Reverend Insanity

: Section 550: Sleeping vomiting blood

"Now I need to give me an explanation from my family! Otherwise, although my sleeping aunt is a one-person, I will never give up!" The sleeping girl turned his head and shook his head and looked at the two immortals.

Her loss this time is really too heavy. Therefore, the anger is extremely violent, and the anger is extremely extreme. Even if the other party is a Mongolian family, it is also up.

Unlike Fangyuan, Fangyuan lost its courage to trade, as well as the arowana business, as well as the snake trade, the long-selling spider trade, the smoldering dragon dragonfly and so on.

After the sleeping girl lost this positive and negative, he lost the economic pillar directly. Although the thorns are still there, it is not only the time but also the huge investment of funds to re-raise the positive and negative sacred needles!

Sleeping aunts don't have a long-term vision. Every time they harvest the cockroaches, they never fish and die, but leave most of them to continue to grow.

However, it is really odious to steal people who are blaming the blasphemy. A direct burr is left to the sleeping priest.

The loss of the sleeping aunt this time is not only the burrs that are nearing the harvest, growing to the limit, but also the future development prospects.

"I hate that I have no means to move this ancient wild beast into my own fairy! It is really unsafe to put it outside!" The sleeping hands shook hands, and the heart that wanted to die was there.

But even if she moved in, it was very troublesome.

First of all, the thorn **** she can not completely control, this ancient wild animal if it is in her fairy, it must make her lose a lot.

Secondly, if you are asleep, you will be aggravated by the sense of God, and you will be more interested in the thorns.

In the end, the thorn **** is also the card between the two super-powers of the monk and the Murong family. If it is placed in the fairy, if it is fighting in the future, it may not be able to release it to the enemy in time.

"Stay aunt, calm, please calm down." Mengjia Taishang two elders quickly advised.

"Calm? How do you call me calm? You said that there was a murder, and the death of the squad, good, my son trusted you to be home, without proof, put you in, warm hospitality. You said there are traces, I didn't get the investigation, it depends on the courts in your hands. Later, there are traces, but it is really the murderer left? Is there no ability to ask the court?"

As he spoke, the forehead of the sleeping girl also shed cold sweat.

She calmed down and looked at the two immortals in the face of the guard. The worms in the body were full of scent.

The sleeping priest pressed tightly to the second sect of the family and slowly retreated.

Mengjia Erxian was a bitter smile, but at the same time he also understood the thoughts of the sleeping girl.

Now, the thorns have lost all the burrs, and their combat power has dropped to the bottom of the valley. When the strength of the squad is reduced to the extreme, the cards that have been dealing with the super forces have been ruined for a long time. How can the **** be vigilant?

The two elders of Mengjia Taishang sighed: "Sleeping aunt, if this is really my family designing you, calculating you, secretly stealing the thorns of this thorny thorn, why are we going back here with you? It should have long been an excuse to trace the traces of the murderer and trick you into a trap, such as the battlefield of Xiandao. What do you say?"

The sleeping girl was silent and raised his eyes. "That is probably because you are the right way to be a family. You must follow the rules. You are not good at giving me a face. On the other hand, I have already made a covenant with you." Therefore, you have designed this matter, first cut my strength, then make a good decision, and deceive me into it!"

Mengjia Erxian heard the words, can not help but face each other.

It’s not unreasonable to say that the aunt’s words are awkward, and the mind is agile and called the second family of the family. I don’t know what to say.

"Hey!" The sleeping priest continued. "The one you are playing, I thought I was not clear? This is because of you. You don't give me a saying at home... Well, I will do this. Go out and let the world judge!"

"And slow!" Mengjia Erxian suddenly changed his face, and the two elders in the family were too busy to drink.

But it is already late!

The sleeping priest directly leaked the matter in Baohuang Tianzhong, and quickly passed his own network to inform the Murong family.

For a moment, the Mongolian family was bitterly covered, and the massacre was killed. The pursuit of the murderer was unsuccessful, and even the tired aunt lost the ugly thing of the pros and cons, and it was completely exposed.

"You, you, you!" Meng was pointing at his aunt, his eyes were about to spurt fire, and he was extremely angry.

The two elders of the Mengjia Taishang are also iron-faced, staring at the sleeping aunt, and the heart of killing at one time.

Sleeping aunt is cold, but in fact, my heart is laughing.

Of course, she knows that her own actions will greatly ruin her relationship with her family. But no way!

She must do this.

Any covenant has the possibility of being unilaterally cracked. What happened today is too great, and the sleeping priest must protect himself.

How can she protect herself from the bottom of the battle?

Even if the death of the death, Mengjia as a super power, is still not a sleeper can be a seven-turn can be confronted.

In the sleep of the aunt, the best way is undoubtedly to borrow, let other Zhu Xian, let the Mengjia rivals Murong family, pay attention to here, to some extent support the sleeping aunt. If you have a bad mood, you have to stop. After all, it is a righteous force!

"Staying aunt, this is the end of the matter. It is meaningless to say more. But I can tell you clearly that you don't have to worry about it. We are probably being used by that person!" The two elders of the Mongolian family were low-pitched.

The current situation is actually very obvious.

