Reverend Insanity

: I sell books without selling laughs!

There was a famine in a year. The people did not have food to eat. They only dig grass roots and eat Guanyin soil. Many people died of starvation. The news was quickly reported to the palace, and the emperor sat high and heard the newspaper, which was totally puzzled. The "good" emperor thought hard and thought of a solution: "The people are hungry and have no rice to eat. Why not eat meat porridge?"

In our lives, there are always some people who seem to be very kind on the surface and can understand others, but it is not.

During this period of time, I went to Nanjing with her daughter-in-law every day to accompany her to see a doctor. Although it is a minor problem, the treatment process is rather cumbersome. Take the train in the morning and return by train in the afternoon. Sometimes the train has no seats and may have to stand for more than an hour. Or do a car to go home, for a longer time.

It’s really tired. You can imagine your long-distance travel, think about taking a long-distance bus or train, and then think about spreading this process to a month and doing it every day.

The writing status is therefore not good.

I have already said hello to this matter, but many people still don't understand it. Or they feel that they understand.

A few days ago, I broke a day because of mistakes. I have already explained the matter and apologized. It is indeed my own mistake. In fact, the manuscript has been placed in the background, but the regular update has not been set. It happened that there was an emergency in the evening, I went home very late and found that someone started to marry.

At that time, it was simply not updated.

At the same time, I am also very confused. What is the cause of this phenomenon? How can I deal with this matter?

The next day I announced that I would stop for another hundred years. All the updates were accidents.

Then I started day by day, two times a day, three times a day.

I found out that those who are stunned have disappeared and are no longer arrogant. There are even some excitement and embarrassment in the book review area. On the surface, this is an updated question, but in essence?

I announced that I have stopped for a hundred years, but I have been updating for so many days. Is this an accident? Sometimes it is more, is this accident bigger than that of the day?

Why are these people not making troubles because of these accidents? And what about my mother?

Someone will answer this immediately: "This is because your author has updated."

Yes, it is updated. But in essence?

The same is an accident, how can these people not be generalized?

This is because what I have done is in their interest!

Therefore, this part of the people, who look very kind, understand people very much, support me very much, but actually support their interests. These "supports" are not really understanding the suffering of your author, just "good" like the emperor.

In these days, some readers complained, saying: You are too much to do this. For a small number of people, everyone is reading. I think you are very upset.

I am here to answer: How do I know that everyone is reading? I said that I have stopped for a hundred years. What time did I stop?

This part of the people is also complaining about their own interests, not really trying to understand me.

of course.

I know this is human nature and it is normal. I am writing a book, you read a book, why should I force you to understand me? You are an author, you are writing a book, who am I? friend? family? Ha ha.

This is a normal situation, of course I accept it. In fact, I never force others to understand me.

But what I can't accept is that my mother is blurry! ! !

I am writing a book to sell books. Why do you want me to marry my mother?

You are selling things in the mall, are you going to let you marry you?

I wrote a book, paid a lot of my hard work, time, I paid for my work, and I got results. I sell books, a few cents a thousand words, a few dollars in a chapter, and maybe even a cigarette.

You smoke a hotel to sell cigarettes, some people buy cigarettes, you tell others, today's out of stock can be bought tomorrow, or you can go to other homes to buy. At this time, the customer is awkward and insulting you and your family. What do you feel?

You are definitely upset, I am not happy!

I told that no one will be cool, everyone will be upset!

I am not happy, I am going to burst out.

What is my book for? It is to complete the dream while earning money to support the family.

It is life!

Not living.

In this world, some people live and some live.

I am the latter.

I am pursuing a high quality of life and a comfortable life. Not letting you insult.

I am not selling laughter, I am just writing a book to sell books. I am not an idol, you blame me for being worried about falling powder.

For me, if you drop the powder, you will lose the powder. What to subscribe to, collect, and drop it.

what is the relationship?

A few years ago, when I wrote the book "蛊真人", I never thought about making money. If I want to make money, I will not update this state, and I will not write this subject at all.

This is because I am different from others. The main purpose of my book is to write the book itself. Making money is incidental and secondary.

Before "The Real Man", I wrote many books. I have repeatedly proudly announced that each one is finished and never overseen!

This is the truth.

Perhaps many people still don't understand the true meaning behind this fact.

That is - I don't care what book I write, no matter what the grade of the book is, I don't sell it, I have written the concept of my heart.

If I write a book, I am going to make money. Will I do this?

"蛊真人" has been updated for several years, until recently it has revealed some achievements, so that I have the hope and possibility of doing this full-time.

I am also very interested in it, because this is probably a consistently high quality lifestyle.

But even if you are doing a full-time job, will I change my mind and go to the money to write?

I am pursuing a quality life, and money is secondary.

My concept of money is that poverty can kill people and wealth can kill people. I can eat abalone sea cucumber, I can eat it with porridge.

When I was a child, I lived a hard life and I was not afraid of suffering in the future.

Even if I have a son, I don’t have the idea of ​​most parents. I have to try to give him a rich life. If he is talented, poverty can raise his ambition, he can make money himself, why bother with my money? If he has no talent, giving him more money will also give him a defeat. The shortcomings in him will be magnified by too much money.

Being rich is a good thing, but poverty is also good.

After retreating 10,000 steps, I can't really write a book in the future. I can't support myself and my family. Can I go out and find a job? I have hands and feet, just as a strong young man, can't I support myself and my wife and children?

Therefore, I will not be affected by this kind of anger.

I am writing books to sell books, not to get angry.

For this part of the reader, I am here to tell you: I am a real book, not for you!

Send you a word: Roll!

Two words: fast roll!

Three words: speed rolling!

Four words: hemp rolling!

Five words: dingy rolling!

(After writing this paragraph, I carefully counted and found that my math is still very good.)

Some people may ask, are you really too much? This is not good. Look at the gods, they are not as good as you. How can you install this ratio?

Then I tell you: I don't usually compare, I am not good at dressing than But I must install this ratio today!

First, because others are comparing to me, I am a real person who has always been reciprocating. I am selling books, not selling laughs. My smile is for my friends! My friend is here, I give a smile to the enthusiasm, the enemy is coming, I raise the knife and sword!

Second, I am different from many authors. Because of my pursuit, my temperament is not the same. If I am in a bad mood, how can I write a book? I can't write a good book.

The third is that I am loading this ratio today. There is nothing to do with it. It is poor!

In addition, I would like to ask you: What are the readers of the mother-in-law, and how can they do this?

Just because they buy my book and "support" me, can you insult me ​​and insult my family?

You, have you seen such a group of people, and said: I support you, while you are jealous of your mother?

This group of people still have a common problem, that is, I feel that I am so supportive of you, I give a lot of dedication, I suffer a lot, what am I doing with you? I am not for you too!

Therefore, this kind of "support" is in my eyes, it is not support at all! I don’t want this kind of "support"!

I repeat it again: I am a real person who writes books, previous books, current books, and future books, which are not sold to you. You have a different look!

In fact, the book I wrote is like this. Why do you want to come to my book? There are many excellent books that go to other people.

My single chapter is also a confession book. I believe that it has important significance for my entire writing career.

It may be uncomfortable for some of you to see today's single chapter.

Sorry, this is not my main purpose, it is just incidental to make you unhappy.

Let’s end up with a question -

I am a real person selling books and not selling laughs! (To be continued.)

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