Chapter 368 Empathy

 She said she was not in a hurry, but in fact she was still anxious in her heart.

Si Ningning also slowed down her pace. She was two steps behind Huo Lang. Huo Lang turned around to look at her, while she looked up at Huo Lang.

The staircase is not very spacious, and it is close to the window at the corner. The halo of sunlight from behind the house pours in from the window, and the bright light falls on Si Ningning's face, making her cheeks look whiter and her eyebrows brighter.

She curved her lips, looked up at Huo Lang and asked:

 “Do you have any ideas?”

“My thought is that waiting until the end of the year is too long, and whether it snows is too unsafe and unfair.”

Si Ningning’s eyes were bright and she asked with a smile: “What do you think is fair?”

Without any hesitation, Huo Lang held Si Ningning's hand tightly, led Si Ningning up the stairs, and quickly gave a reply:

“It’s too long to wait for snow, wait for rain! No matter how big the difference between the north and south is, it will rain every year.”

 After saying that, he turned back to ask Si Ningning for her opinion, "If you think it's okay, then when it rains next time, I will devote my absolute loyalty to you."

Horang’s expression is rigorous and his tone is sincere. Sitting seriously will make him stick to his lifelong promise.

Si Ningning felt that she had no reason to refuse.

So, she gently hooked the palm of Huo Lang's hand and whispered: "I will remember all the words you said to me, the water you poured out, and if one day you disobey me, I will not I will forgive you."

The atmosphere of the attic was filled with heart-pounding ripples. In the mottled bamboo shadows reflected on the ground, the tips of two vague figures gradually approached.

The moment before they touched each other, he promised her in a deep voice, "Never."

Huo Lang hugged Si Ningning, and as their breaths mingled and their lips and teeth intertwined, he silently equated the girl in front of him with the blazing red flag.

He also silently made a decision in his heart that he would guard his girl like he guarded the red flag for the rest of his life.

There is little rain in summer, but when it does rain, it always comes without warning.

To ensure that nothing goes wrong and that everything in the house is complete when Si Ningning comes in, while the new and old literacy classes are gradually getting on the right track, Huo Lang is also working hard.

The wood that was exchanged for work points a while ago was all new wood, and the dark moisture would have to wait until at least next year before construction could start. Huo Lang couldn't wait, so he took the new wood and exchanged it with other people on the team for ready-made wood. If the production team didn't have it, he went to the brigade to replace it. If the team is not enough, they will be replaced by other production teams.

The pieces of wood weighing thirty, forty, fifty or sixty kilograms at a time, it was thanks to him that he had to carry them back and forth such a long way.

 He enjoyed it so much that he didn't think it was anything if he had blisters on his shoulders, but he didn't dare to tell Si Ningning.

But having said that, because of the increase in literacy classes, Si Ningning and Jiang Yue had full classes every day. One of them taught Chinese and the other taught mathematics. They negotiated the division of labor. In the morning, one took charge of the large class and the other took charge of the small class. In the afternoon, they were reversed. Come here, it’s really busy.

 In less than half a month, the two of them lost a lot of weight.

Si Ningning and Huo Lang were both busy and did not pay much attention to each other during this period. Huo Lang only found out about this when He Gu complained unhappily when he returned home.

Jiang Yue was originally thin, and Huo Lang never paid much attention to her, so when she went to the literacy class, Huo Lang didn't see anything from her.

On the other hand, Si Ningning and Huo Lang were always paying attention. At a glance, it was obvious that he had lost just a little bit.

The girl's figure was already slender and light. In addition, Si Ningning fell ill at the end of last year. Huo Lang always felt that she was too thin and weak, so he wanted to make her fatter and healthier.

After working hard for more than half a year, I always nourished myself with good food and drink. I finally managed to make my face look a little more colorful, and my pointed chin became a little rounder. This time it was good. In less than half a month, I lost weight again. The previous nail face.

 “What kind of nail face?”

 After class time, the children were running and playing on the small playground. Si Ningning and Huo Lang stood under the shade of the trees at the edge.

Si Ningning raised her hand and touched her face. Although she preferred her cheeks to be plump and round, this did not stop her from rolling her eyes and replying to Huo Lang:

 “Is this called melon-seed face?”

For the first time, Huo Lang did not follow her words. Instead, he raised his chin at the children running back and forth on the playground and asked:

"These new kids didn't look very good when they came here. Why do they look better now, but yours is not as good as before? Is it because the students are difficult to discipline and the lessons are difficult to teach? Or are you not eating well?"

