Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 379: Production Plan

 Chapter 379 Production Plan

Captain Hu lowered his head and stopped talking.

Whether it’s envy or jealousy, let’s leave this matter aside for now.

Luo Daqing then got down to the topic and told everyone what Si Ningning told Zhao Hongbing at the beginning, and finally asked everyone for their opinions:

“I think this proposal is reasonable and helpful for the development of side business, what do you think?”

The captains looked at me and I looked at you without saying a word. Luo Daqing patted the table and gave a strong dose:

“If you have any opinions or ideas, please raise your hands here now. Don’t say you have no opinions now. Start implementing them later. If you are dissatisfied with one thing or another, it will affect the unity and enthusiasm of comrades!”

Captain Hu raised his hand first, but looked past Luo Daqing to Zhao Hongbing.

“Didn’t we say that we can all do good things together? Why do we need to set up a reward system? The number of prize stamps depends on the number of rewards?”

Zhao Hongbing thought about Si Ningning's words. Although he was a little unhappy, he still suppressed his violent temper and explained calmly:

“This proposal is actually for some situations, such as when technology needs to be conveyed and there are not enough manpower, then comrades with both good character and academic skills will be given priority for training to ensure that comrades can learn it.”

 To put it bluntly, good performance will give you priority, and anything is possible.

If you perform poorly, you won’t get it. Not only do you have no priority, but if you perform too poorly and you look like that prickly person everywhere, then don’t blame others for not being willing to take you to play.

 Zhao Hongbing snorted coldly in his heart and added silently:

He felt that Captain Hu of Team 4 was quite irritated. He had only been in office for a short time, but he looked down on this and dissatisfied with that every day. He didn’t know who had a hole in his eye, so he was chosen as the production captain.


Luo Daqing sneezed loudly, rubbed his nose, tapped the table and said:

“Members will get more for their hard work. The better the production team performs, the more opportunities they will have. I think this proposal is reasonable, fair and desirable!”

 The hall was quiet for a moment, and finally Captain Zhou and Captain Yu took the lead in expressing their stance:

"I have no opinion."

“I don’t have any objection, we will do whatever the captain arranges!”

  What is one sentence to say?

If no one has a bright idea, don't mess around. Isn't it nice to just copy the work?

Luo Daqing nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Captain Hu, "Aquarius, what about you, do you have any other opinions?"


 Captain Hu looked across the table and finally shook his head:

“Captain, Captain Zhou and Captain Yu all think it’s okay, so I think it’s okay too. From now on, it’s all up to you. I’ll do whatever you say.”

"Okay, if you don't have any objections, let's discuss this matter and see how we do it."


 Several captains said in unison.

The tense atmosphere just now was finally over, and several people sat down to discuss things calmly.


 The three production team captains almost started fighting again, but in the end Luo Daqing stood up and spoke:

"Raising rabbits hasn't been officially implemented yet, and the rabbit house hasn't been built yet. We're busy with farm work, and there isn't that much work during this period. Maybe you can spare some manpower or something and go to the third team to help."

"The technical staff are all in the third team. Only when the third team is on the right track first, can you have a place to sum up experience. In the meantime, I will also go to the commune and come back with an official seal. I will do business later. It's a public job, just do what you want, there's no point in acting like a fool."

 Speaking of "playing tricks", Luo Daqing glanced at Zhao Hongbing.

"Let's go according to the plan first, and if we find problems in the future, we will solve them! Don't wander around, and don't have any evil thoughts. Personal honor is not honor, collective honor is honor! You must learn from Comrade Zhao Hongbing on this point. Luo Daqing said sincerely.

Probably aware that Zhao Hongbing had contributed a lot to these events, the other three captains stood up one after another, smiled at Zhao Hongbing, and saluted.

Zhao Hongbing was still tensed in front of Captain Hu, but he felt a little embarrassed when he was greeted by this salute.

Zhao Hongbing stroked the back of his head and said dryly:

“Hum, we are all in the same brigade. Let’s work together in the future. There is also the brigade captain.”

 He turned his eyes to Luo Daqing and said:

"Hurry up and get that prize stamp book or something. The people from the second team went over to review the mushroom cultivation recipe in the first few days. Didn't they say they wanted to borrow the cat?"

