Reverend Insanity

: Section 310: There is no solution

Zhihan array. ≯

The pool injury once again laid the squad and made every effort to push the formation.

But this time, he encountered an unprecedented challenge!

Difficult, very difficult, even if the previous two difficulties are superimposed, multiply by ten, it is not as difficult as this one.

The pool hurts to feel like a baby, trying to climb a mountain.

"This difficulty... No wonder the Wuhai Sea is very confident!"

"It has a lot to do with the two previous arrays."

"No, I must seize this opportunity and humiliate the Wuhai Sea. I want him to admit that he is not as good as me in front of the silk fairy."

One day and one night, the pool wounded eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, and took out the desperate effort to overcome this difficulty.

At the same time, Fang Yuan is also pondering.

"Is this difficulty, I am afraid I have already passed the power of the master's realm?"

Not long ago, Fang Yuan once again obtained the "help" of the pool injury, which made his squad improvement plan of the Pansi Caves take a big step forward and made breakthrough progress.

However, at the last moment of complete success, Fangyuan encountered unprecedented obstacles.

If the first problem is like a pit, the second time is like a hill, then this time the obstacle is a mountain.

Only by climbing to the top of the mountain can we break through the obstacles and complete the improvement of this battle.

The emergence of this obstacle has greatly exceeded the expectations of Fangyuan.

"Well... I have estimated before, if it is supposed to be improved, the production of long-spoken spiders can be tripled."

The meaning of turning three times is not three times the growth. Instead, it has grown sevenfold, which is the original output multiplied by eight.

This growth is obvious and very scary. If the raft is set up, it will add seven more holes in the hole.

Fang Yuan’s vision is very good, but in practice, he has encountered considerable difficulties.

The last two times he solved it, but this last time, it made him have no clue.

The distance is successful, only the last step, how can Fangyuan be willing to give up? So he hit his mind again on the pool.

Another few days passed, and the Chi Khan array stopped.

The pool hurts pale and has no blood.

His eyes are out of sight, and there is no light.

"Damn!!" His head was unkempt, like a heap of straw, his face was stunned, his teeth were gnashing his teeth.

Because he tried his best and did not succeed.

In this way, it will not win the square source. What is even worse is that Josie Liu has already known this third challenge. The pool injury has already boasted of Haikou in the letter and threatened to break through this difficulty.

If he fails, Wu Wuhai does not say that, how to face Josie Liu in the future?

The pool injury felt a huge pressure like never before.

He ate a seaweed, and after a little rest, he was put into a nervous deduction.

Pool home.

Located in the western part of southern Xinjiang, more specifically, in today's family, it is located in the westernmost position of southern Xinjiang.

Bordering the pool home is the sheep house.

This family is bordered by the Wu family. Recently, it was even more difficult to marry the martial arts. Because of a wild fairy, there was a conflict.

Chijia, Yangjia, Wujia.

Far-reaching near-attack is a basic diplomatic strategy, so the relationship between Chijia and Wujia has always been good.

A piece of the latest information was sent to the table of the Chia Taishang Grand Elders.

The pool song was opened and the brow wrinkled slightly.

This information is not the other, it is the level of the source and the pool injury challenge.

Located in the ranks of the tiers, the pool leader's rule of the pool, lest the contradiction between Fangyuan and the pool injury escalated, has wisely smashed this matter up and reported it to Chi Qu.

As a result, even if the situation deteriorates in the future, the responsibility of the pool regulations will be less. After all, he did not know what to expect.

Chi Qu will also draw some attention and deal with the progress of this contradiction when dealing with complicated government affairs.

After all, the identity of both parties is unusual. If this kind of thing is not done well, it will be upgraded into a diplomatic contradiction.

"The pool injury has been stumped. This is a difficult problem. Um... It has become the ability of the master."

The intelligence actually went into detail, Fang Yuan’s third battle problem.

Chi Qu is the master of the big song. Just glanced at it and saw the details of this puzzle.

"In combination with the first two problems, Wu Renhai should want to lay a squad for the management of resources. It is just too greedy for people who have imagined this squad, but the realm is not enough."

"If I don't wake him up... I am afraid that he will continue to study it because of the stubborn nature of the pool injury, because the thoughts are too heavy and hurt, and even die."

“Is it the design and conspiracy of the Wu family?”

"I have seen through the bottom of the pool injury, deliberately want to get rid of my pool home hope."

"Well... It seems unlikely that Wu’s situation at this time. But it can’t be careless.”

