Reverend Insanity

: Section 468: Searching for spoils

The glory flashed, and the ancient swordsman turned back to human form.

You Yu and Qin Lily have already died. Since then, there are only four of the six fairys in the East China Sea.

Fang Yuan's spicy hand-breaking flower still does not change color. He aligns with two places and uses the means of immortality.

Soon, the two immortals were taken out by him and temporarily sealed.

Fang Yuan inherits the remains of the shadows, including the methods of picking up the witches, and many other killings, which can be effective against Xian.

Before coming to the East China Sea, Fang Yuan was successful in this calculation. He had the means to temporarily seal the immortality and carry it with him.

Therefore, Fang Yuan is not busy with these two immortals, he first put away the battle of the immortal battlefield, killing Zhao Zi, and then calling out the shadowless, Bai Ningbing and others.

In order to ensure that nothing is lost, the members of the shadow sects and so on are all in the Supreme Immortal and brought to the East China Sea together.

The ancient battlefield - extending in all directions!

This killing has been flawed, the effect is not outstanding, and now it has been repaired by Fangyuan. Therefore, as soon as it was urging, it immediately took Fangyuan and the other three immortals, left the arowana sea, and directly descended to the Baihe sea area.

On the sea of ​​white cranes, it is calm. Breeze, blue sky and white clouds, between the sea and the sky, countless white cranes, or soaring, gracefully stretched, or perched on a small island to rest.

Fangyuan did not stop and directly pounced deep into the sea.

The rest of the shadows, Zhu Xian, according to Fang Yuan's entrustment, began to collect the surrounding white cranes.

Fangyuan entered the seabed, his eyes were sharp, and he soon found a fairy house.

It turned out that he even gave up the arowana sea area, and the first time he rushed to the Baihe sea area, it was for the Qin Lili's six-turn fairy house.

When Qin Lili left, she did not take the fairy house with him. On the one hand, peace is too long, and it is ridiculous. On the other hand, it is also to leave the fairy house, suppress the Baihe sea area, and prevent it from happening.

Fangyuan is directly close to Lily Palace.

Lily Palace opened the portal, and actually took the initiative to greet Fangyuan!

It turned out that Fang Yuan has become a portrait of Qin Lily. It has never been a good idea to meet the killings. It is only her will to replace Qin Li’s guarding the fairy house.

Fangyuan successfully entered the Lily Palace and received the will of Qin Lily.

Qin Li's will has no doubt about him. After entering Fangyuan's mind, he suddenly found it inappropriate.

However, Fang Yuan had long been prepared to use his own mind as a battlefield, and this will soon was banned. Then he began to use this will, and in turn to fight for this Lily Palace.

Rao is a source of wisdom and wisdom in Fangyuanzhidao. He also spent a day and a night before and after, and he successfully won the Lily Palace.

At this point, Fangyuan finally has a fairy house!

"It’s just that this Lily Palace is not perfect. It is very fragmented. The power is extremely low. There are only two six-turn cents as the core. It is the Qin Lili specially designed to carry her harem."

The Lily Palace is not reliable, and it is very fragile. It is far less than the Black House’s Black House.

After Fangyuan’s control, the internal structure was unobstructed, and after all the operation was memorized, it was directly removed and a large number of mites were obtained. Two six-turn celestial scorpions, one wooden road, and one actually was the esophagus. .

This is a bit out of the expectation of Fang Yuan.

The locusts on You Yu and Qin Lily don’t mention the fairy tales, even if they are mortal, they will not be left to Fang Yuan.

Therefore, the establishment of these aphids in the Lily Palace is the full harvest of Fangyuan in the locusts.

Eating a sweet scent like a wooden box, the size is small, just like the size and length of the adult index finger. Its role is very chicken ribs, just to help the scent to eat aroma, fill the belly.

"But in this world, there are no waste locusts, only waste slayers." Fang Yuan has a gut inheritance, and his thoughts turn around, and he thinks of many ways to use the fragrant scent.

Although this fairy singer is used alone, it has the effect of chicken ribs, but once it has cooperated with other mites, it is definitely worth looking forward to.

So far, Fangyuan has only one fairy in the esophagus, called a snack. This time, one more fragrance, which largely compensated for the shortage of esophagus.

This is a reward that makes Fangyuan quite surprised.

Fang Yuan took down the Lily Palace and killed the beautiful people inside, leaving the soul behind.

