Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 373: we can get married

Chapter 373 We can get married

Horang can make it simply, but it cannot be done more elaborately.

What is lacking now is technology. Huo Lang thought that Si Ningning should know something, otherwise he would not mention this matter, so he threw the rabbit skin into the sink and waited for Si Ningning to come back to make arrangements.

Although he thought so, when he turned around to do other things, Huo Lang suddenly turned his head again.

The rabbit skin in the basin was completely turned over. At first glance, it was bloody. Worried about Si Ningning's fear, Huo Lang took back his steps, picked up the rabbit skin, went to the well and washed it again and again, washing away the blood on the surface until the white skin was exposed. The fat layer stops doing other things.

Si Ningning left and returned quickly. Soaking the duck feathers in lime water was not something that happened for a while. After she finished cooking, she casually took out a bamboo sieve from the firewood pile in the backyard and placed it on the wooden basin.

Noticing the white stuff in the small pot on the side, Si Ningning was still thinking about when Huo Lang bought the meat, but after taking a closer look, she found that there were four small sharp corners on it. She looked closer and found that it was turned over. Rabbit skin.

Si Ningning rubbed the tip of her nose, shook her head left and right, and looked around. When she saw that there was no one around her, her embarrassment gradually faded away.

She went to Huo Lang and asked about the rabbit skin, and also asked what he did to kill the good rabbits before they were raised for a long time. Huo Lang's answer was simple:

 “Kill and eat, kill and do whatever you say.”

As for the rabbit skin, Huo Lang directly told Si Ningning his thoughts and speculations. Si Ningning nodded, "I seem to have seen prepared leather at your place. Do you know how to do this?"

“I can’t say whether it will happen or not, the method is very crude.”

Si Ningning gave a low "hmm" and said, "How did you do it before? Can you do it again? Let me see and see which method is more suitable then, or combine them to summarize the most suitable method."

Can Huo Lang say "no" to Si Ningning's request?

The busy farming season was over and he had more free time. He wanted to spend the whole day with Si Ningning. How could he refuse?

Horang nodded sharply, "Okay, but this takes a long time. Let's soak it now. I think we will have to wait until evening before we can proceed to the next step. Can you wait until then?"

"Yes!" Si Ningning bared her teeth and smiled sweetly, "But you have to send me a section later because I'm afraid there will be snakes on the road."


Horang agreed immediately.

Rabbit skin is much cleaner than randomly collected duck feathers. The first step is to soak it in water. Huo Lang was mashing it in the sink, and Si Ningning didn't say anything to him.

 After soaking the rabbit skin and the rice in the pot was almost cooked, Huo Lang took out the uncooked rice and drained the rice soup.

Si Ningning washed her hands and cooperated with him. She cut the killed rabbit into several small pieces with a "keep" sound. She moved the rabbit meat horizontally with the kitchen knife and transferred it to the bowl. Si Ningning picked up the chopping board and went to the well to rinse it. Come back and wipe off the water stains with a linen cloth.

Si Ningning picked up onions, ginger, garlic and dried chili peppers on a familiar road. Si Ningning grilled garlic, washed the onions, beat the garlic, and chopped the onions and **** in one go. Over there, Huo Lang just washed the pot and cleared the stove.

Waving Huo Lang out of the way, Si Ningning approached the stove and poured a small circle of oil neatly. She swung it around with a spatula so that the edge of the iron pot was also covered with a little oil. She first threw in a little green onion, **** and garlic and sauteed until fragrant. , then scooped it up twice in the bowl, picked up the fat and meaty parts of the rabbit legs, put them into the pot and stir-fried them together.

The aroma of onions, ginger, garlic and meat swayed in the kitchen with the rising heat mist. Hegu and Sanae secretly peeked their heads at the door. Huo Lang glared, and the two little ones immediately covered their mouths and ran away laughing. coming.

Huo Lang sat at the stove and lit the fire. His deep eyes never moved away from Si Ningning most of the time. He sighed happily and contentedly:

"It's rare that you dress up for once. I should let you sit down and have a rest. Why do I ask you to cook for me instead?"

Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang, "Why are you sitting down? Being a mascot? Waiting for you to raise him?"

 “No way? I can afford it.”

Si Ningning laughed and took a bowl, took out the fried rabbit meat and put it aside. He poured some oil into the pot again, this time adding dry seasonings on top of the last time. chili.

After frying the rabbit meat until fragrant, she took a moment to stir-fry the rabbit meat and said:

“I also want to be a rich wife and do nothing but eat, drink and play every day, but this is the condition now. If you feel sorry for me and want me to have a good rest, then work harder.”

