Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 371: Another year of double grabbing

Chapter 371 Another year of double grabbing

Before leaving, Xu Shuhua moved her mouth towards Song Xiaoyun who was not far away, and asked Si Ningning in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

“It’s nothing, she’s just in a bad mood. Come and talk to me. I’ll just enlighten her.” Si Ningning responded casually.

Xu Shuhua nodded with deep understanding, "Yes, I heard that pregnant people have great mood swings, so you can enlighten her more. I'm not as sharp-tongued as you, otherwise I'll talk to her too."

Si Ningning said a perfunctory "hmm", smiled and turned around to leave.

She had said it bluntly at the beginning about Song Xiaoyun's bad thing. Song Xiaoyun didn't listen at that time, so the situation today happened.

 But today is different from the past. Even if they wish Song Xiaoyun a good life, they cannot speak too directly.

 Because they are a couple and a family, it is wrong for them, outsiders, to talk too much and to interfere.

Si Ningning just tried to remind her as tactfully as possible, but as for whether Song Xiaoyun will listen, how much will she listen, and what will be done next?

These are things that Si Ningning can't take care of, and they are things that she doesn't want to take care of and is too lazy to take care of.

  In the literacy class, including lunch, the teacher has two and a half hours of rest time.

There were four classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon. Just giving lectures all day long made Si Ningning’s throat feel like smoke was rising, so she couldn’t make do with the lunch break.

 usually went back to the Educated Youth Point to rest after dinner, but today she caught up with Song Xiaoyun. Si Ningning was actually quite afraid that Song Xiaoyun would stubbornly pester her, so she didn't go back to the Educated Youth Point. Instead, she took her lunch box and walked to the team.

Song Xiaoyun really wanted to talk to Si Ningning, but probably because she saw Si Ningning's intention, she took back her step before she even took it.

Si Ningning took in this scene with his peripheral vision and continued walking along the path, but his mood became uncontrollably irritable.

She doesn’t understand why Song Xiaoyun can’t stand up, but as a woman, she has always felt that women in such restrictive and family backgrounds are always the saddest...

I hope Song Xiaoyun can grow up soon!

 Be able to realize that friends are people who may help her, and in a family, those who exploit her will only exploit her, so do not please or rely on such people.

Si Ningning patted his face, took a deep breath to calm down a little, and then trotted towards the Chen family courtyard on the other side of the bamboo forest beside the production team.

The canteen of the literacy class was set up for the children of several other production teams who could not go home. The children of this team still ate at home in the morning, lunch and evening. Usually at this time, the chimney of the Chen family was filled with smoke, but today when they walked into the courtyard, It's deserted.

Si Ningning thought there was no one in the house. She stood in the courtyard for a long time and was about to leave, when Hegu suddenly poked his head out of the house and said, "Si Ningning! Why don't you come in?"

Hegu’s brows were furrowed, his pouty lips pursed, and he looked at Si Ningning with a bit of resentment.

Si Ningning laughed, turned around, took two steps, supported his little head and walked into the house together, "I thought there was no one at home, why is it so deserted today?"

 In the main room, Sanae's small figure was lying on the edge of the table writing. When she saw Si Ningning, she called out "Sister Ning", and then added an explanation: "Brother is busy today and didn't cook."

“Then why don’t you two go find me?”

Si Ningning put down the lunch box, originally wanting the two little ones to eat first, but when she thought that the steamed potatoes were bland and they probably didn't like them, she rolled up her sleeves and planned to go to the kitchen to cook them. However, as soon as she walked into the kitchen, she heard the sound coming from the backyard. Come the sound of "rustle".

Si Ningning poked her head out and said, "I thought you weren't at home. Why don't you cook at home?"

Huo Lang was bending down to plan wood by the well. He turned around when he heard the sound. The next moment he put down his things and clapped his hands and walked straight towards Si Ningning. "You're here, have you eaten?"

 “I packed some food and came here to eat. What about you? I just asked you a question!”

"I got a pair of breeding rabbits from Uncle Hong Bing, and I'm thinking about shaving some solid materials to make a more formal cage. Then the rabbits can move around freely. If I don't cook, won't this take a long time at noon? It’s the same thing if you do it later.”

Si Ningning glanced at the backyard, and sure enough, she saw a rabbit huddled in a small bamboo cage under the shade of a tree.

She slowly followed Huo Lang back to the main room, and asked curiously: "The captain said before that rabbits are like chickens, and one household can only raise three. Why do you think of raising rabbits? The breeding rabbits we also got will last a lifetime." What to do with the nest?”