"Our team has a few new kittens, and they are about to be weaned. You need to borrow them faster, but first, let's talk about it. Those cats are all members of our team. They must be treated well when they are picked up. This It will also be linked to the prize stamp in the future.”

"What? There are cats on your team? They are the treasures of the granary. Rats have become sperm. Even the mouse traps on our team are not working. I am worried to death. Captain Zhao, how many cats are there on your team? I’ll borrow it! Our team wants to borrow it!”

 “Our four teams want it too!”

Captain Hu also rarely became excited.

It was noisy and making jokes for half an hour before Luo Daqing saw off the other three captains.

 When he and Zhao Hongbing were left in the hall, he smiled at Zhao Hongbing: "Are you satisfied now?"

 “Just so-so, that’s it.”

Zhao Hongbing patted his chest with several patches on his coat:

 “Well, I hope this actually works.”

 Zhao Hongbing sighed slightly and told Luo Daqing his concerns:

“I actually don’t want to make it so troublesome, but a lot of things involve external connections, and some things need to be pointed out by others, so when you do things, you not only want to make people happy, but you also have to make them happy, right?”

Luo Daqing said "Oh":

 “You still have connections outside? Why didn’t I know about it?”

 “Where am I?”

Zhao Hongbing shook his head and said, "It's Si Zhiqing, my team leader. Last year, rats in our team also caused serious trouble. At that time, she was entrusted to go to the county to find the veterinary surgeon for help."

"Originally I didn't think that this would happen. I just tried my luck in the past, but it turned out to be true in the end? It was also from that time that this educated youth Si won the favor of the academician, and Mushroom became the Si with her guidance. Educated youth, this time we are going to set up this rabbit breeding farm, and that academician’s contribution is probably responsible for it.”

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier? I wrongly blamed you before."

 “Okay, let’s say this after we’ve known each other for many years.”

Zhao Hongbing glanced at Luo Daqing with his lips pursed. He couldn't stand Luo Daqing's words:

"But having said that, you should keep an eye more closely in the future! If others are fine, I'm just afraid of Hu Baoping, who will say one thing and do another when the time comes." "Don't worry!"

“Then I’ll go back and wait for news from you in the team!”

 “Okay, let’s go! I’ll go to the commune too.”

The two friends waved goodbye and went about their business.

Zhao Hongbing returned to the production team, while Luo Daqing went to the commune. He went to the commune not only to find the commune cadres to clear the matter, but also to consider other things.

 For example, three teams are now raising rabbits.

 In the future, the first team, the second team, and the fourth team will also be raised. The rabbits must eat rations, right?

Forage or feed, if we rely solely on forage, we cannot help but eat the weeds near several production teams, so we have to think of other ways.

Luo Daqing was thinking about it as he walked, thinking a lot along the way.

Time passed, and two days passed quickly. Following Luo Daqing's instruction, the other three production teams successively organized manpower to mobilize to the third team's side on the second day after the meeting, all of whom came to help.

The logging was done by logging, and the work efficiency was greatly improved. Zhao Hongbing was so happy that he praised Si Ningning overtly and secretly.

Praise her for coming up with a good idea, and let several production teams have the energy to work together. This is the shortcut to collective wealth!

Of course, some people are happy and some are sad.

The strong laborers from the other three production teams came to help one after another, and each of them brought their own rations. They did not need work points and did not take advantage of the third team. This made the foreign workers of the third team who were holding work points and watching at all times anxious.

These people were afraid that they would not be able to compete with outsiders, and they were also afraid that their jobs would be taken away by outsiders. If something bad happens later, the captain will not take them to play, and everyone will work hard.

While the production team was busy in full swing, the duck down and rabbit skins that Si Ningning and Huo Lang started pouring out also produced results.

 Rabbit skin is convenient. Although Huo Lang uses a more traditional earth method, the results are pretty good. Si Ningning thinks that based on the current situation, the cost can be used.

As for the duck down, the last time Si Ningning took it out of the water, she still felt a bit of the fishy smell unique to ducks, but after drying, the fishy smell disappeared.

She was worried about it and tried it again. She took some dried duck down and soaked it in water. Sure enough, there was still a faint fishy smell.

Si Ningning repeatedly used lime powder and soaked it twice before the smell gradually disappeared.

