Reverend Insanity

: Section 469: Incident

After a few days.

On the sea of ​​Baihe, there is a fairy.

This Zhu Xian is dressed in a green shirt, looks young, has a wide nose and wide face, and his eyes are as bright as a star.

The seven-turn breath is emitted from him. His coming is not too small. The surname Qingyue is sincere, and it is the fairy of the Qinghai family in the East China Sea. It is also the blood of the Qing Dynasty’s great elder, Qingyue. .

"Is this?" Seeing the white cranes in the sea, the Qingyue Chengcheng face sinks.

He had a long-term admiration for Qin Lily, even if Qin Li loves the female style, he can accept it.

Only he can accept Qin Lily, but Qin Li Li does not accept him.

It can be said that the water is intentional, the flowers are ruthless, Qingyue sincerity has always been rejected, but he never gave up, which has been insisted for more than ten years.

Although Qin Li is also tired of him, he does not want to make a bad relationship with the Qingyue family. Every letter to Qingyue sincerity is perfunctory.

Qingyue Zhicheng writes a love letter every once in a while, and Qin Li’s letter is often only two words—read, or yes.

Get the word "read", Qingyue Zhicheng is satisfied. If he is "affordable", he will definitely smile with him in the next few days.

People are not ruthless, even if they are Zhu Xian, there is also a situation of love and love.

But this time recently, Qingyue Zhicheng sent a love letter, but it has not been answered for a long time.

Qingyue Zhicheng tried to contact and failed.

In his heart, he raised an unpredictable hunch and couldn't stand it. He immediately set off and personally rushed to the Baihe Sea.

This time, I saw the scene of the depression of the Baihe Sea, which suddenly locked the brow of Qingyue Zhicheng.

In the past, the white cranes were quiet and peaceful, and countless white cranes or flying or living, and they were full of vitality. But nowadays, the looting of Fang Yuan and other ancestors, such as Fang Yuan, is already a poor and white.

"Lily fairy, where are you?" The uneasiness in Qingyue's heart is more intense, and he slams into the bottom of the sea.

He has been here many times in the Baihe Sea area. Although Qin Lili does not like him, Qingyue Zhicheng is looking for many legitimate reasons.

This time, I entered the bottom of the sea, and the profound underwater scene in Qingyue Zhicheng’s heart has undergone tremendous changes.

Looking at the huge gully, there are countless potholes, falling gravel, etc., a heart of Qingyue sincerity sinks into the bottom: "No, look at this situation, it has been plundered here."

After another look, Qingyue Zhicheng was full of anger.

"The other party is really a big dog!"

"Dare to rob the waters of the Lily Fairy, where the Taishi Iron and the Egg Spar are all looted. It is obvious that the person is arrogant."

"Lily fairy, you must never have anything!!"

Qingyue Zhicheng thought of those who missed his heart, and suddenly he was scared and scared.

He searched around and never found the six-turn fairy house.

Qingyue Zhicheng is not reconciled, using the means of investigation, and searching the surrounding waters again and again.

There is no result.

Qin Lili is like a complete disappearance, Lily Palace is not seen, but also called Qingyue Zhicheng is strange, there is no clues to show that there has been fighting here!

Fang Yuan did not end the life of Qin Lily and You Yu here, but in the Arowana Sea.

But even if Qingyue Zhicheng finds the arowana sea, it will not notice any traces.

Fangyuan's means of eliminating traces, colorful, not covered! Moreover, there is one more point. The whole battle took place in the battlefield to kill Zichen.

Qingyue Zhicheng could not find it, and there was doubt in his heart.

"The lily fairy is a good hand in the seven-turn sacred fairy. If someone can quietly kill it, the possibility is really small. Unless it is an eight-turn singer..."

"Eight turns of the immortals to suppress one side, and each other's elbows, holding one and moving the whole body, how can it be inexplicable to kill the lily fairy? Hehe."

Thinking of this, Qingyue Zhicheng put a little worry on it.

But immediately, his skin was tight again: "Is it true that Lily Fairy is really tired of me, determined to transfer the territory and take all the resources away?"

Qingyue Zhicheng thought carefully and thought that this might not be big.

The Baihe sea area is a source of good production resources. How can Qin Li give up and give up? Even if she finds a better territorial sea, she will not give up this place without any reason.

“Does it say that she has encountered an unbeatable strong enemy? The enemy is under pressure, she has to abandon her foundation and temporarily evacuate?”

Qingyue sincerity turned another thought.

But immediately, he shook his head gently: "If it is a strong enemy, how can Lily Fairy not be surrounded by help? With her network, as long as she said, there will be a large number of immortals to help."

"What the **** is it? What is the lily fairy because of it, so mysteriously disappeared?"

Qingyue sincere brow, twisted into a skeleton.

He did not think about the possibility that Qin Lily had fallen. First, he did not want to think about it. Secondly, this may be somewhat ridiculous.

After all, Qin Lily is the man of the East China Sea, and the name is the East China Sea, and its strength is not weak, with seven transformations.

Who can easily kill her like this?

As decided by Qingyue Zhicheng, unless it is an eight-turner.

But this is probably even smaller.

It is also a long-standing peace in the five domains. Qingyue Zhicheng does not feel that there will be such a cruel murder, and it also falls on his most beloved fairy.

However, after Qingyue Zhicheng passed some investigations, it was an answer.