"I count two households and can raise six. We can eat them as soon as they are born. They are raised just for food." Huo Lang glanced at Si Ningning, then turned to look at Hegu and Sanmiao, "They all need to be replenished." , grow some meat.”

Having said that, he quickly opened the lunch box that Si Ningning put on the table. Seeing two potatoes without any oil or water inside, he lowered his eyebrows and turned to ask Si Ningning: "Is this what you want for lunch?"

“...Isn’t that convenient? It’s not easy to cook food for so many people in the cafeteria. It’s enough to cook it and eat it. How can it be the same as at home, where everything is available?”

Huo Lang finally understood how Si Ningning's small chin, which he had managed to cultivate with great effort, had become sharp again in such a short period of time.

  Picked up a potato and stuffed it into his mouth. Before Si Ningning reached out to grab it, Huo Lang cut the other potato into two parts, giving half to the grain and half to Sanmiao, "Eat it first."

 The two little ones said "Oh" obediently, holding the potatoes in their hands and started eating them in small bites.

Si Ningning was stamping her feet beside her, "What are you doing!"

Without explaining to her, Huo Lang bowed and put the grain on his shoulders and headed towards the kitchen. "They will complain about hunger when they come back. Let them rest for a while first, and then I will do other things."

Putting down the grain, he pressed his little head and pushed him to the stove to start a fire. Huo Lang took a ladle of water and rinsed his hands. Then he brought the wooden basin for washing vegetables, opened the rice vat, and scooped out the flour together. .

He is not very good at cooking, but under the influence and training of Si Ningning, he can now make gnocchi soup very well, so he plans to make gnocchi at noon.

Si Ningning was angry and funny, and understood that Huo Lang was making a silent protest to her, protesting that the food she ate was not nutritious.

 Although he was protesting, he was doing the work at hand neatly, just to allow her and them to eat better.

There were some wilted green vegetables under the table legs. Si Ningning helped choose the vegetables, occasionally stretching her neck and chatting to Huo Lang:

 “Why are you still angry?”

“Oh, look at you...I don’t even care, why are you so pretentious? There are so many people who don’t have enough to eat, how can we still have rice and fine noodles for every meal? As long as we can fill our stomachs, that’s it.”

“Tsk—” Huo Lang stopped shaking his face and looked at Si Ningning stubbornly like a stubborn donkey. “You are you and others are others. What do you care about others? It’s not like we don’t have that condition.”

“Besides, how can we have a meal every day? You only have these two potatoes for lunch, so what do you eat in the morning? Are they also potatoes?”


Si Ningning stuttered and shook his head.

Huo Lang asked suspiciously: "What's the food?" The workload in the literacy class is not light, and Si Ningning's time is taken up. He can't spare any time to cook. If he doesn't come to eat, he can only work in the literacy class. Eat in the cafeteria.

She also said that since the canteen has to feed so many people, it would be good if it is cooked, but there is no way to cook it, so what good food can she get?

Si Ningning laughed dryly, lowered her head to pinch the roots of vegetables, her voice was a few decibels weaker, "I'm eating steamed sweet potatoes..."

 “Red, potato.”

Holang almost fainted from anger, glared at her, simply turned around and continued shaking the dough without saying anything.

Si Ningning pursed her lips and stopped talking.

She couldn't spare the time to cook. When she went to the canteen to eat, she asked Xu Shuhua to lend a hand and help cook it. Moreover, everyone ate the same way, so she had to eat even if she wasn't used to it. How could she have the nerve to pick and choose?

If you come here to eat, she and Huo Lang are just engaged and not married yet. The old sisters-in-law in the team will always discuss it openly or secretly.

Si Ningning didn't care about this, but she was afraid it would affect Sanmiao and Hegu.

She has done a few things that are not practical, and her status in the team is relatively delicate. The sisters-in-law don't dare to talk about her, but they will talk about Sanae and Hegu.

Si Ningning had heard several times before that Sanmiao and Hegu had excellent grades because she, the soon-to-be sister-in-law, ran a small stove and taught private classes alone.

Si Ningning was actually very angry when he rejected the children's own efforts in just a few words. He thought about arguing with the situation, but after calming down and thinking about it, he changed his approach.

 She is a teacher, and she is indeed Sanae's sister-in-law-to-be. No matter what she does, as long as there is this subtle relationship, outsiders cannot stop their imagination.

Talk too much and make mistakes, and explanations will become cover-ups. Si Ningning chose to treat it coldly and restrain herself, reducing the number of visits to Chen's house.

If it weren't for the fear of going back to the educated youth spot to be alone and being pestered by Song Xiaoyun, she wouldn't have chosen to come here today.

  Holang even had a fight with her because of this.

