Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 382: What should I do?

Chapter 382 What should we do?

 “Return to the team.”

 Liu Liguo's eyes flashed with excitement and relief:

“Alang, I know you will make the right choice!”

"This mission is confidential and cannot be disclosed to the outside world. No one can..."

Horang stood upright, but his eyes were actually beginning to be blank.

Everything is ready except for the east wind. He has been waiting for so long...

That girl has been waiting for so long...

   Isn't there still no such fate?

Huo Lang couldn't restrain his clenched fists, and beside him, Liu Liguo was still asking him with a smile:

 “Do you understand, Holang?”

Holang's thin lips moved slightly, and he said "hmm" in a moderate tone, "I understand."

 “When shall we set off?”

“We will stay in Province H for a few days. If possible, we need to recruit two more team members.”

"You can go back and pack in the past few days. When you are leaving, we will notify you in advance. By the way, the starting point of the mission is to depart from the capital city. When we leave, Chen Gong's younger brothers and sisters will stay in the capital city. "

Horang’s long eyelashes were lowered and he said, “Okay.”

 Confidential tasks must not be disclosed to others.

Then how should he explain to the girl?

The sky was getting dark, the car was swaying, and the high-beam headlights were shining far and wide on the mountain road.

All the way to the rope bridge in the mountains, Huo Lang got out of the car and closed the door with a bang. He had something on his mind, so he didn't say anything this time. He moved his head and body as he was about to fall into the darkness.

Shan Mantang poked his head out of the driver's seat worriedly, "Comrade Huo Lang!"

Huo Lang stopped slowly and turned back to look at Shan Mantang, "Huh?"

Shan Mantang scratched the back of his head. Although he didn't know what happened, looking at Huo Lang's condition, he always felt a little worried.

 “Are you okay? Are you really okay?”

 “It doesn’t matter if something happens, there is nothing you can’t get through, cheer up!”

Shan Mantang awkwardly spoke out words of encouragement.

Horang was stunned for a moment, silently waved his hand to him, and then his body was completely submerged in the darkness.

In the cool night wind, only the occasional "clack-clack" swaying sound could be heard from the bridge's chains.

Shan Mantang didn't leave in a hurry. He adjusted the direction of the car and turned on both high beams, trying to shine as much light as possible on the road ahead of Huolang.

Until the shadow of Huo Lang could no longer be seen in the halo, Shan Mantang turned the front of the car, turned around and drove away.

  It was already past eight o'clock at night when Huo Lang returned home.

 On the table in the main room, homework books were scattered everywhere, and the two little ones were lying on the bamboo bed playing, not sleeping yet.

Seeing his eldest brother coming back, He Gu jumped off the bamboo bed. The short man spread his hands in front of Huo Lang and asked:

 “Where have you been? You came home so late!”

Huo Lang didn't have any strength, so he stretched out his hand dejectedly and pressed Hegu's head, pushing Hegu aside.

He walked a few steps into the house with heavy steps, and lay down next to Sanae on the bamboo bed.

Sanae worriedly put her hand on Huo Lang's forehead, "Brother, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Horang stretched his arms across his face and said nothing.

Hegu stamped his feet angrily and said angrily:

"Obviously it was you who asked us to call Si Ningning, but when we went there, you were nowhere to be seen! Si Ningning was almost angry today, did you know that?"

Hegu talked a lot, but when he saw that his elder brother still didn't speak, he felt a little aggrieved and a little angry for a moment.

He immediately stamped his feet and said harshly:

"I don't care about you anymore! Next time Si Ningning gets angry, I won't help you to coax him!"

After saying that, He Gu ignored Huo Lang. He bulged his mouth, and with tears in his eyes, he gathered the books on the table, took his things into the room and closed the door with a bang.

Sanae looked between the two sides, and finally chose to stay with Huo Lang.

After sitting on the bamboo bed for a while, as if thinking of something, Sanae went to the table and poured a glass of cold white wine for Huo Lang, "Brother, drink water."

Horang waited for a while before sitting up, taking the water and drinking it slowly.

 After finishing the glass of water, Huo Lang returned the glass to Sanae.

Sanae put the cup back on the table and sat down on the edge of the bamboo bed obediently and quietly.

 She didn't say anything, just stayed with Huo Lang quietly.

Holang stared at her closely for a long time, then suddenly shouted:


 “Huh?” Sanae raised her head and looked at him blankly with her bright black eyes.

  Holang asked her: "Do you want to go to Beijing? Go to school there."

Sanae tilted her head and thought for a while, then nodded seriously, "Sister Ning said that big cities are technologically advanced, with street lights, cars, and libraries with a lot of books. Brother, I want to go there."

