Chapter 364 Expansion

"Oh, that's what it means!" Zhao Hongbing pretended to suddenly realize it, and nodded along with Luo Daqing's words, "Yes, it should be considered, it should be considered."

Just saying that, his rough and honest face suddenly turned, and he raised his fingers to scratch the side of his head, showing an embarrassed look, "But this, it is not easy for our production team to research mushrooms. This matter not only consumes time. , and it also consumes a lot of manpower and materials. First of all, I am not against everyone coming to learn it!”

"The production team has a lot of people, so manpower and time don't matter. Just the materials, such as alcohol, bottles and cans, all have to be bought with money. This is the cost of our team, and if the big guys come here to learn , these additional purchases also require expenses..."

One of the two people was a good person and the other was a bad person. As soon as Zhao Hongbing finished speaking, Luo Daqing immediately answered, turned to everyone and smiled: "Captain Zhao is right. It is not easy to research this result. I don't want any reward from you, but you guys If you come here to study, you have to pay for the cost of learning the technology yourself. And..."

Luo Daqing turned his eyes to Zhao Hongbing and asked knowingly: "I remember that this technology was developed by the educated youth on your team, right? If they are willing to come and learn, the third team can do it for free, but the educated youth who developed this result cannot do without it."

“Comrades who have abilities and ideas are good comrades, and good comrades deserve to be rewarded, don’t you think?” Luo Daqing asked everyone.

 Everyone looked at each other and nodded, "Hehe...yes."

Luo Daqing smiled and sighed, and said happily: "People may not be rewarded for research results, but if we don't give them rewards, it will affect everyone's enthusiasm if other comrades have ideas in the future, right? "

Having said this, the meaning is very clear.

The captains who were clamoring to learn skills looked at each other one after another. Finally, one person took the lead to stand up and express his position:

"It's not nice to talk about money. Our team is willing to raise two kilograms of rice. Captain, Captain Zhao, do you think this is okay? If it is okay, I will arrange manpower when I go back and come over tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to learn. I also have a request. We The team is the first to express their opinions, so they have to teach us first!”

 Before Luo Daqing and Zhao Hongbing could express their stance, when others heard this, they all hurriedly expressed their stance, "We also want to learn! We also want to learn!"

“Me too! Our team can’t scrape together fine grains, but we can scrape together fifteen kilograms of sweet potatoes!”

“There is also our team. We will provide fifteen kilograms of corn kernels. Captain Zhao will tell us directly what material jars we will need at that time! We will pay for the expenses ourselves, but we also have requirements, so we must be taught first!”

“Hey! Lao Zhou, this is unreasonable. It was obviously our production team who made the first statement. What do you mean now?”

"Haha, Captain Hu, our production team is the only one in the brigade who is having a hard time. You should be more patient and give in! The members are all well fed and hungry. I am still waiting to learn the skills and go back to help the members. It’s time to have a full meal!”

 “Who is having an easy time? All the members of our team are waiting for us too!”

Seeing that Captain Zhou of the second team and Captain Hu of the fourth team were about to start working, Luo Daqing waved his hand and interrupted:

"Okay, you can learn together when the time comes! But this thing is the same as learning to read. Whether you have the understanding or not depends on you. I would also like to remind you not to just think about not losing money to others, arrange for your own family to learn. Picking a few young people with quick brains is more reliable than anything else."

The captains calmed down and thought carefully about the meaning of Luo Daqing's words. The little thoughts in their hearts were instantly dismissed, and they were all thinking about how to be safe.

After watching the mushrooms, Luo Daqing thought that the literacy classes of the third team in the past six months were quite good and very educational, so he suggested that Zhao Hongbing take everyone there to have a look. He could also take a look at the children's daily classes. What they are all like.

Zhao Hongbing was well prepared and of course he would not refuse. He immediately raised his hand and happily walked in front to lead the way.

Luo Daqing and the captain of the first team followed closely behind, and Captain Zhou of the second team and Captain Hu of the fourth team walked at the end. Because of the matter of who was the first to learn the technique just now, the two of them didn't like each other very well at the moment. After inadvertently pretending to be together, both of them snorted coldly and instantly turned their heads to the other side.

