Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 380: put on agenda

Chapter 380 is on the agenda

 Several kittens from the third team were also adopted.

With Zhao Hongbing’s instructions in advance, everyone politely promised to treat him well, and many of them were ready to visit and check at any time, so Zhao Hongbing had nothing to say.

Of course, in addition to these, Luo Daqing also brought good news afterwards.

 That was how he had previously reported to the commune how to solve the problem of rabbit rations. Through the help of the commune director Li Dekun, Director Li, Luo Daqing successfully obtained a bag of grass seeds.

 According to Li Dekun, alfalfa seeds are used as fodder for raising and feeding horses in the north. They can also be eaten by rabbits and guinea pigs, and they are easy to grow regardless of the growing environment.

Zhao Hongbing was so happy that he didn't ask anyone else to do it this time. After he got the grass seeds, he went to the opposite hill with a **** and shovel to reclaim some wasteland, and planted one-third of the grass seeds. .

Zhao Hongbing did not keep it all for himself. After dividing out about half of the grass seeds, the rest was given back to Luo Daqing, saying that it would be distributed to several other production teams.

Luo Daqing did not persuade him. In fact, Luo Daqing knew what Zhao Hongbing planned.

 This is again about retreating into progress.

On the surface, it seems that the grass seeds are separated and reserved for the production teams for later use. The actual calculation is that they have no rabbits to raise now, but they can plant alfalfa first.

 When the number of rabbits in the third team is increased at the end of the year, or next year, we will use alfalfa fodder to exchange for rabbits.

Luo Daqing shook his head secretly and muttered that Zhao Hongbing is really a good person.

 Haven't suffered any loss at all, everything has been calculated for him.

 But what can be said about cadres who work for the welfare and future of the members in this way?

"Okay, there is still something to do in the team, so I will take my seat soon and go back."

 Luo Daqing waved his hands, stood up and walked out slowly.

"If you have any problems here or if you need help, please go to the brigade to discuss with me."

 “Hey! Hey, okay, Lao Luo, just wait a little, I won’t send you off!”

Watching Luo Daqing leave happily, Zhao Hongbing returned to the main room and drank two large glasses of water, and then shouted to the kitchen:

"Lianmi, I went to the educated youth center to have a look. I'll be back soon."

 “Come back early for dinner, don’t go crazy!”

 “Oh, I know!”

Zhao Hongbing took off his hat on the wall. He originally planned to visit the educated youth and see what Si Ningning was doing.

Perhaps it was Si Ningning who was responsible for growing mushrooms and raising rabbits. Zhao Hongbing had always felt that Si Ningning was very capable and skilled.

 So apart from the usual literacy classes, he was very willing to let Si Ningning hang out in the rabbit house, as if Si Ningning could find out if something was wrong.

However, the abacus was very good. When Zhao Hongbing asked Si Ningning about the educated youth, Jiang Yue poked her head out of the room and told him:

"Captain, we have a rest today. Si Ningning went to the county to deliver something to Academician Liang. He went out with Comrade Huo Lang early in the morning. He will not be back until three or four in the afternoon!"

Jiang Yue asked Zhao Hongbing, "Didn't Si Ningning say anything when she left? I thought she had greeted you in advance."

Zhao Hongbing waved his hand and said "oh" several times:

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Academician Liang’s side is more important, and I don’t have anything important to do here. I just came here to take a look. Jiang Zhiqing, you should be busy.”


Jiang Yue was a little confused, but she didn’t think too deeply about it. She responded and went back to the room to lie down and read a book.

And what was Si Ningning doing at this moment when he was found by Zhao Hongbing?

 In fact, Si Ningning and Huo Lang were already on their way back.

Some time has passed since the last time I sent a kitten to Academician Liang. This time, taking advantage of the weekend literacy class holiday, Si Ningning asked Huo Lang to go to the county once and deliver a new bag of cat food to Academician Liang. .

By the way, Si Ningning also revealed about the production team raising rabbits.

Liang Qinghong was silent for a while when she heard that Si Ningning’s production team wanted to breed rabbits in large quantities.

When talking to Si Ningning afterwards, Liang Qinghong tactfully revealed some situations, such as rabbits becoming sick in a litter, and the same kind of rabbits are contagious quickly, so they must be treated as soon as possible.

In order to avoid getting sick and to improve the physical fitness of the rabbits when raising them, Liang Qinghong asked Si Ningning to remind Zhao Hongbing that there are several chemicals used by female and pregnant animals, and the production team must always have them on hand to meet unexpected needs.

