Reverend Insanity

: Section 270: Yingzong Fangyuan peace talks?

On the dark stone wall, there is a little smoldering fire. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā⊙,

These flares are not big, small as worms, and big ones are just lanterns.

They exude a cold green flame, a green fire, reflected in the face of Zishan Zhenjun, Shadow Innocent, Hei Loulan, Bai Ningbing.

They were first separated from the counter-current river war, and they were directly transmitted here under the leadership of Zishan Zhenjun.

However, after that, Zishan Zhenjun was once again in a state of madness.

Looking at the purple mountain Zhenjun on his toes, Bai Ningbing sneered at the shadows: "This is your plan? Let this eight-turn power, kill the source?"

This time, the trip to the Daxueshan blessed land, although the shadow of the evil, but saved the Zishan Zhenjun, but it also lost the soldiers, Shinu, Taibaisheng were killed in the battlefield.

Black Loulan is silent.

Such an eight-turn fairy, how to see how not reliable.

However, due to the shadow covenant, Hei Loulan stunned.

The shadow is insane by Bai Ningbing, but it does not change color.

He has experienced many setbacks, and now he has become a city that has collapsed in front of the mountain.

He slowly said: "I looked down at Fangyuan. I didn't expect him to refine himself to become a singer. It is no wonder that God chose him as a chess piece. This kind of character can only be destroyed and cannot be defeated. ”

The film is innocent and the source of the other party is not admirable.

Despite being a deadly enemy, the shadow is open-minded and recognizes the strength and strength of Fangyuan.

Bai Ningbing snorted, and the heart could not help but reveal the scene of Fangyuan conquering the river, she did not open her mouth again.

The narrow stone cave, only the voice of Zishan Zhenjun shouting and screaming, constantly echoing.

After a while, Zishan Zhenjun suddenly stopped and shouted, and the little body shook a little, and then stood firm again.

He straightened his body and his eyes reappeared in the clear colors.

"Adult, you are awake!" The shadow is insane and happy, and quickly approached.

Zishan Zhenjun handcuffed his forehead, and his head burst into a burst of pain, which made his face somewhat distorted.

"Before the river, I was forced to wake up, so the time was short. This time is different. I have more time to wake up. How long has it been? How is the result of the war?"

"It’s been half a month passed. Fang Yuan ran along the boundary wall and fled Beiyuan. I guess it was in the East China Sea. After all, he has some foundations in the East China Sea. As for the war, there is no result. Zhongzhou Yuxian intends to evacuate and suffers The pursuit of Xuehu's ancestors, between the dangers, descended from the sky, a fairy house. The two sides have been on the day." Shadow no evil reply.

Zishan Zhenjun nodded: "This time, Zhongzhou Yuxian will be more than a few bad. When the giant Yang Xianzun used Beiyuan as a nest, how could it not be arranged? ""

"Adult, next, how do we act?" asked the shadow.

He used to be the head of the shadow sect. Now, the purple mountain Zhenjun wakes up. It is naturally the eight-turning power leader, and he has retired.

Zishan Zhenjun is about to open, and suddenly there is a whistling sound in the hole.

At the same time, the point around the wall of the cave is smoldering, constantly flashing, swaying violently, as if it is really in the wind.

In the eyes of Zishan Zhenjun, there is a flash of glamour: "This wall is one of the retreats that I have carefully arranged. These smoldering fires have been meticulously cultivated by me to form a natural array, without the axe and chiseling, to prevent others from calculating. I am mad. How many times have these glimmers flashed?"

"One hundred and seven times." Bai Ningbing replied faintly.

"I am afraid that there are also Fangyuan projections. His investigation and killing can follow the mystery of the road and find our position. Even if we are in Xianyu, we can't prevent it."

Zishan Zhenjun nodded: "Fangyuan is not a **** who cultivated it and dealt with the key figures of our shadows. This person is very timid, and he is shocked and willing to be a great one. ""

The purple of the Tang Dynasty, actually the other source has such a high evaluation.

However, the three immortals present at the scene were silent and seemed to default to the words of Zishan Zhenjun.

Zishan Zhenjun continued: "Next, our plan is to talk with Fangyuan."

The word is amazing.

"What, peace talks?"

"What's so strange?" Zishan Zhenjun looked at the three.

He has a thorough understanding of the current situation. This is because at the beginning of his awakening, the use of channel means is invisible, so that Zishan Zhenjun knows everything that is innocent.

"You are still too young, and there are not many things to know. Now our chief enemy is not a source, but a heaven." Zishan Zhenjun shook his head and looked at the shadows. "You think that the rescue of the soul is So easy things? In addition to the super squad in southern Xinjiang, and the big dreams, I can guarantee that when you start, the heavens will definitely come out! Just like on the Yitian Mountain, they drive the prison Tianta, trying to destroy my plan, and like this, they went to the Daxueshan blessed land and tried to save Ma Hongyun."

