Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 377: What a big game of chess

Chapter 377 What a big game of chess

But having said that, Zhao Hongbing is quite sensible, but he is easily kidnapped morally by others on the pretext of "righteousness".

 That’s the thing about mushrooms, right?

 Literacy classes are also...

If there is no good countermeasure, cats and even rabbits will start to breed this time. If nothing else, this situation will continue to happen.


Si Ningning frowned seriously and thought about what to do.

 The main room suddenly became quiet.

Si Ningning was thinking, her eyes wandering around the room aimlessly, and suddenly she noticed the small red flowers hanging on the wall opposite.

 That was the reward system issued by the previous literacy class. Pencils, notebooks, and small red flowers were awarded according to individual performance and learning status, and one of the three was chosen.

Seeing the small red paper flower swaying in the wind, Si Ningning suddenly had an idea:

“Uncle, I have an idea. I don’t know if it will work. Do you want to listen to it?”

"you say!"


Si Ningning summarized the wording and analyzed it:

“Our brigade has a total of four production teams. Among these four production teams, our third team followed the call and went in front. The other three production teams followed our example and have been following our footsteps.”

“What is the current big trend? No matter what achievements or great deeds we make, they will follow our example. In other words, no matter what we do or what plans we have, we must take them with us in the end.”

Zhao Hongbing waved his hand and said, "Si Zhiqing, what on earth are you going to say? I feel a little dizzy after hearing these words."

Si Ningning laughed and said the key points directly:

"Captain, since you have to take them with you no matter what you do, then take them with you! Now it's time for them to come back and beg you to beg the captain. As time goes by, everyone will get bored. Instead of waiting until the captain can't bear the boredom. Instead of directly telling us what to do, we take the initiative and invite them to join us in business or side business. "

Zhao Hongbing fell into deep thought, and Si Ningning continued:

“We must retreat to advance. The actual initiative and primary resources and technology are still in our hands.”

 Zhao Hongbing thought about it and said:

“Si Zhiqing, I can somewhat understand what you are talking about, but does it have anything to do with us borrowing a cat?”

Weren’t you still talking about cats just now? Why, while we were talking, did we suddenly get involved in our side job?

Si Ningning laughed out loud and pointed out again:

"There is a connection, of course there is a connection. There are rules for working together, just like in class. The teacher is always willing to pay more attention to the children who are serious in class. The same is true for side jobs. When the time comes, I can discuss with the team leader and give each The production team makes a book or something, and puts a stamp on it for any month or quarter that performs well. When new technology becomes available, whoever has the most stamps will be the first to learn it. "

"Besides, those cats have always been part of our team. Whether they are taken back to be raised or borrowed, if they are not treated well, points will be deducted and they will not be allowed to participate in the collective business. Let's put these words aside first Make it clear on the surface that if someone doesn’t take it to heart, they should pay compensation and don’t blame others for not taking them to play in the future.”

Si Ningning's words could be said to have been broken into pieces and told to Zhao Hongbing.

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhao Hongbing was stunned.

 “Si Zhiqing, you, you are really playing a big game of chess!”

Si Ningning scratched the back of his head and said, "No, no, I'm afraid that it's too convoluted and you won't understand! I almost fainted when I was thinking about it just now."

"Hahaha, yes, I'm a little relieved, but I understand what you mean. This is a good idea! I will go to the brigade to discuss this matter with the brigade captain!" Zhao Hongbing stood up and took off his straw hat from the nail on the wall. Putting the straw hat on his head, he was about to go out in a hurry.

Si Ningning hurriedly followed behind and said: "Uncle, remember, the cat is a member of our team and a little expert in looking after the warehouse. You must say this!"

 Magnify the value of cats and emphasize the importance of the third team to them. As long as other production teams want to rely on the third team to learn new technologies, they must estimate one or two.

Si Ningning shook her head slightly. Who would have thought that because of a few cats, she would actually plan such a big drama?

I also hope that everything will be accomplished in one fell swoop. The cat's whereabouts will be found, and Zhao Hongbing can work with peace of mind without being kidnapped by morality. It can be regarded as killing multiple birds with one stone.

 Zhao Hongbing went out, and Si Ningning was about to go back to the educated youth point, but as soon as she stepped out of the main hall door, she heard someone calling her.

 Looking back, Chen Lianmi was standing at the door of the room with a small bamboo basket on her waist, waving to her, "Si Zhiqing, come here."

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, but when she saw Chen Lianmi smiling gently, she didn't think much about it, turned around and walked over.

Chen Lianmi pulled Si Ningning into the room and sat down on a small chair next to the bed. She took out a shoe with half of the thread on the forefoot from the bamboo basket and started gesturing at Si Ningning's feet. .

 “Oh, Auntie, hurry up, it will get dirty soon!”

"I just made it for you, what are you afraid of?" Chen Lianmi laughed out loud, took off one of Si Ningning's cloth shoes, and traced the soles of the two shoes, and finally felt relieved when she saw that they were almost the same size.

After giving the shoes back to Si Ningning, Chen Lianmi said with a smile:

"Just now you told your uncle that it was important for my aunt to go out. Now your uncle is busy, and my aunt also has something to ask you."

 “Auntie, tell me.”

Si Ningning nodded slightly and looked at Chen Lianmi with clear eyes, waiting for her next words.

"It's the matter between you and Alang. When are you going to put it on the agenda? I know him well. He is very independent in other matters. As for this matter, I don't know what the ink is."

 Chen Lianmi sighed, quite indignantly. As she spoke, she took Si Ningning's hand and patted it:

"Si Zhiqing, the more I look at you, the more I like you. I'm not afraid of your jokes. I initially fell in love with you and wanted you to be my daughter-in-law. Your uncle said it wasn't suitable. I wasn't convinced at the time, but later I saw you You and Alang are good, and I am convinced."

 A good girl doesn’t have to worry about getting married, and a good man doesn’t have to worry about not getting a wife. To be fair, Si Ningning and Huo Lang are a better match.

 Chen Lianmi rambled on for a long time, and suddenly felt a little emotional. She patted Si Ningning's hand and said:

“Auntie said these things not to urge you, but because she is afraid that without the elders to take care of you, you will lose face in many things and be unable to open your mouth, thus wasting good time. Tell me, what a pity, isn’t it?”


Si Ningning laughed dryly.

"Yes Yes."

 “Yeah, there’s one more thing!”

Chen Lianmi glanced in the direction of the door of the room, pulled Si Ningning and whispered:

“Song Zhiqing, my former son, married Zhao Yongle, who is on the team, and she is pregnant! Si Zhiqing, Alang is not young at all, you two have to work harder!”

 (End of this chapter)

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