Reverend Insanity

: Section 333: 菟舔

Fang Yuan’s heart suddenly shocked.

"What is this killing?!"

"The hardest part of the Bud turtle is its turtle shell, but it can't bear the damage of this trick."

"Even if I am a supreme body, there are characteristics that are not mutually exclusive between the track marks. According to the rough skin of the ancient wild animal, it has actually fallen so much?"

The strength of the black scorpion is beyond the expectation of Fang Yuan. Her method is very strange, even the defense of the Buddhism turtle is a bit untenable.

Thinking of this, Fangyuan did not dare to keep it, and quickly mobilized seven turns to prevent immortality.

This law road has been successfully added to the killing of the back.

Immediately, the original back-to-back killing stopped, and the new just-in-the-back killing moves slowly.


A gust of wind was created out of thin air, and the turtles changed greatly.

The brand-new Gangshou killing tricks have taken a lot of Zhou Daofan. The effect of these locusts is to eliminate the disadvantages of the scorpion itself when used alone.

Therefore, once the back-to-back killing is successful, the defense against Xian will be effective immediately.

The small turtle shell swelled in a circle and became more massive. At the same time, the body of the turtle was beginning to flash like an iron glow, and the color was dark and deep.

When you see this, the face changes slightly, sticking out your tongue and then licking.

The two sides are far away, but across such a long distance, Fangyuan still suffered an attack.

There was another pothole on the shell, but this time, the pothole was only the size of an adult's fist, the wound was shallow, and there was no black smoke rising.

In addition to the previous wound, the black smoke has also dissipated, and the rate of wound spread has slowed down considerably.

The black snoring snorted, very unwilling, and whispered in the mouth: "If that is the case, then I will attack here!"

The next moment, Fang Yuan only felt his own turtle. The head suddenly numb.

Immediately, the pain hits, and there is a sense of numbness, mixed with it.

The injury is not light.

Fang Yuan quickly turned the turtle's head into the shell.

"Damn!" Black Donkey saw this scene, and suddenly his eyes were smoldering.

Fang Yuan is very skinny, not only the turtle. He also retracts his limbs and tail into the shell.

Only the small tortoise shell thoughts are kept spinning, and the number is constantly increasing, and the strength and scope of the defense are raised to the next level.

Black cockroaches continue to lick the turtle shell, but the effect is not great.

She was in trouble and finally had no way to take Fangyuan.

Wu Liao healed the wound while watching the battle, and saw this scene, very sweaty. He couldn't help but think: "In this way, Wu Wuhai adults must avenge Wuan, what time is it?"

Bard snorted and was somewhat dissatisfied.

Other gaps, playing deep and hot, Fangyuan here is slow, not warm.

Fangyuan turtles are shrinking, very comfortable.

He quickly thought about it and pondered the black scorpion.

Any killing trick often has the ability to point. For example, a fireball kills, fireballs are rushed out, condensed in the palm of your hand, and finally have to fly out to have a killing effect.

But where to fly, which direction, which target, you need the ability to include the corresponding points in the kill.

Only where to point, where the fireball flies.

If the pointing ability is normal, the fireball is a straight flight. After leaving the palm of your hand, you cannot manipulate and modify its flight direction.

If the pointing ability is stronger, the fireball can fly in a curve. After leaving the palm of your hand, you can slightly adjust its flight angle.

More powerful, the fireball can track the target by itself.

"The black scorpion's killing trick must also have the ability to point."

"Although it is not as obvious as a fireball, it is invisible and inferior after the attack is issued. But the lack of pointing is impossible. Because it is obviously not a range of damage, but a concentration of damage."

"So how does it point? Is it through vision?"

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan immediately distracted him and used it to spur the locusts. A strong fog appeared on the side of the 卦 卦 turtle, and the 卦 卦 turtle was firmly covered.

"This Wushanghai, what do you want to do? Hey." Heizhen suspected that Fangyuan had to make other immortal killings, and immediately put out his tongue, and pointed at Fangyuan, and stunned.

Fangyuan once again recruited.

“Not visual? Is it smell?”

Fangyuan reused the means, and the fog suddenly became extremely stinky.

Close to Wu Liao, smelling the smell, suddenly distorted, and quickly motivated the mites, breathing inside.

The stench was floating in the air, and it quickly dissipated, causing the rest of the battle groups to cast their eyes.

"This Wuhaihai is actually trying to crack the other side's killings." Bud's eyes flashed and saw the purpose of Fangyuan.

He snorted and his heart was even more dissatisfied.

Generally, the possibility of cracking the enemy's killings on the spot is very small. It is necessary to continually test, even if the principle of exploration is broken, there may not be corresponding fairy tales or means to implement.

Try to crack the killing, usually a one-on-one long-term stalemate.

"Now this kind of emergency situation, he actually has a leisurely feeling to crack the killings? Hey! There are means to directly kill each other is the right thing!" Bar wind is directly to the heart of the dissatisfaction.

