Chapter 363 On track

Although the third team is surrounded by mountains, commune members cannot cut down trees at will. They must first obtain approval from the team, and then go to the brigade to get a batch of approval slips, which are either exchanged for work points or purchased with money.

Horang's wood is all selected from the best, such as masson pine with hard and strong wood, and oak from the mountains. Not only are the conditions for felling and transportation difficult, but the work required is also very high.

He wanted more, he wanted everything, not only the beams, but also the floor of the attic, and much more.

"The beams need to be shade-dried wood. I'll cut down the trees first and exchange them with others in the team. After finishing all the serious work, I'll go to the mountains to cut down a few more trees and come back to deal with the darkness myself." He stretched out his big hand and pointed at the wall rising from the foundation, and said his plan, "When it is almost done in the coming year, I will build you two cabinets for clothes and a desk for writing." Son."

Huo Lang looked back at Si Ningning, his face was happy, and his eyes were full of expectations for the future, "Do you know those cabinets with standing doors? I saw it once at the leader's house before, and it looks good. It’s pretty cool, you’ll definitely like it, and we’ll do two more like that later.”

"How many work points and money will this cost?" Si Ningning was influenced by him, and her pursed lips pursed into a faint smile, "As long as the things are enough, we will buy whatever is missing later. You can just think about it." Take care of me, we don’t have big money, but we don’t need small money, so don’t live in such a rough way.”

"How can this be rough?" Huo Lang replied sternly: "I can use the cupboard even if it's made, but you won't let me put clothes in it?"

Si Ningning rolled her eyes at him and put her hand on his arm, "Then I'm not afraid that you will be tired?"

“You can take a rest when you are tired. Besides, you are not tired either.” Huo Lang said with a smile.

His mentality is like that of Si Ningning when he usually cooks. The meals he carefully cooks are eaten by people he likes and recognized, so he will never tire of it and enjoy it. He also enjoys it.

As long as he thought that all the busy work at the moment would come in handy in the future, and the images in his mind of Si Ningning opening the cupboard door to put clothes on, and lying on the table writing, he felt extremely satisfied, and his whole body was full of energy.

Si Ningning was worried, but she couldn't laugh or cry. She laughed at Huo Lang, but Huo Lang just stood up and looked back at her with a smile. He didn't leave his work behind and didn't say a word in reply.

 The light and shadow among the leaves are mottled, the sun is getting hotter and fiercer, time passes, and half a month passes quickly.

Si Ningning didn't know how Song Xiaoyun convinced her parents, or she didn't tell her family at all. In short, on this day at the end of April, Song Xiaoyun was wearing simple clothes, with a red thread tied into a small flower on her head, and holding a number of Zhao Yongle led a few small packages and luggage out of the educated youth point.

During the process, several girls looked solemn and smiled slightly.

On the other hand, the few uninformed male educated youths next door didn’t know when Song Xiaoyun was dating, but because the day was special, they celebrated as they pleased.

The male educated youths kept busy saying congratulatory speeches, and several of them took turns to fight, so that the scene was not so deserted.

Although this marriage was simple, it only took a year to live under the same roof. Everyone had a certain affection for each other, so when Song Xiaoyun left, except for her own luggage, no one else allowed her to leave empty-handed. Eight cents or two cents is enough for everyone.

In addition to these, some people in the team who thought highly of him or had previous contacts with Song Xiaoyun also came over to give him a few cents or a dime along with his share of the money and said some auspicious words.

After worrying about it for nearly a month, it finally happened. With some money in her hand, Song Xiaoyun finally had a smile on her face. When she walked around the side of the Educated Youth Point house, she straightened her back and looked back at the shop in front of the Educated Youth Point door. A group of people said, "I, I..."

 “I’m leaving. I’ll come back to see everyone in a few days after I’ve settled in!”

A faint smile appeared on Si Ningying's white cheeks. She stood on the steps and waved her hands outward. Before she could say the word "Go", a soft hum came from her side. Jiang Yue frowned in disgust and was about to say He turned around and was grabbed by her.

Si Ningning urged: “Learn to respect.”

Things have already reached this point, and it is not worth it to ruin Song Xiaoyun and everyone's interest any more.

 Choose respect.

After all, we got married and moved away from the educated youth spots, so we won’t have many interactions in the future.