Si Ningning shook his head, feeling helpless.

 It is indeed a bit troublesome to lead two classes. In addition, these children are not very old. They leave home at such a young age. Si Ningning always has many things to consider, such as whether they will miss home?

 Will there be a fight?

 Will you fall and bump into each other when playing?

 All her attention was placed on these children uncontrollably, and she did not care too much about her own life.

But these are not important.

After sighing slightly, Si Ningning did not reply to Huo Lang. Instead, she raised her pale pink lips and looked at the children running on the small playground softly.

Her voice was soft and gentle, and she murmured something unrelated to the topic to Horan:

“The flying young man is the most touching. When he runs, he seems to have traveled through time. The sunshine is so shines in every corner, illuminating the most worry-free moment in their lives."

She turned her head to look at Huo Lang, and the dappled sunlight among the leaves fell on her face, making her even brighter and gentler: "It's worth it."

  Not everyone’s brightness and gentleness are brought out of the mother’s womb at birth.

For example, Si Ningning is in front of me.

 Her tenderness and brightness were gradually established by the countless shadows she experienced.

Because she was neglected when she was young, she experienced pain, depression and unhappiness that her peers had never experienced before. She was not able to be loved well and experience the joy of childhood. This is her regret and her desire. .

Therefore, when dealing with these children who looked similar to her own age, she always thought that she must treat them well and take good care of them, as if this could make up for the shortcomings in her heart.

Horang understands Si Ningning.

He was just stunned for a moment, and then his Adam's apple rolled up and down. Huo Lang pursed his thin lips and said nothing. He just secretly held Si Ningning's hand tightly at an angle where no one noticed.

Si Ningning didn't take it seriously. When he shook hands with Huo Lang, he smiled and comforted Huo Lang: "Don't worry about me, okay? These are all worth it to me. They are very meaningful things."

After that, she stuck out her tongue playfully and deliberately teased Huo Lang: "And when these children come out of the mountains in the future, maybe I can become a famous person all over the world! By then everyone in the world will know that in In a remote mountain village in country Z, there is such a legendary teacher, and that is me! "

Huo Lang sighed in his heart, and smiled in line with Si Ningning's face, "Why you? It could also be Jiang Zhiqing." The atmosphere became lively, and Si Ningning deliberately raised his neck, as delicate and proud as a swan, "Then two A legendary teacher, I’ll take Jiang Yue with me."

  Holang shook his head and laughed.

Just as Jiang Yue knocked on the bamboo tube hanging under the eaves, the children knew that class time was coming, so they stopped playing and ran to the classroom one after another.

Some people who were chasing each other almost hit others. Si Ningning saw them and quickly raised his voice to remind: "Hu Zhuangzhuang, run slower, don't hit others."

After saying that, Si Ningning looked back at Huo Lang and said with a smile: "Then... I'm going to class, will you come back too?"

 Huo Lang nodded, holding Si Ningning's hand but not letting go in a hurry. He stared at Si Ningning with his deep peach blossom eyes, and said in a calm and low tone: "Go to your house for lunch at noon, and I will prepare something delicious for you."

Si Ningning nodded, and then he let go.

Si Ningning ran out for a few steps, then turned around and waved to Huo Lang.

Huo Lang shook his head, indicating that he was not in a hurry to leave, and then raised his chin, indicating that he wanted to watch Si Ningning enter the classroom.

Si Ningning couldn't defeat him, so she sighed helplessly and trotted into the classroom with a pout on her lips. After a while, she heard the voices of children shouting "Hello, teacher" from the classroom.

Holang paused outside the door for a long time, waiting for the class to proceed for a while before taking steps to leave.

 In the educated youth community, except for Si Ningning and Jiang Yue, who have lost weight, the lives of others are not peaceful.

It was originally agreed that the female educated youths would help the male educated youths with cooking, but after Song Xiaoyun got married, she moved out of the educated youth camp early. There were only three female educated youths left in the entire educated youth camp. Si Ningning and Jiang Yue were busy preparing lessons. , He couldn't even take care of his own food, let alone help the male educated youth.

The remaining Xu Shuhua was also in charge of cooking for the literacy class and the project was huge, so she couldn't spare any time to take care of the male educated youth.

Several male educated youths were busy for a while, not only suffering hardships, but also wasting a lot of food rations. Finally, they were forced to do something about it, so they discussed with Zhao Hongbing that they would export the food themselves and go to the literacy class to eat.

 It means that when Xu Shuhua is making a big pot of rice, she can help them by the way.