The shadow is indifferent: "Adult, I have considered this point, but the body is in danger, I have been trapped in dreams, and I am so mad at dreams, so I am so anxious..."

"It is precisely because of this that we need to cooperate with Fangyuan." Zishan Zhenjun continued.

"First of all, the strength of Fangyuan has been extraordinary. Just relying on the immortal killings, you can deal with eight turns."

"Secondly, Fang Yuan is a complete demon of the heavens, and the name is on the list. Heaven is our common enemy."

"Finally, we cooperate and benefit both sides. My film sect holds a lot of spiritual resources, and he has the means to solve dreams in his hands. It is convenient for us to overcome the obstacles of super dreams and rescue the soul of the soul."

Shadowless and frowning, he tried to let go of his personal feelings and consider the possibility of this.

But soon, he was full of worried colors: "Fangyuan is sinister and sinister. It has long been regarded as a big worry for us, and we have tried every means to eradicate us. Now he has become a counter-current river master, and even the eight-turn existence can’t help him. My ancestors urgently need a solution to dreams, but Fang Yuan’s demand for spiritual resources is not so urgent. It is unlikely that he will cooperate with us."

Zishan Zhenjun nodded: "You make a lot of sense, but you don't know that the Supreme Body has major drawbacks."

"What do you mean by adults? Do you mean that the traces on the Supreme Body are not mutually exclusive?" asked the strange stranger.

"Of course not. The traces are not mutually exclusive. This is the greatest advantage of the Supreme Immortal. The benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. I mean the real major hidden dangers!" Zishan Zhenjun shook his head.

“Is there still a major hidden danger?” The shadow is not surprising.

"Our original plan was to refine it into a ten-turned sacred fairy. Only ten turns of the Supreme Immortal, you can truly be perfect, without any drawbacks. But obviously, the final refining is only nine turns, that The major hidden dangers are not manifested at this time, but it will definitely make Fangyuan have to cooperate with us." Zishan Zhenjun Road.

Supreme fairy has huge drawbacks!

What kind of drawbacks are there, so that Zishan Zhenjun is so determined, can clamp the source?

Shadowless and other people are very curious, but Zishan Zhenjun is stopped, did not elaborate.

At the same time, there is also suspicion in the heart of Zishan Zhenjun.


"From the innocent intelligence, my refining system is a rush, and it is not in line with the original plan."

"What is the reason, let the body start immediately, so anxious?"

"It seems that at the same time as the source of the contact, I have to go to the river for a long time!"

East China Sea.

On the blue sea, Fangyuan quickly shuttled through the long white clouds, and he aimed to guide the Xinjiang.

"It's coming again!" Fang Fei suddenly changed his face.

He can feel that the dark power of his body is being consumed quickly. At this rate, it will soon be consumed.

Obviously, this is a powerful way to calculate yourself.

No one left or right, Fang Yuan quickly fell to the supreme fairy.

Into the immortal, suddenly isolated inside and outside, rejecting the calculation of the power, temporarily solved the danger of its own exposure.

Fang Yuan sighed.

Since the Battle of the Counter-River, he has been subjected to successive calculations.

Liu Guanyi’s identity is a complete fire.

Not only Beiyuan, Zhongzhou, but also the immortals of the East China Sea, South Xinjiang, and Xi'an, have a strong interest in Liu Guanyi and want to extrapolate more information.

Liu Guan is a false identity, and the root cause is still Fang Yuan.

As a result, Fangyuan took all the pressure.

Even if there is a dark emperor, he will often stop and take a break from the fairy.

All the way, Fangyuan calculated in secret, and the number of calculations has been as many as four or five hundred times.

This greatly interfered with his trip, which made him have to stop and stop and still stay in the East China Sea.

If you change to the previous speed, you have already been in southern Xinjiang.

"If there is no dark dynasty, I am afraid that this situation will be more serious."

"But can cause such a sensation and attention, it is also normal. Someone has juxtaposed me with Feng Jiu Ge."

"Before overturning the 88-degree corner of Zhenyanglou and Wang Tingfu, there is a shadow of the film to help cover it. I don't feel this kind of pressure. Now it is completely understood. It seems that we have developed a fairy-tale killing trick to deal with this calculation. It is also quite necessary."

Fang Yuan is a master of wisdom, and it is not impossible to figure out a killing of a fairy. It's just that there is no countercurrent body print, it's just as easy.

After all, when pushing the counter-current bodyprint, it is not just because of the waterway realm of Fangyuan, but also other important factors.

The most important thing is that Xianyu is quite suitable, and the starting point is very basic, so that it can go smoothly along the way.

Now, Xianyu, which is suitable for Fangyuan, is a dark one. It is not a wise road, but a submarine.

Fang Yuan’s realm in the dark road is not outstanding at all.

Ps: The state of the body is not good, today is even more. (To be continued.)

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