 After sending Song Xiaoyun away, the educated youth area became deserted. With a normal heart, Si Ningning walked side by side with Jiang Yue into the house. She objectively reminded:

“If you think it’s not good for her to do this, just keep it in mind and don’t do it in the future. You know? Only by self-respect and self-love, you can love yourself first, and then others will love you.”

Jiang Yuebei turned her head away, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she knew that what Si Ningning said was right, so she turned her head back after a while, held Si Ningning's arm and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I know that you are my benchmark, and it is absolutely right to follow you in everything."

Si Ningning shook his head and smiled helplessly, "That's not right. Everyone makes mistakes, but the mistakes are different. You have to learn to distinguish them."

“Oops.” Jiang Yueshu let out a long sigh, as if she had put aside her awkwardness and shyness, and responded calmly: “I understand.”

Jiang Yue is a girl with normal sexual orientation, and she is in the most beautiful period of her youth. She may appreciate outstanding **** men, or there may be times when girls become pregnant, but she thinks this is nothing and does not think it is important. What a shame.

 But she never thought about her partner, marriage and having children.

 Due to the special composition, her household registration may have errors in any review process.

Once something goes wrong, not only she and her chosen partner will suffer, but also her younger brother who finally escaped from the quagmire together.

Jiang Yue opened the topic and sat down at the small table beside the bed. She looked at Si Ningning who walked back to the bed and packed her things, and asked: "It's rare that you have no class today, what are your plans?"

“I don’t have any special arrangements. I should go to the mountains.”

 Jiang Yue asked: "Will Huo Lang accompany you?"

"It can't be someone else." Si Ningning opened the mosquito net, took out the military kettle from the side of the bed, and asked with a smile: "I'm going to leave now, what about you? What are your plans for today?"

"I don't have any other plans. I'm just going to read a book at the educated youth spot." Jiang Yue said.

Si Ningning smiled and patted the table beside her Then you can take a look at the books on my table and take whichever one you like. "

Jiang Yue pretended to be energetic and said excitedly: "This is what you said!"

"Yes, I said it. Fidelity is more real than pearls!" After a few jokes, Si Ningning filled the Liangbaikai at the educated youth point and walked out with a kettle on her back. As soon as she left the door, she ran into someone from the next door. Li Lingyuan came over with an enamel jar.

 Li Lingyuan greeted her, "Hey, Si Zhiqing."

Looking at Si Ningning's outfit for going out, Li Lingyuan asked, "Where are you planning to go?"

“I’m not going anywhere, I’m just wandering around the area.” Si Ningning replied with a smile, walked a few steps outside, then turned around when he thought of something.

At that time, Li Lingyuan had just entered the hall and was standing at the table pouring water. Si Ningning called him, "Oh, Li Lingyuan."

 “Hmm? What’s the matter?”

Si Ningning shook his head, pointed towards the female educated youth and said, "I have a lot of books on the table. If you don't have any other arrangements, you can read more. Jiang Yue is in the room, ask her to get it for you."

 Li Lingyuan didn't realize what Si Ningning meant when he asked him to read, but he heard one sentence, "Jiang Yue is in the room."

Li Lingyuan nodded with a smile and raised his chin several times, "I know Si Zhiqing, thank you! I, I'll take a look at it later. I'll tell Jiang Yue then and ask her to get a copy for me. "

Si Ningning smiled lightly, waved her hands, took two steps back slowly, turned around and ran away.

Perhaps it was because Si Ningning was too thoughtful and careful when she came last year, so this year, except for some trivial matters in the literacy class and the team, Si Ningning seemed particularly relaxed.

Because she used to make things, such as pickles, pickled radishes, pickled bamboo shoots, some vegetables grown and mint tea, etc. This year, Xu Shuhua and the others started making all the same things, and they didn’t let Si Ning do anything. If Ning intervened, he would ask Si Ningning if there were some uncertainties, but for the rest, Si Ningning would just sit back and wait for it to be done.

Si Ningning was embarrassed and wanted to help, but they refused. He said it was delicious and that it was a craft. Now that he has learned it, he can use it when he starts a family.

Si Ningning spoke in a sincere and serious tone. Si Ningning was really embarrassed to continue arguing with them, so she simply acted as a consultant and waited patiently.

 Life in the educated youth spot returned to calm, and the life and development of the production team continued to advance. The three teams surrounded by mountains had certain advantages in both land and temperature. The mushroom cultivation trial was officially expanded in scale and on track at the end of May this year.

Si Ningning was originally worried that sales would become a problem as mushroom production increased, but this was entirely unfounded.

