Reverend Insanity

: Section 683: 4 attacks

The genius of the genius remembers [Poke Club] to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

The returning school, as one of the registration places for the refining conference, is also a sea of ​​people.

"The refining conference has finally begun! I did not expect that I will get a second chance in this life. I really appreciate God." The middle-aged teacher sighed.

Some of the sorcerers around him recognized him and suddenly talked about it.

"Look, it is the master of the refining Taosheng!"

"He was unfortunately defeated in the last refinery conference because of the accident. This time he is going to make a comeback."

"The refining conference was held every 100 years, and Luo Sheng should have no chance. Who can think that after ten years, the top ten ancient factions have even been held!"

The middle-aged teacher listened to these arguments in his ears and his face was calm.

He has already passed the age of vanity, and now he has a heart to prove himself.

"This time the opponent, the same can not be underestimated."

"Although I am making great efforts and painstakingly accumulating, but Zhongzhou is too big, the five domains are too broad, and there are always talented people."

"There are a lot of new talents here now..."

The middle-aged sergeant squinted and focused his attention on the three teachers. An old man, who has been famous for many years, is also a master of refining. The other is a young man and an alum girl. The former shines in the last refining conference, while the latter is the shining genius that has risen in the past decade.

"This time the refining conference, the competition will still be so fierce!"

"I must take good care of this opportunity and I can't miss it..."

"I want to prove myself, let my wife and son look up and be a man!"


The next moment, a huge ancient beast descended from the sky, and the entire hall of the registration was crushed into dregs.

All the ambitions of the middle-aged priests have vanished and vanished.

Those young teachers who had a good future, the fascinating genius girls, were also bruised on the spot, crushed into mud and bones, mixed together, and even the bodies were unclear.

"The next place." In the sky, the figure of Fangyuan is fleeting.

This is already the fifteenth place he attacked.

The loss of Zhongzhou Yanshi is very heavy. These people are just mortal teachers. Where can they deal with the ancient beasts?

Even if it is six turns, it may not be able to match these ancient beasts.

Fang Yuan ruthlessly slaughtered the lives of these teachers, causing a huge tragedy. The number of elites who died at the expense of more and more, made Tian Tian all the people feel a little distressed.

"The source of Fang Yuan is really fierce and evil. He really has trouble!"

"Awful, don't we just sit back and watch?"

"Zi Wei adults, I don't know you..."

Ziwei Fairy shook his head slightly: "Fangyuan is cautious. Every time he attacks, he only releases the wild ancient animals, and the world is ruined, and he is rarely killed."

Ziwei fairy deeply sighed: "His wisdom is very profound. He knows that the more he shoots, the more clues he has, the easier it is for us to find and track. I have to determine his position, it is very difficult and needs more. There are many clues, and the time will be very long."

"But where did he come from so many old-aged beasts?"

"According to the intelligence in the south of Xinjiang, Xia Wei's fairy carp built a year old pool. It should be relying on this pool, Fang Yuan only secretly gathered such a beast." Ziwei Xianzi Road.

Although her face was calm, she was angry.

Fang Yuan is a celestial being, so he is so unscrupulous to the mortal, to bully the small, rely on strong bullying, it is really shameless, there is no little bottom line!

Most of the magical roads will not do this.

This is a tacit understanding between Zhu Xian, but Fang Yuan directly broke.

"Fangyuan is a great creature of all things!" Ziwei fairy was indignant and saddened by those innocent lives. "The longer he lives in this world, the more souls will suffer his poisonous hands and persecution." ""

The dragon is really calm, and the heart is like a well.

"Well, Fangyuan appears, isn't it something we have expected? Act on the plan. This time, even if you pay a big price, you have to repair your fate!" Longgong's tone is very firm.

Tian Ting Yu Xian was obedient, and they all felt that anything in the world could not shake the determination of the dragon at this moment.

Fangyuan is indeed a trouble. It is impossible for Tianting to not estimate him, so there is a plan to deal with it.

A few days later, people who were attacked by Fangyuan and were shocked, got accurate intelligence and evidence.

