Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 381: If there is a war, I will call you back

Chapter 381 If there is a war, we will be summoned back

Si Ningning thought about it, laughed twice, and walked faster.

But when Si Ningning and his two little ones came to the small **** diagonally behind the Educated Youth Point, there was no sign of Huo Lang there.

Si Ningning's crescent-shaped brows were slightly lowered, and she glanced around blankly, looking for Huo Lang's figure.

Hegu and Sanae were also a little confused. They both frowned, scratched the back of their heads and looked around.

 “Hey, where is the big brother?”

“Yes, you came with me just now.” Sanae pursed her lips and took a breath, also feeling very puzzled.

 In the end, Hegu took the lead and took Si Ningning's hand, shook it twice, raised his little head and said:

“Si Ningning, I didn’t lie to you, my eldest brother really asked us to call you just now. Seriously, if you don’t believe me, just ask Sanae.”

Sanae nodded in agreement, "It's true, Sister Ning, the eldest brother is very formal today, and also very brave and powerful, um... very powerful!"

 Sanae used all the idioms she learned.

 “Okay, okay, I believe you.”

Even though he was a little disappointed, there was indeed no one from Huo Lang at the moment. Si Ningning sighed slightly, touched the heads of the two little ones with one hand and comforted them: "Your eldest brother must have something to do temporarily. Let's go, ignore him for now, you follow." I’ll go back to Zhiqingdian to play for a while, and I’ll go back later.”

 “Oh! That’s great!”

Hegu couldn’t wait to have such an arrangement. He jumped three feet high, shouting “oh oh oh” with joy.

Sanae saw that her second brother was happy, and she also laughed happily.

Si Ningning breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slightly.

If, as Sanae said, Horang was very formal today, then he should really want to talk to her about getting married.

With such an important matter, it is impossible for Huo Lang to run away. It must be that there are other more important things at the moment, right?

 Forget it, let’s wait and see.

 Let’s wait until he comes back.

Si Ningning's throat rolled, and she turned around and glanced around again. Finally, she shouted and walked down the **** with the two little ones.

At the same time, where was Holang?

On the mountainside trail a hundred meters away from the production team, Huo Lang was walking beside Shan Mantang on the way to the county.

 “What’s going on? Didn’t you tell me?”

Horang's eyebrows were arched and lowered, and it was obvious that he was not in a good mood at this time. "Are you so anxious all of a sudden?"

Shan Mantang’s legs were flying very fast. He walked quickly and tilted his head to explain:

"Comrade Huo Lang, I don't know the specific situation. Anyway, it seems that several leaders have come from the north. The director of the building did not disclose anything else, but he asked me to come to pick you up and ask you to come over quickly."

 “I think there must be something urgent, otherwise I wouldn’t be so anxious!”

  Holang muttered silently in his heart: Nonsense.

It’s time to make dinner in the countryside soon. If it’s not something urgent, why not rush over here?

Huo Lang exhaled and silently followed Shan Mantang. For some reason, he suddenly felt his heart heavy.

Huo Lang breathed a sigh of relief and followed Shan Mantang to the county worriedly.

 When they arrived at the county-level party committee office, Shan Mantang parked his car in the courtyard on the first floor, and Huo Lang took the lead in going to the office on the fourth floor.

“Commissioner Lin, I heard that you asked Comrade Xiao Dan to find me.”

With a heavy heart, Huo Lang went to the fourth floor and pushed open the door. Sure enough, in addition to his boss, Commissioner Lin, there were two strange and familiar faces inside.

Horang shook his head in disbelief. When the two men saw him, they both stood up from the chairs by the window. Almost subconsciously, they put their hands on the sides of their heads and performed a military salute.

 “Comrade Horang.”

 “Comrade Horang.”

 It is a comrade who has fought in the army.

 Hao Mingwei, Captain Hao and Captain Liu Liguo.

Horang straightened his back and returned the military salute, "Squad leader, company commander."

"Comrade Huo Lang, this is a special incident. If it wasn't something urgent, I wouldn't have asked you to come over at this time." Commissioner Lin waved his hand and asked the three of them to sit down.

 “Understood.” Huo Lang nodded.

Commissioner Lin poured hot water for each of the three in a familiar manner, moved to sit next to the coffee table and sat with the three of Holang, and after a while he drafted his manuscript, he got to the point:

“Comrade Hao and Comrade Liu are both your former partners, so I shouldn’t need to introduce them separately.”

Huo Lang nodded again, his eyes falling on Hao Mingwei and Liu Liguo.

One of the two people is tall and thin, and the other is short and stocky. The only thing they have in common is that they have a lot of bullet holes on their faces. These marks were caused by flying bullets on the battlefield a few years or more than ten years ago. Scars from the shrapnel falling from the blast.

  Holang took a deep look at them, and his heart became increasingly heavy.

It seems that this time things are far more severe than he imagined.

Holang put his hands in front of his knees and uncontrollably clenched his trouser legs in front of his knees.

Commissioner Lin chuckled, looked at Hao Mingwei and Liu Liguo, and said: "Comrade Hao, Comrade Liu, if anything happens next, you can tell Comrade Huo Lang directly!"

