Chapter 365 Doubts

"No, no." Zhao Hongbing waved his hands. Although his tone was not as resistant as before, there was still no room for change. "If you persist, then take this ration back!"

He pushed several grain bags on the big table in the hall back to the captains, and said with a knotted brow, "I won't teach you how to use mushrooms either."

 “Ouch, Old Zhao!” Luo Daqing put down his cup and suddenly tapped the table twice seriously, “Are you in trouble again?”

Luo Daqing is the captain after all. When he becomes serious, no matter how unwilling Zhao Hongbing is, he has to give him enough face and wait for him to finish speaking.

"What did you tell me when you started this literacy class? You burst into tears. You said that these children will be the rising stars of the country in the future and are indispensable. But what use are you and the rising stars alone? "

"Excellent comrades only care about less, never too much! Since we have to do this, we should do it beautifully. If there are problems, we are not afraid of others telling us. What we are afraid of is that we will not discover them. What we are afraid of is that we do not have them. People really want to solve it!”

The table in the main room was banged by Luo Daqing from light to heavy. After hearing his impassioned words, several old rough guys in the room fell into silence, as was Zhao Hongbing.

With decades of friendship, Luo Daqing knew that Zhao Hongbing was not the kind of person who only cared about himself and ignored others. He really found it difficult to expand the literacy class, so he was so opposed to it.

Luo Daqing sighed lightly. He didn't mention this to Zhao Hongbing in advance, because he was worried that Zhao Hongbing would get angry at the same time as the firecrackers. However, he didn't expect that Zhao Hongbing's temper would explode when he revealed the matter now.

Luo Daqing took a breath, spoke softly, and asked Zhao Hongbing seriously:

"Haven't you heard the children say that they are not afraid of hardship and are willing to be like their ancestors? Even half-grown children have such great determination. Why should old guys like me be afraid of trouble?"

Luo Daqing sighed heavily and continued: "You started this literacy class out of good intentions and out of consideration for the future, but there are people outside the world, and there are countless mountains outside this big mountain. You can do this alone. What’s the use? Only if everyone takes action and expands this energetic group, that’s the foundation!”

Zhao Hongbing listened to Luo Daqing's heartfelt reprimand and was silent for a long time. Finally, he rubbed his face and turned away, saying dryly and forcefully:

 “Okay, okay, whatever you say will do!”

After he finished speaking, he changed his tone and said: "But you can't make a complete decision on this matter even after you talk about it. I have to ask the two educated youth comrades who are teachers in our team first."

With these words, Luo Daqing's seriousness faded away, revealing a hint of relief.

 The captains on one side looked at each other and smiled happily.

Zhao Hongbing felt very unhappy when he saw how they were taking advantage of each other.

He grunted twice in dissatisfaction and deliberately spoiled the mood by saying:

"Don't be too happy. Even if the two teachers agree, it won't be that easy! In short, remember what you said. If you really want to expand, don't forget what you said. What."

The captains were nervous for a moment, then suddenly smiled like virgins, and said repeatedly: "No, that's definitely not possible!"


 Zhao Hongbing hummed.

Although he felt unhappy, he was still relieved.

Everyone has selfish motives, and so does Zhao Hongbing, but as Luo Daqing said, only by continuing to expand and strengthen this energetic group will changes really be possible in the future.

 When he thought of this, Zhao Hongbing's selfishness did not allow him to be selfish.

After collecting the rations sent by the captains of each family and finalizing the time for the other party to send people to study, Zhao Hongbing saw off the captains and turned around to see Luo Daqing still sitting at the table in the main room. Zhao Hongbing sighed and waved his hands, saying with a headache: " You go too."

Luo Daqing chuckled and said, "What? Lao Zhao, are you really angry with me? I cooperated with your acting and got you a lot of benefits."

 As he spoke, he patted the ration bag on the table.

"Shit! Angry? Why can I be angry?" Zhao Hongbing cursed and slapped the table angrily: "How many years of friendship have we had, why can't you tell me about this in advance? Are you not an old friend anymore? Turn your elbows outward, right? !besides!"

Zhao Hongbing pointed at the rations on the table and asked Luo Daqing, "I asked for this ration from the educated youth comrades, and I didn't take it myself. It's a good thing, so why do you say it so harshly!?"

