Reverend Insanity

: Section 549: Positive and negative

"If the clue arrives here, it will be broken!" The fairy house of the Meng family hangs in the air and stops.

The two monks of Mengjia face each other.

Meng looked at the front and saw a valley, lush, and in stark contrast with the surrounding grassland.

According to the laws of nature, there will be no such valley formation, but the two monks in the family are not surprised. The two elders in the family have used a low voice: "This is the **** of the aunt."

Meng frowned: "Is she?"

The elders of the monarchy of the family were indifferent.

Sleeping aunt is a seven-turn rehearsal, specializing in soundtracks, but the strength is not outstanding, but she is in control of a sacred beast. This thorn is a sacred sacred beast. It has a power, and it is shot out by a sharp spike. It is too late to dodge and kill the gods.

The sleeping girl creates a valley of gods, lives in the middle of the two forces of Mengjia and Murong, and becomes a hegemon.

She is not just a clever means, she can control the ancient wild animals, and her political wisdom is also very prominent. She survived between the two superpowers, and the two sides borrowed power so that neither party would dare to deal with her. Because of this, at any time, it is possible to make the aunt go to the other side.

The two monks of Mengjia were silent.

This is a bit difficult to do.

They came from tracking clues, but didn't really get any exact information about Fangyuan.

Although the fighting power of the sleeping aunt is not comparable to that of the Mongolian butcher, if she sends a thorn god, she also has the possibility of killing the sorcerer.

As it seems, she is indeed suspect. but……

It will be very troublesome to deal with this matter.

For a long time, Mengjia and Murong’s family are showing this sleeping girl, and her relationship with her is quite good. She is used to prevent her from falling to the other side.

The relationship between Mengjia and Murong family is obviously not going to be good.

Any super power has the instinct to expand. How can the relationship between the home and the Murong family be so close?

If the sleeping girl is the murderer, how can she alone have such guts? Therefore, it is very likely that she has turned her back to the Murong family, and the Murong family is a super-power. The golden tribe of the right way cannot use the killer of another right-hand superpower for no reason, and use the sleeping priest as a knife and gun. It is also reasonable. what.

If the sleeping girl is not the murderer, how should the two monks in the family know? If you are not careful, I am afraid that the sleeping aunt will have other thoughts and fall to the Murong family. The loss of the Mongolian family will undoubtedly be even greater.

The two monks and mothers thought for a long time, and the two elders of the monarchy finally opened their mouths: "Let's go, let's go to visit the sleeping girl and tell her directly to the death of Meng Tu. Only in this way can we let the sleeping girl Understand the motives and determinations of my family. And after all, the clues are stopped in her gods."

Meng Tuo nodded.

The Dingyuan did not cover the traces. The arrival of the two monks in the Mongolian family had already alarmed the sleeping aunt.

However, the sleeping aunt is not moving, his qualifications and emboldened, to change invariably, patiently waiting for the two Mengjia Zhuxian to take the initiative to go to the door.

After Mengmen Erxian went to the door, he immediately explained the matter to him. The sleeping girl knew the situation and suddenly knew that the situation was very serious!

First of all, she quickly showed her innocence, and proved on the spot and Meng Jiaxian. Secondly, the clue disappeared in the valley of the gods, and she also had anxiety.

"This mysterious murderer can kill the murderer. The means must be superb and the horror of the war. I also asked the two nymphs to follow me and search the entire **** of the valley to help me."

The sleeping girl asked for it.

The Meng family two immortals, this is exactly what they want to ask, and immediately nodded.

Sanxian joined forces and searched for God's Needle Valley very carefully.

Sleeping aunt is also afraid.

She has some understanding of the power of the court. Since this clue disappears in the Valley of the Gods, it is highly probable that the murderer will be hidden in his own valley. Since this mysterious murderer can kill the murderer and kill him even more wickedly, why can't he deal with her?

Sanxian searched for a while, and there was no fruit for it.

The two emperors of Mengjia looked at each other, and the elders of the Mengjia Taishang deliberately said: "Almost all of the gods have been searched. Is the murderer really not here?"

Meng is innocent and unintentionally, and he said in the mouth: "Is there still a place where there is no search?"

