Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 372: research, implement

Chapter 372 Research and implementation

The children's mouths were full of oil after eating, and their eyes were shining with shyness and satisfaction. Zhao Hongbing stood at the door with his hands behind his back and looked around. Seeing this scene, he breathed a sigh of relief and pursed his dry lips. Head, slowly turned around and left.

In just two or three days, Zhao Hongbing issued a new instruction to the team. From now on, in the middle of every month, the team will use half a rabbit as a subsidy to the literacy class to improve the food for the children.

 In addition, on the same day, each of the two teachers will be given a rabbit leg as a subsidy. This is the subsidy agreed upon early in the class development process.

 Taken together, it is exactly a rabbit.

Si Ningning knew the reproductive capacity of rabbits. If the team started breeding rabbits in the future, one or two rabbits per month would not be a problem, so she had no objection. Zhao Hongbing gave it to her and she continued.

On the other hand, Jiang Yue knows how hard it is to get meaty meat, and even if a rabbit leg is more or less, chop it up and it will still be a solid bowl of meat!

Jiang Yue always felt embarrassed, but followed Si Ningning, half pushing and half taking it on the spot.

  It’s just that she rarely eats the rabbit meat herself. Most of the time, she takes it out to exchange for things, such as exchanging eight or ten eggs with the aunt in the team, or exchanging some brown sugar with Si Ningning nearby.

Aunt Jiang Yue reacted violently and was on par with Si Ningning. In order to avoid unnecessary drag, Jiang Yue had always paid attention to this aspect.

Time wandered to the end of August and then to the beginning of September. The literacy class had a two-day holiday. Si Ningning rarely had a rest, so she changed out of the jacket and trousers she usually wore in class. She rummaged around and found out what Huo Lang had given her before. Put on that skirt.

Her skin was already fair, and when she rarely saw the sun in the literacy class, it naturally became even whiter. Wearing that aqua blue baby-collar skirt not only made her slim and graceful, but also made her walk light and graceful. She has fair skin and beautiful appearance, and her appearance becomes more and more outstanding.

As soon as they walked out of the room, Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua's eyes were fixed, regardless of others.

  After taking over the work of the literacy class, Si Ningning's daily dress is very casual, wearing the most common attire of jacket and trousers.

 One of the reasons is that there is no time to be polite, and the other is that you have to be somewhat decent in class and in front of the children.

Si Ningning prides herself on being too casual, and her dress is a bit sloppy. When she suddenly received such a "stunning" look, she was really uncomfortable.

 Or, do you suddenly feel unconfident? Getting shy?

She bowed and scanned down. She held the black leather-covered book in one hand and held up the skirt from the side with the other hand. She swayed slightly from side to side and asked, "Well...does it still fit? Is it not a good fit?"

 “Why isn’t it suitable? It couldn’t be more suitable!”

Jiang Yue stood up from the table and roared with a loud voice. After speaking, she raised her chin towards the door and said, "Look if you don't believe me!"

Si Ningning turned to look at the door and saw Mo Bei and Song Shuhan standing at the door who had forgotten to come in.

One of the two people had a burning gaze, while the other had a twinkling eye. His face was red for some unknown reason, and he turned his face away uncomfortably.

 From their eyes, Si Ningning basically confirmed one thing.

 Whether it fit that well, she didn't know.

 But at least, it’s good-looking…

 As long as it looks good.

The shy mood gradually became clearer, and Si Ningning curved her lips and smiled brightly, "It's a rare break. I'm going out for a walk. If I don't come back for lunch at noon, you don't have to wait for me!"

The girl trotted towards the door. Her swaying and unfolding skirt was more beautiful than the roses swaying in the wind. When she passed by, she didn't know who's heart was amazed. She immersed herself in the deep lake and stirred it up. Thousand layers of ripples…

Mo Bei flexed his fingers. For a moment, he really wanted to grab the white and slender wrist, but in the end he could only let the man go away.

  If you express your intention from the beginning...

 If you are not harsh at the beginning, choose to be gentle...

Yes or no,

  Would there be a different result?

Mo Bei clenched his palms tightly.

On the other side, Si Ningning jogged and wandered to the bamboo forest of Chen's house. From a distance, through the gaps in the bamboo forest, he saw Huo Lang banging and busy doing something in the corner of the new house.

Si Ningning trotted closer, her braids falling from her shoulders as she bowed and tilted her head to look at her, "What are you doing?"

She suddenly made a sound, and Huo Lang was so frightened that he almost hit his hand with the hammer.

