Chapter 376 Borrowing a Cat

 Probably because Si Ningning was new and despite being so big, there was still someone staring at them so close.

The kittens were a little scared and hid in the gaps and yelled at Si Ningning.

Si Ningning immediately became happy, "Oh, he's quite energetic!"

  It was almost lunch time, and no one came to the warehouse. Zhao Hongfa was not busy with work anymore, so he followed into the house and squatted beside Si Ningning, stretching his head to look at the kittens.

 The big cats have been with Zhao Hongfa for the longest time. In other words, it is not an exaggeration to say that they were raised by him.

 The big cat was close to Zhao Hongfa, and so were the kittens. Zhao Hongfa stretched out his hand and touched the ground while calling the kittens "tsk tsk tsk".

There was actually a kitten meowing softly in response.

Si Ningning thought that if she hadn't been squatting beside him, those kittens might have come out.

Si Ningning looked at the kittens and asked Zhao Hongfa:

“Uncle, have these kittens been weaned?”

“Well, this must be broken. I saw them pestering the female cat to **** milk this morning, but a few days ago, a big cat caught two sparrows and they were eating happily.”

Si Ningning said in surprise: "Sparrows? Them?"

Zhao Hongfa lowered the corner of his mouth and nodded seriously, "Isn't it? These kittens couldn't walk very steadily in those days. They've grown a lot in recent days. It's probably time to wean them. The female cats don't want to go back. Stayed."

 “Si Zhiqing, you don’t know!”

“Huh?” Si Ningning looked up in confusion, “Uncle, what interesting thing happened again?”

 “Oh, this is not a fun thing.”

Zhao Hongfa waved his hand, stood up, lit a cigarette and took a sip, looked around and finally sat on the threshold.

"Didn't several other production teams come to us to learn skills before? The other production teams started working after they learned it. Even the second team didn't know what was going on. They said they would follow the instructions to cultivate mushrooms, but the results There’s mold all over the box!”

“Is there mold? That means the sterilization work was not done thoroughly.” Si Ningning thought for a while and added.

Zhao Hongfa was choked by the dry smoke and coughed twice, and said:

"You are knowledgeable and you know it, but those people must have not taken it seriously when they were learning. They tried several times but the problem was how many mold spots they had. None of them succeeded. No... I came back two days ago and tried again. Learned."

Si Ningning nodded and asked, "Captain, are you willing?"

“I have already received food rations from others, how can I refuse? It’s not okay to refuse.”

Zhao Hongfa laughed cheerfully twice and added:

“But you know our captain’s temper, and you will definitely have to scold him a few times.”

Si Ningning burst out laughing when he heard this.

Yes, Zhao Hongbing has a very hot temper, and with the two-gun and rabbit farm incident going on a while ago, who in the team wasn't so busy that he hit his heel on the back of the head?

At this juncture, the second team was doing all this useless work again. If Zhao Hongbing didn't curse a few words, it wouldn't be like his style.

“The country people are rough in conversation, what’s the saying? If you want to get things done, you have to be a little shameless, and this is the one from the Fuji team?”

Zhao Hong trembled and shook his cigarette rod. As he spoke, the topic suddenly changed:

“But having said that, Si Zhiqing, I’m afraid you will have to make another contribution!”


Si Ningning was confused again.

Zhao Hongbing has already given her the reward for cultivating mushrooms. It makes no sense that she hasn’t learned it yet. If she comes back and learns it again, then she can add another skill, right?

 If that's the case, she really feels worthy of it!

Seeing Si Ningning's nervous look, Zhao Hongfa waved his hands and smiled in a friendly manner.

“Don’t be nervous Si educated youth, just listen to my explanation.”

Si Ningning nodded and Mao Mao stopped looking. He just looked at Zhao Hongfa and waited for Zhao Hongfa's next words.

Zhao Hongfa didn’t let her wait any longer, and soon spoke softly:

"Weren't we busy with farming a while ago? Didn't the warehouse have a lot of newly harvested grain? This is the case for all production teams and brigades. What are you most afraid of in the granary? Isn't it mice and night owls?"

"Speaking of this, Si Zhiqing, you should know what I'm going to say, right? Haha, yes, I have to mention the one who is re-working and studying in the second team! I don't know what the opportunity was to let him know that not only do we have The cat even gave birth to kittens. That boy was not good at learning, but he was very clever in this regard. He hurriedly went to the captain and asked to borrow the cat from our team. "

Si Ningning's mind was racing, observing the current situation of the warehouse, and considering the message revealed in Zhao Hongfa's words.

The warehouse of the third team is where grain is stored, and Si Ningning is quite familiar with it. As for what the warehouses of the other production teams look like, Si Ningning doesn’t know anything about it.

As the third team said, three warehouse cats are enough for such a large warehouse. One more would be cumbersome, and one less would be too much to take into account.

 This is one of them.

 Secondly, it is impossible to keep too many cats. Eating them all in one go will only lower the living conditions of other cats.

 Over time, urination and defecation may reverse the relationship between the cat and the club members again.

 It is best if you can find someone else to raise it.

  However, there are lessons learned from the past. How to find people and how to "raise" them are all open to discussion.