 After Tongyan Tongyu expressed his opinions, Sanae said seriously:

“Shall we go together? Me, the eldest brother, the second brother, and Sister Ning.”

The faint smile on Huo Lang's face could not be maintained, and the thin lips slowly flattened. Huo Lang sighed, raised his hand and gently touched Sanae's head.

He didn’t say anything. Sanae seemed to sense something from his expression, and she pursed her red lips and said:

“If there were no eldest brother and sister Ning, then I wouldn’t go. I like my current life and I want to be with my eldest brother, second brother and sister Ning forever.”

Horang fell into silence again, and after a long time, he patted Sanae's furry little head and asked:

 “Have you washed your face and feet? Go to bed, it’s getting late.”

"After washing, brother, I'm going to bed! Sister Ning said that there will be an exam next Monday, and I have to get up early to review my homework tomorrow morning."

 “Well, go ahead.”

Horang responded in a low voice.

Sanae kept saying "Sister Ning", which made Huo Lang's liver and gallbladder tremble, and his heart became even more uncomfortable.

Tonight, it was as if even the moon knew that he was in a bad mood and hid in the clouds early and refused to peek out.

 On the other side, the educated youth spot.

Si Ningning washed up hastily. At night, when several girls fell into a deep sleep, she got into the space and took a bath. She also cut out the fabric of the vest according to the body measurements of Huo Lang and He Gu, and waited for the duck feathers to be collected later. Come here, you can assemble it directly after processing.

Finally, she quietly came out of the space, climbed onto the bed, tucked the mosquito net in place, and lay on the bed looking at the dimly lit window through the mosquito net.

Si Ningning turned slightly and put her palms on the side of her face. She unconsciously thought of that afternoon, when Hegu and the others came over to tell her about Huo Lang's visit to her.

Si Ningning felt very uneasy, and actually felt quite unhappy.

She didn't want to be suspicious or think too much, but sometimes she couldn't control her thoughts.

 What happened at that time?

Where did Holang go? What happened?

is it serious?

Has Horang come back?


 It’s so annoying!

Si Ningning puffed up her face and pulled the thin blanket to cover her face.

 It’s the weekend tomorrow, I’ll go over there and ask.

Si Ningning let out a deep breath and tried to calm down.

 There is something on my mind, and sleeping becomes a torment.

After finally staying up until the latter half of the night, Si Ningning fell into a deep sleep. She felt like she hadn't slept for long before she was awakened by the "rustling" movement beside her. When she opened her eyes again, she found that there was something obvious outside the window. bright.

Hearing Si Ningning moan sleepily, Jiang Yue neatly folded the quilt and turned around, saying apologetically:

“Ning Ning, have I disturbed you? It’s raining outside and it’s still early. You should sleep a little longer!”

"It's okay... I went to bed early last night and got enough sleep."

Si Ningning lied casually, changed clothes in the bed, and then opened the mosquito net and got out of bed.

Jiang Yue believed her words deeply. When they went out to wash up together, Jiang Yue asked her what her plans were for today, mentioned the mock exam next Monday, and asked her if she was going to copy the test papers at the educated youth center today.

Si Ningning thought about it for a while, shook his head and said:

"I have already listed the test questions in my notebook. I have something to do today, so I have to deal with it first. I will deal with the test papers tomorrow."

Jiang Yue nodded and said: "Then give me the notebook. After I finish copying the mathematics, I will help you copy some Chinese, so as not to make any mistakes tomorrow and make you late."


After washing up, Si Ningning found a book and handed it to Jiang Yue. She tidied up a little and didn't even bother to eat breakfast. She took her backpack and raised it high above her head, broke into the rain curtain to block the drizzle and ran towards Chen's house.

She wanted to find Huo Lang. She tossed and turned last night and couldn't sleep. It didn't matter whether she asked Huo Lang those questions or not. She just wanted to calm down her heart.

 The abacus was very good, but when he arrived at Chen's house, he realized that Huo Lang was not at home at all.

Si Ningning stood in the courtyard in the rain, and Sanae stood under the eaves and shouted to her:

“My eldest brother is not at home. He went to the other side of the mountain early in the morning.”

 On the other side of the mountain is Team Seven.

With the instructions given a while ago, there was nothing suspicious about this matter, but for some reason, Si Ningning suddenly became a little panicked.

She stood in the middle of the yard with no intention of entering the house or leaving. In the end, Hegu asked who was coming. When he learned that it was her, Hegu jumped out and pulled her in. Room.

 “It’s raining outside! Why don’t you go inside?”

