Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 369: self-improvement

Chapter 369 Self-improvement

Si Ningning turned around and saw the look in Mo Bei's eyes clearly. She kept silent and thought for a moment, and she could vaguely guess what Mo Bei was thinking.

Si Ningning could clearly feel that in the past few months, Mo Bei had changed again.

 He will consider others, and will no longer choose to ignore the feelings of others because of his awkward personality, feeling embarrassed about everything, and being embarrassed.

 This may be another growth opportunity for him.

Thinking of the comparison between the Mo Bei she had just met and the Mo Bei in front of her, Si Ningning felt a little comforted in her heart. She thought about it briefly, and finally slowly retracted her hand and said softly:

“Not all of them will be sent away, but most of them will be sent away.”

After speaking, he turned his eyes to the other people behind Mo Bei, "Raising rabbits is to improve life. Now these rabbits have brought a lot of trouble to daily life, so I think we should reconsider this matter."

Jiang Yue took a step forward, raised her forehead and said:

"Didn't the captain say before that we can raise six ourselves? Then let's keep six and leave the rest to the team... It's true that you can earn points for raising rabbits, but now everyone has things on their hands and can't spare the time. Take care of it in your spare time.”

 What’s more, this is before the busy farming season!

  What will you do if you get busy with farming later and have no time?

 Jiang Yue was the first to express his position: "Anyway, I support Ning Ning."

Xu Shuhua lay prone beside the table in the main room, weakly agreeing: "I also support... It's really tiring to cook for so many people every day. I peeled two large pots of potatoes by myself today, and my hands were shaking after I finished the work. It’s like it’s not my own, I can’t even hold the chopsticks.”

Li Lingyuan and Song Shuhan did not speak, but from their eyes, Mo Bei understood what they meant.

Since everyone didn't care and agreed, there was no point in continuing to persuade him, so he nodded and sat back at the table.

Si Ningning carried her backpack to look for Zhao Hongbing. Now she was getting busy. She originally thought that there was a high probability that she would miss it, but she didn't expect that when she arrived at the Zhao family, Zhao Hongbing was at home, sitting on the threshold of the main room with a frown and a black face. Where's the **** handle?


 “Hey, Si Zhiqing, you are here.”

Si Ningning crossed the threshold of the yard and shouted. Zhao Hongbing looked up when he heard the sound and saw it was her. He stood up quickly, holding the iron **** part in one hand and the **** handle in the other. He moved the things aside to make room for Si Ningning to enter the house. .

Waving his hand for Si Ningning to sit down, Zhao Hongbing smiled roughly. He had already picked up the teapot, poured a glass of water for Si Ningning and pushed it along the table. "Is there anything you need to do if you come here at this hour?"

Si Ningning nodded, talked about the rabbit, and tactfully expressed the trouble the rabbit brought to life. He hoped that Zhao Hongbing could take the rabbit away, expand the rabbit-raising business, find someone else to raise it, or find someone else to raise it. In the brigade, everyone is allowed to exchange for purchases in the form of work points.

  Anyway, you can do anything, but the educated youth will definitely not be able to support that many.

 Actually, Si Ningning felt a little embarrassed when she said these words.

 She was the one who said she wanted to raise rabbits at first, and now she is the one who says she won’t.

 Her original idea was very good and she thought it was a very low-cost "business". In fact, it was, but she didn't expect it to be so busy now.

If the literacy class hadn't intervened midway, Si Ningning was confident that when the mushroom industry of the third team was officially established, rabbit raising would also follow suit and gradually form a new scale.

 “Well, that’s about it…”

Zhao Hongbing scratched his head, and the scalp on the back of his head made a sizzling sound. "Okay, I understand. Si Zhiqing, you go back first. I will take the time to go over and have a look in the next two days, and then we will see how to do it well."

  "Okay, uncle, I'll go back first."

Si Ningning nodded, got up and left Zhao's house.

Originally, Zhao Hongbing's words were meant to be a refusal, but unexpectedly, Zhao Hongbing came to the door with thugs the next day.

Of course, this thug is none other than Holang.

Zhao Hongbing walked in front and entered the house to check on the rabbit. Huo Lang walked slowly behind and looked at Si Ningning up and down and asked: "I heard that someone was bitten. Who was it?"

 “It’s Mo Bei, not me.”

Huo Lang said "hmm" and breathed a sigh of relief, but he still did not forget to tell him: "There are fewer rabbits here, so we have to pay attention to feeding them. Don't look at this thing as not aggressive. Tetanus on the wound will be bad." "

Si Ningning raised her head and blinked at him, curved her lips and teased deliberately: "Hey, you also know about tetanus."

