Reverend Insanity

: Section 271: Family Development

When evading the calculation, Fang Yuan was not idle, and took the opportunity to inspect his own fairy.

Five days and nine days.

The pattern is outstanding and has gone beyond common sense.

The vast space of 500 million mu of land has already reached a point where it is shocking and ridiculous. Basically, no one will believe it.

Now, Fangyuan’s Supreme Immortal has exceeded the scope of 500 million mu.

This is entirely because, in the previous period of time, he succumbed to the slaughter of the gods and swallowed the fairy land of others.

Because of the characteristics of the supreme celestial body, Fangyuan can completely engulf the fairy land of others, absorb the track marks, and there is no waste.

The increase of these immortal blessings has made many special territories in the Supreme Immortals.

Most of these territories have geophysical regulation and management, which saves a lot of energy from Fangyuan. They are like pearls, scattered in five fields and nine days.

"The resources of Yudao are extremely huge. Everyone wants to expand their own fairy tales, but I have so much space and it is too late to develop."

Fang Yuan is quite satisfied with this aspect, but for the Quandao resources, it is another sense.

The time flow rate in Supreme Xianyu has dropped many times.

Originally one to sixty, the universe is rich in resources to no friends!

But now it’s not working, and even the usual standards are not up to standard.

This is also a no-brainer.

Fang Yuan changed the practice method and made such a choice in order to delay the onset of the disaster.

He used the method of the ecstasy obtained from the biography of He Fan to delay the time of Xianxian, so that the resources of the celestial tract were so small that the production of Xianyuan of Fangyuan was greatly reduced. Not only that, but also the rest of the resources and the decline. The magnitude is huge.

Think carefully.

In Xiaozhongzhou, there is a piece of blood Zhilin and Jingliulin, both of which originate from the fox fairy land and have a long history. In addition to this, there is also a small pit.

In this twilight pit, there are a variety of light trails and numerous numbers.

This is Fang Yuan's reference to a source of resources in the Beiyuan Liu family, Shuguang Pit, which was imitated in his own fairy tales.

Not long ago, Fang Yuan ransacked the glory of the glory, and smashed the light of all the avenues inside, and ransacked it.

Some of the light path locusts were put into the nine-day aurora by Fangyuan. Most of the rest are still left.

Fangyuan had to create a small pit to temporarily store these massive lights.

Of course, this twilight pit can't be compared to the real twilight pit. The latter is a real source of resources, rich in traces of light trails, any insects can be inside, submerged and promoted into shackles. However, the former is only a source of grassroots grass, which is dedicated to the storage of light, and there is no production at all.

Xiaozhongzhou is the lowest-developed place in the Supreme Five Domains.

Above it is Xiaobeiyuan.

In Xiaobeiyuan, the landform is flat, and most of the area is covered with snow and ice, forming a snowfield.

But ice and snow are not the only colors.

At the end of the East China Sea, there is a shoal of green water, and a piece of stone is piled up into special water. The water is rich and the snake lives.

This green shoal is the blessing of the original change of the Taoist Han Dong. It was swallowed up by Fangyuan, and even the spirits of the blessed pink snakes came along to help Fangyuan manage this area.

At the end near the West Desert, there is a bone burial ground.

There are mountain-like bones, various types, including shoulder blades, leg bones, skulls, and birds and beasts. They contain many fairy materials and are of great value.

This bone burial ground is a bone burial site where Fang Yuan was taken from the Liu family.

After killing Liu Jiaxuan Xian Liu Yong, he directly moved this bone burial ground to his own fairy tales.

Therefore, he has this resource point that is rich in bone locusts.

"However, compared with the original bone burial ground, although this bone burial ground has a large number of bones, the bone road marks are not comparable to the original one. In the original bone burial ground, even the surrounding land contains bones. Road traces. Liu can completely rebuild the bone burial ground in the land."

Fang Yuan knows well.

Of course, the big cake of the bone burial ground, Fang Yuan has taken away 80%, the real big head is these bones.

The remaining 20% ​​is the land environment. It is not difficult for Liu to rebuild the bone burial ground, but if he wants to return to the past standards, it will cost a lot of money.

And at the end of Zhongzhou.

It is a sparsely grassland, a variety of wild grass wildflowers, mainly **** grass, red axe.

These are also from the fox fairy land.

This grassland has a large area and is not comparable to Han Dongfu. There are some pollen rabbits, fox groups, water wolves, ground pigs, poisonous wolves, etc., as well as a wild animal, shark's fin wolf, and a wild beast, which often feed on this grassland.

In the small west desert, the temperature is the highest.

Because most of the inflammatory road marks condense in this piece. The land is mostly desertified.

