Reverend Insanity

: Section 311: Banqueting a pool injury

The banquet started. network

Among the small halls, only Fang Yuan, Wu An, and Chi Chen were the three immortals. Wu'an is of course a soy sauce role with wine, and the focus is of course the interaction between Fangyuan and the pool.

Fang Yuan actively toasted to the pool, his words were polite, with a smile, especially the discourse on the pool injury is very respectful.

Reach out and not smile.

The pool was so confused and ignorant that I drank a lot of fine wine.

He looked at the source and began to look at it from a different perspective.

"Wu Wuhai this guy, in fact, quite amiable. How did you do it before? Is it intentional to provoke me? Or is he still asking for me?" The pool was sad.

"I don't want you to say that the pool hurts the fairy friend. The most admirable thing in my life is that you are such a talented person!" Fang Yuan laughed and walked over to toast.

The pool scars, raises the glass, and Fang Yuan has not yet drunk, he directly pours himself.

It turns out that the previous source of continuous toasting has become a conditional reflection of the pool injury.

However, Fang Yuan’s words really sounded comfortable. In particular, the identity of Fangyuan’s rivals is so complimenting and complimenting that the pool injury has a great sense of accomplishment.

"Do not."

"I want to be vigilant!"

"This guy in Wu Renhai may also be acting, he is still very treacherous."

The pool injury did not put down the alert in the heart, but how he looked, how to feel that Fang Yuan's face was full of smiles, sincere and sincere.

Hehe, and not to mention Fang Yuan’s acting skills, is it just a gesture of laughter?

"Cell injury fairy friend please see." Fang Yuan reached out and handed the pool to a channel.

"What is this?" The pool was sad, and the mind sneaked into it and his face suddenly changed.

It turned out that this channel is a letter that Fang Yuan is about to hand over to Josie. However, in the letter, Fang Yuan has greatly appreciated the pool injury, and the praise is full of enthusiasm. It is more frank and self-defeating. Previously, he used the road problem to challenge the pool injury. It is purely self-sufficient, and the class is awkward. Worth the hero of South Xinjiang.

Of course, there is no such thing as the word "banmen" in this world. In short, this is the meaning.

The pool injured the letter and he was a little embarrassed.

Fang Yuan’s appreciation, the words are indeed a bit exaggerated.

“Is that really good?”

"The title of the hero of southern Xinjiang, I have never thought about it."

"I don't know how the silk fairy will see this letter. What do you think?"

Various thoughts have emerged, and the mood of the pool can't be overwhelmed.

When he looked at Fang Yuan again, his eyes changed.

Fang Yuan sat down directly beside the pool injury. The action of this relative did not make the pool injury resentful.

"I am a fisherman, I am looking at the southern borders of the immortals. I am afraid that only your talents can be worthy of the silky fairy. I have served this!" Fang Yuan laughed.

"Oh?" The pool injury didn't know what to say, there was joy on his face, but there was still doubt.

Fang Yuan said again: "But I will not give up, my gentleman is good, although I am not as good as you, but I will redouble my efforts. This time you are better than me, let's compete in the future! How do you see?"

After listening to this, the suspicion on the face of the pool was wiped out. He lifted the glass for the first time and respected Fang Yuan: "Good, fair competition! There should be fair competition between gentlemen."

The implication is that Fangyuan has been treated as a gentleman.

Fang Yuan laughed and patted the shoulder of the pool injury: "To be honest, I am very disgusted by other rivals, but the pool hurts you differently, you are talented and bright, I admire you. If you get the silk fairy in the future I will definitely bless you both because I know that if I lose to you, I am not jealous! As for other people, hey, they are all clowns."

The pool injury was exaggerated and I was embarrassed. I touched my nose and said gracefully: "In fact, other people also have some strong people."

"We don't know each other, come, have a drink!" Fang Yuan raised his glass again.

The action of the pool injury is even more crisp: "Drink!"

As soon as he looked up, he licked, his throat rolled, and a large glass of wine went straight down.

Then he made a wine cellar and his face turned red.

"Beauty!" Fang Yuan gave a thumbs up and personally gave the pool a full of wine.

He is smiling, warm and sincere.

But in fact, his heart was calm and he remembered the information about the pool injury.

The intelligence channel of Wujia is trustworthy.

Fang Yuan already knew: This pool injury from the time of the boy, in an accident, was hit by the pool song, recognized his talent in the road, so he cultivated.

The pool is wounded in the pool home, and there is a name for "the idiot."

He was selected from adolescence and sent to the back cave of Wansuoshan for further study. This is thirty years.

When he was over forty years old, it was only out of the mountain. He was only three rounds, but he was in the middle of the family. He was arranged in a squad that was better than four turns and five turns. Family people.

Later, the ethnic talents learned that the reason why the pool injury broke out was because he lost his way and unexpectedly walked out.

