Reverend Insanity

: Section 260: Persistence

C_t; countercurrent outside the river. The latest chapter read the full text-79-

Xuehu ancestors originally wanted to find Bichentian to kill, but did not expect this time, suddenly came the dog's tail continued to 貂 _ _ ’ 里 ball.

"How can this head come here? Is it not in the mountain 'hole'?" Snow Hu's ancestors were suspicious.

This is a very big one, but it is the mount of the giant Yang Xianzun in the past. Juyang Xianzun conquered it in his later years. The purpose is self-evident, in order to find a way to extend his life.

This dog's tail is a life-long track, extremely strong, and mysterious.

As it ages, the dog's tail behind it will shorten as life expectancy shrinks. Once the life is near, the tail almost disappears.

Therefore, whenever it feels that life is approaching, it will swallow a Taikoo wild dog. After swallowing, the end of the dog's tail will get the life of this ancient wild dog, grow a dog tail behind him and continue to survive.

For this reason, the giant yang sage has passed away, and the scorpion has continued to survive.

This giant python received the grace of the giant yang sage, opened up wisdom, and knows how to use locusts on its own, even the sacred killings.

It is an ancient wild animal, and it has wisdom. It can also motivate the various means of the scent of scent, and the strength of the male is unfathomable.

Even Xue Hu’s ancestors are jealous.

Xuehu's ancestors originally wanted to deal with Bichentian, but now that the dog's tail continued to appear, he immediately dismissed the plan.

"I didn't expect to be saved by the ball in the 'Mao'!" Bi Chentian spit out a sigh of gas and relaxed a little.

He also knows the existence of the dog's tail.

Because of these ancient wild animals, it is really famous. Like the scourge in the Zhongzhou area, and the hiding of the Emperor Dragon, it is a special existence, and the combat power is at the top level of the eight turns!

Xue Hu's ancestors quickly gaze, and he saw the two longevity celestial beings around the dog's tail.

The eyes of Xue Hu's ancestors are concentrated on the body of Xuanjizi.

He sneered: "Sure enough, Sun List, you are a long-lived person! I didn't expect Changshengtian to start dealing with me."

He had long guessed before, and now he saw Xuanjizi himself, and immediately confirmed what he thought.

Xuanjizi respected the ancestors of Xuehu: "Xuehu ancestors, and met again. In the bottom is the mysterious son of one of the longevity celestial sons, the name of the sun list, but it is the pseudonym in the downstream history of the North. ""

Xue Hu’s ancestors sneered again, but there was no sign of hands-on.

Because the side of the mysterious son is the tail of the dog.

It is not that Xue Hu's ancestors were afraid of the ball in the 'Mao', but he knew that the key was not in each other, but in the river. [See the latest chapter of the book, please go to $>>>棉__花__糖__小__说__网

In the case of unresolved situations in the counter-current river, it is not advisable to let the third party take advantage of the cheap to read;

Xuanjizi and Xuehu ancestors greeted each other, and their eyes fixed on Ma Hongyun and Zhao Liyun in the river.

"The ‘Mao’, the two of the top two are the goals of our trip!” Xuanjizi reminded the dog’s tail to continue.

Bichentian frowned.

The sneer of Xue Hu’s ancestors was even colder.

But the 'Mao' ball is full of indifference, a huge animal face, making a very human 'sexual' expression: "Don't worry! Wait for them to win the game. We are outside the river, despite Can use locusts, but can not start against the countercurrent river. Any method of immortality will be reversed to the body by the countercurrent river. Why do I ask for it? Although each counterattack of the countercurrent river will reduce the river itself. But such a big river, to hit it dry, what year and month? 'Mao' Ye, I am not doing such a thankless thing!"

Speaking of it, it paused and continued: "Reassure, these people can't stay for a long time. The more upstream the river is, the more they will test the will. Hey, they are now wandering in the river, any thoughts that persist in their minds, It will also be reversed by the river, and any persistence will be shaken and eventually washed out by the river."

The existence of three eight-turns, mutual jealousy, no shots.

The outside of the river stagnated, and the celestial beings all turned their eyes to the river.

In the river.

Ma Hongyun and Zhao Ciyun are still in the first place.

Zishan Zhenjun is in the second position, and he is very close to Ma Zhao.

Shadow innocence, Bai Ningbing, He Loulan are in third place.

Next, it is Fang Yuan.

The fifth place was originally Xuehu's ancestors and Wanshou's maidens, but just now, Xuehu's ancestors took the initiative to give up the competition and went to the opposite stream in order to save the stunned Wanshou Niangzi.

Therefore, the fifth place is the Tianling 蛊 八 转 转 转 威 威 威 威 威 威 威 , , , , , , , , ,

Zishan Zhenjun swung his limbs, and he also fanned the film wings behind him from time to time.

Ma Zhao and two are already close at hand.

"I want to stick to it. If you take these two people, you will clamp down the snow ancestors and deal with Zhongzhou's chips!"

The eyes of Zishan Zhenjun are all firm.

The countercurrent river constantly reverses the will in his mind.

He jerked his head and seemed to want to hesitate in his heart.

"90,000 years ago, God came to attack. I calculated more to calculate the last line of life. Self-seal, incarnation of purple gold stone. I don't want to be trapped by God, and often fall into the state of amnesia."

