Reverend Insanity

: Section 261: Scour

C_t; the countercurrent river flows quietly. -79-

The more upstream, the calmer the river.

However, in the minds of the trekkers, the counter-current river has flowed in, and has set off thousands of ‘wave’ waves, reversing any thoughts that continue upstream.

It is not terrible to destroy the 'meat' body. The terrible thing is to destroy the mind and the ‘pretending god.

The original ancestors also lost in the river. Nowadays, these immortals seem to repeat the mistakes of the people.

"Damn, can't hold on!" The next moment, Yu Yiye finally reached his limit, unable to move forward, and was quickly washed away by the river.

Then there is the second Zhongzhou Yuxian, the third...

The justice was exhausted, and the faint fascinated past was washed away by the river.

Not really unwilling, but I can only watch myself drifting farther and farther.

Bi Chentian and other people's face 'color', with the elimination of every Zhongzhou Zhuxian, has become more ugly.

Soon after, the Zhongzhou side, who had many people in the crowd, had only eight turns of Xianwei Lingyang.

Can achieve eight turns, this willpower is really amazing!

Welling Yang showed $%79, which is the essence of the eight-turn strong.

As for those who were washed out of the river, they were all picked up by Bichentian, and they were smoothly closed. They were not obstructed by Xuehu's ancestors and the tail of the dog's tail.

"Why are our celestial beings brushed away, and those who don't want to do it, but stay in the river?" Some of the Zhongzhou 蛊仙 are very blind to the shadows, Fangyuan and others.

"The six turns, the willpower is amazing. But we have all been brushed out, they are also fast." A Zhongzhou Zhuxian, who had just been eliminated from the countercurrent river, said.

However, the celestial beings did not wait until Fang Yuan or the shadows were exhausted, but they saw the situation on the other side of Ma Hongyun.

Ma Hongyun, who struggled to sneak out, suddenly took a sip of water and almost brushed it down.

"Be careful!" Even Bichentian couldn't help but whisper.

The film is innocent, but the next moment, Ma Hongyun actually regrouped and continued to shake his arms.

A false alarm.

"It's the ‘female’ baby, oh, the willpower is quite amazing.” The ball in ‘Mao’ is to see the details.

It turned out that at the crucial moment, Zhao Peiyun actually contributed to help Ma Hongyun and let him re-stable.

In fact, when the countercurrent river returned to normal, the river was calm and the test for physical strength was not great. Especially in the upper reaches, the river is slower and shallower, but the rebellious force against the will and mind is getting stronger and stronger.

"Fortunately, we can't separate again."

"You know, how many things have I experienced in order to be with you again, how much has suffered and how many things have been lost?"

Zhao Weiyun has been unable to speak, at this moment, she has no spare time to open her mouth to speak. (ad)

Her old body has already ignited the power that makes Zhao Weiyun itself unbelievable.

Zhao Piyun has forgotten his physical strength and old age, she wants to be with Ma Hongyun.

Even if you struggle to swim, you don't have time to look at the people around you.

Even if you can't talk, it's at stake.

"Even if the results are tragic, I have to do my best to persevere. Every minute and every second, as long as I am with him, side by side, no matter what, what is the situation, I feel happy!"

Ma Hongyun and Zhao Liyun continued to swim forward. Although the speed was very slow, the situation stabilized.

A false alarm.

Bichentian and other Zhongzhou Zhuxian, or Hongjizi and Xuanjizi, were scared to death.

Xue Hu’s ancestors snorted and could not hide the ‘color’ of disappointment.

The counter-current rivers of all the people, the changes in each situation, are affecting the hearts of the immortals who are watching.

Even among them, there are expensive eight-turn existence. Even if it is six turns and seven turns, it is also the same as the strong one in the field.

"Even if it is the body of the stagnation, do you feel exhausted?"

On top of his head, he stared at Zishan Zhenjun, who was pulling his innocent hair, screaming and screaming, sometimes crying or laughing.

"I am just a soul of the body. In this world, it has not been long."

"But since I was born, I know my responsibility!"

"Now, the purple man is mad. Leave him alone, he can even be killed by the river. I am the only hope of the shadows."

"Even if I am exhausted here, I can't give up. By catching Ma Hongyun and Zhao Piyun, I can have chips, delay time, and win the purple people to wake up again!"

Responsibility keeps the shadows going.

White condensed ice clenched his teeth, and the ‘chest’ 膛 continued to rise and fall.

"Hehehe." She even gave a chuckle, her face was a little distorted, and her eyes uttered a madness.


“It’s ‘fine’ color!”

"In the river against the river, I have experienced the ‘fine’ color that I have never had before. This is the road that the ancestors passed by!”

"Interesting, really interesting!!"

“Even if it’s a failure, it’s not a trip. Even if you lose your ‘sex’ life, it’s worth it!”