What Si Ningning said was a joke, and she somewhat ignored the current situation of crusading against capitalism in the current environment, but Huo Lang didn't think much about it. His first thought was not that Si Ningning's idea was too capitalist, but subconsciously He thought Si Ningning was encouraging him and asking him to learn how to cook more.

 When he can make the dishes delicious, there will be no need for Si Ningning to get started.

Although there are a few misunderstandings, the result is not too far off.

  Holang smiled brightly and responded sincerely, "Okay, then I will work hard in the future!"

Si Ningning gave him a surprised look, but without saying anything, she handed the bowl of rabbit meat over to her, "Go and wash it, hurry up, I'll wait to pack it."

Huo Lang immediately stood up and took the bowl of sea, and walked towards the well with long legs and windy steps.

After the rabbit meat was put out, Si Ningning cleaned out the front pot and poured the drained rice into the pot. The rice in the pot was cone-shaped. Si Ningning took the chopsticks and poked holes in it casually. , and then place two rabbit meat bowls on the side of the pot, one on the left and one on the right, cover the pot and simmer together.

 The rabbit meat is very firm, just like an old hen. It won’t be cooked just by frying it. It needs to be simmered for a while.

Simmering it alone is too time-consuming, and you may not be sure that the meal is over. Stewing it next to the rice like this saves time and firewood. It kills multiple birds with one stone. And I don’t know if it has a psychological effect. Si Ningning thinks that doing this The chicken and rabbit meat that comes out are more delicious than those cooked alone.

Lunch was eaten in the kitchen. The small table was placed at the back door of the kitchen. Si Ningning, Hegu and Sanao sat on a small maza, while Huo Lang sat on the threshold behind the kitchen door with his back to the backyard.

Rice and rabbit meat, just the same thing, are enough to make people drool. Now both are placed in front of them. Smelling the fragrance, He Gu almost fainted with happiness, but seeing that his eldest brother and Si Ningning have not started to move their chopsticks yet. , he endured it impatiently and stood still.

Si Ningning pushed the rabbit meat in a small bowl to Sanae, picked up a piece of chopsticks and put it in Sanae's bowl. She said with a gentle smile: "Try it and see if it tastes good? It's not spicy."

Sanae nodded with a puffy face and took a bite.

With the rabbit meat wrapped in her mouth and chewing, she looked at Si Ningning with a oily mouth and said, "It's delicious, especially fragrant."

Sincerity for sincerity, Sanae's experience of Si Ningning's handling of details can be seen both in her body and in her eyes. She swallowed the fragrant rabbit meat and licked her lips. Sanae looked at Si Ningning with her dark eyes and said seriously:

“Sister Ning, it doesn’t matter if I eat a little spicy food, so there’s no need to bother.”

Si Ningning was amused by her serious appearance. She smiled and tapped the tip of Sanae's nose. Si Ningning said "yes" on her lips, but actually didn't listen to her heart.

He Gu and Huo Lang can eat spicy food, and they also like to eat spicy food. On the contrary, Sanae basically doesn't touch spicy food. After eating a little bit, her face looks like a drunk person, red and hot. Si Ningning has always been In mind.

Even though the two little ones were greedy, there was only so much they could hold in their stomachs, so they finished their meals early and left the table.

Si Ningning is relatively restrained when it comes to eating. He only needs to eat until he is eighty full. If he eats more, his stomach will easily become uncomfortable.

Horang rarely had a good appetite today, so he ate a few pieces of rabbit meat, and ate two bowls of rice mixed with red soup and spicy oil from the sea bowl. Even the bottom of the pot was stained with rice, and he scooped it up and ate it all.

Si Ningning watched from the side, her eyes widened with shock, fearing that he would collapse, but what about the person in charge? Putting the bowl away and cleaning up the mess, he burped against the back door and said, "The days are getting better and better. It's so comfortable. I feel full and want to sleep."

 He did show satisfaction, which made Si Ningning feel even more unhappy.

 A bowl of meat, a meal, this is enough...

 This shows how hard and difficult life is at this time.

“If you feel sleepy, take a nap. Don’t you have nothing to do?”

Holang thought about his proposal: "You want to sleep too? I'll bring the chairs and the bamboo bed over. The backyard has wind, shade, and is quiet, so it's a good time to take a nap."

Huo Lang was restless. In the past, he always coaxed Si Ningning to sleep and sneaked out to work after Si Ningning fell asleep. This time it was rare for him to make a decision and wanted to rest. Si Ningning was afraid that he would regret it, so he nodded quickly and agreed. ,"OK."

Horang went to move the couch and bamboo bed. The couch and bamboo bed were placed here before, but because the new house was built, he moved them there.

After moving it here and fiddling with it for a while, after it was settled and stable, Huo Lang got a cattail leaf fan for Si Ningning, and as if he was taking care of a child, he went into the house and took out a pillow towel, big or small, insisting that Si Ning Ning Ning held his belly.