Back in the Baihe sea area, the shadow group is still hurrying to search for resources in the sea.

The white cranes are in groups and the number is very large.

There are thousands of ordinary white cranes, as many as twenty-one white cranes, and four white cranes.

It took a lot of effort, and Fang Yuan and others not only gathered these cranes, but also searched for other resources in the depths of the sea. There are two kinds of resources on the seabed, one is Taishi Iron, Jindao, Zhidao Road, and the seven-turned fairy material, and the other is egg spar, which is the essence of life left after the death of the egg.

There are still a lot of egg spar. It can be seen that the Baihe sea area was a habitat of a large group of egg people long before.

After Fang Yuan took these all into the bag, he returned to the Arowana Seas through the invigorating tactics.

There are still a large number of arowanas in the arowana sea, and the scale is much more than that originally learned by Fangyuan.

Fangyuan all earned his own fairy tales. This windfall directly made his scale of the arowana directly expand by dozens of times!

In particular, it is the first giant in the arowana business. The foundation in this area is extremely strong, and Fang Yuan is secretly surprised.

After hollowing out the arowana sea, Fangyuan looked at the sky and still no one was killed.

"There is no movement in the heavens... I am still deliberately delaying the time in the battle, and I want to bring out the reinforcements of the heavens." Fang Yuan spit out a sigh of gas and his eyes were cold.

He is well prepared for this trip, even if he is faced with eight turns of immortals, he is not afraid.

In terms of heaven, it is possible to guess the identity of Fangyuan and thus help Fangyuan by helping You. In the same way, Fang Yuan can also infer that Tian Ting is behind the scenes.

Fang Yuan suddenly came here, both as a raid against You Yi and Qin Lily, and as a temptation to Heaven.

But after this temptation, there was no movement in the heavens.

This result made Fang Yuan feel a little unexpected.

"In the heavens, there is no dispatched person to come over? Is it that Ziwei Fairy is not expected, or is it not timely? Or... the staff in Tianting is not so adequate."

Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed, and he was so savage that he suddenly guessed the bail-outs in heaven.

There is indeed a lack of staff in the heavens.

This point, in fact, Fangyuan was faintly aware of the way he fled in the West Desert. This time is just more confirmation!

Since Tianting Zhuxian did not come, Fangyuan would not wait silly. After leaving the Arowana waters in all directions, he planted the genus of Youyi and Qin Lily in an unnamed sea area in the East China Sea.

A seven-turn waterway fairy, a seven-turn wooden road fairy.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to transform Xian Xian into a blessed land, Fang Yuan entered it separately.

In the land of Youfu, the conditions for the spirit to recognize the Lord directly kill the source. Fang Yuan is quite changed his appearance and camouflaged identity into it.

Immortal killing tricks - **** town spirit!

You Yudi was suppressed by Fangyuan, and the waterway fairy was quickly annexed by Fangyuan.

In Lily's blessed land, the spirit of the earth recognizes the conditions of the Lord, but it is related to the Lily Palace.

Regardless of this, Fangyuan once again used the blood to calm the spirit and suppress the spirit.

However, Mudaofudi, but he is not qualified to annex, can only be left behind. Anyway, after closing the portal, it is difficult for the outside world to detect this blessed land, which is relatively safe.

Sure enough, as Fang Yuan expected, not only did there be any locusts in the two great sacred blessings, but even the cultivated resources of the business were destroyed.

You Yi and Qin Lie hate Fang Yuan, the murderer, and don't want to leave him anything.

Fortunately, not everyone can be triggered casually.

After doing all this, Fang Yuan did not want to stay in the East China Sea for a long time and left here directly.

He committed a murder case this time, killing You Yu and Qin Lily, and taking advantage of the two sea areas. I believe that it will soon be exposed, triggering an uproar in the East China Sea.

This is not an exaggeration.

Whether it is Yu Wei or Qin Lily, it has a wide range of influence.

In addition, the sacred world has been flat for a long time. This time, the big case is the death of two strong seven-strongers. It will surely cause a certain degree of panic, and let the people in the East China Sea be in danger.

There will be a large number of immortals, no matter what the purpose, for the revenge of You Yu, Qin Lili, justice or justice, to seek the legacy of the two or to establish a reputation for themselves, in short, there will be a large number of immortals to trace Fangyuan.

The wind is still not screaming?

Fang Yuan has eight turning powers. Although he is not afraid, he does not want to be trapped in continuous troubles. (To be continued.)

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