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: Section 473: The thief?



In the darkness of the darkness, the soul of Fangyuan suffered in the darkness.

This darkness has an extraordinary melting power for his soul. This is the case when Fangyuan explored the dream before, and never encountered much.

Fortunately, the source of the soul at the moment is already extraordinary, with thousands of souls, and can withstand the melting of dreams.

The time in the dream is difficult to calculate.

Fang Yuan only felt that he had been waiting for a long time, and this time he saw a darkness in the darkness, and a white light spot appeared.

The light spot is extended into a white light, and then the light is pulled to the sides, the light is shining, and the horizon is full of time.

Juvenile thieves gradually woke up.

The original white light is the hot sun.

Juvenile thieves quickly reached out to cover their eyes.

"How am I here?" He soon found himself lying in the desert, the night had passed, and now it is the noon of the day.

The doubts about juvenile thieves did not continue, because then he got a message from his own mind.

This information is the one left by the priests in the family.

The general idea is that juvenile thieves violate the rules of the Holy Scriptures and are punished by exile. But when he was young and ignorant, as long as he was able to support the three days and three nights alone in the desert, and then rushed back to the habitat of the ethnic group alone, he would be able to regain the acceptance of the community and continue to live.

"I rub!" After understanding, the youngster screamed and smashed the spit.

"I only complained a few words, and you expelled me. This is child abuse and human life!"

"You guys! This guy cursed you..."

The teenager stole the middle finger, but found that he did not know which direction to go.

He did not know the direction of the habitat in the southeast and northwest.

This discovery suddenly made the teenagers vent their anger.

He suddenly sat on the sand master: "What can I do? I have just become a sergeant, but there is no locust. There is no water bag or food around. Once at night, there is no warm clothing. Or a sheltered tent, I will be frozen directly!"

"No, I must survive."

"Survive in this **** world, then find a way to go home!"

Juvenile thieves gnawed their teeth, and they seemed to burn two wildfires in their eyes.

At the same time, Fang Yuan felt a loose body, as if an invisible shackle that bound him, suddenly disappeared.

He is active and hands-on, and the youngsters are also following the activities.

"Oh? Can you control it?"

"It seems that I want to replace the youngsters and survive in this desert."

Fang Yuan immediately realized it.

There are many sources of struggle in the desperate struggle to survive, but at the moment he is also guilty.

There is only one reason, it is difficult for a clever woman to be without rice!

Juvenile thieves have no longevity, only two to three percent of the bronze real yuan, no one. This will make him survive in the desert, harder than going to heaven.

"The ethnic group exiled him so that he should die. No, more accurately, he does not put his master in his eyes."

In general, every teacher is worthy of treasure. However, Fang Yuan carefully thought about the scene he had witnessed before, and found the reason.

"This ethnic group living in the days of childhood is not strong, and it does not occupy a lot of resources. Therefore, even if there are seeds of a teacher, we must choose the best training."

Fang Yuan smiled and found that this did not help him in the difficulties he faced next.

Looking around and looking around, they are all boundless deserts, not even a touch of greenery.

Immortal killing tricks - dreams.

Fangyuan used the means, but after waiting for a long time, no effect was seen.

This has helped the source many times before, and it can be called unfavorable cards, and it is actually controlled everywhere in the thief.

Fang Yuan sighed heavily: "It seems that I can only bet a gamble."

He arbitrarily chose a direction and began to trek.

One and a half days after the dream, Fang Yuan did not encounter anything, and thirst died on the road.

This time, Fang Yuan’s soul was immediately hit hard.

He was forced to withdraw from the dream.

Exploring the dreams of failure, the soul is seriously injured, and returning to the supreme body.

Fang Yuan was black in front of him, and he quickly used his courage to treat the soul.

"Bold and sorrowful!" Tang Fangming stunned, and his eyes suddenly showed an envious look.

He stared at him, and Fang Yuan used a courage to quickly recover the soul.

Courage is a great aid to locusts in exploring dreams.

Fang Yuan regrouped and once again took out the soul and entered the dream of stealing.

Once again came to the desert of dreams.

Fang Yuan sighed and chose the opposite direction, trying to move forward.

After a day of walking, there is still nothing on this road. Fangyuan is tired and thirsty, and it is faint to reach the limits of the body.

"If it is history, the stolen sky will encounter the same situation as me. It is absolutely impossible for him to survive by himself. Only relying on external help is the opportunity."

"That means that there is a direction here that can be hit. It's just that I have bad luck and I haven't bumped."

"This level seems to test the luck of the explorer. Unfortunately, my means of transportation are useless in my dreams. Unless it is combined with dreams, luck, and research, such as dreams or fairy tales, Power can be used."

Fangyuan continues to analyze in depth.

For the second exploration, he still ended in failure.

After the break, he continued for the third time.