Si Ningning also concluded during the experiment that the grease in the duck down ducts was not completely removed during the cleaning process.

 If the duck down feels slightly damp, the oily paper contained in the hair tubes will react with oxygen, breed bacteria, and cause odor.

 After repeated summarization and calculation, until there is no better way to remove the fishy smell, the best ratio of water and lime powder when soaking duck down is 3:1.

 Based on the normal use of a large wooden basin for washing clothes and bathing, one needs to slowly add at least eight ounces of lime powder to a basin of water, and so on, in order to achieve the best deodorizing and sterilizing effects.

Quick lime powder will generate heat when it comes into contact with water. When the lime powder reaches a certain amount, you can no longer directly stir the water with your hands or clean the duck down. You need to use other tools or pour out the water in the basin and simply do it again. Use water and rub it with water.

Si Ningning pondered and memorized it, and improved it as he memorized it. It was only after two more tests that everything confirmed what he thought was confirmed, that the complete plan was handed over to Zhao Hongbing.

At that time, most of the rabbit house for the production team had been built, with an overall area of ​​about 140 to 150 square meters. The walls were common adobe walls in the countryside. In order to save costs, the roof was thatched.

 After adding the beams, the main structure of the roof is built, and then thatch is first laid, then yellow mud is applied, and finally a layer of this year's new straw is spread on the surface.

Although the overall structure is not as light as tiles, the effect of keeping warm in winter and cooling in summer can be achieved.

 Most of the cost of the roof was saved, but as for the windows, Zhao Hongbing didn't spend a penny on the windows, considering the brightness and safety.

Not only was the glass installed, but a large sum of money was spent to transport a batch of steel bars from the county steel plant, and a ring of anti-theft guardrails was installed on the windows.

 These funds are partly the public funds raised by the production team in previous years, part of them are money paid by Zhao Hongbing himself, and some are borrowed by Zhao Hongbing from the brigade.

 Zhao Hongbing was determined and had to make a name for himself.

During this period, Chen Lianmi had several quarrels with him over this matter, but in the end she couldn't stop him.

There was nothing he could do if he didn't agree. He had borrowed money and spent it. It was not a problem to continue arguing. Chen Lianmi could only suppress the anger in her stomach and secretly begged Bodhisattva and God to bless this matter. Others can only endure their temper and work hard.

With the site problem solved, the next step was to build the rabbit cage. In addition to the manpower mobilized from several other production teams, Zhao Hongbing basically mobilized all the young and strong laborers from the three teams to cut wood, turn wooden boards, build storage racks, make rabbit cages, etc.

At that time, the hardest work was not the young and strong laborers, but the old, weak, women and children in the team, because most of the work in the production team's fields fell on them.

 After nearly two months of busy work, the rabbit house was finally completed. More than ten rows of shelves were put in first, followed by the rabbit cages. Each shelf is divided into three layers, two meters long, and can hold a total of 12 rabbit cages at the top, middle and bottom.

More than a dozen racks are equivalent to more than a hundred rabbit cages, but in fact, there are only more than 30 rabbits currently, and many cages are idle.

In order for the rabbit house to get on the right track as soon as possible, Zhao Hongbing and the educated youths, as well as several people in the team who had previously exchanged rabbits, had said hello in advance.

Once a baby rabbit is born at home, and after twelve days of weaning and opening its eyes, all the rabbits, except for the share reserved at home, will be sent to the bunny house in the team.

During this period, Zhao Hongbing found a few quick-witted sisters-in-law in the team to clean the rabbit house at regular times every day.

In addition, we found a few young men and women to learn how to take care of rabbits from Si Ningning. At the same time, they also patrolled the rabbit house to learn and practice observation.

Zhao Hongbing has always felt that the minds of young people are much better than those who are older and have not read much. The future development of the country and the future prospects of the production team cannot be separated from these young brothers. of.

 Hence, Zhao Hongbing has never been secretive when it comes to learning technology. He has always been keen on cultivating talents.

 This is the situation of our own team, but what about the other production teams?

According to what was said in advance, Luo Daqing had already engraved the official seal, and also sent a small red book with the cumulative prize stamp to each production team. The three teams had built rabbit houses before, and Zhao Hongbing saw everyone helping. Therefore, according to Zhao Hongbing, each production team was stamped.

 (End of this chapter)

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