Reverend Insanity

: Section 119: This is a stubborn, need to be polished

“Gu Yueyuan?” When I heard the name, the family couldn’t help but face each other.

They are very clear about this person. Ideally, since the end, the name of the ancient moon Fangyuan has echoed from time to time in their ears.

Especially after the opening ceremony, the sorcerer’s practice was carried out. The more the child can toss, the more often it will make some things come to the attention.

"Oh, I have the impression that the front part of the work, this is the sale of the parents' legacy, bought a red iron relic?"

Gu Yue Chi Lian, Gu Yue Mo Ding listen to this, both of them look beautiful

If the red iron relics are used by the Chishan Mountain, perhaps they are indifferent, they can help one of them to climb the peak of the second turn. Since then, they have resisted the ancient moon.

This is reflected in the high-level, whether it is for the desert, or the red pulse, it is a kind of political success, but the result is broken by the defeated boy!

"But then, this kid really has the strength to be on the ring, the two punches broke the defense of the jade skin, and the Founder will be won the title of this year."

This time, it’s the turn of the patriarch Gu Yuebo’s look.

The ancient moon is exactly what he has cultivated. The failure of Founder, in a certain sense, is the failure of his patriarch

Just enter the system, anyone will be labeled as a faction in the camp’s label politics, but there are no factions.

"But I really want to talk about strength. I am afraid that his strength is not as good as that of Chishan?" asked the questioningly.

Chishan replied with a voice: "There may be some unknowns. Fangyuan not only bought the red iron relics but also bought a cockroach for a few months. He kept buying wild pork, feeding cockroaches, and strengthening. I once had the strength. I saw him playing the boulder on the hillside. I don’t know how much strength I have. How big is his strength? But as far as I can see, he knows that his strength will never lose to me."

"It turned out that this is the source of this child, I can't think of having grown to this step." Gu Yuebo nodded, saying, "Take the group of Fangyuan, and try again."

When I heard this, the old man of the Foreign Affairs Office stood up from the seat and stood up: "The patriarch is a large man, and this source is still alone, and has not participated in the group."

“What does this mean?” Gu Yuebo quietly frowned.

"It’s like this since the first beast wave, his team was completely annihilated, leaving him alone." The Foreign Affairs Office replied

"Even so, when the reorganization, how did you count him?" asked an old man.

"Hey!" The Foreign Affairs Office family sighed deeply. "I have also beaten him, but he did not participate in the group's intentions. I really can't understand the kid. He is the best at stealing. I am afraid Since inheriting the legacy, I lost my struggle."

"Smuggling and slipping? This can't be done. Then he doesn't have a group. How do you fulfill the obligations of the monthly rules of the family?"

The old look of the Foreign Affairs Office is completely sunk: "He will accept the obligation every month but every time he fails. His resume is the worst I have ever seen. It is a record of the failure of the obligation. I have specifically talked to him several times. However, he still listened to his words, did not repent, but he did not violate the rules of the family, so that I may also punish him for such a savage kid!"

The old people listened to each other and they never saw such a younger generation who did not seek advancement.

The more the failure of the obligation, the smaller the way out in the family.

"This kid is ignorant..."

"Oh, it’s just awful!"

"He is in the process of self-destruction!"

"If I gave birth to such a lazy younger generation, I would kill him directly!"

"Well," Gu Yuebo raised his hand, stopped the old whispers, and could not see the mood on his face.

Gu Yuebo looked around in a circle and finally stopped at the old office of the Foreign Affairs Office: "Forcing the order, the ancient moon Fangyuan went to swallow the river, let him out of this bad and rampage, and he was used to it, and the demand was polished. If it fails, you can also use it to make a small punishment."

"Following the ancestor, the patriarch," the foreign affairs office is eager to answer


The wine cellar is full of people

"Do you know that just after the family sent the Chishan team to the foot of the mountain, the result returned?"

“The villagers at the foot of the mountain are blocked at the gate of the Zhaizi. Now they are smashing the ground.”

"Hey, this group of people, there is no point in seeing what is swallowing, is that five-turn locusts really think that it is safe to hide in the stockade?"

Although it is said that, the atmosphere of panic has become more and more intense, and these teachers are calming themselves.

Fang Yuan listened for a moment, and there was no new audio. He was about to get up and separate. At this moment, one person walked into the wine cellar.

His body is tall, his back is bear waist, his lower body is red, his muscles are bursting.

It is the ancient moon red mountain

The voice of the discussion in the wine cellar went up, and there were a few eyes on the body of Chishan.

Regardless of these visions, Chishan only looked around and saw Fangyuan.

"You used to be here." Under the eyes of the public, he went to the front of Fang Yuan. "Let's go, the family has forced the order. On the way, let's talk about it. Let me go to the foot of the mountain first."

Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed, and he forced him to push him. Even if he was facing the swallowing of the river, the risk was not great, he nodded and promised to go up.

Until Fangyuan and Chishan had a wine cellar, this was picked up again in the wine cellar.

"The treasurer, God has eyes, you see, this is the world's report so fast! That is a five-turn locust, even the other sorcerers are unable to do anything, he is so young, the past is not a vain What!"

"I thought about it, Fangyuan Gongzi will be different from other sorcerers. I can be sympathetic to the bitterness and pain of those of us. I can’t think of all the way to die, and die, and I will not regret it."

"You are not a white-handed injury to the treasurer. Losing the life of a master, it is relatively earned."

The head of the shopkeeper’s head was once wrapped in a circle of white bandages. At this time, his mouth lingered constantly and leaned strongly against the corner.

Several buddies surrounded him and said the words of the solution.

The old man’s eyes flashed a hint of venom, and listening to these words was a little better.

But after listening to it for a while, he whispered in a false voice: "Give me shut up. Is this what we can say? Don't be afraid to be heard by other teachers!"

The guys are all annoyed: "You are too careful in the treasurer, so loud in the wine cellar, who will hear us so low?"

The voice just fell, and a teacher sitting in the nearest position inserted the words: "I heard it."

The treasurer, and a few buddies have changed their face, and they are afraid that they will not be able to add

"Adults..." The old man in the shopkeeper did not care about the dizziness of his head, and quickly went to the side of the teacher to beg

The male sergeant raised his hand and stopped his words.

"You said very well. I like to listen to Fangyuan, a small beast. I don't want to die. Let's talk about it. I said it is good. I have a great reward!" The male teacher took out a piece of stone and slammed it on the table.

Assuming that Fangyuan is here, I can recognize that this person is the healing sorcerer of the small beast. Fangyuan used the woman he admired as a shield, and blocked him in front of him. He therefore hated Fangyuan and constantly refused to solve it.

A few guys face each other with a courage, looking at the piece of stone on the table, his eyes are straight.

The three companions of the male sergeant frowned, but it was not easy to persuade them to listen to a few buddies, and strive to scream at the source of the downstream.

a good scenery in early autumn

In the forest, the leaves are deep and the bushes are shallow, the green leaves are dotted with yellow leaves, and the yellow leaves are lightly covered with red leaves.

In the rice fields, a piece of yellow orange and orange rice, with the autumn wind, Jin Tao

In some green and oily vegetable fields, the tender and tender leaves are novel and pleasant.

Fangyuan galloped from the mountainside. As the Chishan group left the foot of the mountain, he saw this five-turn swallow.

It is huge in size, and it is like a hill lying in the riverbed, directly blocking the river water flowing down the river. It once overflowed the river bank and the downstream was simply cut off, as long as a shallow stock nourished the riverbed.

The swallowed river belly is facing upwards, the snow is white and delicate, covered with a layer of lustrous. The back is the color of the blue sky when the sky is clear, and there is no ordinary grain on the back.

It was lying at this time, screaming but not snoring, sleeping very quiet and peaceful.

Feelings of its breath, the two wine worms in Fangyuan’s empty space have shrunk into a group of smashing pleasant climates, flying low in the right hand palm of the moon, and then converge

Only spring and autumn, still sleeping peacefully

Fang Yuan will be arrogant, and he will not only automatically mobilize these locusts, but he will not reveal their breath and put it in the air. It is very safe and secure.

"Fangyuan, pick up and see you." Chishan is on the road.

On the way, he explained most of the situation.

Fang Yuan also recognizes that the most complicated method of this method is to use the spring and autumn 蝉 蝉 六 六 六 六 六 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞

Of course, this is also because the swallowing of the river does not like the battle, if it is replaced by **** rivers, such a brutal 蛊 Spring and Autumn 蝉 breath, but let it into the violent, launched a crazy attack

Fang Yuan stood on the bank of the river, first tried to push the swallowing of the river, the skin was slippery, and there was a feeling that it was not strong.

In addition, it is dead and dead, there is no movement at all.

"Can't you do it?" On the side, Chicheng said the cool words.

Fang Yuan ignored him, but on Chishan Road: "Although I have the strength to grow, I really want to talk about the strength. I am afraid that it is only a little more than you, but it is not hopeless." , also need your assistance"

“How to help?” Chishan asked immediately.

Fang Yuan gradually came to an end, and Chishan revealed a trace of doubt: "In this way, isn't we working together? If you wake up, if you wake up, will you still recognize you, and then why not let it go away?"

Fang Yuan smiled and said: "You can rest assured that you only need to be farther away, so that it can't be sensed. Naturally, it can be a locust after all. Don't think about how smart it is."


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