The area where the literacy class was located was originally a dilapidated corner of an old house with rotten bricks lying on the floor. Later, because of the literacy class, it was deliberately tidied up. Not only was the house rebuilt to prevent dirt and snakes, Insects, rats, and ants were hiding inside somewhere, and they would hurt the children when they turned around, so all the broken bricks, tiles, and branches were cleaned up.

The open area in front of the door was also flattened by commune members driving cattle and using stone rollers. It was gradually planned and renovated by Si Ningning and Jiang Yue, and gradually took on the prototype of a small playground. When it is cold in autumn and winter, it is used every morning before reading. , and would also take the children to do aerobics in front of the door, stomp their feet and run in small circles to keep themselves warm.

In addition to these, there are some equipment and facilities for children to play on both sides of the small playground, such as seesaws built with tree stumps and wooden boards, such as polished horizontal bars, parallel bars, etc.

Before he even got close, he glanced at him from a distance, and the captains immediately stopped thinking.

Last year, the commune requested the reorganization of literacy classes. In order to complete the task, the production teams under each brigade responded actively. The production teams of the several captains present were certainly not spared.

 But, let’s put it this way, there are literacy classes in their teams, but none of them is like the third team.

 The remaining captain of the first team turned to look at Luo Daqing, "Captain, this..."

Luo Daqing shook his head and looked at the small house where the third team's literacy class was held with joy. He didn't explain anything. He just smiled and sighed and said, "Let's go and have a look."

Captain Yu always thought that the literacy class was for adults, but it turns out it wasn’t?

Captain Yu silenced his voice and followed the others with heavy steps, slowly approaching the small house.

Having just taken a few steps towards the door, Zhao Hongbing turned around and made a hissing gesture, "Haha, there are still classes inside. Let's not disturb them and just take a look at the back window, okay? There's nothing wrong with this arrangement!"

Others certainly don’t have any objections, and even if they do, it’s hard to say anything.

Several people turned around and walked towards the last window. When they arrived, they stood close to the wall, craning their necks to peek into the room.

“The journey is long, but only through struggle. Through struggle, our ancestors overcame obstacles and brought us the peace we have now. Now that I have finished reading this text, students, think about it, do you have any insights?”

There is a class going on in the room. The young female teacher on the podium has her back to the students and writes strong handwriting on the blackboard.

The students sitting under the podium are not the tall or burly club members that the captains remembered, but children who are thin in stature but sit upright with their backs.

Captain Yu’s furrowed and rough eyebrows slowly relaxed. The other two captains also noticed something and glanced at Luo Daqing. Before they could ask what they wanted to ask, the teacher standing on the podium in the room had already turned around.

She is a girl with braided braids and a particularly watery appearance.

She held a piece of chalk in one hand and a book in the other. She glanced at the children and said two guiding sentences every step of the way to guide the children's thinking and answers:

“Our forefathers overcame obstacles through struggle and traveled through thousands of rivers and mountains. What should we do?”

"I want to continue..." Si Ningning paused for a moment in the room and said four words as a reminder. After these four words, her voice stopped suddenly. At the same time, the voices of the children rang out one after another. stand up:

"We must continue to struggle! Move forward bravely and create more brilliant glory!"

Si Ningning smiled and nodded in admiration, "The students are all right. Life is endless and struggle is endless. We are in the best time now. What should we do?"

“In the best of times, we should work hard! Study hard and be worthy of ourselves and our ancestors. Our ancestors have brought us peace, and we should also do our best to strive for more light and happiness for our descendants.”

Answers came one after another, and the classroom atmosphere became lively. Everyone continued the topic and expressed their opinions and views:

“I am not afraid of hardship. In the future, I will be like Academician Qian, overcoming all difficulties and working hard to research, so that everyone and every family in our country can use the electric light shown in the textbook!”

“Me too! I will become a teacher like Teacher Si in the future. I will let all children have books to read. If there are no conditions, I will create conditions..."

"And I…"

Born under the red flag, growing up in the spring breeze, everywhere you look, there are flowers and summers...

The little is taught, the old are supported. Children know this truth, but they seem to be realizing it only now...