Bud turned a deaf ear. At this moment, it is not a moment of conflict.

The black scorpion hesitated, and once again put out his tongue and squatted at Fangyuan.

A pothole wound appeared again on the back shell of Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan suddenly flashed a flash of light: "I understand, it is probably the direction of taste."

In general, taste requires an intimate contact with the tongue to experience. However, the tongue of Zhu Xian, under the effect of Xianxie or killing, is not difficult to taste.

"Every time you start, the black scorpion will stick out his tongue."

"She and the film singer together, the film sect masters the true story of the esophagus. Only the genre of such a partial door can have a miraculous effect on my profound defense of the scorpion turtle."

"Try it out."

Bu Yu turtle slowly reddened, especially the back shell, as if it was a red pot.

The black scorpion sticked out his tongue and immediately took a sigh of cold air: "Hey... it’s hot!"

The red color of the 卦 turtle has dissipated, and there is a strange smell in the air.

The black cockroach sticked out his tongue and almost got vomited and frowned. "It's so salty!"

Subtle changes in the regeneration of Bud turtles.

Blackbird finally stopped trying. She saw the intention of Fangyuan: "This guy! Actually trying to crack my killing, instead of trying to provoke what immortal killing. Hate!!"

Before the black scorpion felt that these changes in the body of the 卦 卦 turtle are likely to be the prelude of Fang Yuan’s urging of the martyrdom.

Therefore, she attacked three times and five times in an attempt to destroy and interfere with Fangyuan's urging of killing. Once the interference is successful, the anti-phagic injury will definitely cause Fangyuan to be injured. Then she has a hope of crossing the obstacle of this tortoise shell.

"In this case, he actually has time to try to crack my killings?!" Fang Yuan's move is contrary to common sense. After all, at this time, the battlefield races against the clock, who has such leisure.

However, it is precisely because of this that the black scorpion is recruited.

Realizing this, Black Skull immediately stopped this killing, but instead changed it to other means.

She swings her fists around, black and green punches in the thoughts of the cumbersome little turtle shells, some are jointly annihilated by the small turtle shell thoughts, and some break the small turtle shell thoughts along the way, hitting the turtle's turtle's back.

Although the damage is minimal, but every time the punch is concentrated, Fang Yuan's entire body can't help but tremble. Obviously, this sacred killer is mixed with the locusts that have entered the law. Black scorpion interferes with the source of the source, and it is a good means to guard against his urging of the sacred killings.

"Is it really taste?" Fang Yuan's turtle. The head is always shrunk in the shell.

Despite the results of the attempt, there is still a long way to go to crack the black scorpion.

Fangyuan is not in a hurry.

Blackbird is no longer using this trick, and the simple boxing interference is irrelevant for Fangyuan.

Because of Wu’s identity and means, it is obviously weak and strong.

The black box defense against the source of the attack and killing, in fact, is more worried. Fang Yuan is indeed a powerful means of attack, but he cannot use it because of his identity. Once used, he will be in great doubt, and the identity is not far from exposure.

Then the rhythm of this battle slowed down again.

Fang Yuan does not want to attack, or can not find effective means to attack, and the black scorpion can not break the square turtle.

After such a period of time, the small tortoise shell surrounded by Fangyuan has risen to the scale of 100,000.

Blackbird feels that he has no way to start, and the huge number of small tortoise shells is amazing. It has become an eye-catching sight in the’s eyes are more and more cold, he can’t help it. Voice: "Wu Wuhai, I heard that you have two other changes. At this moment, what are you doing with your hands? Quickly kill your opponent and support other fairy friends! Or, you and this What does the white rabbit really have to do? Can you not go?"

When Fang Yuan heard Bud’s voice, he ignored him and he did not hear it.

Bud got a response for a long time, and he was so mad that he gritted his teeth, and the eyes of Fangyuan became colder and colder.

Fang Yuan is pondering his own situation.

"The shadow sect must be to rescue the ghost body, so attack here."

"They controlled the left night ash, but the degree of control should be limited. There is also an eight-turn 蛊仙紫山真君 did not show up."

"There is a super squad on the right side of the road, which can protect the time. As long as it is delayed for a certain period of time, there will be support from all directions and reinforcements on all sides."

"And I have a countercurrent body print that can resist eight turns. The strength is not up."

"Zishan Zhenjun is a Zhidao 蛊仙, how can there be no backhand? These celestial celestial beings are far from reaching the end of the mountain."

"I still hide my identity and wait until the time to fish in the water. Maybe this time, I can really touch a big fish!"

The more Fang Yuan is pondering, the more he finds himself to have a chance.

He has such strength, but he must wait for the right time.

The shadow sect is his confidant. He always wanted to chase and kill him. Unfortunately, Fang Yuan has also hunted a lot of times and has not succeeded. It is not that he does not work hard, nor that his attitude is not determined, but that this group of people is indeed a dragon and a phoenix, and all elites.

But now, it is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity.

Ps: seventh. To be continued.

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