Huo Lang slowed down his movements and turned around to look at Si Ningning. Seeing that Si Ningning was wearing the skirt he had bought for someone else, he couldn't help but glance up and down several times. Finally, his eyes fixed on Si Ningning and his lips were thin. He was aroused and his voice softened:

"very suitable."

  is really suitable.

Much like the female college student he had seen in his grandma's old photos.

Speaking of female college students, Huo Lang couldn't help but think more about it. As he was thinking about it, he suddenly took two steps back and looked at Si Ningning up and down.

 Si Ningning is fair-skinned, beautiful, and handsome in appearance. She is the type who looks good in anything she wears, but there is always something that suits her best.

Hourang stared at her for a long time, and suddenly felt certain about something in his heart. He clapped his hands and walked a few steps, took a small pony and placed it under the shade of a tree, motioning for Si Ningning to sit down.

 When Si Ningning sat down, he suddenly said something incoherent: "I'll buy you something else next time."


Si Ningning had a question mark on his face.

Holang laughed and shook his head, "It's okay."

  Bringing up the question that Si Ningning asked just now, he said, "Nothing has been done. The rose seed stakes that were planted earlier have new strips. I fixed them on the wall with nails. When I look back, they will know that they have climbed up the wall."

 He pointed to Si Ningning the results of his work just now.

Si Ningning huddled on the pony, supported her knees with her elbows, and looked at Huo Lang with her chin in her hands, "Rose is not a creeper. If you want it to grow toward the wall, it must be fixed at all times, otherwise it will still hang down. "

Huo Lang nodded, put down the hammer and sat next to Si Ningning. "Now the branches are still small, so let's do it like this for now. When they grow thicker and longer, I will pull two ropes and lead them up." climb."

Si Ningning nodded.

This is pretty reliable.

"Speaking of one more thing. Didn't you mention duck feathers before? I mentioned it to my uncle before, but I didn't say much. I just asked him to leave some duck feathers for me. The softer the better. "

Huo Lang stood up, reached out to her, and led her to stand up and walk towards the old house. "I went there again yesterday, and he saved a small bag for me. I brought it all back. Do you have a look?"

 “Really? Okay, where?”

Si Ningning nodded as he pecked at the rice, and hurriedly followed behind him.

Back at the old house, Huo Lang took out a snakeskin bag from the back side of the door. The top of the snakeskin bag was empty, but the bottom was rounded, with many tiny duck feather tubes sticking out of the gaps, just like that. Standing casually.

Huo Lang opened the mouth of the bag, "Pour it all out? Don't touch it with your hands, it's all dirty." Si Ningning shook his head, "Don't pour it out yet, the wind will blow it everywhere in a while, I'll just take a look first."

Huo Lang nodded, opened the bag and moved it in front of her.

Si Ningning bowed and stretched his neck to look.

The duck feathers must have been collected randomly. Some of them were still covered with duck feces, and some had faint blood stains on them. No wonder Huo Lang said they were dirty and wouldn't let her touch them.

Not only is it dirty, the smell is also very strong, not only pungent, but also a bit irritating to the eyes.

Si Ningning retracted his head and blinked twice.

Horang closed the bag tightly and asked her: "Can it be used?"

Si Ningning wiped away the tears that were irritated from the corners of her eyes and nodded, "It should be possible, but it will definitely take a while to deal with it."

Si Ningning understood Huo Lang's intention. He did not tell Gu Sande the reason for the matter clearly. He only asked for help in collecting some duck down. Now he brought the duck down for the purpose of experiment first.

 Make sure it's done, or that it's almost there, and then talk to the other side.

 It's not that Huo Lang doesn't trust Si Ningning, but that he should treat something as a side job and a job for the members to make a living. They don't just look at "it works" or "doesn't work", but they also have to calculate the costs and benefits in the process.

 If the costs and benefits are basically equal, then there is no need for regulations.

“What needs to be done? Tell me and I’ll do it.”

"You?" Si Ningning laughed and rolled up his arms and sleeves neatly, "Let's forget it. Are there any buckets or basins that you don't need?"

Huo Lang didn't refute her. He just wanted to wait for her to deal with it and follow her, so he asked in response: "Can the bathtub be used?"

"No, this is very dirty and contains bacteria. It needs to be left unused. As long as it can hold water, it doesn't matter if it is old or dirty."

Huo Lang nodded to show his understanding, and carried the snakeskin bag to help Si Ningning to the backyard. He turned and left from the backyard, rummaging back and forth in several rooms, and finally pulled out a pot from the bottom of Sanae's bed.

Si Ningning had never understood how down jackets were made before, so she only knew how to make them by feeling.