From the thought of here, Chi Qu’s eyes flashed a sharp, sharp voice, and said to himself: “It seems that I have to shoot a little.”

After a while, the pool gauge visited the pool injury and brought a channel to the channel.

"This is the elders of the great elders. Let me hand over this fairy to the pool and hurt you." The pool rules said.

After the pool hurts and accepts this fairy, after seeing into the mind, he sees the contents inside, suddenly his face is discolored, and he surprises and cheers: "This is the inheritance of the hidden figure in the past. His ground water The wind and fire four yuan array, unique, no separation. Just not famous, too low-key, so few people know him. Too great elders, actually handed this immortal pass to me! I asked for a few I can’t ask for it.”

Under the excitement of the pool, I was immediately immersed in the true biography of Xiandao and ignored the outside world.

When he returned to God and looked up, one day had passed and he had entered the night.

"Time flies so fast, hey? The pool rules are too late to go home, forget it, no matter what." The pool injury eyes flashed, almost unattractive.

The true biography of the Chia Taishang elders is too late, just right for the right medicine, bringing the most correct point of the pool injury.

The pool injury is full of respect for the pool music.

"The original elders have always been concerned about my business."

"He saw that I was in trouble and immediately helped me."

"Is this cheating?"

"It shouldn't be counted. Too big elders can't directly mention me, just give me a true biography. The inspiration for solving is all I came up with."

"Well, that's it! Time has already costed enough. I have to hurry up and take this difficult to overcome and give Wuwuhai a good look!"

The pool was full of excitement and enthusiasm, and once again raised the wisdom and sweat.

It was two days later, and the squad broke open, but the pool wound was an angry look.

"The original problem of this battle is simply that there is no solution!"

"Well, you are a vain sea, so I am so pitted!"

"Too sinister, too cunning!!"

"Fortunately, I got the point of being too old, and I broke the truth."

Thinking of this, the pool injury squeaked the teeth, and he ate a lot of bitterness these days, almost no sleep, and research.

The result is now, this puzzle has no solution at all.

The pool hurts that he has been played by Wu Wuhai for a while, and he feels quite angry.

But soon, he laughed again: "Yes, this puzzle has no solution. I just need to break this fact, and I will win. Even I can reveal it to the silk fairy, let her take a good look at Wu’s sea. The sinister face of you."

The pool injury was done immediately, and the two channels were sent out.

Fangyuan is connected to two channels.

The first one is from Josie.

Josie Liu sent the channel to the shackles, not to the surprise of Fang Yuan. After he had browsed through his mind, he was somewhat puzzled.

Then he thought of something, dropped a letter that saw half of the silk willow, and went to see the one that was injured in the pool.

Fang Yuan suddenly lost.

"This pool injury has progressed. I actually learned the wicked first to complain. I first explained the result of this challenge to Josie Liu, and then sent me the letter to me. Is this one before and after, is it against me?" Really progress is not small."

Fang Yuan’s smile gradually converges.

The third result was beyond his expectations.

The array he conceived is actually unsolvable!

This situation is actually very common.

Before the success of the calculation, any innovative prescriptions, killings, and battles may be unsolvable and impossible. It is just a hypothesis that flows through illusions, and there is no possibility of real success.

Some puzzles have no solution and are clear at a glance. But there are some, but it is not.

Especially the troupe, the locusts and genres involved in the platoon are too many and very complicated. Some ideas, not to the end, will not be a problem with no solution.

"The output has tripled. The result of this idea is still too good and too realistic."

"Since there is no solution, then I will only abandon the original idea and make another way of improvement."

"But now it is."

"Of course I challenged this time, I lost, and the banquet was hurt. This person is a bit interesting."

For this time of the banquet, the pool did not think about it, and immediately agreed to it.

His mentality is completely different from before.

Before, he felt that Fang Yuan was big and he could not go. Now he is a winner. In his opinion, this banquet is a banquet. He certainly has to take the attitude of the winner to appreciate the face of the loser.

Therefore, when he saw Fang Yuan’s first sentence: "Wu Wuhai, can you serve?"

Fang Yuan touched his nose and laughed: "Serve, take it, Xianyou Gaocai, how can you not accept it?"

The pool hurts a bit, he did not think that Fang Yuan would be so attitude, actually directly served soft.

This made him somewhat helpless. Because before that, he envisioned a lot of programs, how to rely on the source of the other source of swearing or strong words.

But now Fang Yuan directly frankly failed and said that he was convinced.

This gives the pool a feeling of punching into the air. 8


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