Chapter 378 Hermaphrodites


Si Ningning scratched his head.

 I say I am not urging, but I am actually urging.

 But one thing Si Ningning could tell was that as an elder, Chen Lianmi was worried about Huo Lang from the bottom of her heart.

Rather than the kind of talkative woman who likes to inquisitive people on the streets, she only talks about everything. She is obviously doing it for your own good, but in fact, every word she speaks is meant to poke your heart.

Even though she was embarrassed, she didn’t really like to talk about these things, but Si Ningning still chose to lower her head and act like a shy girl:

"Ahem...I know, auntie, Huo Lang said that we still need a cabinet, which should be done in the past two months."

 Chen Lianmi was overjoyed and nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, that's good, that's good!"

“Auntie, you should take a nap during your lunch break. I’ll go back and take a nap too.”

Si Ningning stood up and asked to resign. Chen Lianmi followed behind with shoes in one hand and a needle in the other.

"Okay, you go back and have a rest. I'll give you a few more stitches and make the shoes as soon as possible. When you get married, they will look good whether you put them on or display them."

 “Thank you for your hard work, auntie.”

 “My family members, don’t say anything that is inappropriate to outsiders!”

After sending Si Ningning off happily, Chen Lianmi went into the house to continue making cloth shoes. After just two needles, she suddenly stopped as if she remembered something.

The next second I threw my shoes into the sewing basket, hurriedly closed the courtyard door and went out.

 Chen Lianmi thought to herself:

 What cabinet? Can you still make flowers? So it took two months?

This brat, will he take a wife or not?

Don't lie to people that Sizhiqing doesn't understand anything, just talk nonsense, right?

Chen Lianmi hurried to Chen's house, determined in her mind that if Huo Lang didn't give a reasonable explanation, she would have to make Huo Lang look good.

The Zhao couple just couldn't sit still. One went to look for trouble with Huo Lang, and the other went to the team to look for trouble with Luo Daqing.

  Jiling Brigade:

  Luo family.

Luo Daqing sat at the table, took out the matchbox, struck a match and lit the cigarette.

His dark face was frowning and his eyes were squinted. He took a sip of dry smoke and sighed.

 At the moment, I couldn't tell whether he was enjoying himself or feeling sad.

Zhao Hongbing's black face was also wrinkled. Not only was his face wrinkled, but his mouth was also pursed tightly. Seeing Luo Daqing smoking and sighing, he put his right leg on his left knee, scratched his feet, and said anxiously:

“Just tell me something if you have something to say. What do you mean by saying “Hey, hey, hey” all the time?”

Luo Daqing took another puff of dry cigarette, glanced sideways at Zhao Hongbing, calmly averted his eyes and continued smoking.

 “Yeah, it can’t be done, right?”

Zhao Hongbing put down his legs, put on his shoes twice, picked up the straw hat on the table and covered his head:

  “Okay, I won’t embarrass you, I’m going back.”

As he was about to leave, Luo Daqing quickly stood up and grabbed him, "Are you a local emperor? What you say must be done for you immediately. If you don't do it, you will stick out your hoofs, right? How can you be like this? of."

 In other brigades, which one of the production captains would not be polite to the brigades?

As for him, Zhao Hongbing, he is so awesome every time he comes here. He talks about wind and rain, which makes him look like a captain. Instead, he has become a minion under Zhao Hongbing's banner.

“It’s not like I suddenly became like this. Haven’t I always had this temper for so many years?”

Zhao Hongbing withdrew his hand, turned his face to one side and sat with his back to Luo Daqing, like an angry little daughter-in-law:

“It’s you, huh, you didn’t say anything for so many years, oh, now you realize you dislike me?”

Zhao Hongbing glanced sideways at Luo Daqing, and then he snorted as if his eyes were not eyes and his nose was not a nose:

“I think you have found someone else to help you win glory and advance!”

“Hey, look at what you said, Zhao Hongbing, you are really not ashamed.”

Luo Daqing laughed, but he had already put away the fake seriousness on his face, and cheerfully poured a glass of water and handed it to Zhao Hongbing:

“Those who know you as a person know that you are making fun of me, but those who don’t know who you are as a person still think that I have done something wrong to you!”

“Wasn’t I angry just now? I am also the captain after all. You can’t just come and notify me if something happens. I have to get involved too!”

 Zhao Hongbing made a "tsk" sound, turned his face and said seriously:

“You are not asked to participate. Aren’t you asked to participate in everything?”

Luo Daqing patted the table lightly and pointed out:

"You didn't call me this time... I was just half a beat too late in responding, and you just gave up. Isn't this considered a notification?"

Zhao Hongbing made another "tsk" sound and took a breath of air. Thinking about it, that seems to be the case, but didn't he just discuss this with Si Zhiqing on the spur of the moment?

He didn’t think about this thing all morning!

 Zhao Hongbing scratched the back of his head and said with a dry smile:

"Then you can't blame me. It was Si Zhiqing who came up with the idea. The blame lies with you for assigning Si Zhiqing to our team. If you had just left him in your team, now I'm the one waiting for notification."