He gained fame in the performance of Dabi, wealth and beauty came one after another, but he refused one by one, the only request was to re-enter the cave, continue to retreat, study the circuit.

This incident alarmed the old family.

The pool song was made up of a request to allow a pool injury, and even opened a cave for him alone, with dedicated servants serving every day.

The pool injury continues to be studied, and its hard work and obsessions make people feel awkward, as if the only pleasure in his life is to study the road.

He rushed to the top, letting the outside world scream, the sound of dogs and horses, he only lived in his own cave, not seeing the sky, immersed in the practice of the road all day long.

Wait until he is full of white, when the deadline is approaching, Chi Qu will see him again, ask him: This life has passed, regret it? What regrets dying?

The pool hurts and mourns and cries. He said: "Life is short and has been rushing for a hundred years. There are still many studies in my circuit. How can I be willing? This is the biggest regret."

Chiqu was deeply impressed by the fact that he gave a life scorpion to the pool.

The pool is hurt, it is rejuvenated, and it has a long life.

Chi Qu was talking to him about the circuit, pointing him three days and three nights, and finally confirmed that the pool injury is the family hope, the future rumor can reach the big master!

Chiqu is not only just talking about it, but after that, it really tilts the family resources and cultivates it deeply.

With the help of the family, the pool injury was repaired by leaps and bounds and promoted to immortality. And in just a few decades, it became a seven-turn fairy.

However, even if he became a fairy, he did not let him get out of his previous habits.

He is still on the top of the road, constantly researching, no day and night, a retreat is a few years, ten years.

The only thing that is surprising is that he pursues Josie Liu and his attitude is very determined.

The news came out at the time, so that the pool family stunned, only to know that in addition to the circuit, the pool injury still likes women!

When getting the information of Wujia, Fangyuan felt that the pool injury was a very interesting person.

It is these cognition that prompted Fang Yuan to adopt a special response to the pool injury.

Before I did not take the initiative to meet with the pool injury, it was actually a strategy of Fang Yuan. The challenge of deliberately using the road is the next step of Fangyuan. This time, the banquet is also in the plan of Fangyuan.

The performance of the pool injury did not surprise Fang Yuan.

Everything is done in an orderly manner.

Not long ago, the letter from Josie Liu was also expected. As one of the parties, Josie Liu could not show his attitude.

Although she did not say it, she told Fang Yuan in the letter that she had met with the pool injury for the first time.

According to Josie Liu, she took the mission of Qiao’s family and visited the Chia family. She was treated by the son of the great elders of the Chi Family.

I know that this pool is scornful, deliberately through the beauty, oral poetry, and secretly suggestive to Josie.

If it is normal, Josie Liu may not be angry. But at the time, Josie Liu was the messenger of Qiao, and Chih’s behavior was a disrespect for Joe’s family, which made Josie’s heart hate.

In response, Josie Liu deliberately approached the pool injury.

Chi Yu is the son of Chi Qu, the next elder of the Tai Chi, the one in the pool, can be described as one person under the 10,000 people, others are afraid to provoke In addition to the pool injury this crazy.

The pool was unclear, and the curve was curved. At first, it was not a false remark for Josie Liu, but Josie Liu deliberately talked about the circuit and described some of the family's classics.

The pool injury was attracted by it and was of great interest.

Josliu borrowed a pool injury to deal with the pool, and the pool was helpless. He only had to apologize to Josie Liu.

Josie Liu successfully completed the family mission, returned with full load, and also harvested one of the most enthusiastic pursuers.

This letter from Josie Liu brought quite important information to Fang Yuan, and he immediately had a fairly clear understanding of Chi's internal affairs.

"The Chia Taishang elders have a limited life, and they have no longer used Shouyi. And his son, Ike, was under his shadow and was promoted to a fairy. In fact, he was not talented."

"Chiqu is well known to his son's ability. He wants him to become a great elder in the future. Therefore, after realizing the temperament and talent of the pool injury, he vigorously leans on resources and cultivates Such a madness comes."

"As long as there is a guardian of idiots, Chih-Hui will succeed in the position of the elders of the elders, and he will be very sure. The admiration and admiration of the lyrics by the idiots make him unable to escape the control of the pool."

"Family... oh."

This letter from Josie Liu let Fang Yuan see the political battle inside the pool home.

It is because of this internal and external reasons that talents such as pool injuries have been shaped. At the same time, it also relieved some doubts about the pool injury in Fang Yuan’s heart.

"Come! Wu left sea fairy friends, I respect you a cup." At this time, the pool injured the other side of the source of the wine glass, interrupted Fang Yuan's thoughts.

The pool injury continued: "You are a very real person. If you are with the Silk Fairy in the future, you don't have to be sad. You are actually very good. There are still many women in the world, but there are few real understandings. Little!"8


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