 Zhao Hongbing and Xu Shuhua nodded in agreement, and several male educated youths were rescued from the suffering of cooking.

In addition to these, because several lesbians are busy with other matters, male educated youths also help take care of the rabbits in the side room of the educated youth area.

I forgot to mention before that rabbits breed very quickly, and there are more than eight rabbits in each litter. They have already bred several litters before, and the rabbit cages on the three walls of the room are stacked as high as a person's head.

 There are too many rabbits, so no matter how hard you clean them, the smell will come, not to mention that in summer, it is easy to smell. In addition, the male educated youth are not as careful in cleaning as the female educated youth, so the smell is even greater.

Every time Si Ningning came back from class in the afternoon, she would feel a throbbing pain in her temples when she smelled the smell brought by the wind at night.

 There are more and more rabbits, and they all have their hands full with work, and they can’t spare any time to tidy up or cut grass. If this continues, not only will people suffer, but rabbits will also not be able to be raised well.

Si Ningning had wanted to deal with it for a long time, but she never got around to it. She originally wanted to wait until next week's holiday, when the children had gone home, she would clean it up, and then Zhao Hongbing would tell Zhao Hongbing how to deal with the rabbits.

However, an unexpected incident occurred. Mo Bei was bitten by a rabbit when he was cleaning up the rabbit cage.

Even though the rabbit was a rodent, the bite was not light. A piece of meat was bitten off the side of Mo Bei's right palm. The dermis was ruptured and blood gushed out at an alarming speed. After a while, dozens of drops of blood accumulated on the ground. Each drop dropped to the ground and was about the size of a baby's fist.

At first, Mo Bei thought he was bitten because of improper operation, and he was too embarrassed to tell others. After class in the afternoon, Si Ningning found blood stains when he went back to feed the rabbit, so he asked everyone one by one.

 In one afternoon, the blood stains on Mo Bei's wound had already stopped, but when Si Ningning learned what had happened and looked over, she saw a slightly sunken dark red blood hole on the side of his palm.

At that time, Si Ningning felt that these rabbits could not be kept.

This has never happened before, but now it suddenly appears...

Of course, there are many possibilities for rabbits to bite people, such as improper handling and frightening the rabbit.

It is also possible that the male rabbit and the female rabbit were not bred in time during the estrus period. The male rabbit and the female rabbit will fall into a state of mania, and the slightest movement will cause them to have an emergency response.

Of course, there is not enough food. When rabbits are always hungry, this will also make them on the verge of mania. When disturbed, they will attack people, objects, or similar animals.

 No matter what the situation is, these rabbits cannot be kept.

 Compared to birds, if they bite people, they are likely to be infected with diseases. This time it was Mo Bei, and next time it might be Jiang Yue, Xu Shuhua, or she and Song Shuhan.

Si Ningning went back to the room to get iodine and alcohol cotton, turned his back to the door of the room, and took out a few antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs from the space without telling anyone.

Si Ningning tore two square pieces of paper at the table. Si Ningning wrapped the two medicines separately and packed them. Then she walked out of the room and put the things on the table in the hall. She looked at Mo Bei and patted the table with her hands. "What's in the box is alcohol cotton, and what's in the small bottle is iodine. One of these two packs is anti-inflammatory medicine, and the other is..."

Si Ningning was not sure whether there was any such thing as antibiotic pills at this time. He stuttered and said:

“Well, it’s also anti-inflammatory medicine. I brought it from Beijing during the Spring Festival.”

“You know how to clean wounds, right? If you know how, ask one of them to help you. Once the cleaning is done, take one pill each of these two anti-inflammatory drugs. Remember to take them after meals in the past two days.”

Si Ningning said, walking out, "You guys get moving, I'll go to the team."

Following the serious and decisive rejection by Si Ningning a few months ago, Mo Bei never took the initiative to say a word to Si Ningning again, even just now. Mo Bei wanted to say no, but never found the opportunity to speak.

Now realizing Si Ningning's motives, Mo Bei quickly stood up and grabbed Si Ningning's arm with his uninjured hand:

"I'm fine, don't send these rabbits away just because of this... I can be careful next time."

 Rabbits are nothing to Mo Bei, but in the past few months, through Si Ningning's previous words, Mo Bei gradually learned to empathize.

Hence he knew very well that everyone in the educated youth camp had a very hard time.

Apart from the eggs that can be eaten occasionally every day, these rabbits are the only hope for food.

 (End of this chapter)

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