Black Loulan is full of anger.

"How can I stop here?"

"Mother, your **** hate I have not reported yet!"

"I haven't personally killed that man's reads;!"


"Give me up..."

Hei Loulan trembled and uttered unimaginable perseverance.

However, as time went by, someone finally couldn’t hold on.

"Is my ‘fine’ color here?”

"I still have ... great hatred... no..."

Bai Ningbing and Hei Loulan both exhausted and were washed out.

However, their safety, no need to worry, Xuehu ancestors have already met outside the river.

As a result, only six people were left in the river.

Ma Hongyun and Zhao Liyun are in the first place.

The shadowless and mad Zishan Zhenjun is in the second sequence.

Fangyuan third.

Welling is fourth.

"There is hope!" Now, Xuehu's ancestors will hope to bet on the innocent.

As long as the shadows are in the river, the captives and the captives fall into the Ma Zhao two, Xue Hu ancestor can take the initiative, take Zhongzhou Bichentian and others, and the longevity of the dog.

However, if Ma Hongyun and Zhao Liyun are allowed to be washed out, then everyone will have the opportunity to break out of a ‘mixed’ war. It will not be clear who will succeed. Not only look at their respective strengths, but also look at their own luck.

"Welling is an adult, just look at you." Bi Chentian whispered in his heart, his fists in both hands, the fists were all sweaty.

The tail of the dog's tail is a sly smile.

A pair of big eyes, staring at the river, don't know what to think.

"Ah! The glory of my great heaven..." After a while, Welling looked up at the sky and was unwilling, but after all, he reached the limit and was washed down by the river.

Zhongzhou Yuxian was suddenly exclaimed, such as the death test.

Someone even more incredulously said: "How is it possible? Welling is an adult, but how can he lose to these people?"

"Upstream of the river, there is really nothing to do with Xiu, mainly depending on their will." Someone explained.

Zhongzhou Yuxian is silent. Doesn’t this mean that the eight heavens and the heavens are so fascinating that they will not compare with the rest of them?

Bichentian slowly said: "Don't forget, before Ma Hongyun and Zhao Piyun, they are all recuperating on the hills made up of large floating soil. According to the information, they even have wild fruits to fill the hunger. At that time, they were already in the forefront, and the celestial beings behind them were going through more long struggles and efforts, and the physical strength and will of one body were consumed in this process."

Zhongzhou Yuxian is so stunned.

"That's right."

"Welling Yang Yang has failed, but if it is the same starting point, he must be the last winner!"

Because of the words of Bichentian, the morale of Zhongzhou Zhuxian was re-stabilized.

Bichen Tianshou has no expression, but his heart is very heavy.

"Next, how is this good?" Bi Chentian was hesitant in his heart.

For the Zhongzhou side, their disadvantages are already great.

A safe choice is to retreat immediately and retain your strength. Or go to the black sky to see if you can join the Wanhai Dragon Stream. With the help of the Fairy House, you might be able to kill him again.

There is also a third option, which is to stay here, and compete with Xue Hu's ancestors and the dog's tail to compete for Ma Zhao.

"I still wait for Wei Ling to come back and discuss this matter again." It is a matter of great importance. Bi Chentian is difficult to be the master. After all, he is not the dominant person. Wei Ling Yang is the leader of this trip.

However, during the waiting period, the river has changed again in the countercurrent.

"I... I am not willing!" The shadows screamed in the face, but immediately they were drowned by the river, and they rushed down.

"Is it finally over? Shadow is innocent, give me death!!" Fang Yuan is arrogant in his heart, he has already waited for this moment behind him.

He collided with the shadows.

The two sides tangled in the water and stopped moving forward.

But in this way, Fang Yuan and Shadow are innocent, and Zishan Zhenjun is inevitably washed away by the river.

Supreme celestial body is determined to be a deadlock.

Undoubtedly, the shadowless innocence is in an absolute downwind, and in an instant, Fang Yuan has three fists and two feet, and the bones are broken.

But Xian Zhan itself is a living dead, only one deadly point, that is the mind. Even the heart is not a weakness.

Fang Yuan used to be a stagnation for a Naturally know the difference. But the shadows are fighting for the mind, and no matter how the other parts of the body are destroyed by the source, he chooses to protect his head.

There is no doubt that this is a smart choice.

Because once the time has been delayed, Fangyuan has been entangled in the countercurrent river, then it is time to attack the innocent counterattack.

Don't forget, there are also black Loulan, Bai Ningbing, and Xuehu ancestors who have already gone out.

Among all the people present, only Fang Yuanyi is a lonely loner.

Race against time!

Fang Yuan wants to rid the shadow of the river before the rushing out of the river.

And the shadow is insatiable, and it is desperate to delay the time.

At the time of Fang Yuan, there was no way to take a shadow. ;


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