Huo Lang raised his hand to touch Si Ningning, but before he could reach out, he heard Zhao Hongbing's surprised voice coming from the room:

“Oh my God, didn’t the educated youth have a rabbit once during the Chinese New Year? It’s only been a few months, but the few rabbits left behind are so fertile? They can have many more babies than a pig woman!”

            : Refers to a sow. 】

As soon as Zhao Hongbing entered the left-hand room of the main hall, he was surprised by the rabbit cages covering three walls.

Zhao Hongbing didn't pay much attention to raising rabbits at first. Later, during the Chinese New Year, when the educated youths handed over rabbits, Zhao Hongbing only thought it was a small fuss, but he didn't expect how long it would take?

  So many rabbits were bred from the first five or six rabbits? And I even ate it once!

Zhao Hongbing was not stupid. There was an example of Si Ningning cultivating bacterial strains. He vaguely guessed that Si Ningning must have his own considerations when it comes to raising rabbits.

 Zhao Hongbing hurriedly came out of the room, pushed past Huo Lang, pulled Si Ningning to sit down at the table, and asked in detail:

"Si Zhiqing, regarding the rabbit, did you have any other plans at the beginning? Now that the Zhiqing can't raise it, I can arrange for someone else to raise it. Just such plans and plans, can you tell me about it? ?”

"Aha..." Zhao Hongbing laughed dryly and quickly expressed his position, "Public is public, private is private. Don't worry, once your suggestion is adopted, this matter will be the same as the mushroom matter before, and the rewards will be the same. Indispensable!”

This is fair to say...

Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang. After Huo Lang nodded, she breathed a sigh of relief and talked in detail with Zhao Hongbing:

“Actually, I didn’t have much idea at all. I just wanted to use the priority materials to improve my life. But judging from the reproduction speed of rabbits, I weighed it a little bit.”

"Pork is meat, and rabbits are meat, and raising rabbits is faster than raising pigs. Cleaning is easy, and the only troublesome thing is probably the trivial work of going out to mow the grass. But in the final analysis, the cost of raising rabbits is extremely low. "

"Once developed, we can first enrich the food for the production team. For example, the dinner plates at the members' homes may occasionally have a bit of meaty meat. If they eat solid food, their physical fitness will also improve. Not only will they have hope in their hearts, but they will also be motivated to work. "

 What do people want in their lives?

  It is nothing more than the desire to have a full stomach when you are hungry, and the desire to eat well and wear warm clothes when you are full. One bite cannot make you fat, and all cravings and desires are gradually reduced.

 As long as you seize the opportunity well, you can indeed avoid many detours.

Of course, what I just said is just Si Ningning’s initial estimate of Zhao Hongbing’s desire to raise rabbits, and there are deeper things going on. "Uncle, you know, because of the matter of borrowing cats before, I have some friendship with Academician Liang in the county. She is an academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. She is educated and has a wide range of interests. I lent it to me from her. I read about the method of processing leather in my notes. If we really raise this rabbit, in addition to eating our own meat and selling rabbits and rabbit meat to others, we can also expand our side business in other projects. "

Zhao Hongbing nodded repeatedly, with a pair of bright eyes staring at Si Ningning on his rough, dark face, waiting for Si Ningning to continue.

Si Ningning did not disappoint him and continued to express some of his own thoughts and indirections:

“The processed leather can be made into clothes, and the rabbit fur can also be spun into thread, such as sweaters, scarves, gloves, coats, etc.”

Zhao Hongbing's eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened, but he didn't know what he thought of. The joy on his face faded, and then his brows lowered, and his expression became bitter.

He hesitated and asked: "Is this possible? Is this nature the same as that of the capitalist school?"

Si Ningning laughed and shook his head, "How can this be considered a capitalist? When the time comes, if we sell it to external parties, wouldn't it be better to go through the official channels of the commune?"

Si Ningning paused after speaking, because Huo Lang had already picked out her cup from the table with ease, poured her a glass of water and handed it to her.

 After talking on the phone for a long time, Si Ningning happened to feel a little thirsty.

She smiled flatteringly at Huo Lang, "dundun" and took two sips of water. She licked the water stains on her lips and continued to say to Zhao Hongbing:

“And if you really want to make money, this money is earned by working together as a collective. After the production team is used up, the rest will be distributed together as dividends. This is essentially different from capitalists and cannot be lumped together.”