This time, he chose another direction. After a short walk, he encountered a pit.

This is a pit of quicksand, and the source is in the middle, and it is difficult to extricate itself.

"This is going to die again?" Fang Yuan depressed, can only watch as he was slowly swallowed by the quicksand.

But to his surprise, when the quicksand was about to pass over his head, suddenly the quicksand spewed up, as if it were a fountain, spraying Fangyuan into the air.

After Fang Yuan fell, the original sand drifting pit had become a round hole, and it was continuously sprayed out of the air.

Cool air is very suitable, like a breeze to send cool.

"There is a play!" Fang Yuan quickly approached the edge of the round pit, and soon saw this big cold air, flying out of a fin-like fish that was only like silver pouring.

This is of course not a small fish, but a cool breeze.

Fang Yuan quickly shot, want to conquer these Fan. However, the cool breeze is amazing, and it completely ignores Fangyuan.

At the edge of the round hole, the air sprayed, constantly crowding out the source and pushing him away.

Fangyuan’s strength is weak, and it’s hard to be hungry in the stomach. It’s impossible to get close to the edge of the round hole and get in touch with these cool breeze.

However, Fang Yuan did not feel discouraged, he waited patiently.

Soon after, he really waited for the opportunity, a cool breeze in the process of colliding with other companions, seems to have been injured, fell to the ground, away from the cold, away from the edge of the pit.

Fang Yuan quickly rushed to pick up the cool breeze.

The result was excited and pinched!

Fangyuan was speechless and had to wait again.

Soon, I waited for the opportunity, this time I fell down two cool breeze.

But before the source of the source has been captured, they have re-floated and merged into the cool breeze.

Fang Yuan sighed, and suddenly the flash of light flashed: "This time, if I urge the dream again?"

He once again urged the immortal killing to solve the dream. Almost at the next moment, he saw the results, and a cool breeze fell.

Fang Yuan picked up his hand and did not refine it. There was a second cool breeze falling down, and the injury was not light.

Fang Yuan Shiran and caught it again, and spent a lot of effort to refine these two cool breeze.

When the cool breeze disappears, this group of wild cool breeze sweeps through the sky. When leaving the horizon of Fangyuan, Fangyuan’s empty space has mastered five cool breeze.

"I finally have some means."

Although it has not solved the problem of survival, it is undoubtedly a huge good sign.

More crucially, this quicksand pit is undoubtedly indicating that the direction of Fangyuan's choice is correct.

Another point is that the discovery of Fang Yuan’s morale is that the solution to the dream is not invalid. It is only in this piece of stolen dreams that the right place is used to achieve results.

Fang Yuan followed the drifting pit and continued on. Not long ago, he encountered a small oasis.

There is a well in the oasis, but there is a group of beasts guarding the well, and a beast is still parasitic on the beast leader.

Fang Yuan came to the spirit and relied on five cool breeze to play against this group of beasts.

In the end, he used the terrain and tricks to annihilate the beasts and conquer the wild locusts on the beast leader. This is a poisonous locust that is in the shape of a scorpion.

The war situation has been fixed, Fang Yuan hastened to the well, and he is quite disappointed. This is a dry well.

But it doesn't matter, the beast body of this place is precious Fangyuan sipping wild beast blood, and eating a few pieces of flesh and blood, filling the belly. Later, he collected the beast's stomach bag and collected the blood of the beast as much as possible. The flesh of the beast also tore out a lot of pieces, and the beast's belly was stringed and tied to the body.

At this time, the night has come in the dream, and the temperature in the desert air has dropped sharply.

Fangyuan had a countermeasure, and he was not busy.

He first took the peeled animal skin and animal bones in his hand, then went to the mouth of the dry well, built the animal bones, and laid them with layers of animal skin.

These inner layers of the hide also have greasy fat, which is quite warm.

Probably get the animal skin of the beast, and Fang Yuan body carefully walked into the dry well along the hollow that was intentionally left behind.

He supported his two sides of the well wall with his feet, supporting his body without falling, and then pulling the skin of the wellhead to completely cover the cavity.

Then he stepped down to the bottom of the well.

After arriving at the bottom of the well, Fang Yuan originally planned to stay here for one night, but did not want to have an unexpected discovery.

There was a small hole in the bottom of the well at the bottom, and there seemed to be a hole in it!

Looking at the edge of this small hole is obviously a trace of man-made.

Fang Yuan’s heart was shocked, and he quickly drove the youngster’s body into the hole.

Following this small hole, about 50 or 60 steps, Fang Yuan came to a house-sized underground space.

This space is very simple, but there are pots and pans, and there is a dark spring. The spring is small, but it is a clear groundwater.

There is also a dead body, lying flat on the ground.

"Is it true that this is the real chance that the Pirates of the Devils have met during their teenage years?"

Fang Yuan suddenly came to interest.

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