Reverend Insanity

: Section 684: 3 people become tigers

Fangyuan was suspended in the air, like a fragrant time in the blizzard weather, with a layer of white snow on his body.

In the distance, it seems to be covered with a thick fox fur sweater.

This is the improved daodao killing winter 裘!

There are quite a few defensive moves from Fangyuan. Of course, the most powerful ones are counter-currents, but because the river is already dry, this trick can hardly be used anymore.

In addition, Fang Yuan also mastered the defense methods of Emperor Sui, Dong Yu, blood-stained robes, Zi Nianguang, armor, lion hair, Bud turtles, ghosts and vests.

Hairpins and lions are just killing. Although Fangyuan used it for a while, it is more practical, but it has already been eliminated.

Zi Nianguang is the means of Zishan Zhenjun. In the war, he defended Longgong’s fists. However, Fang Yuan only mastered this killing, and did not practice, lacking the key fairy.

Blood-stained robes are the means of Fangyuan and have been used for transition. Although the core Xianxie is already seven turns, but the seven-level level of killing is still not on the table.

The change of Buyu turtle can also be regarded as a kind of defensive means, but the same reason is that the Bud turtles of the ancient wild animals cannot be mixed with the war between the eight turns.

The ghost official clothing is very big, and it is designed by the ghost demon, which is specially used to prevent the wisdom of the road.

Combined with the ghost official clothing, the soul beast order, the ghosts of the Emperor, the defense is amazing, can be used to fight against the eight turns.

But the defense power is still not as good as the winter squad.

Sui Emperor himself is a comprehensive and comprehensive means of attack and defense, with the scorpion, and the group can be amazing.

The winter scorpion kills the focus on defense, and Fangyuan devours the Xia 槎 槎 窍 窍 窍 窍 窍 窍 窍 窍 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙 宙

More crucially, after a period of improvement, the defense power of the Winter Squad is much better than before!

In the case that the countercurrent body protection can not be used, the winter scorpion killing has become a substitute for Fangyuan.


The three Zhongzhou eight-turn rounds were indiscriminately bombarded against Fangyuan. Fangyuan did not evade, relying on the winter squad to kill all the offensives.

"What is this killing?"

"It seems to be the winter 槎 of Xia..."

“How is it possible? Xia’s winter is not the case.”

The three-eight-eight-turn look is different, secretly communicates, and is shocked by the protection of the winter scorpion.

Subsequently, they all turned their attention to Zhou Xiongxin's body.

These three eight-turns are from the top ten ancient schools in Zhongzhou, and Zhou Xiongxin is different. He is a member of the heavens and has just awakened recently.

Zhou Xiongxin has already spurred the slogan of the immortal battlefield. In this battle environment, suppress all other genres, only increase the channel!

Fang Yuan’s winter murder was suppressed, and the three-eight-shift attack was also suppressed.

At the same time as the three-eighth turn to look at Zhou Xiongxin, Fang Yuan is looking at the battlefield of this fairy road.

The rumor cage consists of countless silver and white characters. Some of these words are as big as horses and horses, and some are as small as ants. They are intertwined to form a huge ball, and Fang Yuan and other four bits are turned into the middle.

Because there is a gap between the word and the word, all the spheres seem to be connected to the outside world, not completely closed.

There is a dipping in the eyes of Fang Yuan.

In the Supreme Immortal, his ceremonial body is bathed in the wisdom halo, actively calculating the mystery of this fairy road battlefield.

But regarding the channel, Fangyuan is not good at it.

If it is the battlefield of the serenity of the ecclesiastical and refining roads, Fangyuan relies on the sacred roads and the refinement of the sacred roads to solve the problem of minutes. But in the face of the channel, he is a bit stunned, only relying on wisdom and halo to calculate.

It must be said that it is a wise move for Tian Ting to send a channel to the Zhou Xianxiong to deal with Fangyuan.

In exchange for other 蛊仙强, as long as Fang Yuan has seen it, he is equipped with a set of means of coping. However, Zhou Xiongxin, who is in front of him, was the first to see Fang Yuan.

Zhou Xiongxin has a white robe, a square face, a look of righteousness and a strong body.

Those who can become members of the heavens are the elites and strong ones in the eight-turn. Do not say anything else, just the rumor of the rumor, wonderful, fast, is the first rapid killing of the fairy road in Fangyuan's insight!

"Fangyuan, since you are trapped by me, don't want to go out alive. You have made so many kills, how many innocent lives are dying in your hands! Now, let you taste the consequences of your own. "Zhou Xiong believes in righteousness, and the whole body is full of momentum, and continuously urges two counts of killing."

Immortal killing tricks - people can be awesome!

Immortal killing tricks - three people into tigers!

Suddenly, every silver text in the entire rumor began to shine.

The rich brilliance seems to have become flowing water, drifting in the air, constantly flowing, and then gathering.

Then, from the silver streamer, the silver tiger was jumping out of the head.

When the tiger group came, Fang Yuan’s figure slammed out and rushed back.

Strong handprints!

Fang Yuan rushed to the front of the silver tiger and tried a blow. As a result, the big handprint only blocked the resistance, and it was broken by the silver tiger.

