Reverend Insanity

: Section 517: Wrong love

"Who is this person?" Ye Fan looked up at the source of floating in the sky, and he was puzzled. ??

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of Master 6's fear and what he said.

"Master said that this eagle can be a cause and effect in my body. I have always been puzzled. Is it true that this celestial being is the master of the eagle, is my cause and effect is him?"

Ye Fan does not know Fang Yuan, because Fang Yuan is the original face of the Supreme Immortal at this moment, Ye Fan has never been in contact.

What Ye Fan knows is the appearance of Fang Yuan’s six-turned daodao, which he explored from the people around him. This is very easy. At the beginning, Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing were known as black and white, and they walked through the world.

The prostitute Xiaodie’s upper and lower gums collided with each other and shuddered.

Of course, she did not recognize the identity of Fangyuan, but Fangyuan was so powerful, and propaganda was the master of Shangji Tianying. The upper pole eagle has been so powerful, how strong is its owner?

Xiaodie can't imagine it, only feels fear, and the source of fear comes to them.

The business-mindedness is close to the lips, the eyes are fixed, and the source is far away. Her eyes are not only shocked, but also some doubts, and my heart is surrounded by a wonderful sense of unclearness.

Everyone is shocked by doubts, but the immortals are different. They are all cold!

"This, this person is?!" Six turns to the fairy phoenix 瞪 瞪 big eyes, stunned. He recognized the identity of the source, but the answer was in his mouth, but he could not say it.

Fang Yuan’s supreme celestial appearance has always been in the identity of Liu Guanyi.

At the beginning, he was disguised as a Wuhaihai when he was in the southern Xinjiang, mixing the fairy tales and exploring the dreams.

The two faces of Liu Guanyi and Wu Renhai are naturally quite different.

But don't forget! After the war against the river, in order to undermine the political plot of the longevity, the heavenly court divided the forces of the immortals of the North Plains, and then planted the source of the square, and announced that Fangyuan is the truth of Liu Guanyi.

Therefore, Fang Yuan is Liu Guanyi, who once disguised as Wu Wuhai and so on, and is known all over the world. His supreme celestial appearance, that is, the face of Liu Guanyi, is no longer a secret, known to the world.

This time Fang Yuan came to southern Xinjiang, did not urge the meeting to meet, and so on.

There are several reasons.

First, the purpose of his trip was very clear, in order to recover the upper pole eagle. Therefore, when he started, even if he disguised his face, his identity was exposed, and it was not necessary.

Secondly, after the counter-current river war, Fangyuan had eight revolutions, and after this period of digestion and pragmatism, the foundation was solid and profound, and now it is once again swaying in southern Xinjiang, with sudden action and full of enthusiasm.

In the third place, Fang Yuan also deliberately showed people in the true face, but also in order to test the layout of the right way, such as the heavenly court, but he is smooth and unobstructed.

In summary, after Fang Yuan appeared, Zhu Xian recognized their identity!

"On the pole eagle ... Wu left sea ... This is the case, this eagle is the upper pole eagle!" Shang Qingqing mind in the mind constantly beating, the various clues are connected together to recognize the situation.

"Fangyuan has eight revolutions. This is a fact that is well known throughout the world! Eight turns to Zhu Xian, but the complete and the ancient wild beast are two concepts! Let's escape!" Hidden in the lake, the wing fishing open.

The six-turned immortal, who looked like a weak boy, was obviously scared, pale, and the soul beast trembled.

"Fear of what, he may not have us. Now even if it is withdrawn, it is too late, do you have confidence that we can escape?" On the side, the seven-turned south wing of the fairy wing is ugly. Before the previous plan of the Wings, he all left behind, and tried his best to hide and hide, and the breath converges to nothing.

When the six gods and gods were no one, the iron face **** floated out, and the body shape was just revealed, and slowly flew to Fangyuan: "Fangyuan, you are now wanted by the three main roads of Zhongzhou, Nanjiang and Beiyuan. Show up?"

Zhu Xian sees this, and his heart suddenly admire the iron face god.

“It’s not a **** of iron!”

“The style of the iron house is really admirable.”

"At this moment, it is useless to make a tortoise turtle. This is a desperate situation. We must cooperate with each other and unite together to have a chance."