He Gu stomped his feet like a little grown-up, and pulled Si Ningning to sit down in the main room. He took out a dry towel and helped Si Ningning wipe the crystal water droplets from her hair carefully, and kept mumbling:

 “It’s getting cold, are you stupid? What should you do if you’re sick?”

Si Ningning recovered her thoughts from her daze, smiled nonchalantly, and asked Hegu:

“Did your elder brother say anything when he came back yesterday?”

Hegu pursed his lips and wrinkled his face, and said unhappily:

"He came back very late yesterday, and he didn't say anything when he came back... Oh, Si Ningning, leave him alone, we ignore him!"

As he spoke, Hegu said very seriously:

"Just wait for me. When I grow up, I will make money to support you, so you can leave him alone."

Si Ningning laughed out loud, rubbed Hegu's head helplessly, and asked again:

 “Have you and Sanae had breakfast? I’ll make something for you.”

 “Okay! I want to eat scallion pancakes, is that okay?”

 “Okay, where’s Sanae?”

“Sister Ning, I can do anything. I’ll light the fire for you!”


Si Ningning smiled fondly, led the two little ones to the kitchen, put on an apron and started working in a familiar way.

 She had breakfast together at Chen's house, cleaned up the kitchen after eating, and was not in a hurry to leave.

Slowly, she prepared the lunch meal in advance. Huo Lang hadn't come back yet, and Si Ningning refused to give up. She moved the pony and sat on the doorstep with her knees in her arms. Hegu and Sanae stood guard on her left and right. side.

He Gu dug out a small bamboo tube out of boredom and squatted on the steps to catch the water dripping from the eaves to play with it, while Sanae squatted next to Si Ningning.

Having paused aimlessly for an unknown amount of time, Sanae suddenly remembered what happened last night and mentioned to Si Ningning:

“Sister Ning, my eldest brother suddenly asked me yesterday if I wanted to go to Beijing.”


Sanae tilted her head. In fact, she didn’t quite understand the point of the matter. She just said based on what happened last night:

"I said I want to go, but if my eldest brother and sister Ning don't go, then I won't go either. I like being with you. It's good to stay here all the time."

Si Ningning let out a long "hmm" and thought about the matter for a moment. After finding nothing suspicious, he classified it as a casual conversation.

 She touched Sanae’s little head and said:

“Being born in such a small place, there are not many opportunities to go out and see, so once you have the opportunity, you must seize it.”

“But don’t forget your roots. This is your hometown and it will always be your hometown. Even if you move into a big city in the future, you should take the time to come back and visit when you have the opportunity.”


Sanae nodded seriously, keeping Si Ningning’s words in mind.

For a while, the three of them sat in a row under the eaves, staring blankly or boredly at the rippling rain curtain.

 Aimless waiting always makes people feel anxious. Si Ningning waited until noon. Seeing that Huo Lang hadn't come back yet, she cooked for the two little ones at Chen's house.

 After the two little ones finished eating, she put away what needed to be put away, and put the leftover rice and the leftover vegetables in the pot.

After ensuring that Huo Lang could have a hot bite when she came back, she still chose to go back to the educated youth spot, even though she felt confused and uneasy.

Just before leaving, Si Ningning, Sanae and Hegu specially asked them to let their eldest brother go find her when he comes back.

He Gu pouted and didn't reply, but Sanae agreed quickly, "Don't worry, Sister Ning, I will definitely tell my elder brother."

Si Ningning smiled and said "hmm" in front of her, and declined the hat handed over by Hegu. She lifted up her backpack and braved the rain again.

Less than two minutes after she left Chen's house, Huo Lang walked into the yard, dripping wet, carrying a large bag of things.

Hegu stood under the eaves, his little face wrinkled, and he asked him coldly:

 “Have you come back a long time ago?”

Horang's steps paused slightly. He was in a state of confusion. He didn't speak and didn't know what to say or do. He just looked at each other through the rain curtain and the grain.

“Do you know that Si Ningning has been waiting for you here for a long time!”

"Why don't you say anything? They clearly said that you are getting married, but what's going on between you?"

"say something!"

Hegu was annoyed and asked repeatedly, but he didn't get a single response from the beginning to the end. In the end, he couldn't stand being made angry by Huo Lang and cried.

He stood under the eaves and stamped his feet, crying in anger, but he did not forget to warn Huo Lang:

"You are not allowed to bully Si Ningning. Go find her and make it clear to her!"

Hegu cried loudly and became very angry. After crying a few times, Hegu's face turned red and he began to cough uncomfortably.

Huo Lang finally took steps, walked under the eaves, put down the things, held Hegu's head and brought Hegu into the house.

 (End of this chapter)

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