Because there was an independent "sideline business" system in this era, and several production teams under the Jiling Brigade had never had a sideline business that was suitable for stable and sustainable development, so after the news of the success of cultivating mushrooms came out from the third team, Luo Daqing I have been paying attention to this matter silently, just waiting for this day.

With almost no effort, Luo Daqing promoted the mushroom sales, and soon received support from the commune to help find regular sales.

 Because it is a state-owned formal market, the price of fresh mushrooms is not high. It only costs two cents per pound. It seems cheap and it is indeed cheap, but it is also profitable.

One mushroom pit has one mushroom. If it is not well developed, it can grow to two or three kilograms. If it is well developed, it can grow in clusters of five to six kilograms or seven to eight kilograms. The profits are still considerable.

 The production team made profits, and the brigade was glorious. The commune repeatedly encouraged and issued certificates of commendation. Among the other production teams under the Jiling brigade, some were unconvinced and some were curious.

Someone took the lead in making trouble in the brigade. After several troubles, in order to convince those people and encourage other production teams to take action and start a sideline business together, Luo Daqing decided with Zhao Hongbing how many people he would pick. Bring someone over one day to have a look.

It is true that Zhao Hongbing loves to worry and thinks about the members, but the third team has always been at the top. He has won many first places and received many awards and praises, and he has also been a little drifting. At that time, Si Ningning didn't even know that this happened As for the matter, he went over to give instructions. He didn't speak clearly and kept telling Si Ningning and Jiang Yue to stir up the learning atmosphere.

Si Ningning was fine, but Jiang Yue was frightened half to death, thinking that Zhao Hongbing was dissatisfied with their teaching, so she stayed up for several nights preparing lessons, but she didn't listen to Si Ningning's advice.

 Teaching and working in the fields were both tiring, but Jiang Yue always felt that teaching was easier and gave more work points. She did not want to lose this job, so she worked harder to prepare lessons.

Then, Luo Daqing brought a group of people over and what did they see?

 It is a row of neatly nailed mushroom beds under the shadow of dense trees.

The members of the commune held sharp-nosed hoes, and when they walked out in front, they made three holes with one step. Behind them, the young carrot head held a basket of strains in his hands, and he could hit them accurately with every step he took. In the small pit, a ball of bacteria was stuffed.

 Cooperating with each other and in an orderly manner, the bacterial bed range is large, there are many shelves, and the work is not small, but the people who do the work have light in their eyes and smiles on their faces, which is an enviable thing.

After seeing the fungus bed planting part, Zhao Hongbing led the people to walk a little further to see the batch of fungi that were about to be harvested near the foot of the mountain. Clusters of mushrooms with white backgrounds and gray caps burst into view. Those who came here, People who were looking for trouble or watching the excitement were momentarily speechless.

They were not convinced, but also jealous, but when they saw a large field of artificially cultivated mushrooms close at hand, they only felt envy and emotion that Zhao Hongbing was indeed somewhat capable.

Someone muttered a few times, then tentatively said flatteringly: "These mushrooms grow really well. The mountain behind our production team is also the backing of the mountain. Can we also grow them?"

 “The same goes for us over there!”

“It’s the same with us! Captain Zhao, if you have this skill, you can’t just think about yourself, you have to think about us too! After all, we are all in the same team.”

“That’s right! Only if we work together can we gain a foothold in the commune!”

How could Zhao Hongbing not understand what they meant?

I couldn’t help but hum in my heart:

You have said all the good and bad things, and yet you are still in a large group!

 At this time I knew it was a large group. Don’t think I don’t know what I was thinking before coming here.

Zhao Hongbing started the tea art performance, scratched his head pretending to be confused, looked at Luo Daqing and said: "Captain, what do the captains next door mean? Why didn't I understand after listening for a long time? Isn't it just an ordinary inspection today? ?"

Luo Daqing glanced at Zhao Hongbing. They had known each other for decades. He knew very well whether Zhao Hongbing was going to **** or pee when he took off his pants. When Zhao Hongbing said this, he understood what it meant.

Luo Daqing laughed twice with his old smoker's voice, looked at the production captains who came to see the situation, then looked at Zhao Hongbing, and followed Zhao Hongbing's words:

"Hong Bing, Mr. Zhou has noticed your achievements and wants to learn how to cultivate mushrooms from you! What they said is right. The commune now attaches great importance to the side business. If you guys can I think it’s a good thing to open the stall together. You can consider it!”

 (End of this chapter)

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