Seeing Zhao Hongbing start to snarl again, Luo Daqing shook his head, not wanting to talk to him at all.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Zhao Hongbing started to play again. "It's a long time nonsense, but you should say, can it be done? I have a lot of things at home and in the team, and they are waiting for me to go back to work!"

Luo Daqing glanced at Zhao Hongbing speechlessly, stood up and drank all the water in the enamel jar in one breath.

"Okay, why not? But don't rush back. Now divide into two groups with me and go find the old guys from the first team, second team, and fourth team. Let's have a meeting this afternoon!"

The production team where the brigade is located is the second team, so it is easy to find the second team leader. Luo Daqing and Zhao Hongbing went to the first team and the fourth team separately. They set off at about one o'clock under the bright sun. At almost three o'clock, a few old and young people , a lot of dark-skinned middle-aged men gathered in Luo Daqing's main hall.

 One by one, they all started asking:

“Captain, what’s going on? Are you calling us all here?”

Luo Daqing is also a good person, and he is not in a hurry. Faced with a series of inquiries, he chooses to draw out ideas and ask everyone back:

"It's a good thing, you guys, don't worry. I'm just asking you, are you willing to do a good job in your side business? Do you want to do a good job in your side business?"

Captain Hu of the fourth team said: "Think about it! Why don't you want to? Our production team is busy in the fields all year round. I am not complaining, but it is true. After turning in the public rations every year, the team itself is not enough. You said that we have been so busy and tired all year long, why are we just thinking about getting better and better?"

The remaining captain of the first team continued: "Yes! Our production team had two babies born last autumn and winter, but we couldn't raise them... If this continues, in a few years we won't have to earn places in literacy classes. There will be no babies at all, and we won't be able to raise them." What to study?”

 Captain Zhou and Luo Daqing of the second team were on the same team, which was equivalent to a village. Captain Zhou looked around at everyone, then looked at Luo Daqing and added:

“Captain, if you have a way to quickly change this situation, just say it! We are all our own people. When the time comes, the lives of the commune members and fellow villagers will be better, and we will feel comfortable watching it, right?”

  The captains were talking in a flurry of words, and the information they spat out made people fall into silence after listening to it.

Luo Daqing glanced at Zhao Hongbing calmly. Zhao Hongbing felt very unhappy, but he was not responsible for this situation. Why should he look at him?

Zhao Hongbing looked at Luo Daqing, then turned to look at the other production captains with dark faces and bright eyes:

“Captain, if you have anything to say, please speak up. I don’t know anything, and I’m waiting for news from you!”

Luo Daqing: Yes, I really can’t hope for it.

Look at the speed of the blame.

 Zhao Hongbing, Zhao Hongbing, the dog is still your dog!

 “Okay, everyone, sit down, sit down and talk!”

Several captains opened the benches and sat down one after another. Luo Daqing sat on the main seat facing the door, while Zhao Hongbing sat next to him like his wife.

Luo Daqing stopped talking and went directly to the topic:

“Before I get down to business, let me tell you something else. Team Three is going to set up a rabbit breeding farm soon. You just need to know about this first. We’ll talk about the details later.”

Captain Yu and Captain Zhou nodded and said "Oh" several times. Captain Hu, who was the only one in the group of four, glanced at Zhao Hongbing in surprise and said in surprise:

“What? Are we going to start raising rabbits again? What about the original mushrooms? The mushrooms are no longer grown?”

Zhao Hongbing waved his hand quickly, "Grow, why not? There is no conflict between growing mushrooms and raising rabbits!"

Captain Hu seemed to understand something. He took a deep look at Zhao Hongbing and said with some meaning:

“Captain Zhao is so lucky. I really envy him that he has so many capable people. They are both mushroom growers and rabbit raisers. They can think of any way.”

 Zhao Hongbing heard this strange conversation and the sour smell that was about to overflow, and immediately felt uneasy.

Zhao Hongbing laughed twice, and replied with a smile that was not too serious:

"Yes, Captain Hu, I have to thank the captain for this. He has a sharp eye. These educated youths who join our team are all good boys. Don't blame me for not having your turn for this matter. You just How long will it take to be the production captain? Wait until you gain some qualifications, and you will be the next lucky one."

The captain of the fourth team was originally named Liu. Because the literacy class was not handled well last year and some messy trivial matters, he was dismissed. Later, the captain Hu was re-elected.

 Speaking of which, Captain Hu has only been in office for more than half a year.

Luo Daqing glanced at the two men firing submachine guns, pointed his finger at the table and mocked with a cold face:

"You two are really big kids. Do you want to take you two out for a fight?"

 Zhao Hongbing rolled his eyes at Captain Hu and said to Luo Daqing:

“Captain Mingjian, every time our team has to do something, I say it to get everyone to do it together, not to show off.”

Luo Daqing nodded, while Captain Zhou and Captain Yu both looked at Captain Hu with disapproval and scolded in a low voice with dissatisfaction:

"Old Hu, what are you doing? Why are you so stubborn about important things? Do you still want to have enough food? If you can't support childbirth, who in the team will do the work for you in the future?"

 (End of this chapter)

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