  The mood that had just improved suddenly deteriorated again. Si Ningning picked off two vegetable roots and suddenly felt a little annoyed.

The more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became. She put down the green vegetables in her hand and exhaled from her nose in displeasure. Just as she was about to stand up and say go back to rest, Huo Lang turned around before the words came out of her mouth.

 There was no stubborn or angry look on his handsome face, but instead a look of helplessness and pampering. He coaxed and made a request:

 “Come here to eat in the future.”

People are often like this. When no one is coaxing them, their anger will go away. But if someone is coaxing them, their temper will get worse.

Si Ningning was like this. Her little face turned unhappy, she pouted like a child and turned her face away, "I don't."

 “Then I’ll send it to you.”

Si Ningning turned around and kicked Huo Lang, "I don't want you to give it away."

“Okay, I’ll drag my aunt to send it to you when the time comes.”

Huo Lang hummed and smiled as if he was cheating. Not to mention that he needed a spanking. If Hegu hadn't been by his side, Si Ningning would have wanted to go up and scratch him twice.

Youyuan glared at Huo Lang, who made Si Ningning lose his temper. Over there, Huo Lang had already shaken the dough, poured water into the pot, and said at the same time: "Have you chosen the dishes? They will be served soon. The pot is gone.”

Si Ningning curled her lips, sat down again and continued to choose dishes, "That's good, that's good!"

The third team is ushering in another busy year of double farming. Si Ningning and Jiang Yue have a full schedule and are only responsible for the work of the literacy class.

 Like Xu Shuhua, her workload is actually very heavy, but in order to survive, or in order to have a more stable living situation, after finishing the work in the canteen every afternoon, she will also go to the warehouse to get a sickle and go to the fields to cut rice with her.

In addition to this, after returning to the educated youth point in the evening to wash up and before everyone turned on the lights and went to bed, she would use the dim light to rub some straw ropes. After two or three days of saving, she would go to the team to exchange for work points.

Everyone understands that everything is in moderation, but everyone's situation is different. Si Ningning didn't know how to persuade her. She had never experienced Xu Shuhua's situation. She felt that everything she said was a bit taken for granted, so she stopped talking.

Every night when Xu Shuhua was busy, she would always make an excuse to prepare lessons and keep the kerosene lamp burning longer.

Jiang Yue followed suit and often chatted and prepared lessons together. Two small tables were put together, with a kerosene lamp on the left and right sides of the table. The whole room was much brighter than usual.

Xu Shuhua, who is sitting at the door rubbing straw ropes, can also get some light.

Even if the help is silent, sometimes it will be noticed by others.

The girls' feelings are mutual. They take care of Xu Shuhua, and Xu Shuhua also repays them in some inconspicuous things.

For example, Si Ningning has always been very particular, but sometimes he really can’t take care of it when he is busy, so Xu Shuhua has to clean up the messy room.

As for Jiang Yue, she doesn’t have anything special except that she is annoyed that mosquitoes always bite her. So when cooking in the canteen, Xu Shuhua will take advantage of the break to pull some wormwood and dry it in the sun, rubbing out all the carbon in the same way as Si Ningning did in previous years. Use mosquito-repellent incense balls, dry them and put them on at night.

 It does not have the effect of killing mosquitoes, but it can at least repel most of them, so it is still useful.

This is a matter for educated youth. There are also some arrangements for literacy classes. For example, when school is over in the afternoon and it is still bright, no one else needs to be around. Children who come from farm families know the special nature of this period. After finishing their homework, They organized themselves one after another, and those with strong strength and endurance went to the fields to hold grains and bundle them.

 Those who are weak, like some girls, follow the crowd to pick up the fallen ears of rice in the fields.

Zhao Hongbing noticed that after a month of busy work, the children were as tanned as loaches. Similarly, Zhao Hongbing also noticed the weight loss of Si Ningning and Jiang Yue.

Perhaps to reward the children, or perhaps to sympathize with the pressure of the two teachers, the literacy class cafeteria welcomed its first extra meal.

Zhao Hongbing came over with two killed rabbits and asked Xu Shuhua to cook for lunch. He also asked the literacy class that the children who usually go home to eat in the team should also eat in the cafeteria that day.

Not to mention the two teachers Si Ningning and Jiang Yue, of course they stayed to eat together.

 She doesn’t have much exposure to meat and fish. Xu Shuhua couldn’t decide what to do, so she asked Si Ningning.

Si Ningning verbally described a simple method to her. In the end, potatoes and rabbit meat were cooked together. In addition to onions, ginger, garlic and other necessary condiments, a little dried chili was added to enhance the flavor, and two large pots were cooked.

 (End of this chapter)

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