The classroom became more and more lively. No one outside the door said anything, but they seemed to have reached some kind of agreement. They looked at each other and walked away together.

Chao Hongbing not only benefited from this day's inspection, but also enjoyed a good time. At the same time, several captains who came with Luo Daqing realized a very serious problem.

No one said anything openly that day. Only a few days later, when the agreed rations were delivered, several captains pulled Luo Daqing over again.

This time it’s not just about learning the technology of cultivating bacterial strains, but also about school.

Hearing the intentions of the captains, Zhao Hongbing waved his hand and said, "It's wrong, it's wrong. You don't want to talk about "school" carelessly. We are a literacy class! A literacy class!"

Several captains also knew the current situation and quickly said:

“Yes, it’s a literacy class. We didn’t think about it before, but now that we think about it, children’s education is indeed a problem.”

Zhao Hongbing turned his back and was not sure to listen.

Captain Yu who spoke followed up and said: "You have excellent educated youth teachers here. Teaching one child is teaching, and teaching two children is teaching. So what's wrong with bringing the children from the production teams near us? That day the teacher Didn’t you say everything?”

 Zhao Hongbing clicked his tongue impatiently and turned around again.

"Didn't you listen to what the teacher said that day?" Captain Yu followed him around in circles, "Revival depends on these children. If you turn these children away, Zhao Hongbing, let me tell you, you have a problem with your ideological consciousness! "

"What the **** are you talking about? It's not like we are the only ones with educated youths. You don't want to solve the problem yourself, so you just want to put people in my place. That cabin is just a big place, and I'm a kid like you." I can’t even move. If you push everyone here, where can I put them?”

Captain Yu's momentum suddenly weakened. He glanced at Luo Daqing and said calmly: "We told the captain when we came here, and the captain also expressed his position. As long as you agree, he will help solve the problem of the literacy class. Other than that, In addition, we also provide food and accommodation for the children, and we will also help to find solutions.”


Zhao Hongbing had a question mark above his head and turned to look at Luo Daqing.

His face was full of doubts, and his eyes were full of accusations against Luo Daqing.

What's the meaning?

We have been good brothers and partners for so many years, so your elbows are turned outward, right? It was okay not to say hello to him before when something happened, but now he was being carried behind his back and making promises to others!

Zhao Hongbing's face was livid, he was so angry, but he asked again: "Board and board? What board and lodging? What do you mean by this?"

Luo Daqing laughed dryly, took a sip of water along the edge of the enamel jar, and quickly came out to save the situation:

“Three teams are surrounded by mountains and are not close to several other production teams. It will definitely be impossible for the children to come here to go to school and walk back and forth every day, so..."

“What’s the matter, you come here to study, but you still have to stay?”

Zhao Hongbing was completely torn apart, and he finally understood what the word "board and lodging" meant.

Since we all live here, why don’t we just eat here?

 “No! No!” Zhao Hongbing roared.

Luo Daqing knew that he had a soft mouth and a sincere heart. After giving a look to a few people around him, the other people hurriedly stepped forward and stroked his hair:

“Captain Zhao, you are only responsible for speaking. We will work together to solve the issue of food and lodging. When the time comes, whose children must be responsible for bringing their own food.”

“As for the place to live and the place for classes, let’s see! Whether it’s for building expansion or something else, we have young men and women in our teams who will be sent here to help when the time comes. Do you think this will work?”

Zhao Hongbing was confused by them. He was annoyed and helpless. He counted with them on his fingers the problems that could be discovered without careful consideration:

"It's great if it's as simple as you said. Expansion doesn't take time? The children are half-grown. Whether they can adapt to being sent here away from home is a question. Even if they can adapt, such little children must not be watched at night. ?”

“No one is allowed to do the meal? I’m going to be busy with farming soon. Where can I find someone?”

And even if we find someone, what will happen if we arrange for someone to do it?

Can you still stare at 360 degrees all the time? If something happens, who will take responsibility?

His production team still has to produce and deliver tasks! The literacy class can barely take care of the dozen or so kids on its team, but when there are more people, there is really no way to worry about it.

 (End of this chapter)

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