Si Ningning remembered it all, and before returning from the county, she and Huo Lang had been wandering around the county for a while. They had brought back two big bags of the medicine Liang Qinghong mentioned.

One of them should be placed in the water and fed to rabbits when encountering a situation. The other is somewhat similar in nature to the calcium tablets taken by humans. When feeding rabbits at ordinary times, it should be placed in the ration and fed to rabbits.

Of course, in addition to these two medicines, Liang Qinghong also shared some other knowledge about rabbits, such as the convenience of raising rabbits in the countryside. Rabbits eat them all, such as new wheat grass and old vegetables. They are not picky.

 Set aside corn cobs, which can also be used to grind rabbits' teeth to prevent teeth from growing too long, causing lesions, or fighting among the same kind.

Si Ningning kept it all in mind and told Zhao Hongbing when he planned to go back.

The car was swaying on the mountain road. Si Ningning stared out the window and thought of something. She turned around and asked Huo Lang:

“Have you shown the little clothes I made last time to Uncle San De?”

  “Looked at it.”

 “Then what did Uncle San De say?”

Huo Lang turned around and looked at Si Ningning, thought for a while, and said:

"Uncle thinks it's strange that duck feathers can be used to make clothes. However, considering that the size of Team 7's lakes is limited and the upstream and downstream rivers are deep ditches, there is no way to expand the area. The members also don't support the duck feathers very much. I guess... "

Afraid that Si Ningning would be disappointed, Huo Lang did not continue.

Si Ningning understood what he meant, tilted her head to think about it, slightly raised her lips and smiled:

“It’s okay, Team 7 has always had its own side business, and its living standards are guaranteed to a certain extent. It’s understandable that the members are unwilling to take risks.”

Horang sighed slightly and continued to comfort:

 “It’s a pity that you tried so hard for so long.”

"What's this? I'm not studying all day and night, I'm just playing around during my break. What's the point of hard work?"

Si Ningning shook her head carelessly, but when talking about this matter, she couldn't help but say a few more words:

“Last time I didn’t have much duck down, so I made a small vest for Sanae. After Uncle Santoku finished reading it, remember to take it back. Sanae will have to wear it when it gets cold later!”

Holang nodded, "Okay, I'll go get it when I have time in a few days."

 “Hmm.” Si Ningning nodded, thought for a while, and asked:

"Team 7 raises ducks. If they don't plan to expand their side business, won't they be prepared to ask for duck feathers? Then say hello when you pass by and ask Uncle San De to help you keep an eye on the collection. There is still a lot of cloth you bought for me last time, and I will make some vests for you and Hegu later."

Down clothes are not only warm, but also light to wear. You don’t need to wrap yourself up in a whole body of clothes. It’s difficult to do anything in winter and turn around.

Holang nodded, "Okay, I'll let him make more, and you can make it for yourself later."


Shan Mantang looked back from the rearview mirror and saw both of them smiling sweetly. He scratched his forehead and asked:

 “Have the wedding invitations been sent?”

"Huh?" Si Ningning was stunned for a moment. It took him a while to realize what was going on, and his face couldn't help but turn red.

Huo Lang shook his head slightly and replied with a chuckle: "No, it's almost over. When I go back to send it, you will be indispensable." Shan Mantang was happy, "Okay, then I'll be waiting!"

Horang has always been focusing on Si Ningning's feelings. Seeing that Si Ningning was embarrassed, he chatted with Dan Mantang to ease the atmosphere:

  "Don't just stare at others, when should you also catch up?"

 “Haha, definitely, definitely! I will be the next one!”

Shan Mantang scratched his head and laughed dryly.

  In the past, it was Holang who was urged, but now he is urging others.

It really is…

 As things turn, who will God spare?

Si Ningning watched the interaction between the two, not only did she curl her lips and put her fist to her lips, she laughed.

Huo Lang raised his thin lips, and quietly saw the situation on Si Ningning's side from the corner of his eye.


 Everything has basically settled, and the matter between him and Si Ningning should also be put on the agenda.

Huo Lang's big hand moved slowly, and under the cover of the driver's seat, he held Si Ningning's hand tightly.

Freaks of sunlight poured into the car through the car window and fell on the two of them. The two of them turned their heads at the same time and smiled at each other.

They parted ways with Shan Mantang at the cable bridge. They returned to the team hand in hand and separated again at the production team.

 Huo Lang went back to do some trivial things, while Si Ningning went to Zhao Hongbing's house to report the news that Liang Qinghong had just told him in the county.

As usual, after Zhao Hongbing heard what Si Ningning said, he asked Si Ningning to write it down on paper as before. As for the two large packages of medicine, they naturally wrote down their functions and uses together.

