Reverend Insanity

: Section 332: Fang Yuan battle black?

"Giggle." Black screams a strange laugh, the original cute face is actually a twisted color.

Her original clear eyes, full of insidious light at this moment, deep pockets, as if staying up late for half a month. The eyeshadow is thick, like two black butterfly wings, extending from the corners of the eyes, and inserted obliquely.

Although there is not much change in appearance, it is sinister and hot, the temperament changes greatly, and the simple and lovely weakness before, is completely one by one.

"White rabbits really pass ... a little meaning." Fang Yuan's body shines brilliantly.

After the glory dissipated, Fangyuan has turned into a giant tortoise.

Immortal killing tricks - Bu Yu turtle changes!


Seven turns of the road, the fairy pool ruled a big spit.

"Damn, **** it!" He cursed in his mouth, his eyes glaring at the front, where the fragments of the celestial body were suspended.

This fairy was originally traumatized by the attack of the left night ash.

Just now, when the pool rules wanted to provoke the second layer of the super squad, this fairy 蛊 finally reached the limit of tolerance and suddenly collapsed.

The squadron fails to trigger, and even triggers a chain reaction, causing other fairy scorpions to take damage.

The pool rules quickly took the lead and took the initiative to use their own bodies to bear the reversal of the collapse of the battle, and finally saved the battle.

But he has been seriously injured.

“Is the situation serious?” Bard quickly went forward to check.

The pool ruled strong blood in the mouth, pale face, like a dead person: "very serious! This ruined fairy, is one of the pillars. The second layer of scorpion has a total of more than 300,000 locusts, but this status There are only four in the fairy tales. We must find alternatives, and then we will talk about the second layer of 蛊 催. This set of 蛊 array is layered, without the second layer, the most central first layer It will not be established."

After a meal, the pool rules shouted with anxious expression: "Who has the dirt road, I will give it to me. It is a time of life and death!"

Beside him, the wind and Bud helplessly look at each other.

The former is the wind channel, and the latter is specialized in the wooden road. There is no earth road in the hands of the two.

The pool gauges healed himself, and Bard and Bardot quickly asked one by one.

The reason why I ask one by one is naturally to try to hide this bad news as much as possible. After all, the mentality will also affect combat effectiveness. At this time, the less people know, the better.

Fortunately, among the five domains, the number of dirt roads is usually the largest in southern Xinjiang.

Soon, many people said that they were willing to contribute their own dirt road.

The pool rules were chosen. These dirt roads are not a good choice, but he can only pick the generals in the dwarf and barely choose one that is closest to the original earth road fairy.

The pool gauge has not healed, but he doesn't care.

"Next, I want to push it out, and I will come up with the method of adding this kind of earth road to the whole battlefield as soon as possible. My safety will be handed over to you."

This move is undoubtedly very risky, and if you put your life in the hands of others.

However, the pool rules have a firm face and no hesitation.

He knows that he has no way out, he must race against time and must gamble!

Bud’s face was dignified and slowly nodded: “I will answer you, and I will surely fight you to protect you. Even if the night gray is coming, I must first cross my body.”

This is the truth, not a hypocrisy. At present, despite the strong fighting power of Bard, it is difficult to fight against the night ash, and basically cannot change the situation.

He is not a Feng Jiu Ge, nor has a countercurrent body print like Fang Yuan.

Bud did not even know that a fairy house in the Wu family was on the way.

However, since the beginning of the shadow attack, he first used the channel means to inform the Pakistani family.

Like him, there are other ancestors.

Sticking to the aid, this is the only way of life in the minds of Bud and others.

In this way, the pool rules concentrate all the spirit and attention and go all out. As the strongest recognized by the military, Bard, the general leader, dispatch defense. Now Wujia and Qiao’s family have appeared in the situation, and the prestige has fallen to the bottom. The Bard’s Bard has become the most suitable leader.

For this opportunity, Bud is also doing his part.

As the strongest force to protect the pool, he stayed behind and scanned the battlefield.

Overall, the line of defense is still stable.

The righteousness of the sacred sacred, relying on the semi-discrete squad, can be withdrawn in time.

And the magic roads are immortal, but there are not many real powerhouses. It is not that there is no magic or scattered power in southern Xinjiang, but in the previous Yi Tianshan war, it has lost a lot.

Although in the big battle, the same loss was not small. However, compared with the magic road, the right path is more stable, it has a lot of resources, and it is easier to cultivate the strong man.

It can be imagined that unless this special situation occurs, it will continue to follow this trend. In the next period of time, the South Xinjiang Road will definitely overwhelm the magic and the repair.

Bud’s gaze stopped for a moment in the three battlefields of Miaoyin Fairy, Heiloulan and Bai Ningbing. The rest of the people swept away and finally stopped at Fangyuan.