The sleeping aunt knows that they are acting, but she is not a murderer. She really wants to search it carefully. She nods and nods: "This **** of the valley is designed for the thorn god. Now there is no depth in the bottom of the valley. Search, please ask me to come with me."

Mengjia Yuxian will accompany the sleeping girl and come to the bottom of the valley.

I saw a huge white hedgehog in the dark valley. It squats on the ground, shrinks into a group, reveals a deep sleep, breathing, and long-term habitat. The whole body is sharp and sharp, and it is full of kendo road marks.

The thorns are as big as a hill, and the two ancestors of Mengjia flew slowly to its side, as if the ants were facing the wheel.

"A good old animal of the gods!" Mengjia Taishang two elders whispered softly.

The sleeping aunt's face is softer, which is the most important cost she can handle between the two super forces.

The two elders of the Mongolian family took a close look at the moment and said: "It seems that this time the quality of the positive and negative sputum is very good. When did you pick it?"

The spikes of the thorns are the eight-turned fairy that can be pulled down. Every spike is a positive and negative needle.

Every time a thorn **** encounters a danger, it will shoot out the spikes and kill the enemy. These spikes that are shot out will naturally not return. When the thorns sleep, they will grow a spike again.

The unique method of sleeping is able to make the thorns sleep and sleep. After feeding it again, the sleeping aunt has an economic pillar, which is to sell the positive and negative scorpion.

Most of the positive and negative sacred needles she cultivated were given to Mengjia and Murong, and the remaining part was sold in Baohuangtian.

The sleeping aunt is therefore well-off. In this part of Beiyuan, natural resources are relatively poor, but the sleeping aunts rely on this thorn god, living far more than most of the North Plains.

"Just pick it recently, this time there will be 436."

The spikes on the thorns are over a thousand, but the sleeping priests must keep those low spikes and continue to grow. Picking and harvesting are the longest to the longest spikes. At the same time, it is impossible for her to sell all the spikes. Because of the protection of these spikes, the stab power will fall quite seriously.

"Let's get started," Meng said.

"Please ask the two to do so, I will let the thorns continue to sleep." Sleeping aunt.

The two monks of Mengjia are searching for clues and urging the Dingyuan. The movement is quite large. However, the sound of the sleeper’s voice has always made the thorns sleep.

If the thorn **** is awakened from sleep, it will be angry, angering others, and attacking indiscriminately. The sleeping girl did not completely convince the beast to control it. After all, she is not a slave.

"Found a new clue!" Search for a long time, Meng suddenly opened his mouth and looked up.

Sleeping aunt: "This person actually sneaked into the bottom of the valley, I was completely unable to find out?"

Along the traces, the Three Immortals continued to pursue and found traces all the way down to the bottom.

The three sacred vines touched the melon, and unconsciously went deep into the depths of the earth, and the clues became more and more.

Soon after, the traces turned in the direction and smashed upwards.

Sanxian followed the traces and carefully traveled for a moment and then came to the ground.

"This is already the sphere of influence of Murong's family. It is hundreds of miles away from the Valley of the Gods." The elders of the Mengjia Taishang frowned.

The clues arrived here and disappeared completely.

Meng is blinking in his sleeping girl is silent, and he is not killed in this subtle haircut statement.

Sanxian then stalked for a long time and found no clues.

The sleeping aunt proposed to go to her valley to have a small gathering, and the two families were bitter and wireless. I thought about it and should accept it.

When I went back to the valley, Sanxian had a shocking discovery.

The original thorns of the gods are still screaming, but they are all naked, and all the positive and negative cockroaches disappeared!

"What's the matter? My scorpion! This is how I spent hundreds of years waiting for the gods to stay in the house, spending a lot of ingredients to feed the thorns, and repeatedly urging the killing tricks, let it fall asleep, only then The scale that was cultivated step by step!" The sleeping girl was shocked and stunned.

The two faces of Mengjia are opposite each other, and the cold sweat hangs from their foreheads, because they suddenly find out that they seem to be used by people! () "蛊真人" only represents the author's point of view of the real person, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete it, the position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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