"No matter what happened, Lily Fairy must have been in trouble. I must find her and do her best to help her!"

For a time, the hero’s thoughts of saving the beauty were filled in the mind of Qingyue’s sincerity, and his heart was burning.

"If there is no clue here, look for the nearby Zhu Xian, and ask for it." In the mind of Qingyue Zhicheng, the name Yu You soon emerged.

You are also famous for the arowana sea area.

From the point of view of distance, You Wei is also the closest to Qin Li.

Both sides can be described as neighbors.

Qingyue was sincere and vigorous, and immediately left the Baihe sea area. After spending some effort, he rushed to the Arowana Sea.

The arowana sea area is even worse than the Baihe sea area. Once the dragon fish here was long and boundless, it was one of the richest in the East China Sea. But now Qingyue is sincere, but it is a blank.

The sea breeze whispers, the sea water forms a white wave, and it continues to fluctuate.

"How could this be?"

"Even the Lone Dragon Fish Seas have been looted?!"

Qingyue is sincere and has a shocked look in his eyes.

This is the case with the white cranes of Qin Li, and the same is true of the dragon fish in the sea. What caused this?

You must know that whether it is Yu Wei or Qin Lily, they are all good players in the seven-turn. The combat power is not weak!

This time, Qingyue Zhicheng is not only surprised, but also a trace of fear.

He raised the vigilance of twelve points and went deep into the sea to investigate carefully, but what made him extremely frustrated was that he had nothing to gain.

"How could this be? What happened in the end? Not only the lily fairy, but even the Yushou fairy is the same encounter. Wait a minute, the arowana business, Bao Huangtian!"

Qingyue Zhicheng suddenly had a slight shock and quickly communicated with Bao Huangtian.

Youyi’s arowana business is famous for its five domains. In Bao Huangtian, she must have left her will to host the sale of arowana.

The spirit of Qingyue Zhicheng explored Bao Huangtian and quickly contacted the will of You.

One exchange, Qingyue Zhicheng discovered that You Yi will not know what happened!

"You and her will, the number of times of communication can be quite frequent, each time interval is no more than three days. That is to say, within these three days, she and Lily Fairy have both suffered mysterious shock!"

Qingyue’s forehead shed cold sweat.

The more he investigates, the more he discovers the truth behind it, which is quite mysterious and terrifying.

Whether it is You Yu, or Qin Lily, it will not be boring to find out all the resources, and suddenly run. All of this is superficial, they have encountered an irresistible threat!

A strong worry has enveloped the heart of Qingyue.

"No, I have to hurry back home and let the immortals in the family help!" Qing Yue sincerely stayed in the empty arowana sea, feeling the scalp numb, he did not dare to stay for a long time, immediately turn.

The murder of Qin Lily and You Yu’s murder was already reported. Although the fact that the two fairies have been killed has not yet been discovered, according to the solid strength of the Qingyue family, part of the truth will soon be obtained.

The murderer who committed this murder was impunity, and the clouds floated in the air in the West Desert.

After Fang Yuan left the East China Sea, he did not rush to Beiyuan, but traveled to southern Xinjiang and once again came to Xi'an.

On the top of Xiangyun, Fang Yuanxin explored the Supreme Xianyu and checked his harvest in the East China Sea.

Killing You Yu and Qin Lily, Fang Yuan has gained a lot.

The massive arowana has greatly exceeded the scale of the dragon scales and is now visible everywhere in the Xiaodonghai.

The resources of Taishi Iron and Egg Spar are also considerable.

There are also two six-turn fairy scorpions, Fang Yuan has arranged how to feed in the future.

Qin Li's wooden road fairy, Fang Yuan placed in the East China Sea ~ ~ can not be swallowed, can not be carried on the body for a long time. The Yushui waterway fairy scorpion was completely swallowed by Fangyuan, and it has grown a large area of ​​water, and there are a lot of waterway traces!

But these gains, compared with the market, are nothing.

Yes, one of the secrets of the heavens and the earth is now in the middle of Fangyuan’s Supreme Immortal.

Fang Yuan came to the East China Sea, first went to the turbulent waters, and moved the city that had been left there before to his own Supreme Xianyu. Then, I went to the arowana sea area and brutally killed Yu You and Qin Lily.

Heaven and Earth Mystery - City Well!

This city well has long been used by Fang Yuan. Only before, Fang Yuanguang used the Tushan Xianyu, the effect was very small, and it was impossible to collect the market into the fairy.

But this time, Fang Yuan used the wisdom halo to create a sacred killing trick, with the core of the mountain as the core, specifically for the market, a little hard work, finally got what you want!

Ps: Today's collection is 100,000, which is another record. Unknowingly, this book has created a lot of my personal records, which really made me unexpected. Thank you for your kindness and support! The state of writing has gradually recovered, but there are still a lot of bad things around me. The troubles in the past two months have been constant. I don’t want to write. I was hospitalized last month and I have been doing physical therapy. I went to Japan earlier this month and joined the senior salon of the writer. As soon as I arrived in the middle of the month, my wife was sick again. The problem was very small, but it was a difficult problem. I needed to do a motor train every day and go to Nanjing for treatment. Hey, life is a thing that is not satisfactory, how can it be smooth? It’s smooth here, and there’s something wrong there. It’s really not easy to live a good life. But I will do my best to double up and fulfill my promise. I also wish all readers and friends that life is getting better and better and more comfortable! (To be continued.)

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