"Wu Renhai." He remembered the name in his heart and raised a feeling.

Once he wanted to press Wu Wuhai and give Wu a good kan. But now they have to help each other in the same boat. Although Bard is full of ambition, he has long wanted to replace the Wu family and make the Pakistani family carry forward. But at this moment, the enemy is not at the moment, he does not mind fighting with Wu Wuhai. This is still inclusive.

Of course, this is only a temporary disregard of the past. When the crisis is over, Bard will definitely settle the accounts after the fall.

This happened, and Bard was able to grasp the pain of Fang Yuan. Prior to this, Wu Jia and Qiao’s family had an accident. Bud had been patient and did not use the handle of Xianyuan’s business. He kept this handle until now, and finally had a gratifying result.

The black cockroach keeps jumping, the body is flexible, and there are countless King Kong thoughts.

After the great change of heart, the former white rabbit girl actually used the means of darkness.

Not only that, but her original six-turn repair, actually suddenly changed to seven turns, it is simply not reasonable!

However, she is dodging fast, and it is only a line faster than Fang Yuan’s thoughts.

Today is different.

If Fang Yuan had just mastered Jin Gang’s chanting, he might not be able to take this black scorpion. But at this moment, Fang Yuan has been practicing purely, and his thoughts are like rain. They all go together and cooperate with each other. It seems like a thick and dense firepower net. Black scorpion can avoid it for a while, and it still has to be enveloped by countless thoughts of Fangyuan.

Immortal killing tricks - corner tiger!

I found myself in a downwind, and the black scorpion's momentum suddenly exploded, and the toes were gently on the ground.

The black liquid quickly spreads on the ground.

After the rest of the time, the black water expanded to the size of the pond.

After the two interest rates, the black water boils and bubbling.

After the three interest, a horse-sized gecko jumped out of the black water.

This gecko is dark and stunned, not real, but purely by the dark road.

The gecko was extremely fast, spreading its limbs, marching like the wind, and planting it on the soles of the black scorpion, carrying her around.

Compared with the black scorpion, it has become a source of the 卦 turtle, which is very cumbersome.

Since he changed, he has been motionless and blocked behind the gap behind him.

However, although the source of the source has not changed, the thoughts that he evoked, like the King Kong thought of the small tortoise shell, are extremely flexible and dense, and they are flying around the huge body of the Buddhism turtle.

After the battle began, Fangyuan was desperately urging the killing.

The turtle shell thoughts skyrocketed, and Fangyuan acted very steadily. He first used these thoughts to cover it firmly, and then used more and more small turtle shells to expand outward.

The black scorpion stood on the black gecko, moving forward and backward, but gnashing his teeth.

On the surface, she has a huge advantage in speed and takes the initiative on the scene. But in fact, she must cross the obstacles of the source, break into the gap, and get through the remnants.

Fang Yuan is firmly on her offensive line.

Black cockroaches suddenly left and right, constantly trying to sprint to the source of the source.

She actively mobilized these little turtle shell thoughts, and she deliberately revealed flaws on several occasions, but Fang Yuan did not seem to be in the middle of it. She kept her steady and steady, and constantly drove the black scorpion out.

Fang Yuan is somewhat jealous of the black-handed killer.

Although Fang Yuan did not know the name of the move, he witnessed Wu’s situation in the quiet and silent, and the whole body turned into a black water scene.

"The trick of black scorpion is for me."

"She asked to see me, but after I refused, it is worth using on Wu'an."

"This shows that the scope of the attack is relatively narrow and limited. It is like a dark murder. Although the atmosphere is restrained and the lethality is strong, the drawbacks are obvious."

There are more and more thoughts around Fangyuan, and the small tortoise shell is constantly rotating, which makes people's eyelids numb.

The black cockroach had to retreat continuously, watching so many small turtle shells, she was so angry that her chest continued to rise and fall.

"This change of the old turtle is really suitable for you, Wu Renhai adults." She suddenly laughed again, showing cruel killing.

"However, you don't think that my means, just stop here. Try this trick!"

Said, the black cockroach opened the cherry mouth, aimed at the direction of Fangyuan, spit out her little tongue.

Her little tongue is very cute and bright red. But her lips are dark as ink, black lips and red tongue, forming a sharp contrast.

The tongue spits and shrinks, and the speed is fast.

It seems to be a playful girl next door, playing a cute face.

However, Fang Yuan felt a numbness in his back and suffered a strong injury.

He quickly reversed the turtle's neck and turned the turtle. He headed back. He found a small hole in his back shell.

This small hole, only the size of the washbasin, is not worth mentioning compared to the large size of the turtle shell.

But it was very deep, and the wound continued to spread outward and spread, and the entire hole was smashing black smoke and squeaking.

Ps: sixth, more tired, a little more immobile, eyes a little flower. To be continued.

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