Zhao Hongbing held the two packets of medicine and stroked them carefully. He looked at them carefully for a long time before looking at Si Ningning and said:

“That educated youth from the department, we built a rabbit house in the team a while ago, and our production team has almost spent the public expenses. I owe you these two packs of medicine first, and I will pay you back when the accounts are settled at the end of the year!”

Si Ningning smiled lightly and waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, uncle, I didn't buy this medicine, it was bought by Huo Lang. It doesn't cost much, so just be a member of Huo Lang's support team."

 “Alas! How can this be done?”

Zhao Hongbing shook his head, "The public is public and the private is private. How can we ask him to subsidize the collective business? No, no, no, this money, when the team is liquidated at the end of the year, I will return it to him!"

Si Ningning didn't know what to say, so she smiled and nodded "Alas".

 After finishing the matter, Si Ningning was about to walk away, but Zhao Hongbing stopped her again.

 “What’s wrong, uncle? What else can I do?”

Zhao Hongbing waved his hand, "It's not a big deal, it's just that. Academician Liang has helped us a lot. Our team's sideline business is currently on the road of construction. When things get better, when you go to the county to find Academician Liang, You must tell me first. If you don't say anything else, we have received so much kindness from others, why should we give back even a little bit?"

“Otherwise, if something happens later, I won’t be able to bother you!”

Si Ningning nodded and said with a smile: "Oh, okay!"

Zhao Hongbing was satisfied and also laughed:

“Hey, there’s nothing else to do. Si Zhiqing, it’s a rare day off, so you should go back and rest too!”

 “Hey, uncle, I’ll go back first.”


Zhao Hongbing escorted Si Ningning to the gate of the courtyard, "Slow down! Si Zhiqing."

"I know, uncle, let's go into the house! It's just a short walk, what do you want to give me?"

 “Okay, okay…”

In addition to the alfalfa seeds sent by Luo Daqing, in order to ensure that the rabbits had enough to eat, in his free time, Zhao Hongbing called on the members of the team to cultivate land on the hillside, collect rich and even surplus vegetable seeds from the people in the team, and expand the farming area. .

 The vegetables grown are eaten first by the members, and then by the pigs and rabbit houses in the team.

 After the beginning of winter, the life of the production team has basically returned to calm, and the sideline business is gradually getting on the right track.

In the meantime, the new house in Huo Lang had been completely completed. He kept his promise to Si Ningning in mind, and secretly concealed it from Si Ningning. He went to the county and brought back a radio and a sewing machine.

Those two-eyed things were carried into the team, but the elder sisters-in-law, younger wives and young girls in the team were so envious that they all commented behind others:

 How come you didn’t know that the conditions in Holang were so good before?

If they had known this earlier, who would have cared about the two younger ones in the Chen family?

Golden Pimple has been picked up long ago, now it's Si Ningning's turn?

Si Ningning has heard some of these discussions, but she has never taken them to heart.

 The world has never known it earlier, even if it had, so what?

If there is a possibility for those girls and Huo Lang, what else does she have to do now?

And is Holang stupid?

 He is not stupid.

Not only is he not stupid, he is also not someone who will give in.

 If he knew that a girl came here for his money and did not treat him sincerely, would he still choose or be willing to care about that girl?

of course not.

 So, who cares what others say?

 The mouth is on someone’s body, and if they say something, can you still go up and cover it?

Si Ningning had no intention of visiting. She just kept busy with herself and waited for the day when Huo Lang came to find her and make the promise in person.

 Finally, there was a Friday break from school, and the children in the literacy class were picked up by family members from all walks of life.

Si Ningning returned to the educated youth center half an hour earlier than usual, and was discussing with Jiang Yue how to take a routine mock test when she returns from vacation next Monday to test the children's recent learning.

As soon as the matter was said, I heard the joyful shouts of Sanmiao and Hegu coming from outside the door:

 “Si Ningning! Come quickly!”

“Sister Ning, the eldest brother is looking for you. He is waiting for you on the **** behind~”

Si Ningning’s voice paused, as if he had realized something, and his heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

Seeing that she suddenly stopped moving, Jiang Yue smiled and urged:

“Why are you just standing there? They’re all here to find you. It’s the thing you’ve been looking forward to. Why don’t you go and have a look?”

Si Ningning came back to her senses, smiled sheepishly at Jiang Yue, put down the things on hand, and ran out in a trot.


After waiting for so long, it’s finally here. If you have stage fright, you’re too hopeless, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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