There are three main resource points here.

The first one is the pits that support the smoldering dragons, which are numerous and concentrated in one.

The second is a sand gull.

It is rich in sand gull.

Shagu soil is a kind of coffin, and it is also the ingredient of Xianyu.

However, now Fangyuan has no luck, so Shagu has been used as a resource for trafficking to help Fangyuan obtain Xianyuan Stone.

In the center of Shagutu Beach, it is naturally the dead egg of the sacred sand gull. The cracks on the eggshell are full, and there are several small holes, and the transparent egg white flows out from the cracks and from the inside to the outside. Using the essence of life in this egg, ordinary sand can be converted into sand gull.

The third is the black marsh. Here is the place formed after Fangyuan’s catastrophe, filled with dark road markings. Now it has been transformed by Fangyuan, forming a resource point to initially eliminate the dark locusts, but because it has just started, the output is extremely low.

In addition to these three resources, it is two blessings.

One is the land of the blessed land, the muddy swamp's landform, which is home to five wild animal monsters, all kinds of earth roads, and are managed by the earthly muddy villain.

The other one is Liu Yong’s slavery, where there are more than 20 canine wild animals. Most of these wild animals were purchased by Fang Yuan from Bao Huang Tianzhong. Because at the beginning of Liu Yongfu's recognition of the conditions, it was twenty dogs and wild animals. Among them, Liu Yong’s own six-headed animal bone canine is included. The entire blessed land is governed by a spirit that looks like a black poodle.

The operation level of Xiaodonghai is similar to that of Xiaoxi Desert.

The blessed land of Wu Renhai falls here.

This is a vast ocean, managed by Wu’s relics, with three heads of the ancient wild horned tortoise, a large piece of ancient deserted mute corals, and six wild animals, Baixin Blue Feather, six heads, by sea turtles. The spirit is in charge.

In addition, there are also the original arowana group, the two sides of the abyss arowana, the bubble fish, the rare essays of the group, and some oil and water. A large number of sapphire squid, blood jade squid and an ancient wild animal are collected (in the turbulent waters).

In addition, there is a small piece of blood lake, where a lot of blood of the wild beasts and the blood of the celestial beings are mixed. Once the source of the blood was used to cultivate the blood.

Now that the state of blood is in full bloom, this blood lake has been left behind.

In the entire small five domain, the richest is Xiaonanjiang.

Wuguangshan, Jixianshan, Fengtianshan and other more than 10 mountains.

Stone stalactite caves, long hate spiders, a small number of stone people, a large number of primitive jungle, Qu Limu can be seen everywhere, the tea stream road is crystal clear, the dying birds sing in the forest.

There is also a Jackie Chan, Fang Yuan from the North Plain directly used the pull of the mountain fairy, moved to the fairy.

And in the small nine days.

A small piece of aurora exists in the small orange sky. Many of the aurora in the aurora are loaded with floating, because a large number of optical locusts have been seized in the crater, resulting in a large increase in the number of aurora and streamer fruit on the basis of the original.

In Xiaohuangtian, it is a small piece of broken Jinhe.

In Xiaoqingtian, there are quite a lot of Danqingxiang, which is the ingredients for feeding the soul. There is also a Tianjing storage pool, which is obtained from the black hole, which is temporarily useless.

In the dark days, there are flesh trees. In the small day, there are a large number of spotted tyrannosaurus flowers, as well as three heads of the ancient days, the ancient eagle dog, and the wild animal eagle.

In the small purple sky, the upper pole eagle soars, and it is still only the wild beast. More than 80 eagle nests are suspended here quietly. These are the spoils of Fangyuan attacking the Iron Eagle. As for the original Tianjing Eagle Nest, it has already been eaten and dried by the Shangji Tianying, and there is nothing left.

In the small blue sky, there is a lot of cloud soil. A large number of arrow bamboo forests are planted on the soil, and there are a piece of star-grass grass field, and a star-shaped dog larvae. The two former wild animal, the spiny star arowana, were sold by Fang Yuanyu in the defensive battle of Hefan Dongtian.

There is also a group of meteorites, which are rich in sparks and meteor. Killing the stars of the Yelu, the harvest of the stars and the blessed land, was also placed here by Fang Yuan, forming a suspended continent. The land is covered by stardust, and the star nuclear is in charge.

There are also some blessed places, scattered places, some other wild animals, and so on.

The Wandering Mountain and the Fallen Valley remain in the blessed land.

The countercurrent river was temporarily put on the Xiaodonghai by Fangyuan.


The wisdom of the nine turns is still left in the blessed land. The Supreme Immortality has been consumed by Fangyuan and is not recorded here.