Fang Yuan's brow is slightly picking, and the strength of the silver tiger is quite impressive.

Immortal killing tricks - spring cut!

The green-green scissors flew away and the spirit was extraordinary. Wherever he goes, the scissors open and close, the silver tiger is not the head falling, or is cut off by the waist, the body is turned into a sleek silver and trivial light, and it is scattered and scattered.

Spring cuts and kills are unstoppable!

Zhou Xiongxin flashed a touch of color in his eyes, and his heart was dark: "There is a difference between the information and the intelligence. Since the red lotus true battle, the spring shears of Fang Yuan seem to have been improved, and the power has risen at least two points! ”

Zhou Xiongxin is a channel 蛊仙, for the slightest change and clue, can pay attention and quickly collect.

"Spring shearing and killing in the hands of Xia Wei, has not changed for hundreds of years, but in the hands of Fang Yuan, it has changed and changed. Is Fang Yuan’s Zhidao accomplishment really so strong? Perhaps his state of the Tao is not very popular. After all, this is an eight-turn killing trick. It is not easy to improve it!"

Zhou Xiongxin was secretly scared.

At the moment, under the suppression of rumors, the spring shears and killings are still God's blocking and killing, and the magic is blocking the killing. For a time, I don't know how many silver tigers were cut by it.

However, Zhou Xiongxin is not confused.

"The scene is still in my control. Slowly, you will taste a lot, Fang Yuan." Zhou Xiong sneered in confidence.

After a while, Fang Yuan’s brow was wrinkled with invisibility.

"The silver-white tiger is constantly coming. It is obviously a battlefield with this rumor. No matter how much it is killed, it will be reborn!"

"And, more importantly, these silver tigers are constantly getting stronger!"


In general, such means as silver tigers rely on the number of advantages to wage war on the enemy.

However, the magnitude and speed of the continuous increase of the silver tigers are amazing, beyond the normal limits of such means.

Before the spring cut, the move was unstoppable, but now it looks a bit tired. The silver-white tiger is not only harder, but also more flexible and agile. It often escapes from the spring shears and cuts the spring shears.

At this time, Zhou Dao finally figured out some results.

Fang Yuan looked to Zhou Xiongxin and said: "It turns out that this is the combination of channel means and humanitarian means! You are using the entire grievances of Zhongzhou to show this trick? Just like the previous killers ""

Zhou Xiongxin couldn't help but blink, and Fang Yuan discovered the mystery so quickly, which made his heart tremble.

"Since you see it, it doesn't matter. It's good. The root of this killing lies in the means of Yuanshi Xianzun. The public opinion of the whole Zhongzhou has been mobilized."

"Fangyuan, you have slaughtered so many people, and the public opinion is boiling. The strength of a mortal is small, but the power of thousands is superimposed? This power is so large that you can hardly imagine."

"So, despite struggling, you are the enemy but the public opinion. This is the bad result you have long been, you are eating your own fruit!"

Fangyuan is silent.

He began to indiscriminately bombard the rumor itself.

However, before the fairy tale battlefield, even before he discovered the mystery of the operation, even if he used the Luoyin seal, it would have little effect, but it was a waste of eight turns.

At the same time, somewhere in Zhongzhou.

"Fangyuan is trapped, I am afraid it is trapped in a certain fairy tales, or in the battlefield of the immortal road my induction to him has become quite vague, almost to be cut off." Shen Congsheng tunnel.

He is the eight-turner of the East China Sea, the super-powerful Shenjiao elders, and practiced the sound.

When Fang Yuan was in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, he did not know his means of investigation. Up to now, even if it is trapped in the rumors, Shen Congsheng can detect some movements of Fangyuan.

"From the voice of Xiongtai's investigative means, the old man had to admire." On the side, Song Qiyuan was full of sighs. "I thought that I was being stared at my voice and I was sinned."

"Haha." Shen laughed. "It was a young age. Who let you slip this thief, secretly took away the inheritance, let us work hard, but they are empty."

"Fangyuan shot, obstructing the refining conference, is expected. After all, he and Tianting have always had deep hatred!"

"Yeah, from a few years ago, he and Tian Ting were each short in Bao Huang Tianzhong."

"Tian Ting wants to repair the fate, even if he is the magic of the heavens, and he does not want to make the heavens come true. As a result, the advantages of heaven are too great."

The surrounding Zhuxian spoke up, and some people were indifferent and indifferent.

Looking around, these celestial beings are all eight turns!

Song Qiyuan, Qingyue An, Shen Congsheng, Zhang Yin, Rong Po, Shi Jie, etc., the lineup is strong, never seen before!

"Well, isn't this a good situation? Fangyuan is not a good thing. He and Tianting are squatting together, each of them is involved in energy. We have lost a lot of variables. Um... The Dragon Palace is nearby and can't be wrong. Shen Congsheng has been walking in front and leading the way.

It turned out that Longgong robbed the Eight-turn Fairy House in the East China Sea, causing the East China Sea to lose eight faces.

Taking advantage of this refinery conference, these people actually secretly joined together to find the scene and then win the Dragon Palace!

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