Reverend Insanity

: Section 118: The Legend of Tundra

I heard that there is a river in the belly of each swallow.

Fang Yuan’s past life did not use the swallowing of the river, but this only made him deeply impressed. It all comes from one person.

An ordinary person, a slave.

More than two hundred years after the previous life, there was a very special teacher, Jiang Fan.

His existence has made the teachers stunned and let everyone rush to pass.

As soon as he appeared, it became a legend.

What nurtures him is a swallowing river.

Jiang Fanben was a slave, and he was alone in charge of a fishery. One day, a swallowing river ran ashore to the riverbank, with the belly facing up, lying on his head, and slumbering.

Jiang Fan was shocked and scared later, but gradually, he felt that this was just a sudden death, how can it not move?

The "scorpion corpse" blocked the downstream river and formed a considerable problem for Jiang Fan, who was in charge of the fishery.

Jiang Fan tried to find the "corpse corpse" away. He is just a mortal, where can you get such a heavy swallow?

The host family is harsh and brutal, and the share of the monthly rules is not to be lost. Jiang Fan did not dare to sue. Not long ago, there was one person who did not complete the share and falsely reported a reasonable cause. The result was killed by the main family on the spot.

Seeing that the date is approaching, the "Zombie" is constantly blocked, greatly affecting his income. Unablely, Jiang Fan became more and more panicked and his temper became more and more violent.

Although he knows that he can't move this "corpse corpse", he will pass every day and punch and kick the "King of the Dead", crying and making trouble. Annoyed the panic and anger before the death.

But one day, swallowing Jiang suddenly woke up, opened his sleepy eyes, and stared at Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan scared his legs on the spot.

Swallowing the river, half-sleeping and half-awake, still lying there "coming corpse." After Jiang Fan had lived for a long time, he was re-settled.

He is not afraid, a person who will die. What else is scared?

He climbed directly to the belly of Tunjiang, and lay down on his head, looking at the starry sky: "Oh, you are like me, just keep a kiss, is it going to die?"

Where does he know the habit of swallowing the river? Looking at the way the swallowing river is half dead, I only think it is dangerous. When Jiang Fan said it, he burst into tears.

Swallowing the river, half-squinting, listening to Jiang Fan’s words, also looked at the stars.

In the following days, he lay down on the soft white belly of swallowing the river every day, crying, talking, pouring a mortal pain and suppression.

Finally, the deadline was reached. Going from the cottage, leaving his fishery, want to collect fish.

Where can Jiang Fan have a fish to pay? Under all circumstances, I had to shirk the demand and clean up, and then went to the end of the swallowing river to say goodbye.

He patted the belly of swallowing the river. Dao: "Daddy, I don't think I will die first. I can meet you, it is a fate. I hope that you will be better in the last days."

Just then, the end of the swallowing river moved.

Jiang Fan was shocked and swallowed. He quickly jumped up.


Tengjiang squatted over, his belly down, his back up, and he finally woke up completely.

Jiang Fan’s body was soaked, and he saw this scene suffocating: “Daddy, old man, you can move. Ah, you can kill me, you have to move for a few days, I don’t have to die. !"

Swallowing Jiang did not pay attention to him. When he woke up, he felt hungry.

Half of his body sank into the water, then opened his mouth and swallowed the river to eat.

At this moment, I can see that Jiang Fan is a chicken. He was shocked to see the water level of the river, falling rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A large amount of river water was sucked into the belly by swallowing the river, but its belly did not appear to rise, as if it were a bottomless hole.

After a long while, the swallows only stopped eating. The river has once plunged to a very low level, and most of the muddy riverbeds are barely exposed. People stand at the bottom of the river, and the river only reaches the knees of the people.

Jiang Fan stood on the bank of the river and stayed alone.

Tengjiang looked at him and suddenly hit a full. Then the belly swelled and the mouth was wide open, and a large amount of river freshly spewed out.

What fish and shrimp turtles, snails, yellow crabs and crabs have everything!

The swallowing of the river is only based on water. It does not eat these fresh river products. It will spit out all these things.

At this moment, the sky seems to be a river of heavy rain.

In a twinkling of an eye, these rivers are piled up into a hill. When Jiang Fan saw this, his ecstasy was three feet high. He shouted: "I have saved, I have saved! These fishing rods are enough for my three-month share. Old man, old man, thanks to you!"

He cleaned up the river and handed it to the hands of the manager.

When the management is upset, I am surprised and suspicious. How can there be so many weights? He rushed to sue, and the sergeant in the cottage also noticed a sudden change in the river.

After the investigation, they quickly discovered the existence of swallowing.

This is a five-turn yo!

A panic in the cottage, forming a large force, to expel the swallow.

Jiang Fan was unwilling to swallow Jiang Yan and was damaged. These days he once treated the swallows as a unique family.

He squatted in front of the sergeants and painfully pleaded. Where will the sorcerers look at this mortal? He kicked him off and was about to kill the killer.

At this time, swallowing Jiang rushed over.

I don't know, it is to treat Jiang Fan as a family, or to feel that Jiang Fan is around, more interesting, and can relieve nausea.