Even if the second sect of the family is not a wise mind, it is calculated: the murderer is extremely wicked, inexplicably killing the sorcerer, and deliberately leaving clues to lead the hunters of the family to the valley of the gods, and to use them to Home, take the sleeping priest away, and then I can easily start with myself, and actually pull out all the burrs of the thorns!

"We will give you an account of the family!" Before leaving, the two elders of the monarchy left this sentence.

As soon as the two immortals of the Mongolian family walked, the sleeping aunt immediately smashed the gods of the ancient wild beasts and began to arrange the array.

Mengjia lost his clue and had to go back.

Even if they get clues now, I am afraid I have to wonder if this is another **** of the other party?

When the Dingyuan was flying, Meng suddenly opened his mouth and looked fierce in his eyes. "This murderer is so sinister. Now that things are exposed, the world knows it. It’s better to be a bit of a murderer."

Regardless of whether the aunt is a murderer, if Meng Jia did her, and bite it, it will reinvigorate the family and solve the reputation crisis. Maybe, you can also get the ancient sacred beast.

The elders of the Mengjia Taishang sighed: "I have thought about this matter. But when I came to the Dingyuan to deal with the sleeping aunt and the thorn god, I am afraid I couldn’t pick it up for a while. It’s close to the Murong family, I’m not sure. Second, There is a covenant between us and her, and we must take the initiative to bear a serious counter-attack. Third, the situation in Beiyuan is not the same as usual."

Today, the longevity of the world, the drug king succeeded to become the Southern Wilderness, and Changshengtian led the major golden tribes. During this time, I have been working hard to integrate the power of the Northern Plains.

The right way is basically the gold family, which requires almost no integration. The first step of the longevity day is to integrate the scattered forces and the right path first.

Only before, it was used by the heavens, disguised as a source, destroyed once, and some were blocked.

However, Changshengtian still has not given up and has been doing this effort.

Therefore, as a golden tribe, Mengjia took the liberty to deal with the scattered fairy priests. If one is not handled well, I am afraid that it will usher in the investigation and censure of the above-mentioned longevity.

This is the most worrying place for the elders in the family.

When Mengjia went back, Fangyuan was on his way.

Among his supreme celestial beings, there is a pile of positive and negative sacred needles lying quietly. That's right, it's his design before and after, and it's his hand.

The information of Mengjia, Fangyuan knows a lot, and has wisdom and rumors. The traps designed are simple but effective.

Coupled with its own strong road, the sleeping aunt was taken away, so that Fang Yuan succeeded for the first time.

Ordinary Zhu Xian, it may be difficult to get close to the thorns, after all, the breath is not right.

However, Fang Yuan had met and met before, and it was perfectly disguised as a sleeping aunt. During the period, even if the thorns slowly opened their eyes, it was also dangerous.

The thorns slowly fell asleep, and Fangyuan blew its burrs. After succeeding, Fang Yuan did not go to the sleeping scorpion, and went straight.

In his five hundred years ago, the sleeping priest was also one of the strongest against the heavens. As for the thorn god, why should you steal it?

This source of the other party is a chicken rib. Instead, it is better to keep it on the head of the sleeping aunt. In the future, the sleeping aunt will cultivate a new batch of burrs, and Fang Yuan will steal it again!

If you want to slaughter others, Fangyuan has no psychological burden, let alone stealing.

"The thief is really powerful, but it has created a genre of stealing." Fang Yuan tasted the sweetness, reflected on it, and suddenly felt the emotion.

The battle between Fang Yuan and Meng Tu was the thief’s hand to lay the victory. If it is step by step, it will never let Fangyuan get the head of the massacre so easily.

"Before the burglary, the celestial beings killed and killed, and may not be able to harvest a lot of spoils. But when you sneak out, you can get resources without life and death. The cost is reduced and the efficiency is improved. It's great!"

"Unfortunately, now, I am still not the best time to steal. The first time, the thief is scarce, only seven thieves are smashing the girders. Second, when in the West Desert, the thieves were exposed, now If you commit crimes everywhere, I am afraid it will be reminiscent, and I will calculate my true identity again."

"When I am in the party, I still have a key fairy. After I have finished this vote, I will close my hand and rush back to the blessed land to refine my fairy."

Although Fang Yuan has mastered some means of stealing the road but can't do too much at the moment.

Because of the practice of the soul, it is a matter of urgency.

As soon as the soul of the soul is raised, the Emperor Sui can use it more fully, and the Fangyuan combat power and plan will be guaranteed. But the practice of the soul, you need to be courageous, you need the soul of the nuclear, you need to supply the green ghost desert, and the incompetent identity will continue to be kept secret. This is a series of demand relationships.

"Oh, yes, I can't let this thing be easily exposed." Fang Yuan smiled and immediately spread the rumors in Bao Huangtian, saying that the sleeping guards were self-stealing and designing Mengjia. In fact, they are making their own decisions. Got it, it is good to prepare for the robbery, and the sprint is higher!

The confusion of the truth is more conducive to Fang Yuan hiding himself.

As for the sleeping aunt, after discovering this rumor, immediately an old blood spurted out, and rushed to attack!

Of course, this is not a concern for Fangyuan. () "蛊真人" only represents the author's point of view of the real person, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete it, the position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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