Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 383: Can not accept

Chapter 383 Unacceptable

Hegu was still crying, but Huo Lang had already found a dry towel, wiped the sweat off his head with a hood, then lifted Hegu, took off his shoes and put him in bed.

Children are usually active and lively, and their bodies are not as strong as adults. In this cold weather, they can easily get sick when they sweat and catch wind.

He Gu was still struggling, Huo Lang held him down and said:

 “It’s nothing, your eldest brother is incompetent and is too embarrassed, okay?”

He Gu paused, lying on the bed with tears still streaming from the corners of his eyes, but he looked up at Huo Lang with a bulging mouth and a speculative gaze. After a long time, he finally stopped crying. It was neither crying nor laughing. He said:


Huo Lang twitched his thin lips, patted Hegu's forehead, and said with a smile:

 “Yes, you are the most useful.”

Hegu took the opportunity to hold his hand and said:

 “A man is a true man, and once he makes a promise, it is hard to follow him, and whoever deceives others is a puppy.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you when I’m ready.”

He Gu felt relieved, sniffed, and got into bed to keep warm.

 “Lie down and sleep for a while, I’ll cook.”

 “You don’t need to cook.”

Hegu poked his head out of bed and explained:

“Si Ningning has done it, and there is something specially reserved for you in the pot. Brother, you can just go and eat it!”

Holang paused again when he stood up. After a while, he said "hmm" and walked towards the kitchen with heavy steps.

Waiting for someone to stand in front of the faintly steaming stove, his eyes suddenly turned red from holding back his breath, and he couldn't reach out his hand for a long time...

Horang told Sanae Hegu that this year’s winter is coming, and it is necessary to prepare everything for winter before the weather gets very cold.

 For example, winter clothes, firewood, and enough food.

 So he will be busy for a while, making the two little ones obedient.

 The two little ones believed in his words.

 So that for a period of time later, the Horang people seldom lived in their homes, and they were not surprised.

Ke Sanmiao Hegu is Sanmiao Hegu, and Si Ningning is Si Ningning.

Si Ningning is a girl with sound limbs, normal thinking and rationality.

 Won’t she find it strange that she couldn’t find anyone after looking for Huolang once, and still couldn’t find anyone two or three times?

 Yes, of course.

 Because she is sensible, if she doesn’t understand something, she has to ask and explain it clearly to Huo Lang in person.

 But Huo Lang didn't give her this chance.

Huo Lang is avoiding Si Ningning, so even if Si Ningning is in an embarrassing situation, there is nothing he can do.

 The stalemate lasted for a week.

 On a weekend night, Si Ningning frowned slightly, clutching a thick stack of test papers and sitting under the kerosene lamp.

She was distracted, sometimes picking at the test paper, and sometimes tapping her fingertips along the wood grain of the small wooden table.

 Half an hour passed and not a single test paper was approved.

Jiang Yue saw her abnormality and opened her mouth to say something, when suddenly there was the sound of stamping feet at the door of the hall.

Xu Shuhua’s voice came:

“Hey! It was only raining lightly in the afternoon, and now it’s snowing? I didn’t see any snow last year. I thought there was only rain but no snow in winter in the south!”


Si Ningning was stunned for a moment. When she realized what she was doing, the top of the small table shook slightly and she had already fled out of the room.

 bare feet.

Jiang Yue quickly dropped the book in her hand and chased her with her shoes:

 “There’s something wrong with you! It’s such a cold day!”

Si Ningning stood at the door of the main room. The ground was so cold, but she seemed not to feel it. She lay down and looked towards the edge of the eaves.

 Jiang Yue put the shoes over and patted her calf to let her put them on.

  She put on her shoes stupidly, thinking of many things that had happened in the past and words she had said.

  —I have already subsided from the drunkenness, and now I am sitting down. How about we talk about the two of us?

  …What do we two have to say?

 —Throw it away after use, but you want to regret it, right?

 —No, haven’t we already said that? If it snows, go get your certificate!

The glow of the kerosene lamp in the room glowed with a warm and dim glow, making the snowflakes falling like gravel in the dark blue sky outside.

 It was promised that it would snow and I would wait for her reply.

I had promised to go get the certificate when it started snowing... I felt sad for no reason.

Si Ningning pursed her lips and tried very hard to hold back the tears.

 She is not stupid.

 She could actually guess it.

Horang is not someone who breaks his promise easily.

His status is special and there will be unspeakable secrets.

 She understands and is considerate.

But it’s so annoying…

 She doesn’t want to leave without saying goodbye, she doesn’t want to be left without saying goodbye.

With no time to swallow the aggrieved sour water in his mouth, his vision suddenly blurred, and his eyes were suddenly filled with mist.

Si Ningning slowly squatted down and suddenly cried so sadly.


 This is the first time she has trusted her sincerely, and she doesn’t want such a result.

 But what to do?

 What should she do?

 What should she do?

Si Ningning used to be like a little sun that warmed everyone. No matter how hard it was, she would never complain.

 The girls have long been accustomed to her cheerfulness and brightness, but at this moment, she was crying without warning, and it became increasingly difficult to end.

Several girls were instantly panicked. They gathered around her to comfort her and coax her:

 “What’s wrong, Ning Ning?”

 “Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?”

Xu Shuhua's rough face, her eyebrows were tightly knitted, and her heart was heavy because of her crying.

"What do you want? I'll find it for you. Can you please stop crying?"

Xu Shuhua hugged Si Ningning and rubbed Si Ningning's shoulders soothingly.

Si Ningning shook his head inaudibly, tears streaming from his eyes.

 Feeling depressed and uncomfortable in her heart, she wanted Xu Shuhua and Jiang Yue to ignore her, let her cry for a while, and just stay by herself for a while.

 But I couldn’t speak at all.

Not wanting others to see her embarrassment, she covered her face with her hands and suppressed her cries.

   The sobs that could be suppressed made people feel even more heartbroken.

 “What’s wrong with you?”

 “Stop crying...I almost want to cry...”

A few girls chattered, but soon they became quiet again.

 Someone pushed Si Ningning.

Si Ningning covered her face with her hands, still crying sadly and did not move.

  Until someone clamped her arm in front of her, she stood up slowly and clearly saw the person standing in front of her through her loose palm.


Horang has been looking forward to this winter snow for two years.

 He was unwilling to give in.

  Unwilling to act like a heartless man, he ran away like a loser.

 So, here he comes.

“I want to say a few words to Si Zhiqing... please don’t spread the word outside.”

With his thin lips pursed, Huo Lang said nothing, took Si Ningning in hand, and took her directly away from the educated youth center.

 He is tall and has long legs, his mood is dull and anxious, and his steps are long.

Si Ningning was led by him and stumbled all the way, even if his loose shoes ran away on the road.

 Just like that, Huo Lang was brought to the literacy class while sobbing all the way.

 Before eight o'clock on weekdays, there is a "night class" where members of the literacy class attend classes.

 Kerosene lamps and matches are provided.

 (End of this chapter)

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