so is the pancake. It’s crispy and fragrant. I accidentally bit my tongue when I was eating it. It hurt so much.”

Hegu Tongyan was talking in a childish tone, and Si Ningning put down the bowl of rice and waved for Hegu to follow her into the house. Then she sat down at the table, opened Hegu's little face, and pinched his cheeks to check the condition of his mouth.

The tip of Hegu's tongue was very red, and blisters could be seen vaguely. It was indeed a heavy bite. "If you like it, I'll make it for you later. Don't eat in such a hurry anymore." After scolding him for a few times, Si Ningning carefully told He Gu: "Go back and ask your elder brother to add some salt water and rinse it before going to bed at night. I'll be fine tomorrow."

"I know!" Hegu turned his head away in embarrassment, jumped out of the door and took Sanmiao's hand. He turned back and glanced at Si Ningning and said, "We're going back! Teacher Jiang assigned a lot of math homework today!"

Si Ningning smiled and nodded, waving his hands outward, "Go ahead."

The two little ones took a few steps outside. Hegu looked back at her again, his dark eyes widened, "Si Ningning, you have to eat slowly! It really hurts when you bite your tongue!"

 “I got it, slow down on the road and watch the road carefully.”

After seeing him off for a while, Si Ningning quietly put away the small stove.

 What else are you doing? Let’s talk about it later!

Song Xiaoyun hesitated for two days and finally decided to be with Zhao Yongle.

Si Ningning was responsible for delivering the message for the last time, and stopped caring about their affairs after that. Only when Zhao Yongle went through the wedding process and sent the engagement gift a week later, knowing that there was a high probability that there would be no room for change in this matter, she I gave Song Xiaoyun a few words of advice in private.

Si Ningning didn’t say anything else, just two sentences in total.

  One sentence is a tactful reminder to Song Xiaoyun that there are many unmarried brothers in the Zhao family, and it is necessary to be on guard against others in the future. She is afraid that several brothers in the Zhao family may have blood-sucking constitutions, so Song Xiaoyun learns to guard her own things.

The second sentence is based on the first sentence, reminding Song Xiaoyun to make appropriate choices to help and not to be too stubborn. Although the family has to be separated, brothers have broken bones and are still connected. Family relations are the same as socializing with friends. , most of them are mutual.

Si Ningning was afraid that Song Xiaoyun would not be clear-headed and would cry and make a fuss when the time came. If she could control Zhao Yongle, that would be fine. If she couldn't, then she would be the one to publicly confront the entire Zhao family. Then suffering a loss is inevitable.

Probably feeling Si Ningning's sincere kindness, Song Xiaoyun hesitated for a long time, bit her lip and said, "Ningning, thank you. I was too anxious that day and couldn't control it. I didn't mean it to you. I hope you can forgive me. "

Si Ningning shook her head. She had already looked away from her relationship with Song Xiaoyun. She was about to say that she had not kept that matter in mind, but she heard Song Xiaoyun bit her lips and said hesitantly: "But don't worry, I I promise you, I won’t tell anyone about it.”

Si Ningning frowned and asked blankly: "What?"

"That's it! Uh..." Song Xiaoyun's face suddenly turned red. She glanced at the door of the room to make sure no one was approaching, then she lowered her voice and leaned closer to Si Ningning, and whispered: "It's just the Chinese New Year. Later, I, I saw what happened to you at the Chen family..."

Si Ningning's brain paused for a moment. Song Xiaoyun was still talking ramble, but she didn't pay attention to it because her thoughts and memories in her mind were regressing uncontrollably.

Today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, until the Spring Festival, the scene in the memory suddenly stopped on one of the nights. After Huo Lang took her to inspect the foundation, he pressed her head to prevent her from looking around, and then hurriedly pulled her in. House picture.

For a moment, Si Ningning suddenly understood.

That night Huo Lang bluffed her and said that it might be a lynx in the mountains, but when she asked him to arrange for the security team to strengthen patrols afterwards, he was confused because it was not a lynx that made the noise that night, but Song Xiaoyun and Zhao Yongle!

Horang must have seen it at that time, so he pressed her head to prevent her from looking.

It's just that Huo Lang didn't expect that the excuse he made up casually would be remembered by Si Ningning, so that he didn't even react when Si Ningning mentioned it again afterwards.

Si Ningning was distracted and didn't say anything for a long time. Song Xiaoyun was a little worried, fearing that Si Ningning would be unhappy because of what she said. After pushing Si Ningning gently, she raised her hand and made an oath to Si Ningning. Ning Ning promised:

“Ning Ning, don’t worry, you have helped me so much, and you and Huo Lang have now made a perfect relationship. I will not tell this matter and cause trouble for you. I swear to the party and the great spiritual leader.”

Si Ningning twitched her lips, nodded and said dryly: "Your date is close, so you should be careful during this period and don't let any clues out in front of outsiders."

 “Yes!” Song Xiaoyun nodded vigorously.

Si Ningning gave a few more instructions and hurriedly went to Chen's house before class in the afternoon. At that time, Huo Lang was working on the foundation to support the four corner load-bearing wooden posts of the fence wall.

Seeing Si Ningning coming, Huo Lang immediately put down his ax and went to meet him. Before he could speak, Si Ningning stretched out his hands in front of his chest and pushed him several times.

Horang took half a step back, stabilized his posture and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you suddenly unhappy? Who provoked you?"

Si Ningning exhaled, put one hand on her hips, and poked at Huo Lang's chest angrily with the other, "Other people are not that capable of making me angry. Tell me, you saw it one day, why didn't you tell me! "

Si Ningning’s delicate little face was tense, and Huo Lang was confused at first, but after listening to her complaints and scoldings, he gradually understood what was going on.

"How could this be hidden from you?" Huo Lang coaxed her to sit aside, patiently comforted and explained: "That thing is not a good thing, you are a big girl, how can you let you see it."

With such a dirty scene, Huo Lang was afraid that Si Ningning's eyes would be dirty.

He wanted to mention it afterward, but it was so unusual that it was hard to talk about it, so he kept putting it on hold.

Si Ningning was not really angry, but what she heard Song Xiaoyun say when she was at the Educated Youth Center just now made her stuck and she didn't know how to deal with it well.

Moreover, the way Song Xiaoyun spoke, it seemed as if she had done something shameful.

Just thinking about Si Ningning makes me feel depressed.

 “Oh, don’t be angry? Okay?”


Si Ningning frowned, twisted his shoulders and shook off Huo Lang's hand, turning his face away.

Huo Lang took a step away, squatted in front of her, and coaxed her like a big obedient dog, "It's all in the past, don't be angry, I'll tell you something special." "

Si Ningning wasn't really angry at first, so she didn't push Huo Lang away this time, she just looked at him with a slight pout.

Huo Lang laughed, squeezed Si Ningning's hand, leaned over and sat next to Si Ningning, pointed at the red brick wall rising from the ground, and introduced it volubly.

 The first floor has basically been completed, and now only the main beams and auxiliary beams are left.

At this time, whether it was because steel bars were unavailable or there were no steel bars at all, Holang planned to use wooden boards to separate the attic floor from the first floor. In this way, the amount of wood required increased linearly.

 (End of this chapter)

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