In short, it shot.

It carried Jiang Fan, spit out the river and swept the entire cottage, drowning most of the mountain.

This battle, shaking South Xinjiang!

Since then, Jiang Fan’s name has spread throughout the 100,000 mountains. Swallowing Jiang stayed with him, he had a five-turn locust!

You must know that even a five-turn sergeant may not have a five-turn locust.

The five-turn sergeant is rare and rare. Even in the entire history of the ancient moon family, only two people have appeared. One is a generation of patriarchs and the second is a four generation patriarch.

However, Jiang Fan, there is no open space at all, just an ordinary person, but he has raised a swallow.

His existence shocked the division.

Later, Jiang Fan was at the original address of the cottage. Established a village. He is tolerant, sympathetic to mortals, and determined to establish a righteousness for all. There is no squeezed cottage.

He became a banner, and ordinary people in the surrounding cottages came to him. I want to rely on him.

But in the end, he was still assassinated.

There is a five-turn swallowing river, and he can't really make him a strong man. After all, he was not a teacher. After his death, he swallowed Jiang Yan.

The sergeants razed his cottage and slaughtered those daring mortals.

Jiang Fan’s mortal body and the system of the entire society naturally caused the anger of the teachers.

"I don't know this world, because of my influence, Jiang Fan will not appear." Fang Yuan smiled.

Chishan can't smile.

He calmed his face and returned.

The villagers at the foot of the mountain are constantly waiting for the Master to deal with this trouble.

However, the ancient moon and red mountains of the Tang Dynasty can not handle this result. This caused the panic of the villagers to spread quickly. It reached its peak.

They dragged their families to the mouth, with big bags and small bags, and they all flocked to the cottage. They naturally dare not arrogate the cottage, so more and more villagers are kneeling at the gate of the cottage, praying for the enlightenment of the great teachers. Let them go out.

In the hall.

"What? Such a group of untouchables, dare to encircle the door. It is true that this is the case, the courage is getting bigger and bigger, killing, killing!"

The medicinal hall of the old ancient moon medicine Ji Shi color is also gloomy: "This group of people who are not squandered, but kill one can smash one hundred. Killing a few dissatisfied, can dispel this crowd. But let other cottages I saw a joke."

Gu Yue Hong practiced: "The key to today is not this. If even Chishan can not wake up this swallow, what other people can I do? It seems that I really want to ask for reinforcements. Xiongjiazhai is trying hard. See you, oh, for the safety of the cottage, please ask them to take it, even if it costs a little, it is worth it."

These words have aroused the approval of other old families, and the patriarch Gu Yuebo is also moving.

"The patriarchs and the old people of the family, the younger generation have something to tell." Gu Yue Chishan stood in the hall, listening to the words of the old people, suddenly took a ritual, opened the way.

Gu Yuebo nodded. He also had an appreciation for the ancient moon Chishan: "Chishan, what advice do you have, it may be a matter of course."

Chishan does not answer and ask: "You adults, to wake up this swallow, do you have to rely on one's strength?"

Gu Yuebo: "According to the accidental patriarch of the previous generation, the swallowing spleen is gentle and sleepy. Even if you wake up by being pushed forward, you will not be angry. Therefore, you will be the most powerful in the cottage. It. The result is a failure."

Chishan said: "Then ask the patriarch, give me a brute force." With the power of this cow, coupled with the natural strength of the younger generation, it is sure to advance this swallow."

"Never use the power of locusts." The voice of Chishan has just fallen, and one of the old people has categorically denied his request. "The smell of locusts will attract the enthusiasm of swallowing the river. If this makes you feel guilty, and riots Get up, who will be the result?"

“Not bad.” Gu Yuebo nodded. “If you use the locusts, even if you wake up the swallows, you won’t get approval. You must be alone, relying on your own strength to wake it up. Let it be recognized."

You are the best in heaven and earth, but the habit is almost like a beast. The beasts have their own territories, and the wandering beasts encounter the beastmasters of this territory, often starting a battle. The winner wins the territory and the loser goes to drift.

The composition of the animal tide is also based on this habit of the beast. Weak beasts and swallow the surrounding territory. The weak beasts are out of the torso, which constitutes the early animal tide.

To expel the swallows, it is to start with this habit.

Tengjiang is temperate and does not like to fight. Just let it recognize the talent of the "Beastmaster" of this It will recede.

Therefore, the use of aphids is not feasible, and the smell of locusts will be swallowed by swallows, and the results are difficult to predict. It is not good to mobilize everyone together. If there are more people, even if they push the swallows, they will not go.

Because this is the strength of everyone, it won't be recognized, it won't be recognized.

Therefore, the patriarch only let Chishan go to the next. Because of his own strength is the largest in the ancient moon cottage.

"It turned out, I understand." Chishan finally got to know the original, he hugged his fist. "This is the case, the younger generation introduced one to the old family, this manpower is bigger than me."

"Oh, who is it?"

"There is still this person, why don't we know?"

"Chishan, don't sell off, talk about it quickly!"

"This person is the source of the ancient moon." Chishan said a name. (Welcome to your support is my greatest motivation.)


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