Si Ningning came back to her senses and asked Zhao Hongfa: "Uncle, how many kittens have been dropped off in our team? I told Academician Liang before that I would send one back to her after the kittens were picked up."

"There are five of them, two are pure black, and the others are the same color as big oranges, or their belly and four legs are white." After Zhao Hongfa finished speaking, he quickly added:

"Si Zhiqing, this cat was originally borrowed from Academician Liang. If she wants it, she should give it to her! No, no, return it! Return it!"

Si Ningning stood up with a smile and said nothing.

She moved her backpack to the front and walked out with a gentle smile on her face.

"Uncle, I'm leaving first. I'm going to ask the captain to see how he plans to deal with the cat."

"Okay, go ahead. The captain is stupid. He is alert in general directions, but he cannot observe small areas so carefully. Si Zhiqing, you just go over and give him some advice."

Si Ningning smiled and said "Alas" before stepping out of the threshold and walking towards Zhao's house.

The Zhao family has just finished lunch and everyone is at home.

Sanya was sweeping chicken manure in the yard and was the first to spot Si Ningning. She immediately put down the broom, stood up and called Si Ningning "Sister Ningning" with a smile.

Si Ningning touched Sanya’s head and led Sanya into the house, “Is the captain at home?”

"Here I am."

Sanya responded and shouted at the top of her voice:

 “Dad, Sister Ningning is here!”

“Sister Ningning, my father is refilling the water tank in the kitchen and will be back in a moment.” Sanya explained.

Si Ningning nodded. Over there, Zhao Hongbing heard Sanya say that Si Ningning was here, and she had already come out of the kitchen shaking her sweat towel.

Zhao Hongbing smiled heartily and kindly, "Oh, Si Zhiqing, you're here, what's going on?"

Si Ningning sat down at the table, and Zhao Hongbing, who was already familiar with the situation, poured her water and handed it to her.

The matter was not a big deal, so Si Ningning didn't rush to speak. Instead, she curiously asked about the water tank in the Zhao family's kitchen.

“Uncle, isn’t the water jar made of pottery? Can it be repaired if it’s broken?”

“It can be mended, so why can’t it be mended? Some water tanks can even mend holes as big as their stomachs!”

Zhao Hongbing put his hands together, put his two index fingers and thumbs together, and drew a circle for Si Ningning to see, indicating how big the hole was.

Si Ningning felt strange and asked again:

 “Will there be no leakage after filling it up?”

Zhao Hongbing was so amused that he laughed, waved his hand and said:

 “Silly girl, if it’s a leak, what are you going to do to fix it?”

 This seems to be the case...

Si Ningning touched her nose, feeling a little embarrassed.

Zhao Hongbing thought that she was a girl from the city and had never seen folk craftsmen who mended jars and bowls, so he explained a few words:

"This water tank in my house has a crack at the mouth. I took a piece of iron wire to tie it up to prevent it from getting more cracked after a while. The kind of big hole I just mentioned requires a specialized craftsman. Talent will.”

“If the water tank breaks a big hole in our own home, we will have to endure the pity and leave it idle.”

Zhao Hongbing shook his head and laughed, took a sip of tea in the enamel jar, and asked Si Ningning seriously:

"Hey Si Zhiqing, what's the matter with you coming here this time? It's okay, there's no one else here, just say it, don't be afraid."

Si Ningning raised her fingers and rubbed the tip of her nose. She really didn't have anything serious. She originally planned to talk about it and talk about it in the chat. Unexpectedly, Zhao Hongbing was always thinking about what she was going to say. She couldn't tell the truth anymore, so Open your mouth and say:

“Uncle, it’s really not a big deal. I just heard that a kitten was born in the team. I remembered my promise to Academician Liang that I would send one to her after the kitten was born, so I went to the warehouse to have a look.”

"When I got there, I heard Uncle Hongfa talk about the second team wanting to borrow a cat from us... No, I'll come over and report to Uncle about sending the cat to Academician Liang, and also inquire about Uncle Xia's plans. "

Zhao Hongbing nodded, "Academician Liang's side must not be pushed away. Those kittens are almost weaned. It depends on when you go to the county. Then you will follow up. As for the second team's borrowing of cats..."

Zhao Hongbing pronunciated the word "thing", obviously he had not yet made a decision.

Si Ningning was not in a hurry and just drank water silently and waited.

Mo Yue waited for three to five minutes before Zhao Hongbing said:

"These production teams are all colluding. Today I lent it to the second team. Tomorrow morning, the first team and the fourth team will come to visit! If there is no good way, this cat will be loaned out."

If something happens again and offends Academician Liang in the county, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Zhao Hongbing had something in mind. Si Ningning said that the method of making leather and some precautions for raising rabbits were all given by Academician Liang!

In the future, you may have to rely on others to solve other problems, but you can't offend others.

 “But don’t borrow it…”

Zhao Hongbing rubbed his forehead in embarrassment. He also realized what Si Ningning was thinking about:

“How can we afford to raise them if we don’t lend them out? Right now, the kittens are still small, so it’s nothing. When they get older, and in the breeding season, won’t there be more and more cats clustered together?”

When Zhao Hongbing said this, Si Ningning basically understood what he meant.

 (End of this chapter)

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