"Okay, what I said was wrong, what I said was wrong." Luo Daqing patted his mouth lightly, and continued to laugh: "Is it okay that I was wrong? In short, this matter has been discussed here, let's Let’s discuss it and see how we can solve it, okay?”

Luo Daqing's usually serious, old and dark face now wore a friendly and ingratiating smile. Zhao Hongbing only took one look at it, and the anger in his heart gradually faded away.

 Luo Daqing understands him, and he also understands Luo Daqing.

 The things they do are just to make the future better and better.

"Alas..." Zhao Hongbing sighed in a low voice, and poured a glass of water for Luo Daqing himself and handed it to him, "What I just said was not a slap in the face. I really need to discuss this matter with the two educated youth teachers to see what they mean."

Zhao Hongbing has seen the changes in the children on the team. After studying for less than half a year, the performance of each of them is better than that of his two sons who were in the third and fourth grade more than ten years ago when the school was not closed. Even stronger.

 What does this mean?

 It shows that the teaching level of Si Ningning and Jiang Yue is not only passable, but also excellent!

 But this is a situation where there are not many students in the establishment.

Once there are more students, it means more things to do. Will the two girls be able to take care of them by then?

 Excluding food, accommodation and safety issues, this is what Zhao Hongbing is most worried about.

"You should go back today. I am thinking about it myself to see what is appropriate. When I have news, I will go to the brigade to find you." Zhao Hongbing said.

Luo Daqing thought silently for a while, nodded, drank the water in the cup, put the cup aside, and said: "Old Zhao, your concerns are reasonable, but no matter what the outcome, the thoughts of the educated youth comrades You still have to do your work. As for other issues, whether it's money or manpower, I will help you solve it. At the same time, I will try to negotiate with the commune to get more support. "

Luo Daqing's words gave Zhao Hongbing support. After sending Luo Daqing away, Zhao Hongbing was thinking about his words, but what about Luo Daqing?

After leaving the Zhao family, he went straight to the commune and told Li Dekun what happened. Luo Daqing euphemistically expressed his hope to gain support from the commune. Li Dekun was silent for a long time and responded quite tactfully, "No matter whether the literacy class is expanded or the system needs to be reformed, we can still only claim to be a literacy class to the outside world. The commune will then collect feedback from each brigade's literacy classes. Some of them will perform well and some will perform well." , the commune will provide certain support and help.”

These words were already very straightforward. Luo Daqing quickly thanked him and his heart completely returned to his stomach.

 These children in Jiling Brigade are probably happy and lucky.

There is a production captain who is willing to consider them, and a team leader who is willing to protect them.

Of course, the power of the people at the bottom is very small. They are really lucky because of Director Li Dekun of the commune to which they belong. Like Zhao Hongbing and Luo Daqing, Li Dekun is also a loyal, honest and not ignorant person.

Even with all the sensitive pressure from the outside world on his head, Li Dekun would still choose to turn a blind eye to this matter, and then like the rain at night in spring, he would moisturize things silently for Luo Daqing, Zhao Hongbing and others People silently convey support.

Probably because they all have the same wishes and aspirations in their hearts, Li Dekun, Luo Daqing, and Zhao Hongbing all have a special tacit understanding.

Let’s talk about Zhao Hongbing.

  After thinking about it at home for two days, on this sunny afternoon, I finally went to the educated youth point with the rations sent by the captains of each team in the previous two days.

It was not yet time to finish work, and all the educated youths were there. However, because Zhao Hongbing asked Si Ningning by name if he was busy, the others realized that he was looking for Si Ningning for something, so they helped to call the people over, and they all learned what was going on. They left the house, leaving room for them to talk.

Zhao Hongbing first talked about mushrooms. He stopped the job without saying hello to Si Ningning in advance. After Geng Zhi apologized, he handed over the large and small ration bags and told Si Ningning that this job was absolutely perfect. Not half dry and so on.

Si Ningning was stunned for a long time before he finally realized what he was doing. He sighed quietly and said with a smile:

“Captain, the techniques of cultivating strains and post-plantation are not difficult, and didn’t I teach the golden branches and osmanthus in the team before? They can do this work too.”