Everything points to Fangyuan, he is the culprit!


"Fangyuan has become a fairy?!"

"There is really a fairy in this world..."

"Fangyuan, you killed my father, I will definitely report this **** vengeance!"

"Even if you turn five times, you don't become a celestial lover."

"Fangyuan is obviously destroying the refining conference. In order to think about it, I still don't go."

"Go! Why don't you go? If we don't go, aren't we falling into Fangyuan's conspiracy calculations?"

"Yeah, although I am only a mortal teacher, I am not an opponent of the immortal Fangyuan. But in order to report the hatred of my wife, I will give up my life and I will not let Fangyuan do this!"

Some people are afraid, some people feel that some people have retreated, and others have strengthened their confidence.

Time passed, and day after day, the refining conference continued.

Fang Yuan is only one person, but Zhongzhou is the registration place for the conference. Although he has the means of immortality, he cannot eliminate these teachers.

Because there are many places, they are secretly guarded by the celestial beings of Zhongzhou.

Especially after the attack by Fangyuan, Tianting immediately made an initiative to assign tasks, so that countless teachers received relevant tasks, walked around, assessed the qualifications of others, and issued tokens.

As a result, the Zhongzhou side has been reduced to zero, and no one has concentrated on one place to register, so that the efficiency of Fangyuan’s slaughter is greatly reduced.

Although Fang Yuan is working hard, the number of teachers who died in his hands has already reached tens of thousands, but it cannot prevent the development of the refining conference.

In the past, the official competition has started for many days.

"Well?" Fang Yuan suddenly appeared in a certain place in Zhongzhou, is about to shoot, suddenly a brow.

“Where is Fangyuan going?”

"Give me life!"

A Zhongzhou eight turns Zhu Xian, and flew to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan looked at the other side, did not play in the slightest fight, and once again urged the killing and successfully evacuated.

"In recent days, the support of Zhongzhou Zhuxian has been getting faster and faster. Is it because my Dingxian swim killings have been used too many times and have been calculated?"

"But even so, they seem to be able to anticipate where I will be. What is this means of investigation? Zeo?"

The next moment, the scenery around Fangyuan suddenly changed, and the distance from the place was hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Fang Yuan is a dull face, and he keenly perceives that the three-digit eight-turn ~仙 is coming from him in three directions.

"Fangyuan, where do you want to escape?"

"Tian Ting has prepared more than a dozen investigations and killings for you, you can't escape!"

"Especially one of them is created by Yuanshi Xianzun, named by the thousands of people! Hahaha, you didn't think of the devil, the more people you kill, the more people hate you. The hate of these mortal teachers , will constantly mark your location."

Three and eight turns together to kill Fang Yuan.

The battle of the immortal battlefield - rumors!

Suddenly, the fourth eight-turn 蛊仙 appeared above the head of Fangyuan, and a fairy martial battlefield wrapped the square source into it.

"Catch the source!"

"Zhou Xiongxin's rumors of the adults are the fastest way to kill the battlefield, even if Fangyuan has not had time to react."

The four immortals are overjoyed.

"Dragon Grand Master, Fang Yuan is finally trapped by us." In the heavenly court, Ziwei fairy looks excited.

"Yeah." The dragon should faintly sigh.

Ziwei fairy's eyes are bright: "Long Gong adults, chances are rare, I suggest you do it yourself, to ensure that nothing is wrong, to eliminate Fangyuan!"

Long Gong shook his head slightly: "Fangyuan is just a clown, and repairing fate is the immediate situation. It's not when I shot."

"Dragon Grand Master..." Ziwei Fairy is about to persuade, and suddenly his face suddenly changes.

At this moment, all the places in Zhongzhou, especially the large-scale roads of the refining road, were attacked by the Xianxian class.

Even this time, not only the refining place, but also some famous resource points in Zhongzhou suffered from the raid and plunder of Zhuxian.

"Even unbeaten and blessed, they have been attacked!" Ziwei fairy is sinking in the water, she is incredulous, "Is there so many celestials to deal with us?" Mobile users please read and read, a better reading experience.

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