Reverend Insanity

: Section 472: Hard Juvenile

Shadowless, Black Loulan, White Rabbit, and Wonderful Fairy are all coming out of Fangyuan's Supreme Immortal.

"Next, I have to explore the dreams myself." Fang Yuan slightly sideways, to Tang Fangming.

Tang Fangming’s heart was shocked, and he immediately understood the meaning of Fang Yuan’s words. He smiled and said: “Please come with the fairy.”

This fairy squad, sheltering the heavens, is controlled by Tang Fangming. But then, Tang Fangming took the initiative to give up part of the power and handed it over to the shadows, so that they could control the fairy squad together with themselves.

This is one of the contents of the Fangyuan and Tangjia Covenant.

When Fangyuan explored the dreamland, the soul of the body smashed out and entered the dream, and the flesh lacked protection.

At this time, nature is more dangerous.

Therefore, Fang Yuan brought out a group of shadows, and they will cover the source.

This fairy squad is naturally incapable of letting go, and it is completely handed over to outsiders, so the shadow sects intervene and divide the control power of this fairy tales.

In this way, no matter whether it is a member of the shadow family or the Tang family, they can check and balance each other. It is very difficult for any party to want the other person's source to figure out the wrong way.

Fangyuan is doing things, almost dripping.

After the majority of the fairy tales fell into the shadows, he only applied to the soul of the soul, and directly into the thief.

Tang Fangming’s eyes were stunned and concentrated.

"This is really the key means!" He even breathed a little, and his mind was all about trying to find out.

It’s a pity that it’s like this. How can you see the key skills of Fangyuan’s exploration of dreams?

"This is...where?" Fang Yuan entered the dream, and his vision changed suddenly.

He found himself incarnation as a young boy living in a dilapidated tent.

The tents were very simple, with only a ruined blanket.

When the wind blows, the tent screams, and a cool intention is directly poured back. Fang Yuan’s line of sight is involuntarily transferred, and a hole in the corner of the tent is seen.

Even the tents are broken.

"Awful guy, I won't say a meal, but also cut my tent!" Fang Yuan's incarnation of the teenager, gnashing his teeth, secretly angered himself.

Then the teenager lowered his head and looked at his injuries.

Fang Yuan therefore shifted his gaze and saw that he was ruined on his own body. He was very poor and stumbled, and his chest was even more blue and purple.

When the teenager reached out and touched a few wounds, there was a pain in the stock that passed to Fang Yuan’s heart.

"Thinking of my dear Benjamin, I came to the world inexplicably, and I grew up again, and it fell to the point where I was bullied by a bunch of teenagers. It was enough!"

"The world is enough. People control locusts to get all kinds of weird powers. It is like a nightmare."

"Hey! If it’s really just a dream, why haven’t I woke up after more than a decade?”

Fang Yuan listened to the boy muttering to himself, suddenly shocked his heart.

He knows a lot of secrets. The thief is a magician of the heavens. Like him, he straddles from another world.

"The real name of the Pirates of the Devil is Benjasun. In this way, I entered the dream and temporarily became a thief. I am still only a mortal boy, and I have not started the journey of repairing." The heart suddenly disappeared.

At this time, the youngster thief said to himself: "But it is good tonight is the day when the holy land is opened in the ethnic group. As soon as I enter the holy land, I can open the air and then I can practice and master the power of the teacher."

"Oh! I hope this power will get me out of here and return to my home again!"

When the youngster thief said it, he endured the pain, and stood up and grinned, slamming the curtain of the tent and coming to the outside world.

Fang Yuan seems to be a will to be hosted in the juvenile thief. He has only the right to watch, and he cannot manipulate the youngsters.

This situation is also rarely seen for Fangyuan.

After trying all the means, there is still no way, Fangyuan can only continue to watch, let the dreams continue to develop.

The teenager stole the house and left the tent.

Suddenly, a pair of oasis maps under the moon, reflected in the horizon of Fangyuan.

Under the night, the moon is hanging high, and the white moon frost covers the entire oasis.

This oasis is small, with a pond in the middle and lots of tents around the pond.

These tents are large and small, with different colors, most of them are gray and white, and a few are yellow, gold and purple.

The tents of these colors are generally large, showing the social status of the tent owner.

The youngster sneaked in a circle and turned his head and looked at his tent.

His tent was small and ugly, black stains covered the surface of the tent, and holes, shouting into the cool breeze at night.

Juvenile thieves frowned, and the eyes of the eye were fleeting, coldly said: "Tonight, I will not have to live in this broken place!"

When he finished, he lifted his foot and walked toward the center of the tent.

Along the way, teenagers from time to time drilled out of their tents.

They looked solemn and did not dare to say a word.

Tonight is the most important, most solemn and sacred moment in their lives. According to the custom of the West Desert, the youngsters tonight must be in awe, and the words are like gold.

Anyone who talks too much, or jumps or screams, loses his attitude and will be severely punished by the family. In serious cases, he will even be expelled.

Once the exile is expelled, just a mortal teenager is basically a dead end.

The weight of punishment can be seen.

More and more teenagers are heading towards the center of the oasis, gradually gathering into a stream of people.

On the way, the youngsters naturally encountered the same age group who screamed at him.

When Fang Yuan looked at it, I saw that they were a tall individual. The teenagers who were physically taller than the surrounding ones did not say that their clothes were expensive, indicating that their backgrounds were good.

These people also saw the youngsters stealing the sky. Although they did not dare to speak, the sinister provocative eyes were undoubtedly revealed.

The youngsters screamed coldly and fearlessly.

The two sides walked and glared at each other and came to the pond in the center of Oasis.

There are thick reeds growing beside the pond, white reeds are blooming, swaying in the night wind, moonlight is like water, and a wild hope lingers in the reeds, shadows are flashing, flashing, and the number is quite many.

This not only reminds Fang Yuan, he once experienced the opening scene on Qingmao Mountain.

Although the customs of the West Desert are different from those of the Southern Xinjiang, they are essentially using the hope to open up the shackles. It can be said that they are similar.

A teenager walked into the reeds and stunned a wild hope.

They have opened up an empty space each has sadness and sorrow. For most mortals, the qualifications of the open are related to their life's achievements.

However, unlike the lively atmosphere of South Xinjiang, the atmosphere in the West Desert is quite dignified.

Even if someone is sad and happy, they must be restrained, let the face distort, and let the tears flow silently.

Soon, it was the turn of the teenager.

He couldn't wait to get into the reeds as soon as he was allowed.

However, the qualifications he tested were the worst. Ding and other qualified sergeants can only store two to three percent of the real yuan in the open space. Most of the sergeants can only be repaired and rarely reach the second turn.

This kind of qualified teacher is simply no potential and the future can be said.

A teacher with qualifications such as Ding can basically conclude that his life will be the bottom figure of the Yanshi world.

"How come! How could I be Ding and other qualifications?" Juvenile thieves yelled on the spot.

"Shut up!" The sergeant in the family who monitored the situation immediately took the shot and took the boy’s thief and sealed his mouth.

Juvenile thieves struggled hard, and the sergeant in the family snorted and slammed his palms.

The youngsters immediately stunned.

Fang Yuan’s vision also immediately fell into a darkness.

He found that he couldn't do anything, even if it was a dream, it didn't work.

"The bigger the dream, the stronger the binding force. However, the dream solution has no effect. It should be that this dream is very special."

Fang Yuan estimated in the heart.

He tried a circle and didn't have any results. In desperation, he had to wait patiently.

Ps: There is a second more, at 10 o'clock. (To be continued.)

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