Euck feathers need to be selected. If the hair tube is too hard, it will definitely not work. It also needs to be sterilized and disinfected. These duck feathers have just been brought back and are very dirty. The first step must be to clean them out.

Hourang put the wooden basin upright and squatted beside the well. Si Ningning was pressing water on one side, while he took a brush and vigorously brushed away the heavy dust accumulated on the top of the wooden basin.

After washing the basin out, Si Ningning filled half of the basin with water and began to use Huo Lang to grab the duck feathers into the basin bit by bit. He was afraid that the wind would blow them everywhere.

Huo Lang was not stupid. The duck feathers were so dull. He guessed what Si Ningning wanted to do first, and said, "I'll clean it up twice first. When it's almost done, you can come back."

Si Ningning glanced at the duck **** on the duck feathers, her eyes widened uncontrollably, and she nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Well, despite being mentally prepared, she was still a little unable to reach out.

In the backyard, the bamboo shadows were swaying and the water was dripping. Huo Lang was busy picking out the foreign objects and duck feathers that were not suitable for use. Si Ningning also held the hem of her skirt with one hand and squatted beside her, tapping her little hands. At this moment, I only gave orders:

“This one doesn’t work, pick that one out! The blood stains have stuck the duck feathers together, can you still rub them away?”


Huo Lang responded, and hurriedly clamped the duck feathers that were stuck together, pressed them into the water, and started rubbing them.

Looking at the blood stains on the duck feathers being cleaned up, Si Ningning asked: "How were these duck feathers collected? There are still blood stains on them, from killing the ducks?"


Si Ningning nodded and said "Oh" without asking again.

The ducks bred in the Seventh Brigade are all native lake ducks. The duck down is not white, but mainly gray, black, and hemp gray. If it is really used, most of the clothing materials in this era are dark, so it will not be a problem to use.

Like in later generations, many trendy down jackets are mainly in light and bright colors, and white velvet must be used, otherwise the color will show through.

Huo Lang cleaned two or three sides of the duck down, and turned it around a dozen times again. After making sure that no foreign matter or dirt could be found, he nodded and asked Si Ningning to take over. He then got up to find a broom and a dustpan. The picked duck down is swept out and thrown away before it dries and is blown everywhere by the wind.

The surface of the duck down was cleaned, but in fact the unique fishy smell was still there. Si Ningning then changed the water, carefully picked two batches, and then started to the next step.

Because she loves to be clean, there used to be soap placed by the well. However, as the furniture in the new house was gradually completed, Huo Lang built a new well there, and the soap and other things were taken there. Now there is only A few black soap locusts.

Si Ningning broke off a section of soap locust and rubbed it hard against the edge of the basin for more than ten or twenty times. After accumulating some bubbles and soap locust foam, she picked up a handful of duck feathers and rubbed it again and again. In an instant, it was like washing clothes, rolling the wet duck feathers together and kneading them.

The same process was carried out four or five times. Si Ningning's hands had been soaked and turned white, but the unique fishy smell had not dissipated much. Si Ningning was a little anxious, and she worked hard while scrubbing for the sixth time. Think about how to solve this problem.

 While thinking about it, she really came up with an idea.


  Adding quicklime to water not only removes the smell, but also sterilizes it.

 Just do it if you think of it.

Si Ningning stood up, shook the water from his hands, put down his sleeves and walked out.

Huo Lang, who was busy in the front yard, saw her, put down his things and followed behind, asking, "What are you going to do?"

 “I almost got something, I’ll go back and get it!”

When the two girls on the team were teaching how to cultivate bacteria, the team gave them two kilograms of lime powder, but they didn't take it back afterwards. The weather had warmed up earlier, and for fear of snakes and insects running into the house, Si Ningning went to the door, Some of it was sprinkled on the windows and other places, but there was still a lot left.

 It just comes in handy this time!

 “I’ll have dinner here at noon. If you have nothing else to do, just cook the food first!”


Huo Lang responded calmly. After Si Ningning ran out of sight, he roughly tidied up the front yard, then went into the kitchen and went to the rabbit cage with a kitchen knife.

A litter of rabbits was born last month. They have been weaned long ago and can eat vegetable stems and leaves. There is little point in keeping the original breeding rabbits. Holang plans to kill them first and eat them. As for the future, he can choose from the newborn rabbits. Excellent species.

  Opening the cage, grabbing the rabbit's long ears, and retying the rabbit cage, Huo Lang killed the rabbit and skinned it in one go.

Originally, as before, the skins were pulled out and ready to be thrown away. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the wooden basin beside the well, and Huo Lang remembered that their own production team was going to engage in rabbit breeding. One of them seemed to be talking about getting this fur or something.

 (End of this chapter)

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