Si Ningning was both amused and speechless, but finally compromised and complied.

Si Ningning closed her eyes and lay on the couch, tapping her toes lightly on the ground. When the rocking chair began to rock, she would shake the cattail leaf fan from time to time.

The chirping birds around you, the wind and the rustling of bamboo leaves are the best natural sleep aids. You can feel the brief tranquility in the scorching summer, and soon a wave of tiredness will come over you.


Si Ningning yawned, adjusted her posture unconsciously, and fell into a trance.

The scene in the backyard was quiet and peaceful. Huo Lang was lying on the bamboo bed, sleeping with his eyes closed and his hands behind his head. The sound of the rocking chair in his ears stopped. He slowly opened his right eye a little, and his voice was hoarse and low. shouted:

 “Ning Ning?”


Si Ningning did not respond.

Huo Lang slowly turned over and sat up. He was silent for a while, and then stood up amidst the creaking of the bamboo bed.

 He squatted on the side of the sofa, stretched out his fingers and gently touched Si Ningning's tender cheeks, "A Ning...?"

 “Well...Holang, don’t make trouble.”

Not knowing whether he was sleeping or awake, Si Ningning moved her little hand and gave a weak wave. Her slender figure huddled in the sofa, and her chirping voice was more delicate than a cat. Huo Lang couldn't control it, and slowly lowered his head, frivolous and cool. His lips pressed against her forehead.

As if sensing something, Si Ningning turned her head and rubbed Nostalgia on Huo Lang's shoulder.

Holang seemed to be inspired, and felt that his heart was extremely hot.


 He will be able to officially take her home soon.

 Just a little bit, the last little bit...

He rubbed his thumb on Si Ningning's pink lips with nostalgia twice, and then Huo Lang turned around and walked out of the backyard.

Si Ningning slept for more than three hours this time, and she usually had a lunch break during class, but she was always worried about missing class time or having an accident with her children, so she didn't dare to sleep too deeply. This solid sleep seemed to make up for the lack of physical fitness. Not only was my mind clear, but my back felt much more relaxed, as if a burden had been lifted.

Si Ningning leaned on the sofa and took a breath. She called out Huo Lang's name but received no response. She looked back and saw Sanmiao and Hegu sleeping on the bamboo bed behind her. Where was the shadow of Huo Lang?

Just after waking up, her mind was still a little confused. Si Ningning didn't react at all to think about whether Huo Lang had slept or how long he had slept. Her first reaction was to find Huo Lang and see what Huo Lang was doing.

 His legs were a little numb, so he stood up and moved a little, and Si Ningning sat back down with weak legs.

After a long while, she learned wisely this time and moved her legs first. She didn't feel uncomfortable before standing up and walking out.

Going through the kitchen and entering the main room, you heard a "sizzling" sound coming from outside, "Holang?"

Si Ningning gave a tentative shout, and when he went out, he saw Huo Lang wearing only a small vest. His shoulders and back were wet with sweat and shiny, and there was some dust on his arms and shoulders.

He turned around when he heard her voice, his handsome face covered with sweat beads also became sticky.

Holang was sawing wood, but the tooth saw didn't work when sawing the wood. Without industrial tools, he could only grind it bit by bit with the distance between the lines. He didn't have any armor at home, and they didn't pay attention to these things in this era, so the sawdust he brought out made him angry. It's all over the body.

"Wake up... don't stick to it, it's so dirty."

Si Ningning was usually very particular about cleanliness. She couldn't stand it even if Huo Lang's sweat towel wasn't washed. She had to rub it clean. But now, Huo Lang smelled of sweat and could feel sweat on his hands, but she didn't feel it at all. He didn't mind. He hugged Huo Lang's waist from behind and pressed his forehead sideways on Huo Lang's back, as if he was crooked.

Horang was helpless, "I won't do it, okay? Let go quickly, my body is dirty and smelly, and it will stain all your clothes in a while..."

"It doesn't matter."

Si Ningning rubbed her forehead against his back, interrupted him and said, "Huo Lang, I think it's okay."


 “I said you’re ready, we can get married.”

Si Ningning finished her sentence verbatim. The moment she finished her words, Huo Lang's heart was uncontrollably excited. But in just a moment, Huo Lang calmed down and comforted him with helplessness and loss:

 “Wait a little longer, just one cabinet is needed to complete it.”

Three turns and one click, four big pieces, tables, chairs, cabinets, and thirty-six legs. Everything else is already there. All that is needed now is an upright cabinet.

 “I don’t really care about that.”

 A sensible girl will always be a little more pampered and clingy than before every time she wakes up.

The author has something to say: If it’s yang, it’s useless!

  (End of this chapter)

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