Eight turns of immortality have an attitude, Huijian, like water flow years (in the seal state).

Seven Turning Fairy has a soul change, a sword eyebrow, a wave sword, a flying sword, a sword, a disaster (a loan to Chudu), a year, a future, a dragon, a love, and persistence.

Six turns of fairy tales have puzzles, women's hearts, blood, dark, transport, deformation, strength, my strength, the power of flying bears, pull mountains, pull the mountains, the mountains and rivers, the people, the stars, the spring and autumn 蝉 (天意存,存In the body of the fairy zombie), bone spurs, the road can be said.

The rest of the ancestors, there are more types, and do not repeat too much.

The black arrow of Xianfan has already blew himself up, and Fangyuan has not seized it.

The captives have the ancient moon Founder (stayed in the blessed land), the black man (the body is in good condition), the ma Hyunyun soul, the Liu Yong soul, the Yelu group star soul. As for the soul of Shinu, Fangyuan did not get it. The shadow of the sect in the soul of the Tao, Fang Yuan can only look up, although he killed the stone slave, but can not stop his soul from self-defeating.

As for the others, such as the East Changfan soul, the feathers, the immortal souls, the East Sea group, the fairy souls, have been sold to Fangdi by Fangyuan, in exchange for a large number of martial contributions. I am afraid that now I have been digested by the Wandering Mountain and formed a courage.

There is also a Yumin 奴仙 slave in the middle of the week, has been sent to the West Desert by Fang Yuan, and implemented another plan.

Big family business!

This word can fully evaluate the current capital of Fangyuan, and even a little shallow.

In terms of overall value, even if he only changed to seven, he could go all the way with the ordinary eight-turn 蛊.

Just a few secrets of heaven and earth, the value is extraordinary. What's more, those locusts are really a lot, and the number is amazing!

Think about how to be a fairy, how many cents are there?

However, too many immortals, feeding is a big problem.

Fang Yuan still stays here, and has made efforts to feed Xianyu.

The remaining six turns and seven turns of Xianyu have been basically solved. The difficulty lies in the attitude of 蛊 慧, Hui Jian 蛊 these two eight turn fairy.

The new hand is persistent, the food is counter-current, and the source can be fully satisfied. The food of love is the same as the love 蛊, it is hope and fear, and the source is also solved. It is possible to acquire a lot of hopes and fears from Bao Huang Tianzhong.

For Fangyuan, operating Xianxian is not the current focus.

As long as he continues to slaughter the fairy, swallowing the fairy, the foundation of the fairy will skyrocket.

The problem he is facing now is the shortage of Xianyuan.

After chasing the shadows and innocent people, they experienced the war against the river, and then they got rid of the pursuit of the Maori ball. The source of the source above the road is very huge.

The reserve of his jujube, which has caused him, has fallen to a very dangerous situation.

"There were original resources of the universe, and the time and flow rate was very fast. Through the immortality, many red jujubes could be produced."

"But after the implementation of the Quandao method, the time flow rate of Xianyu itself is quite close to the outside five domains. I have to add the red jujubes and only buy and sell through transactions."

The countercurrent body protection is especially costly.

Fortunately, Fangyuan has become a seven-turn celestial being, and if it is based on the previous Qingxianxianyuan, I am afraid it has already dried up.

Without the red jujube, Yuanyuan will not have much confidence.

During the rest period, he simply put the body of the wild beast in his hand and put it in Baohuang Tianzhong.

These dead animals are all celestial bodies, and the number is quite large. It was the group of wild animals that had been chased in the trenches before the source of the source, such as the innocent people.

There is also a group of nightmare konjac, if this dream road fairy material is put into the treasure yellow heaven, it will definitely cause a huge sensation, and even 蛊 哄 。.

However, Fang Yuan saw the body of these nightmare konjac, and he was detained in his hands. He also had a greater purpose.

During the rest period several transactions were made in succession.

In addition to the handling fees for Bao Huangtian, Fangyuan harvested a lot of Xianyuan Stone.

A piece of fairy stone, equivalent to a green fairy.

Fangyuan is a seven-turn sacred fairy, which costs hundreds of celestial stones to consolidate a red jujube.

Just as he kept raising the red jujube reserve, a message was sent to him.

"It is a letter from Mao Six."

Fang Yuan feels a bit strange.

After browsing, he was even more surprised: "Is it necessary to fight with me and even cooperate?"

Ps: Today, we focus on the statistics of a source under the source, and the statistics are so tired! Let's see if there is anything missing, you can tell me. The recent state is a bit poor, and tomorrow will be even more. (To be continued.)


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