Zhao Hongbing shook his head and said honestly: "It's already a blessing for them to learn from you. After all, you researched this matter, and you can't get away with it. Even if you let them teach you, this ration is also a reward for your research. I will give it to you later." They are rewarded with some work points individually, and the same goes for extra rations at the end of the year.”

Although Si Ningning didn't care about this "reward", Zhao Hongbing's attitude made her very comfortable.

However, she has plenty of food and drink, so she really doesn’t care about this. Instead of giving it to her, it’s better to give it to those in need.

Having this idea does not mean that Si Ningning is the so-called Holy Mother and started to be kind-hearted for no reason. This is not the case.

 Firstly, Si Ningning is really not lacking, and secondly, after staying in a simple, loyal and friendly environment for a long time, she will be infected. When others are thinking about her, she is also willing to consider others.

But this thing can be pushed away, but the thing cannot be pushed away. Si Ningping calmly complied, his head was racing, and he smiled knowingly for a while:

"Captain, the children are about to face a new round of tests. I guess I can't spare the time. Do you think this will work? When they come over, let Jin Zhi and Osmanthus teach. I will be responsible for being a consultant. If there is any If you can't solve anything, come to me."

“As for this ration, I’ll just take this bag of sweet potatoes, and you can divide the rest among the golden branches and sweet-scented osmanthus.”

“Tsk, how can this be done? This was originally given to you, what should I share with them? No, no, no.”

"We all work the same, there's nothing wrong with it. And captain, one yard is the same. You already gave me more work points when I gave orders about mushrooms. If I take such a large amount, do others have any opinions? I don’t know, on the contrary, I feel uncomfortable.”

Zhao Hongbing slowed down and thought for a while.

 What Si Ningning said makes sense.

And as for rewards, the purpose of giving them to others is to make them happy, to make them feel motivated and hopeful, and not to hide any good ideas in the future. But if this reward really makes Si Ningning feel uncomfortable, then it will be counterproductive. The gain outweighs the loss.

But Si Ningning only took sweet potatoes, and Zhao Hongbing felt that it was not enough. After thinking about it, his eyes fell on the smallest cloth bag on the table. Zhao Hongbing's eyes lit up and he quickly pulled out the bag and pushed it to Si Ningning:

“It’s not impossible, then you can take this too! This is rice, you must take it, no less!”

Zhao Hongbing's tone was decisive. Si Ningning had no choice but to laugh and could only take the bag of rice.


" there anything else you haven't said?"

"Ah, this, this..." Zhao Hongbing stroked the back of his head twice and turned his eyes away uncomfortably. After a while, he turned back and looked at Si Ningning and said nonchalantly: "Tsk... Si Zhiqing, there is something else. It’s just that I’m a little embarrassed to speak.”

Si Ningning wasn't sure what it was about, but looking at Zhao Hongbing's troubled look, he guessed it was not a trivial matter.

Sitting across the table opposite Zhao Hongbing, Si Ningning said slowly: "Captain, Huo Lang calls you uncle, and I should also call you uncle. They are all family members. If you have anything, just say it. I'm sure there is someone who can help." help."

Zhao Hongbing was even more embarrassed when Si Ningning said this, but he couldn't get over this matter no matter how hard he tried, he had to say it sooner or later.

Zhao Hongbing was heartbroken and said straight to the point: "Actually, it's about the literacy class. Didn't the captain bring people over for inspection in the first few days? The captains next door were attracted by our mushroom technology at first, and then they felt that our literacy class was doing well. "

Si Ningning nodded, indicating that she was listening carefully.

"They came here every two days and said they wanted to send the children on their team to study..." Zhao Hongbin sighed and reflected on himself: "It's because I love to show off. I asked you in advance to create a good study atmosphere. If there wasn't such a place, maybe Nothing like this will happen.”

Si Ningning's deer eyes flickered, and she roughly guessed the situation at that time from Zhao Hongbing's words, but there was one thing she didn't quite understand. After thinking about it, she also asked: "The literacy class can be expanded, but several other production teams It’s not close to our place, and it’s all on a mountainous road. Children have to be escorted here, so it’s not practical to walk around every day.”

Si Ningning means that the journey is not low in risk, and it is very time-consuming and troublesome. There is endless work to do every day, so how can you spare the time?

 (End of this chapter)

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