Hao Mingwei and Liu Liguo looked at each other, nodded slightly and turned to Huo Lang. To be honest, Hao Mingwei and Liu Liguo were very excited when their former combat partners met again after so many years of separation, but when they thought of this mission, they couldn't help but suppress their excitement.

 After a brief silence, Hao Mingwei was the first to speak: "Alang, I'm very happy to see you, but business matters are important, so let's talk about business matters first and talk about old times later."

Huo Lang nodded and waited for Hao Mingwei's next words.

“In recent years, there have been gradually no more wars, and the country’s atmosphere has gradually moved towards peace, but under the appearance of peace, it is actually not peaceful.”

“Illegal elements have introduced a red word into our country, which will corrode the human spirit.”

Hao Mingwei looked serious. Just after he finished speaking, Liu Liguo on the side added:

"The awakened lion should not be defeated by a flower... We should take action! Holang, I was hesitant to choose you, but you are the only one, at least for now, with your stature, physique, and all aspects of The quality remains the same as it was in the army.”

“Your current conditions are very suitable for this sortie.”

The words of Hao Mingwei and Liu Liguo could be said to be euphemistic, but after all, Huo Lang had gotten along with them and had been in the army for so many years. He understood what Hao Mingwei and Liu Liguo meant.

Huo Lang lowered his eyes, and Si Ningning's face involuntarily appeared in his mind and in front of his eyes.

Holang was very reluctant to give up, and there was also a feeling of reluctance in his chest.

He fell silent, and Commissioner Lin’s office also fell silent.

 By the way, he didn't know how long he was silent. Huo Lang pursed his thin lips slightly and raised his eyes. He wanted to speak but stopped opening his lips.

Perhaps people are like this, selfish and have their own selfish motives.

Horang didn’t want to go, so he subconsciously made excuses and expressed his wishes as tactfully as possible:

“I have been out of the army for a few years. Chen Gong’s younger brothers and sisters are still young and they still need me to take care of and raise them. Maybe I won’t be able to take up the post for this mission.”

 However, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. Hao Mingwei immediately said:

"Don't worry about this. We reported your situation to the organization before we came here. Our superiors said that if you go on this mission, Comrade Chen Gong's younger brothers and sisters will be raised and trained by the government. Comrade Chen Gong is good enough. I believe With the organization’s training and encouragement, his younger brothers and sisters will be as good as him in the future!”

Holang lowered his brows, "I..."

He wanted to say something more, but when he inadvertently met the expectant and increasingly serious eyebrows of Hao Mingwei and Liu Liguo, Huo Lang got stuck and could no longer say the words that came to his lips.

As for his repeated rejections, Hao Mingwei and Liu Liguo were not fools and could guess more or less.

Liu Liguo was more direct than Hao Mingwei. He shook his head and asked Huo Lang directly without confidence:

 “You don’t want to go.”


Horang said nothing.

Liu Liguo had a more questioning look in his eyes, but he was not questioning Huo Lang, but his own words.

 He couldn't believe that he had said exactly what Holang was thinking.

 No, Holang is not supposed to be like this.

The Huo family is loyal and courageous, and Huo Lang should be diligent, motivated, and hard-blooded. How could he or would he not be willing?

 Liu Liguo's vicissitudes of voice could not restrain himself from rising by two points:

"Have you forgotten? When you said you wanted to take Chen Gong's place in raising his younger siblings, when you left the army, have you forgotten what you said and your oath?"

 If there is a war, you will be summoned back...

Horang did not forget.

Perhaps it was because he was too comfortable and happy in the past few years that he gradually forgot the defeat of his country and the cruelty of the battlefield.

 He wants to be with Si Ningning.

 He wanted to take Si Ningning with him and live a stable and peaceful life.

But what is stability?

 What is peace?

 If you want to live a stable and peaceful life, you must always take the lead.

Huo Lang is in a dilemma. He is reluctant to give up Si Ningning, but the oath he once said personally is also burning his patience.

Liu Liguo spoke urgently and wanted to say more, but Hao Mingwei reached out and held him back.

Hao Mingwei met Liu Liguo's disapproving gaze and shook his head gently, "Give him some time to think about it."

Liu Liguo also fell silent as if he thought of something.

If you can stay stable forever, who would want to leave your warm home, your loved ones, and your elderly parents?

If you want to blame it, blame it on them being young and embarking on this path early.

 Since you have chosen this path, then move forward without hesitation!

Do not hesitate!

 Don’t even look back!

Commissioners Lin, Hao Mingwei and Liu Liguo stopped talking in the room.

Holang took a deep breath, leaned forward slightly, put his hands together on his forehead, and the veins on the back of his hands could not stop trembling, which was enough to show the anxiety in his heart and emotions.

After a long silence, Huo Lang sighed slightly, put down his hands and stood up, standing upright, and solemnly and seriously performed a standard military salute towards Hao Mingwei and Liu Liguo. His voice was hoarse, and his expression was cold and serious. He said in one word:

"If there is a war, we will be recalled. Former squad leader of the fourth air force combat team, Holang..."

 (End of this chapter)

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