"In the past 100,000 years, I have been waking up many times. After hardships and difficulties, with the help of the shadows, I have repeatedly escaped from danger and survived."

"Now the ontology has successfully produced the Supreme Immortal, but it has been snatched by others."

"The ontology is once again in a dream, and it is precarious."

"The big shadows are already in the wind. The situation has not allowed me to fail. I will insist until I catch Ma Zhao."

"Get it!"

The Zishan Zhenjun double source is bright, and he and Ma and Zhao are very close.

"Oops, Zishan Zhenjun wants to catch Ma Hongyun and Zhao Pity!" Zhongzhou Yuxian was shocked.

Xue Hu's ancestors, the shadowless and other people are full of joy and ‘color’.

"What should I do?" Hongjizi yelled.

"Cool!" The ball in the 'Mao' rolled his eyes and said, "Unless they come out."

"Ah!" But at this time, Zishan Zhenjun suddenly yelled and yelled, his hands clasped his head, madly struggling, and his face was full of pain.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

The group is suspicious.

"It happened at this time. It’s **** it!" Shadow innocence cursed God in the heart.

At the crucial moment, Zishan Zhenjun fell into a state of madness and rushed down the river.

Fortunately, the shadowless evil has long followed Zishan Zhenjun, which is to prevent him from falling into madness. He immediately caught Zijun Zhenjun, and the four people continued to strive for the upper reaches.

As a result, Ma Zhao and two people are out of danger, still the first.

Zishan Zhenjun fell, and the shadowless and other people, in the second position.

The third place is Fang Yuan.

The fourth place is some Zhongzhou Zhuxian, headed by Wei Ling Yang.

"Welling is an adult, it’s all about you!" Bichentian was overjoyed.

Zhongzhou Yuxian also began to shout.

Zishan Zhenjun’s situation is very good news for Zhongzhou.

Especially those who do not know the true strength of Fangyuan, I feel that at this moment, in the river, only the Zhongzhou eight turns to Wei Ling. Although Welling is in the last place, he can still win in the end!

Welling Yang bite his teeth tightly.

The difficulty of snorkeling is getting bigger and bigger, and more importantly, the countercurrent river affects every thought in his heart.

Any thought of striving for the upper reaches and sticking to it will be affected by the countercurrent river.

A lot of thoughts have been washed away, but there is a thought in it, like rooting in the heart of Welling!

"I want to keep going!"

"Because I am the only hope of Zhongzhou. Captive Ma Hongyun, save Zhao Weiyun, we have the opportunity to return home."

"I must not fail!"

"The glory of Zhongzhou, the glory of heaven, can't lose the 'color' color on my body!!"

Welling, as always, swam forward and performed very consistently.

The number of Zhongzhou Zhuxian around him is also behind him.

This ‘wave’ is a big force in the counter-current river, which is particularly interesting.

Even the dog's tail continued to 貂 '毛' in the ball said: "Oh? So, the advantage of Zhongzhou is great. Hey, Tianting is still as long as ever. This is not enough, Ma Hongyun is the person of Yubeiyuan. !"

Bichentian suddenly frowned.

He looked at the ball in 'Mao' and looked at the snow ancestor who was 'color' like ice. His heart suddenly worried: "Even if Wei Ling Yang defeated other competitors, he grabbed Ma Zhao and two. But what about the countercurrent river?"

Bichen Tianzuo thought about it and couldn't think of the way to get out of it. He had to wait and see.

Time passes by one minute.

The situation in the countercurrent river has not changed.

Ma Zhao is still the first.

Shadow is innocent and so on.

The square source is in the third sequence.

And Wei Ling Yang and other Zhongzhou Zhu Xian are in fourth place.

The order of the four 'waves' and the immortals has not changed, but the distance between them has been significantly reduced.

"Oh? These people actually stick to it, hey, how come there is such a man in the hero?" The dog's tail continued to smash the 'Mao' ball and muttered. "Sure enough, the big time is coming. Every time you can In the era of shaping the sages, there will be a large number of people, such as the emergence of a blowout."

Bi Chentian’s eyes are also blooming ‘fine’ mans.

He looked at the immortals of the Zhongzhou side and kept their faces in mind.

The will of these people is very firm If you don’t grow up unexpectedly, you must be the pillars of each ancient school!

"Persevere! The ‘door’ faction will protect the trust of the filial fairy, ‘transfer’ to my hands. I will never give up!” The brow is not really frowning.

"It's like refining, no matter how difficult the process is, how unpredictable the results are, but as long as you persist, there will always be gains." Yu Yiye continued to inspire himself in his heart.

Justice is the anger of the face 'color': "Mu Lingying adults have sacrificed, in order to protect the compassionate fairy. How can I back down? Come on! Just justice! For love, and justice, you should never back down! !"

Fang Yuan's face is expressionless. He keeps a close eye on the front of the shadow: "Looking at such a close relationship, the mad little villain turned into a fairy, I am afraid it is a shadow lover. Must be killed, all eradicate! In this river Is a great opportunity for me to eliminate my troubles!"

Ps: The high ‘tide’ modification is always dissatisfied. I always feel that I lack something, I didn’t write my feelings, and decided to re-write. Send it tomorrow, I will be here today.


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