Zhao Hongbing nodded thoughtfully and thought about Si Ningning's words carefully. After a while, he suddenly felt enlightened.

However, after his psychological concerns were resolved, Zhao Hongbing had other worries:

"Si Zhiqing, according to what you said, I think raising rabbits does have a future. But we can try to control the methods of raising rabbits, but for making clothes, and imitating rabbit fur into threads, we don't have that technology. No, then when the time comes, won’t the skins and rabbit fur have to be thrown into my hands?”

It was okay if he didn't know about these methods at first, but now he knew it. Zhao Hongbing felt like his heart would bleed if he really smashed the thing in his hand.

How much blood and sweat of the members will be lost!

So much that Zhao Hongbing's rough and dark face suddenly wrinkled like a bitter gourd.

Unexpectedly, Si Ningning smiled again and said with bright eyes:

"If we can do it ourselves, we will do it ourselves, and if we can't do it, we will outsource it to others. If not, we will only grab the first-hand profit, be the initial supplier and material supplier, and then buy out the contract. We will not care about subsequent reproduction, which means we will make less money. For those things that require less effort and effort.”

Si Ningning talked eloquently on these matters. She not only had her own opinions, but also gave corresponding solutions to some problems. Her plans were also very clear. Many things that Zhao Hongbing didn't understand were explained by her in a few words, and they were solved in an instant. Able to get the core ideas.

After a conversation, Zhao Hongbing almost fell into ecstasy, "This can work, this can work!"

Zhao Hongbing fell into his own world and kept repeating this sentence, while Huo Lang looked at Si Ningning with increasingly hot eyes.

 Si Ningning's excellence has always been recognized by Huo Lang, and Si Ningning has brought enough surprises to Huo Lang in life, but Huo Lang never thought that the scope of knowledge that Si Ningning dabbles in is so broad.

It seems that no matter what it is, as long as someone brings it up, asks her for her opinion, or simply talks to her, she can analyze it.

Huo Lang was happy and proud of Si Ningning's excellence, and at the same time, he was silently cheering for himself.

With his current brute strength, he is really not worthy of his superior Si Ningning.

 But he will never give up on Si Ningning. Therefore, in order to follow in Si Ningning's footsteps, he must study hard and improve himself.

“You frown so tightly, what are you thinking about?”

The center of his eyebrows was suddenly flicked, and Huo Lang suddenly came back to his senses. Si Ningning put one hand on the table to support his chin and looked at him. The hand that probed the center of his eyebrows had just been withdrawn, but there was no trace of Zhao Hongbing on one side.

Huo Lang shook his head and said, "Nothing." After a while, he asked nonchalantly, "Where's your uncle?"

“I went back in a hurry, saying I was going to find someone right away... By the way, I just arranged for you to transport the rabbit cage here to his yard, but you were just in a daze and didn’t respond.”

Horang nodded, indicating that he understood.

Si Ningning said "hmm" and drank water slowly from the bamboo cup. After a while, he said again:

“When I talked about the rabbit fur just now, I thought of Uncle Sandoku.”

She pulled Huo Lang sideways and said, "Hey, don't Uncle Sande raise ducks over there? The duck down can also be used!"

Huo Langjun’s face frowned, and he raised his eyebrows and asked, “What can duck feathers be used for? Duck feather clothes?”

“Duck-feather clothes? What the hell!” Si Ningning disliked showing his teeth. He didn’t think about it carefully, but it seemed that he was right.

 Down jackets have the same nature, but they have different names.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang's puzzled eyes, stood up and said, "Sit down and wait for a while, I'll go find something."


Si Ningning ran back to the room, pretending to writhe for a while, and finally turned her back to the door. She then pulled out a vest from the space covered by the mosquito net on the bed.

The inside of the vest is the core of down. When spring is not so cold, Si Ningning followed the previous method of reforming down jackets and nailed a layer of ordinary fabric to the outer layer of the vest to cover it. The original zipper design was also changed by Si Ningning. It was changed to buttons, with a total of four buttons from the hem to the collar.

Such clothes are rare nowadays, but they are not eye-catching either.

Si Ningning rubbed her hands on the fabric of the vest. Although the fabric was rough on the outside, she could vaguely feel the softness on the inside.

She returned to the main room holding the waistcoat. The person sitting at the table handed the waistcoat to Huo Lang with a "hey" sound.

"This is?"

Horang was a little confused.

Si Ningning hummed and smiled, and said, "Can you touch it and see?"

 (End of this chapter)

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