"Yes! Fangyuan can escape the pursuit, and the world is in a strong way. If we escape, we will be caught up by him and killed one by one. The only hope is to unite and seek help urgently. Come to the reinforcements."

Being able to cultivate a celestial being must have something extraordinary.

In the field, Zhu Xian got the point of the iron face god, calmed down his mind, and suddenly understood the situation in front of him. Facing the most recent magic road of Xianfeng, the only source of the battle, only a united life.

"If Fang Yuan is now, we can only fight and fight against this demon!" Wing South Gate and Wing Yu are constantly communicating.

At the time of the crisis, the iron face **** came forward and stabilized the right situation. It is worthy of being the iron-clad leader and the strongest hero in the seven-turn.

The three tribes are mortal.

"Look, there is another fairy who has appeared!"

"My Scorpio, I have no eyes on it?"

Everyone looked up at the sky, his eyes filled with shock and curiosity.

On weekdays, the five fields are all traceable, and this time they flew two celestial celestial ones, which surprised them all.

"Wait, what is the second 蛊仙 calling this person? Fang Yuan? Is he the person who is worried about the day and night? But this looks are not right." Ye Fan’s heart trembled, subconsciously turning him slightly, looking to the side Business is kind.

Shang Xinci raised his white and beautiful neck, and his eyes turned around and stared at Fang Yuan’s figure.

When the iron face **** called the identity of Fang Yuanyuan, she understood it in an instant, why did she have such a subtle incitement before her heart.

The person who thinks and thinks about it, just in front of him, suddenly appears in this unexpected way, and the business is kind and determined to look at it for a long time.

The emotions accumulated day and night are now stirring in her heart.

Is it because she met Fang Yuan and was helped by her when she was most helpless in her life?

Sometimes, she also faintly suspects that her source is not a kind of love?

Still grateful?

But at this moment, when she saw Fangyuan again, even if her face changed a lot, the emotion in her heart was like a waterfall, and she spurted out.

In an instant, tears in her eyes, sure that this is love!

Love is inexplicable. What can be said about it?

The reason for pursuing love is that it is crazy and stupid.

It’s just that the business is also kind and understands that she met a wrong person at the right time.

She knows she can't love, she understands the difference between Fangyuan and her. But love is already born, what can you do to stop it?

Therefore, the business is kind and helpless, she can only look up and look up at the figure of Fangyuan.

She tried hard to open her eyes and wanted to see what Fangyuan looks like today, but not. In the past, the effective detection and killings, facing Fangyuan Supreme Xianji, as if there was no urging.

"Now, I have no qualifications to see at a glance?" The mood in the heart of charity is very complicated, there are joys, melancholy, sadness, and concerns about the safety of the other source.

But she knows her identity, her strength She is a business family leader, the right way, she is just a mortal, people are light.

She knew the identity and deeds of Fangyuan from Shang Qingqing.

But she can't do what she wants. She can't say it. She can only watch it silently and endure silently!

Ye Fan looked at the merciful look of the business. He was the first to see the look of Shang Xinci. His heart slammed and never felt. He felt a strong pain deep into the bone marrow. .

This kind of pain also contains the love of business and the anger of the other source!

For a moment, he will be sure that the immortal in front of him is Fang Yuan!

"Is it true that the cause and effect that Master refers to is me and Fang Yuan?" Ye Fan’s heart turned up another guess.

His other source was immortal, although he was somewhat surprised, he accepted it very quickly.

Because he had encountered white condensed ice before, almost died, died in the hands of Bai Ningbing. Afterwards, after he encountered 6 fears, his eyes widened and he reflected on the past. He felt that Bai Ningbing was probably the identity of Zhu Xian.

At the beginning, Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing were known as black and white, and Bai Ningbing had already achieved Zhu Xian. Fang Yuan was refining in Xianwang in Sanwangshan, and all of them were known in southern Xinjiang. What is strange about him at this time?

Ps: I have to go to Nanjing tomorrow, from one day today, every day. This time, let me know which ones are real friends, thank you. I wish you all good health and happiness for the whole family! During this time, I will look for everyone, try to bring my friends together, and do activities and welfare in the future. Why don't I be better for my friends?

In addition, the micro-letter public number is a real person, and will be handed over to Xiaobian in the future. I have no time and energy recently. There is also a micro-letter public author who is a real person, only occasionally updated to describe the aspects of my personal life. (To be continued.)

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